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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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Guest thunderbolt

Junki posted this message immediately after his triple Daejong win:

감사합니다 !!! 2006.07.22 00:04

안녕하세요 준기예요...

이제막 들어왔네요... ^^ 조금있다가 조촐히 왕남 식구들끼리 축하하려고 모이겠지만..

고전에 꼭 글은 남기고 가야할것 같아서 ^^;

오늘 정말 머리가아프고 정신을 못차릴정도로.. 정신이 없었네요..

사실 제가 이리 상복이 있는 녀석은 아니었기에...

기대반만 가지고 갔었는데.. 대종상이라는 꿈에서나 꾸어오던 큰 시상식에 후보로 참석하는것만으로도

제겐 너무 활홀한 영광이었거든요..

존경하는 많은 선배 배우분들과 영화관계자 분들 앞에서 수상하게되어 너무나도 영광이었고..

우리 가족들의 사랑을 더욱 가슴깊이 새길수 있었던 하루였습니다.

우리 왕남 식구들모두 고마워하고 있다는말씀 제가 송구스럽게도 대표로 말씀드리구요..

뭐 즐거운마음만 앞서 생각키 보단.. 정말 앞으로 더 많은 기대를 해보겠다는 격려의 상으로

가슴깊이 새기며 더 정진하겠습니다..

특히 우리 가족들의 선물에 머리숙여 감사드리고..

해외에 계신 많은 가족여러분께도 많이 감사드립니다..

이젠 더 열심히 뛰어야겠죠..

실망 안시켜드릴게요...

같이 기뻐해주고 같이 응원해준 모두에게 영광을 돌릴게요..

오늘하루 저만의 기쁨이 아닌 여러분의 기쁨입니다..



뭐 말이 필요있겠습니까 열심히 하겠습니다


Hi. this is Junki.

I just came here..^^

to write this message before going to the party with moviemen ^^;

I was busy as being out of my mind, having a little headhache, today

actually I couldn't think I am worth lots of prizes...

I went there only ith a half of hope..

I thought it was so honorable only that I could be nominated for the award in that greatest Daejong prize ceremony.

great honor to get the prize especially in front of the senior actors, moviemen who I have respected so long...

and it was a great day when I felt love from our family with heart.

to my delight, I would like to say thank you on behalf of our "king and the clown" family.

I will keep forward sincerely with understanding that it means for encouragement for me, rather than just feeling happy with it.

expecially my family ,I would greatly appreciate it with a bow and thank you there, foreign fans..

l would go much harder..

I promise not to let you down.

all my honors to you who share happiness with me and cheer me up together ..

It's not only my glee but also all yours...

thank you!!

Love you!!

what can I say more? I will be hard at it


special thanks: dc / helper + blog.naver

credit: final distanze, soompi

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Guest thunderbolt

King and the Clown won the following Grand Bell/Daejong awards last night:

Best Film

Best Director

Best Leading Actor

Best Supporting Actor

Best New Actor (LEE JUN-KI)

Best Script

Best Cinematography

Most Popular Actor/Korea (LEE JUN-KI)

Most Popular Actor/Overseas (LEE JUN-KI)


source: http://www.twitchfilm.net/archives/006602.html

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Thunder..you are a gem in reposting lost data ! :P Do keep the pics coming in.

Maybe Annie can help some ? :D:vicx: I really need to catch up some sleep as I will be going out later for some JK discussion with friends. Mianhe.. :D

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Here's kitty's translation for his message last night.

Subject: Thank you, everyone!!

Hello, it's Junki..

I just got back.. ^^. Later, the 'The King's Man' family is going to go out for a celebration, but I felt like I should write a message before going ^^;.

Today was such a hectic day that my head even hurt. To be honest, I was never one to have luck in receiving awards, so I went with only half my expectations. To me, just being a runner-up in the huge award ceremony called the DaeJongSang Awards was a dream, something that I felt was a great honor.

It was an honor to have been awarded in front of all the senior actors that I respected, as well as all the other people of the movie industry.

