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[drama 2007] Witch Amusement Aka Witch Yoo Hee 마녀유희

Guest deNain

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Guest sixth.

i've got 4 more eps to go.

it started off funny and interesting, but then suddenly, everything just went a bit downhill for me.

i don't like jaehee and han ga in's caracters in this. and surprisingly, i really like jeon hyebin's character, though i never liked bin to begin with.

but the eye candy! dennis oh and kim jung hoon <3

i'm gonna keep watching and see if the last 4 eps are as good as i want them to be.

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Guest Deedlith

Stopped at episode 12. It started strong, but like you just said before It went downhill, I'm pretty dissapointed on how they turned the rest of the drama, the humour is gone. Though I like Jae Hee and Han Ga In, I've been extremmelly bored since episode 10. Too bad because I really like the actors and the settings. I've watched extracts to see the end, but well, I should have not because I was even worse than what I had planned.

Still Thanks to B.O.N to have finished this project! Thanks for your hardwok always ^^

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Guest V-ni@star

i love this drama. i cant stop watching it.

i watch it in 2 days. all episode.

i love kim joonghoon oppa act in this drama. actually iw atch this daram becos of him

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Guest mizzlinhie

I just started with this drama on friday, I'm on episode 13 now ^^ got addicted lolz xD I haven't watch such a good drama like this one. So far, I enjoyed all 12 episodes. I'll probably finish this drama today :] Too bad its only 16 eps, I want MOREEEE!! >_<

Han Ga In looks so pretty/cute. I love her outfits in here.

Jae Hee is so adorable when he smirk or smile ^_____^

Dennis is too HOTTTT~~ xD

Jeong Hye Bin is also pretty, but I didnt like her that much. ^^;;

Yoo Hee & Moo Ryong are just too cute~

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Guest tapirlapar

glad dat i actually chose 2 watch this drama..

currently at episode 10 cant wait 4 it 2 finish..

u guys have 2 watch it... A MUST

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Guest mizzlinhie

And so...I finally finished this drama a min ago :sweatingbullets: The last two episodes were a bit draggy...and I did expected more from the ending, but *sigh* at least its a happy ending :) The script writer should've just let Moo Ryong leave for 2 years and come back as a successful man, by then he could probably proves to Yoo He's father that he's not just somebody. :phew:

Yoo Hee (Han Ga In) - I'm starting to like her even more after watching this drama. She's just so gorgeous...love her short hair and her outfits in this drama. Yoo Hee is such a cute character too ^^ very silly and funny lolz. Don't know why some of you dislike her so much but...I love Yoo Hee! <3 keke.

Moo Ryong (Jae Hee) - I loveeee him. He's too ADORABLEEEE with his priceless expressions :lol: and He has such a killer smiles and smirk hahaha xD I like My Ryong too, very funny guy. I could understand why some one you dislike him because he left Seung Mi for Yoo Hee, but lets look at it this way...he never really loves Seung Mi, its just that they've been friends for so long that he thought he should be with her :huh: What if he stay with her? would they be happy? :phew:

Johnny (Denis) - My favoriteeeee! I can't never stop loving Denis hahahaha....Denis's acting has improved alot from this drama ^^ I loveee his character, Johnny, too. He has such a big heart, eventho he loves Yoo Hee, but all he ever wanted is for her to be happy, thats why he gave her up for Moo Ryong. B) They should hook Johnny up with Seung Mi, I thought they would make a hot couple too :w00t:

Seung Mi (JHB) - I'm not a fan of her, but I have to say that she's soooo pretty in this drama :) I felt sorry for her character, Seung Mi, that her boyfriend left her for another girl. But what can I said, you can't stop love. :phew: If I were her, I would totally go for Denis MUAHAHAH :lol:

Joon Ha (KJH) - One of the character that I dislike most in this drama. :fury: I was disappointed that they didn't punish him at the end. :o (Sorry KJH's fans, but I really dislike his character lolx )

Well..after all, I love this drama, eventho the ending should be a little better. I would definitely re-watch it for Yoo Hee and Moo Ryong HAHAH they're so cute~ :P

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Guest ninasaurus

I haven't finished watching this yet (just finished episode 9), but so far I'm loving it

although I did hear that the ending was a big disappointing =T

anyways onto my opinions so far

I absolutely love Moo Ryong (Jae Hee);

I swear he's the cutest thing ever; I think from the beginning he was already adorable

my other fave character is Yoo Hee (Han Ga In);

I know she's so mean and all that but there's something about her character that's somewhat loveable; call me weird but that's how it is for me;

I'm sure plenty of people don't like her but she's a great character

the worse character IMO is Joon Ha (Kim Jeong Hoon);

blah he's just boring to watch; one of the reasons why I decided to watch this was because I thought I'd really like him in this;

but as it turns out he's my least fave character *shrugs*

I'm glad he has a somewhat small part and doesn't have that much screen time

(still love KJH though, just not his character)

haha and Johnny (Dennis Oh) is just adorable and that's all I have to say about him <3

I'm not a fan of Seung Mi (Jun Hye Bin) for some reason; I can't seem to feel any sympathy for her

well hopefully I'll finish this soon and

I can't wait to see the ending

although I'm already hesitant because

I keep hearing how it's not all that great of an ending =\

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Guest srkfan

And so...I finally finished this drama a min ago :sweatingbullets: The last two episodes were a bit draggy...and I did expected more from the ending, but *sigh* at least its a happy ending :) The script writer should've just let Moo Ryong leave for 2 years and come back as a successful man, by then he could probably proves to Yoo He's father that he's not just somebody. :phew:

Yoo Hee (Han Ga In) - I'm starting to like her even more after watching this drama. She's just so gorgeous...love her short hair and her outfits in this drama. Yoo Hee is such a cute character too ^^ very silly and funny lolz. Don't know why some of you dislike her so much but...I love Yoo Hee! <3 keke.

