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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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Guest AddiCOFFEE

I sincerely wish that this movie will do a repeat of K & C's box office sales or 50% is good enough ! :sweatingbullets:

Tickets for the upcoming movie "Fly Daddy" have been sold out even before the movie's opening as moviegoers rushed to buy tickets. The viewers are anxious not to miss the opportunity to see its lead actors, Lee Mun-shik and Lee Jun-ki, who are scheduled to welcome viewers personally on the day of the film’s opening.

The two actors will meet with viewers on August 3, the movie's opening date, at the Daehan Theater (430 seats) and the Seoul Theater (900 seats). With two weeks to go before the movie's premiere, fans flocked to book tickets, showing an unprecedented response in domestic box-office history. Tickets that went on sale via the Internet on July 21 were sold out immediately, and box-office sales that began the following day closed in just two hours.

Ardent fans stood in lines from 3 a.m. at the Daehan Theater so as not to miss the two lead actors of "Fly Daddy" introducing the movie in person. Those who missed tickets for the timeslot when the two stars are scheduled to appear onstage were frustrated to learn that all tickets had already been sold out. The announcement of additional stage appearances by the two Lees will likely elicit an equally explosive response from viewers.

"Fly Daddy" is a story about an embattled 39-year-old head of a family who receives special training from a skilled 19-year-old brawler and is reborn as a hero.

Slated to open on August 3, the movie is expected to evoke much laughter from viewers.

Source: http://english.kbs.co.kr/entertainment/new...7524_11858.html

credit rubie @soompi

Woooohoooooo thank you so much Wendy. This is one of the best news. I was kinda worry that the opening might not be so good but feel so relief after this news. I don't expect the opening to be as good as King and Clown because it's just impossible.. but I want it to be good too. I hope it will continue to do good.. not just the opening week.

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AGAINST '저 자식 얼마나 갈까?' 비꼬는 시선이 더 많죠. 조금만 잘못하면 걸고 넘어지고. 인기를 유지하려면 50대 50이라 그래요. 옹호세력 50, 안티세력 50. 전 인기를 단시간에 얻었고. 오히려 옹호세력보다는 비판세력이 더 많겠죠. 스트레스 많이 받는 편이에요. 인기가 완충적으로 높아져야 하는데, 계속 높아만 지니까. 사람들이 의심을 하는 거죠.


예쁜 건 <왕의남자> 때까지고.(웃음)털털하게 살아요. 잘 안 씻고. <화려한 휴가>에서도 꾀죄죄하고.


코믹하거나 무너지는 역할은 <발레교습소> 때 해봐서 재미없어요. 주특기는 아닌 거 같아요. 본래 성격하고 많이 동떨어져 있고. 시니컬하고 독한 놈이 나가서는 실실거리고. 친구들은 역겨워해요.(웃음)친구들한테는 정말 못했어요. 짜증 많이 내고. 나도 내가 웃길 때가 있는데. 뭐가 좋아 웃고 있냐. 거기서 우씨, 이게 뭐야, 이럴 수 없잖아요.


배우로서 칸에 너무 가고 싶었어요. 제일 큰 꿈은 외국의 영화제 가서 레드카펫을 밟는 거고, 다음은 내가 나온 영화가 그곳에서 상영되는 거고. 배우라면 많은 관객들이 보는 걸 꿈꾸잖아요.


요즘 심리적으로 다양한 경험을 해요. 갇혀있다 보니. 많은 사람들한테 관심을 받다 보니 1부터 500까지 생각해요. 일하기 바쁘면 한 가지 생각 밖에 못하잖아요. 그런 부분에서 내가 잃는 것도 있고, 얻는 것도 있는 거죠. 배우가 외로움도 쌓아놓아야 나중에 터뜨리기 좋고.


애호하는 간식이라...그걸 말하면 광고가 돼요. 지난번, 술 이름을 말했더니 판매량이 올랐대요. 집에 술이 한 박스씩 오고. 하하. 좋아하는 게 뭐지. 초밥은 질려서 안 먹지. 하하.(예전에)돈이 없으니까 초밥이 너무 먹고 싶은 거예요. 초밥을 (머리 위까지 손을 올리며)정말 이만큼 먹었어요. 80만 원 정도? 스시도 종류별로, 롤까지 다 먹었어요. 일본에서. 그리고 얹혀버렸으니, 이제 그게 맛있겠습니까. 하하하.


(일찍 스타가 된 것 같나?)오히려 먼저 맛본 게 낫잖아요. 좌절하고 나면 편하게 연기할 수 있고. 먼저 인기를 얻은 건 어떻게 보면 인생의 환상 같은 것일 수도 있고.