Today was a day that I had a chance to engrave the love of my family into my heart more deeply. As a representative of my 'The King's Man' family, I want to tell you guys how overwhelmingly grateful we are.

Without getting ahead on just my joyful feelings of the moment, I will devote myself to acting with the encouragement from the award.

Especially, I bow my head in gratitude for the gift my family has given me, and also for my many family members in foreign countries.

From now on, I'll have to run even harder (note: run = work), and I won't disappoint you guys. I'll turn the honor to everyone who always share my happiness with me and who always cheer me on.

Today isn't a day about my joy, but about you guys' joy.

Thank you!

I love you!

Do I really need any more words? I'll always work hard.


-credits to www.leejunki.com, translations by taeyeonkat@lovejunki.net


wendy: I'll try to help repost some pics, but I didn't download all the photos before it crashed..so some I probably don't have.

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Kwenchana, Annie..just post what you have since there are so many and don't worry about double postings of JK's pics. I saved some too but am too lethargic to do anything else but read ! :D:wacko:

I noticed that JK did a lot of waving to his fans even while on stage at the podium ! He is such a sincere guy who values his fans' love and support so much. So he went out for a celebration party with Mentor and the rest. He must be having a hangover now ! :lol: Lucky for him Andre Kim's show is cancelled or he may be a grouchy bear with a major headache boarding that long flight..hahaha ! :lol::ph34r:

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Guest thunderbolt

I can't remember who first posted this clip last night but I've re-uploaded it to YSI.

[HD] 060721 Daejong Lee Junki.avi (107MB)


Wendy, we had a lot of fun last night. So sad we can't recapture our delight and excitement as the results were coming in one by one. I was so happy for Junki. And he looks really, really happy in the pics.

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Guest thunderbolt

Wendy, I hope those who posted their congratulatory messages will repost them. We had many last night. :P

More pics...



credit: sourced from nicola225, 163.com

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Jun Ki expressing his gratitude and respect for Gam Woosung! :P



Thunder..I also hope the congratulatory messages will be re-posted again..and wishing that some silent readers will do so too ! :lol::sweatingbullets:

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Guest thunderbolt

LOL, Wendy, I'm posting and then hurriedly deleting when I realize you or Annie have posted the same pics. We need a walkie-talkie here!

I can't get over how happy Junki looks. He looks happier here than at Baeksang and he was already radiant there. Here he's positively BEAMING! :D:D:D

Remember we were recounting all the awards he had won so far this year and how many more he would win the rest of the year? I didn't save the list you posted. He's won at least 8 awards so far, right?

I'm delighted that Gam Woo-sung won.

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Guest mintyjunki

Hi guys, I just woke up with a smile because I thought of our Jun Ki so happy last night!

Ok last night Jun Ki bagged:

1. Best New Comer Award

2. Most Popular Male Actor

3. Most Popular Male Actor (overseas)

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I simply love this cap when they were going to name the winner..his expression ! :P


Thunder dear..sorry to put you through the grind mill today, we are doing it out of love for Jun Ki ! :lol: I think it is fine if we double-post some pics, so don't worry and have a blasting time here ! :D:vicx:

Mint..there's still the MTV Asia Movie Awards here in SG scheduled for October. Keeping my fingers crossed 'someone' will turn up, but I really don't know the chances yet. Will keep you guys updated once I have any news..OK? Still early days yet.

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Guest thunderbolt

Wendy, it's a pleasure. All for Junki! BTW, do you realize the words in your siggie are not the latest now? I remember you changed the words after he won. :P

I watched the clip this morning. He was so cute when they announced the Most Popular Actor award. He seemed embarrassed and stuck out his tongue.


I hope we get translations soon of his acceptance speeches. The first one for Best Newcomer was pretty long.

We lost the translation that mintyjunki posted of a newspaper article. I hope minty saved it in her PC.

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Guest thunderbolt

Oh no, Mint! :( I was going to post your article in my forum (Jisubaddicts.com) but it was so late and I was caught up in the awards. *sigh*

I'll upload the Daejong clip to YSI again later so more people can see it. I need to go; have not done anything since I woke up except camp in front of the computer!

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