Moo Ryong (Jae Hee) - I loveeee him. He's too ADORABLEEEE with his priceless expressions :lol: and He has such a killer smiles and smirk hahaha xD I like My Ryong too, very funny guy. I could understand why some one you dislike him because he left Seung Mi for Yoo Hee, but lets look at it this way...he never really loves Seung Mi, its just that they've been friends for so long that he thought he should be with her :huh: What if he stay with her? would they be happy? :phew:

Johnny (Denis) - My favoriteeeee! I can't never stop loving Denis hahahaha....Denis's acting has improved alot from this drama ^^ I loveee his character, Johnny, too. He has such a big heart, eventho he loves Yoo Hee, but all he ever wanted is for her to be happy, thats why he gave her up for Moo Ryong. B) They should hook Johnny up with Seung Mi, I thought they would make a hot couple too :w00t:

Seung Mi (JHB) - I'm not a fan of her, but I have to say that she's soooo pretty in this drama :) I felt sorry for her character, Seung Mi, that her boyfriend left her for another girl. But what can I said, you can't stop love. :phew: If I were her, I would totally go for Denis MUAHAHAH :lol:

Joon Ha (KJH) - One of the character that I dislike most in this drama. :fury: I was disappointed that they didn't punish him at the end. :o (Sorry KJH's fans, but I really dislike his character lolx )

Well..after all, I love this drama, eventho the ending should be a little better. I would definitely re-watch it for Yoo Hee and Moo Ryong HAHAH they're so cute~ :P

Hi all!

Been a while since I last visited the WYH thread. Seems like there are more WYH fans now. Though story-wise it wasn't as good as it should have been based on its wonderful beginning episodes, I still love WYH. Probably because of the acting skills of some actors in it, esp. Jae Hee, Han Ga In and the actors who played Moo Ryong's parents. If you love Yoo Hee and Moo Ryong, you shouldn't miss this mv on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcoPiBjdEt0

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Guest kristee

i finish WYH some 2 months ago and i'm still far from getting over with it, i kind of like dramas with this main story line, that a career women who is not a single bit well verse in romance transformed herself for a guy she met and whom she'll eventually fall in love with, yep..my personal preference, but WYH is definitely worth watching..!!

people, give it a try, you'll like it..

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Guest evil_barbs

just finished watching the first ep.

and cant wait for the rest.. but bleh~ >___< d/l limit!!

cant wait for Jung-Hoonie~ to make an appearance.. his the whole reason im watching this.. LOL

but reading these posts.. im afraid i might end up hating him.. haha~ ooh well~ watching Goong didnt make me hate him.. so i guess this shouldnt either~

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Guest mizzlinhie

Hi all!

Been a while since I last visited the WYH thread. Seems like there are more WYH fans now. Though story-wise it wasn't as good as it should have been based on its wonderful beginning episodes, I still love WYH. Probably because of the acting skills of some actors in it, esp. Jae Hee, Han Ga In and the actors who played Moo Ryong's parents. If you love Yoo Hee and Moo Ryong, you shouldn't miss this mv on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcoPiBjdEt0

Wow, thanks for sharing. I love their kiss scenes :blush:

I miss Yoo Hee and Moo Ryong already xD

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Guest maisara

honestly, i enjoyed watching this drama, but i was a lil bit dissapointed with the ending, it could have been much better...

anyway, the OST of this drama is good too :)

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Guest cookiiess

honestly, i enjoyed watching this drama, but i was a lil bit dissapointed with the ending, it could have been much better...

anyway, the OST of this drama is good too :)

mmmh yea! oh can u help me upload the ost? to any upload places cept megaupload?

i cant download from there.

yeaps anyone can help!!

email is fine too!

thankss! (:

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Guest _PEEkAb00_

to those who wish to watch the drama.

go to


just sign up. no payments.

i just finished watching the drama last night

and i must say

i'm disappointed with the ending.

they just left us with a cliffhanger...T_T

but overall it was satisfactory.

it was really cyoote~ tehehe~

ooo. and my mom said she's been to that

restaurant on top of that tower thingy.

the one johnny (dennis oh) works in.

she said she'll take me there when we go to korea..

i can't believe i'll be standing on the beautiful ground

they were all standing on... :blush:

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Guest alinek

At first when i watched this drama, i thought it was REALLY good. I grew really fond of the characters, and no offense, but i liked Jeon Hye Bin's character Seung Mi a LOT more than Han Ga In's. I felt so bad for her seeing how Moo Ryong cheated on her. This is like, the first drama i've ever seen that made me like the other characters more than the leads.Then I just gave up on this drama cuz i couldn't stand watching MR and YH together. LOL oh, and johnny too. What a great guy.

omg, i'm so with you on this one. I actually stopped at ep 10 cuz i knew it wont be a nice ending. it's like all started good, and funny, and went down hill after that, so i better stop watching before cursing at the main leads. I love Dennis Oh though, first time seen him in a drama and his acting is not bad. I like Han Ga In but not her character in this one. The writer made it look so bad for MR and YH together. I cant find myself supporting them and i'm not convincing about their love for each other...

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Guest john_anderton

hello!! can someone help me find the romanized lyrics for -- Oon Myung Eh Jang Nan by MC Jinri (feat. HaHa)

well thnx... :lol:

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