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Guest lenakeem

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I think it is Jun Jin with Minwoo, Eric with Hye Sung and Dongwan with Andy. But I could be wrong.

Great news, I have been looking all over for the Brand New Story DVD and finally found a used copy on Amazon Japan. I just received it today. I am sooooo happy.

So how many of you are planning to get the All About Shinhwa DVD? I don't know if I should buy it online or wait till I visit Korea next year? Just afraid that it might be sold out by the time I get to Seoul next year.

WHY WAIT? Go get it nowww! I already placed my order. LOL. I was abit hesitant since I swore the 10th anniv DVD was supposed to be my one and only DVD. But this is so tempting! :))) and come to think of it, it's actually worth it. SGD 86 for me, and that's 10 years worth of shinhwa. Totally should own it yes! :)))


Ihjj; i'm gonna try guessing the pic. weirdly, i have the album, and thats the first thing i did when i saw those pic: i guess whose back is it! hahaha o.o

firstly, just want to point out that minwoo junjin eric have necklace, so that's abit confusing for me at first. sooo, my answer would be:

with minwoo face = junjin (because if u see the back clearly at the album, there's his tattoo shown alittle so its a giveaway!)

with eric face =andy (im abit not confirm with andy and hyesung back. they look the same to me?)

with dongwan face= hyesung (i only think of hyesung when i saw the awkward position the person is standing as comapared to the rest)

with andy face = dongwan (it just look like dongwan's back to me. LOL.)

with hyesung face = eric (either eric or minwoo cos there's necklace. and comparing both backs, looks like its eric's to me)

with junjin face = minwoo (see above also)

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Guest lynne_c

14 hours of Shinhwa? It's a no-brainer, lol... pre-order is done... now the waiting begins, sigh! thanks for the headsup!

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does the DVD comes with SHinhwa 10th anniversary concert??

No that's a different DVD, but I hope they at least talk about the concert....I mean it was there 10th anniversary and the DVD is about their 10 years in the industry together... :huh:

About the picture...thanks for posting your opinions....I'm still not quite sure which back belongs to Andy and wich one belongs to Hyesung.....unless....they paired up....that makes it much easier.....

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Guest 80slitenite

ahahah thanks Amy. It was the Birds that had me confused. I need to study their hands more.

puahaha your sig grumpynomore. seriously too funny XDD

I think yanee is right about the backs.^^

Chuseok Special 2009: Star's Dream Montage Full show DL


Please follow their rules so they don't close their site again.

I really liked the seating arrangement. hehe CY, JJ, M, Bada~ there was some cy/jj going on and m/bada throughout the show. too cute.

*dances along with Bada*

too cute not to make a gif ;P

That was really nice of Chae Yeonnie to fan JJ after his perf. (Even the guy behind with his hat. XD) <3

Hey, I like this part <3

I just realized its they are like an oreo with CY and Bada being the cookie part XD

Lol-ing haha



M LOL-ing at something Jinnie told him which I would love to know what. haha

Bonus ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Hey you gotta always have your bangs in check. XD

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Guest ginger

Small anecdote!

Last night, I was hanging out with a friend who is dating a former B-list Kpop star. She was with Junjin, his manager, and her friend when my friend called and asked her to come over and hang out. The manager peaces out leaving just Junjin and the girls when the girls announce that they're leaving, too. I guess he was surprised and kind of disappointed? He sent them a funny text saying something like "...I feel so human now. ㅠㅠ" So even poor Junjin feels awkward and alone sometimes.

Ok, that's it. Please don't take it out of Soompi at ALL (even with crediting) just because I don't like to blow my friends' covers.


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Guest ginger

tch. <_<

I doubt Jinnie was too disappointed.

Lol no they said he made a (somewhat) jokingly distressed comment like, "Everyone is leaving me??" Ah, well. They should have just brought him along so I could have met him. B)

EDIT: And what's with the 'tude? They're friends with him...he's allowed to be disappointed when they ditch him.


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Guest incarnadine

Lol no they said he made a (somewhat) jokingly distressed comment like, "Everyone is leaving me??" Ah, well. They should have just brought him along so I could have met him. B)

EDIT: And what's with the 'tude? They're friends with him...he's allowed to be disappointed when they ditch him.


I felt a slight tug in my heart upon reading what he said -- it could mean something deeper, OR it could be that he was just really joking :D

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Guest milkajunior


Second that one................. :P

But Im confused,

Jin stated, I feel so Human now!!!...............or Everyones leaving me?!...which one of the two..........