(<화려한 휴가>에서도 긴 머리 그대로라던데?) 기사가 잘못 나온 거죠. 삭발은 아니고, 긴 스포츠형. 다음 작품이 있으니 다 깎진 못하고, 대신 가발 써요. 가발 제작에 한 달 걸렸어요. 어색하긴 한데. 보면 가발 티가 안 나요. 이 머리가 좋아서 하는 게 아니라, 깎으면 다른 작품 못 하잖아요. 촬영장에 온 팬들도 까까머리가 귀엽다고 그러던데. 사실 사진 촬영도 못 하게 해요. 놀라게 해드리려고.


저는 똑같아요. 뭘 해야 할지 모르겠어요. 사람들은 '거만해졌다, 돈도 좀 쓰겠다' 그러는데, 사실 돈 쓸 시간도 없고. 민망해요. 다들 왜 그러지, 라는 생각만 들고. 제가 무안해서 땀이 나요. 고개도 못 들 정도로. 팬들이 어깨 좀 펴고 다녔으면 좋겠다고 해요. 인기를 탈 때부터 어깨를 늘 이렇게(구부리고) 다니거든요. 어떻게 해야지 싶기도 하고.


조승우, 황정민 선배님도 그렇고. 저는 남자 배우들 작품을 보면 질투가 나죠. 정말 잘했다, 나도 저렇게 해보고 싶다. 배우가 질투가 없으면 욕심도 없는 거죠. 영화에서 표정 변화, 심리 변화가 이어질 때마다 찰떡을 먹는 기분이에요.


(인기를 왜 얻은 것 같나?) 진짜 어려운 질문이에요. 그걸 알면 앞으로도 계속 인기를 얻겠죠. 답은 뭐, 열심히만 하려고 하니까. 고마움에 보답하고 싶은 것 밖에 없어요.


외롭죠. 외롭고. 혼자 있는 걸 좋아해요. 쉬고 싶을 때 누가 옆에 있으면 많이 짜증내는 편이고. 그런데 우울증도 심해서 외로울 땐 또 외롭고.


(우울증?)심해요. 눈물도 나고. 너무 화가 나서 벽도 많이 치고. 최근에 되게 심해졌어요. 집에 오래 있으니까. 못 논 것보다는 사실 다양한 사람들을 못 만나잖아요. 필요 이상으로 화가 난 적도 있고. 집에서 혼자 맥주 한 잔 먹고 있던 상태에서 정신이 나간 적오 있어요. 답답하고. 필요 이상으로 나를 다르게 평가하는 사람도 너무 많고. 그동안 쌓아왔다가 그날 폭발한 것 같아요. 그래도 다행이에요. 집에서 터져서.


<화려한 휴가>. 첫 촬영이 감정 신인데, 김상경 선배님이 다행히도 편하게 해줘서. 칭찬을 아끼지 않는 선배님이에요. 보통 선배들이 칭찬을 아끼거든요. 선배 복이 많은 것 같아요. 같이 출연하는 안성기 선배님도 스크린쿼터(시위 때) 내내 잘해주시고.


제가 록그룹 같은 공연을 좋아해요. 인기 많아지면 엄청 많은 관객들을 놓고 공연하는 게 꿈이었어요. 이번 팬미팅은 <왕의남자> 개봉해서 성공한 것보다 더 좋았어요. 왜냐하면 나를 좋아하는 사람들을 엄청나게 불러다 놓고, 내가 그분들한테 보답을 하는 거라서. 혼자 무대에서 모든 걸 보여주고. 하하하하. 네 달 번 돈 다 썼어요.


동년배들은 연기하면서 서로 가르쳐주면 건방지다고 하잖아요. 선배들은 제가 물어보지 않아도 지적을 해줘요. 오히려 좀 못해도, 후배가 못하는 건 당연하니까.(웃음)


(인기를 실감하나?)하하하. 좋아하는 선배들과 일할 수 있는 기회가 자주 생기고. 인지도가 높아지니 기회도 많아지고. 도전할 기회가 많아져서 서러움에서 벗어난 걸 느낄 때?


원래는 기독교였는데 할머니 때문에 천주교를 믿었다가 지금은 종교가 없어요.


강하려면 주위의 자극을 받아들일 줄 알아야 해요. 최대한 강해지려고 노력을 하는데...누군가 충격을 주면 그걸 빨아들여야 하는데, 지금 흐름을 급격히 타고 있다 보니 받을 게 너무 많아요. 다른 친구들이 1년 동안 느낄 용량이 저는 3~4개월이면 꽉 차버리는 거죠. 뭐 하나만 해도 반응 자체가 순식간에 와서. 그걸 단시간 내에 정리를 해야 내 것으로 변화를 시키는데. 그게 매번 그렇게 하려니 힘들죠. 최근 6개월간 주위의 평가도 많았고.

