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What's The Average Height For Korean?

Guest cmallanie

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Guest teardrop_rain


why is everyone so tall!??!

i'm about only 160cm. (i'm japanese)

and japanese people are pretty short. whaattt we're only like 100miles of water apart!!

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Guest Sion-Kun

I disagree. Most of the Korean girls I've seen (and I live in an asian neighborhood) are shorter than me and I'm 5'4." The guys aren't that tall either, maybe an average of 5'7 ish? Now the japanese students (male) on the other hand.... are extremely tall! At least 6'!

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Guest Angxizzle

it really depends on the person's genes i guess but overrall i guess most koreans have" tall genes" lol from my experince anyways. korean guys i know are like at least 5'11 expect one that's 5'6.

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I only recently realized that Koreans are tall when my friend told me so, haha. My boyfriend is 100% Korean, and he's only 5'7. Not exactly tall or short... his step-dad is only 5'6 and his mom is about 5'1. Maybe I just happen to know a short family, since my friend who told me about Koreans being tall is about 6 feet himself! haha.

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Guest x`aNNiie.

I heard Koreans are pretty tall.

However, the ones i met aren't so tall.

Girls around 157-160 and guys around 170-175.

That stereotyping but i think its because of where i live.

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Guest Eugene Dammrod

Most of the figures here are wild estimates made through personal observation.

Someone posted a figure of approximately 5'8'' and provided a link to a study. That sounds about right. I visited Korea just recently and I'm still taller then a majority of Korean men both young and old.

correct, 173-174 cm is the average height for a s. korean male. Koreans are probably the most height-anal people on the planet, and it shows. There are customized milks, and several notable "height" clinics in korea that actually go through urine and manure samples to check your hormonal and dietary patterns, and help in the construction of various stretching and dietary plans to maximize your genetic potential. Further, a researcher in Korea University actually states that only 30% of our height can be attributed to our genetics, which is contradictory to what we have been told so far. I'm around 176 cm, and i felt rather short in korea. I assure you the only reason that the average height is 173-174 is because the older generation is dragging the number down. The high-schoolers in korea are much taller. In my estimation and observation, i would imagine that the average "Seoul" high-schooler is easily 175-176. Korean girls are also getting taller although nowhere near the growth rise of the boys... perhaps because it is culturally inconsequential for there to be tall girls relative to tall boys. It's like a friend of mine said, "our parents robbed us of at least 2 inches." If we were living in korea, i would probably be 180 cm, just because of the greater concern of my diet and exercise.

And to whoever said, 12 years can't make a difference? WHAT???? S. Korea is a country that was poorer than Somalia just 60 years ago, and is now a top 10-11 economic power. You don't think that makes a difference?

Most height is attributable to genes, and nutrition isn't as huge a factor as people make it to be. Malnutrition is what truly stunts growth, and that's very rare in industrialized nations. Your parents probably didn't "rob" you of a couple inches.

Oh, and I suggest reading the ingredients label for those growth pills. Most of them are just overpriced multivitamins with a bunch of herbs and royal jelly that have never been shown to have an effect on growth.

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Guest understanding_fiction

식생활 향상으로 17세 남자의 신장은 65년 163.7㎝에서 2004년 173.6㎝로, 여자는 156.9㎝에서 161.1㎝로 40여년간 남자는 9.9㎝, 여자는 4.2㎝ 커졌고, 특히 여자는 앉은키에 비해 하체가 길어졌다.

This was from a news article in Naver from 2006.

The average height for 17 year old guys used to be 163.7cm in 1965 and went up to 173.6cm in 2004.

The average height for 17 year old girls used to be 156.9cm in 1965 and went up to 161.1cm in 2004.

(Girls' lower bodies have grown longer compared to their upper bodies, yay<3)

I'm pretty sure that the girls' and guys' averages are around the same, maybe 2~3cm more?

A lot of Soompiers are saying that the average guy height is around 180cm now, but I highly doubt it.

There are a bunch of short(well, still tall for me since I'm not quite 160cm) guys around 165~175cm that I see all the time.

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I'm not tall (guy), but when I look at my gene pool, I'm bit lucky. My dad is like 5'5 and my mom is like 5'2? I'm like 5'8. I guess i should be happier, lol.

the korean dudes at my school are mad tall. im assuming that, yea their genes might be good, but also considering i go to a school with rich people they had better nutrition. i am making a correlation with good school and good nutrition of course, since u need money to go to a good school and to get proper meals and such. the korean girls here are like maybe 164ish? as for the guys, they are like probably 179ish.

but, a lot of korean guys wear insoles that boost their height by a couple inches. i asked a fob hyung if a lot wear that and he said yea.

also, korea is, i think, is the tallest asian country.

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yeah the koreans i know in rl (whether born here or not) aren't really that tall.

but korean celebrities in general areee. like most korean actresses are listed as ~168-170 cm

& the male ones are mostly 180cm+ but the korean guys i know are only like 175 or under =/ lol

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It's sad to now know Koreans are on average usually taller than other Asians...

I am Korean, and I'm between 147-150cm.


My Mom is 5'2" and my Dad is 5'5"... So how did I come to be!? But they are on the short side...

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Guest superjenny

I heard that Koreans in Korea are taller than the Koreans in the US because they eat better food or something?

I'm 5'3'' and my brother is 5'8'' where as my my mom is only 5'1'' and my dad is 5'2'' o_o

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Guest mrs_dbsk

i'm 162 cm :/ but then again i'm only 14 so i still have time

i don't think that you can just say the koreans living in korea are taller

than korean-americans, you don't see how tall ALL koreans living in korea are. vice versa for korean-americans

there are short koreans and tall koreans just like there are short and tall people for other ethnicities

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Guest Humilious

This is interesting. I'm in a "Korean-washed," town and I'd say 90% the Korean here are darn short. Besides a few guys and two girls, I have yet to see anyone else, who's Korean, top my height, and I'm 5'7".

I thought at least the guys would have a little more height. They're getting shorter every year.

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