Interesting, indeed...........Jin circle of friends is very narrow.......aside from the members or staff!!!!

Nevertheless, Im glad hes having tons of fun, going out, and enjoying life.........and like his name means......


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Guest grumpynomore

I've been reading how the fans of 2pm in korea had been boycotting the group's activities without jaebum,

or planning to anyway, and it made me curious. can anyone post any stories or links where i can read about how shinhwa changjo

reacted or showed their disappointment or support towards SHINHWA when Andy left.

you can also post about other scenarios when the group was really going through some hardships...management, rumours, criticisms, etc.

i've only been a SHINHWA fan for almost a year so i'm trying to learn something new whenver i get a chance.

your posts and responses are greatly appreciated :D thnx!

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^^ Me too. I've been a fan for only a year and a half, and I haven't seen any articles about that incident. I think it's been very long so those articles probably don't exist in the internet any more, or are they still? I'm curious too.

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Guest ginger


Second that one................. :P

But Im confused,

Jin stated, I feel so Human now!!!...............or Everyones leaving me?!...which one of the two..........

Interesting, indeed...........Jin circle of friends is very narrow.......aside from the members or staff!!!!

Nevertheless, Im glad hes having tons of fun, going out, and enjoying life.........and like his name means......


He sent them a message saying he felt human but he jokingly asked if everyone was leaving him when they were going. I don't think his circle of friends is super small, though. One of the girls is a former Kpop singer who still works as a model and the other was the internet-famous "world cup girl" of 2006, who will be debuting as a singer soon.


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Zin Tae Hwa strikes down comments like,

"No development/growth/future," with

"Please watch for my real strength."


Zin Tae Hwa strikes down comments like, "No development/growth/future," with "Please watch for my real strength."

In the interview, Shinhwa was mentioned. Belonging to a group in the same agency and receiving the title, "2nd Generation Shinhwa", member, Zin Tae Hwa said that Shinhwa's influence on him is very big.

While preparing for his solo, he had studied many of Shinhwa stages/performances, and when he was practicing, Shin Hye Shing, Lee Min Woo and other Shinhwa members didn't stint on their guidance of him.

"Actually, the age difference between myself and the Shinhwa hyungs (older brothers) is about 10 years. It's not an easy thing for us to be in the same company, but they have been very kind to me. It really feels like we are 'one family' now."

Source: starnews

Chn trans:polaris@热病81℃

Eng trans: crystalis@soompi

*Err...I'm using 'Zin' instead of 'Jin', since that's what he seems to be using for his solo ^^

Too sad Battle wasn't able to hold on to all their members.

I don't believe there is such a thing as an untalented artist and his talents are pretty obvious, so Tae Hwa, hwaiting~!

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Guest sushinhwa

I just got back from the most happening concert!! xD

Well, like any other fangirl, I never expected to find Shinhwa merchandise from where I am, and when I found it, I was in heaven. Not only did I found Shinhwa's 10th anniversary concert DVD at such a mad price [RM25], I met with 2 other Shinhwa fans too!!! So sad that I didn't get their names, but I know they are from a Shinhwa Chinese forum and had a gathering that very same day!! Even though it was only the concert DVD and not the fancy orange box set that is currently out of stock on YA, but, I'm still a happy fan. I even bought their 9th album with that beautiful photobook that comes with it for only RM15!!


I just got back from the most happening concert!! xD

Well, like any other fangirl, I never expected to find Shinhwa merchandise from where I am, and when I found it, I was in heaven. Not only did I found Shinhwa's 10th anniversary concert DVD at such a mad price [RM25], I met with 2 other Shinhwa fans too!!! So sad that I didn't get their names, but I know they are from a Shinhwa Chinese forum and had a gathering that very same day!! Even though it was only the concert DVD and not the fancy orange box set that is currently out of stock on YA, but, I'm still a happy fan. I even bought their 9th album with that beautiful photobook that comes with it for only RM15!!

that was cheap...i bought the 9th album with the photobook for RM99 and their 10th an concert dvd for RM39.90...but no regret at all

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Guest rose_liana

whoa~~ i miss this thread so much!!! havent visited this thread in long time..mian~~ watching Perfect Man cover by Supernova a while ago make me miss Shinhwa even more... i'm so happy to see other artist did a cover of Shinhwa song..feel that Shinhwa been recognized by k-pop industries..

anyway, its a good cover..but still SHINHWA rules Perfect Man coz they're the real Perfect Man..XD


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