Quotes from the magazine and the questions posed to Jun Ki. I for one would love to read what he replied to the questions that I bolded ! :D Ah...translations needed here ! :blink::D

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Guest AddiCOFFEE

Tuna...I did not follow LDW's visit to Manila as he is not on my fave list at all. I have my hands full with JK alone !

When JDG was here few months back, I even had the opportunity to shake his hand during his greet and meet a(courtesy of my friend) but I did not even turn up. Goes to show how I feel about JK ! :blush: :D

First of all thank you so much Wendy, those pics are soooo cool!... he's on so many magazine covers--not complaining at all! :lol: I hope someone will translate his interview, I would love to know what he gotta said. :P

When I was going through the My Girl thread, I though I saw you posted saying you might watch it because LDW handsome face is in it, right? what happen? :P Kidding, I know you don't know Junki then.

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Guest cutiepad

Wendy i really want to thank you.. your postings really brighten up my night... i'm busy rushing with my accounting projects... almost dying untili saw the MANLY JUNKI magazine pictures... hahaha.. kinda came back to life after seeing the pictures.. really appreciate that you take the effort to post these pictures... a big thank you!!

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Guest majou99999

Dear Junki Fans,

HELP Junki reach #1 Ranking in the largest Polling Event for Korean storm in China.

My name is Majou, I am a Chinese American fan of Junki.

We need all of your continuous help and support in a major Korean Popularity Polling Event in China.

In the last few weeks, most of Junki's Chinese fans exhausted all our efforts and resources to ensure that Junki receives #1 position in the Daejong's Oversea Popularity Award. Last Friday, at the Korean DaeJong Festival (equivalent to Oscar), our hardwork paid off. Junki received the Oversea Popularity Award for Male Actor.

However, we now realized that Junki is slipping behind in several major nationwide polls in China due to our earlier resource allocation plan. Therefore, we are starting our new China Poll voting campaign to increase Junki's ranking as the popular Korean Movie/TV stars in China.

I have posted the instruction in English to assist English readers to vote for Junki.

The instruction is at this site at Junki's Baidu Bar ( one of the major Junki Fan site in China). :


Go to post #16

For instruction on how to vote for:

*Best Movie (for King and the Clown)

*Best Movie/TV Male Star (Lee Junki)

*********Special Note***************

There is a change on this instruction. Please read post #23.

On this page, each time, you can only vote for one each time.

I suggest that you just vote for the Best Movie/TV Male Star (Lee Junki).


Go to post # 18

For instruction on how to vote for:Lee Junki as the the

*Best Promotional Representative (Commercials & Ads)


Once you finished voting, you can also leave a greeting or supporting note by submitting a note at the bottom of the page at the instruction site.


Please go vote and share this note with anyone of your friends and family or at any other forums that have the potential to become a junki supporter.

The voting event ends on July 31, 2006. Therefore, we only have few days left. Please vote as many time as your system will allow you.

Thank you. :D

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I can't seem to connect to download the file. So for those who want to see the CF online. Here's one of the streaming files from a blogger. Junki's pomegranate CF 3rd manga version.


If you go down the page in this link. There's a short CF for the Fly Daddy older Japan version.


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Guest Catsumi

Just want/need to say i have never collected so many pics of a star.

Thanx for posting such beautifull and cool pics of Junki.

He's really gorgeos. Especially his personality.

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majou99999..first of all, I don't understand why there are multiple poll / vote sites for this particular voting event. There is one conducted by QQ site and it shows an entirely different results from the one you gave us. Which is true ? :unsure:

And I think Jun Ki winning the Daejong overseas award was also due to the efforts of joint Japanese, Chinese and other Asian fans like us too. We are happy that he won ! :P

Anyway, JunKiers..if you can just vote ! :phew: I just did !

And don't have to thank me for posting his pics..I love to share, that's all ! :lol:

Edit : Emily..did I say that about LDW in My Girl thread ? Oops, major blunder then ! hahaha...LOL True, I did not discover the cute JK yet.

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Guest majou99999

Hi Wendy,

Of course DaeJong award is achieved with all the votes from the fans in Japan and China.

The reason why it was especially difficult for the Chinese fan

is because..........


Junkie actual almost lost his #1 in Poll for Daejong award in China. At that time, we realized that if we average the votes between Japan and China, then he may not have a good chance of winning because the Japanese votes were just in thousands, while the Chinese votes are in tens and hundreds of thousands.

Therefore, many of the Chinese fans filed protests with the Chinese media while the Korean fans assisted by filing complaints in Korea to demand a fair vote counting system is used to award the Oversea Popularity Award last week.


As for the question regarding the current poll result difference between the various website, well, if you can vote through QQ, then do the same too. I read through the official POLL Event info pages, but I am still not quite certain how all the numbers are aggregated for the final count.

However, this is a very IMPORTANT POLL event because it is an official event sponsors by the Chinese government and South Korean government to celebrate the 14th years of alliance.

We need everyone's help to push Junki to #1 position in every internation poll.

Please help me pass out this VOTING request to all known Junkie's sites.

Thank you.


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Guest saranghae<3

^I will vote for Junki ^___^

And help him to get to his No.1 Spot~


I love Lee Junki<33 (dont we all?)

I like his character in The King and the Clown.

Junki is an awesome actor!!!

Those tears were reall.. T____T


Thanks to all you that posted Junki pictures<33

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ajoooma ^^ I think the religious part says that he used to be Catholic because of his gran being Christian----but he isn't religious now. I remember reading a lot of articles when he was doing My Girl--and they said he was a Buddhist--but that wasn't mentioned at all. I can read a tiny bit of the jealousy one (it has to do with actor sunbaenim, not the 'romantic' type of jealousy lol ), and the lonliness/melancholia (우울증-you can be surrounded by people and still have those feelings -.- ), too-- but since my Korean is limited--I don't want to misinform--so won't try anything else. ><

I'm not sure if these were posted before--they seem to be from a calender. And an Andre Kim pic I don't remember seeing...but i could be wrong.

voninmaskve2.th.jpg voninwhnewscnkb6.th.jpg


(credits on pics)

Junki's fate is tied with 'zzangu' in at least 2 ways now ^^


(credit: newsdl-netchina)

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It doesn't seem to let you pick one box from each category. I get this error when I tried to select K&C in one section and Junki in another.


Also when I did it at another computer. I got error you can only do it once a day or something.

It is one per IP or one vote per day?

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Guest majou99999

Clarification. You can only vote one from the entire page. So, you have to choose only one. You pick either the Movie (step#2) or you pick Lee JunKi (step#3). You cannot pick both.

They changed the rules over the weekend. Please see post#23 for clarification.

I think you can vote as many times as long as your IP is changing. So, not really limited to daily vote.

You'll need to try it out.

Thanks to everyone for supporting Junki with your vote. Every vote counts!

He has moved up from #12 last Saturday to #2 as of now. So, let's continue the good work!!!

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hmm..my IP is static so I'm limited to 1 vote a day. Guess I'll go to school early and vote from there LOL Alot of computers at school ^^;

hmm..the second poll, (G3036)李凖基 seems more useful. Popular CF endorser.

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majou99999, thanks for the clarifications as to what went on during the Daejong overseas awards voting. I also knew that JK was leading the second actor by huge margin but all of a sudden, at the last day of voting, JK slipped to second and I was totally shocked. Internet voting these days somewhat unreliable if the organisers who monitor the vote sites do not care what is going on or how fans manipulate the system.

I salute the Chinese fans who played a major part in assuring that Jun Ki wins and he did. :P

Annie, maybe you would like to forward this voting link to love.junki website ? We have so little time left. :phew:

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ajoooma ^^ I think the religious part says that he used to be Catholic because of his gran being Christian----but he isn't religious now. I remember reading a lot of articles when he was doing My Girl--and they said he was a Buddhist--but that wasn't mentioned at all. I can read a tiny bit of the jealousy one (it has to do with actor sunbaenim, not the 'romantic' type of jealousy lol ), and the lonliness/melancholia (우울증-you can be surrounded by people and still have those feelings -.- ), too-- but since my Korean is limited--I don't want to misinform--so won't try anything else. ><

Elyse..thanks for the brief translations. All these frank answers he gives out each time mirrors his thoughts and feelings in his life and we are concerned. His sudden upsurge to instant fame can be hard for JK to cope with initially as all eyes are on him. But I guess over the months he has matured and dealing with the onslaught of media and public and also fans' attention pretty well. What is most important to us is that he is happy in what he chooses to do, not pressured into doing what he should do.

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Annie, maybe you would like to forward this voting link to love.junki website ? We have so little time left. :phew:

I think majou posted on lovejunki already. But I don't think many people feel inclined to vote cuz its in chinese.

I guess I'll try to PM the admin to mass PM people to vote? dunno..

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