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❤ Park Shin Hye 박신혜 ❤ | Current Drama: Doctor Slump - Sat & Sun @10:30 PM [Upcoming Drama 2024: Judge From Hell]


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Guest somuchinluv01

@13sunshine, thank youuuu for the piccc!

finally the of our dear shin hye!

OMG she's really cuteeeeeee ^~

i wannas see some interactions with JGs Too ^^ lolz :D

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Guest almontel

she's so cute with the long her and a dress???

wahhhhhhhhhh...how come only GS and HK are seated together??? where is SH seated??? why o why???

i can't believe that they're not together? or are they??? bec if they were, why was SH nowhere in sight with HK and GS???

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Guest lilsh0rtnancy

omg finally Shin Hye picture!! she looks soooo cutee hahaha <33


she's wearing a dress from what i can tell?

Wow, you're so quick! Thank you for sharing!

PSH really looks like a doll here with her beautiful big eyes.

To me it seems like she's wearing a wig. The hair and overall style is very fitting for a musical showcase. I love it when she dresses age-appropriately since it makes her seems more refreshing.

Hope there's more to come!

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Guest karrenstar

guys go join the international forum!

but we still need to keep Shin-Hye's Soompi thread alive!

에뛰드 하우스 박신혜, '닥터래쉬 앰플' 뷰티클래스!


[아츠뉴스=이두리 기자] 에뛰드하우스에서 지난 1월 11일, 에뛰드하우스의 고객들과 함께 새롭게 리뉴얼 출시하는 속눈썹 영양제 ‘닥터래쉬 앰플’ (Dr.Lash Ampule)의 뷰티클래스를 진행했다.

특히 이번 뷰티클래스에는 드라마 ‘미남이시네요’ 촬영을 성공적으로 마친 전속모델 박신혜가 참석하여 화제가 되었다.

논현동에 위치한 레스토랑에서 진행된 이번 뷰티클래스는 에뛰드하우스의 인기 제품인 ‘닥터래쉬 앰플’의 리뉴얼 출시를 알리며 그간 에뛰드를 사랑해준 고객들에게 감사의 마음을 담아 진행되었다.

이날 참가한 고객들은 박신혜와 함께 닥터래쉬 앰플의 효능과 사용법을 배워보고 박신혜가 뽑은 ‘눈매미인 월드컵’ 레크레이션 시간을 가지는 등 즐거운 시간을 보냈다.

특히 박신혜는 실제로 제품을 사용해보고 느낀 효과를 직접 설명해주고 새해에는 모두 속눈썹미인이 되길 바란다는 인사말도 전했다. 박신혜는 시종일관 유쾌한 웃음으로 고객 한 명 한 명과 단독 사진촬영을 하는 등 친절한 모습으로 많은 호응을 받았다.

이번 뷰티클래스의 주제였던 에뛰드하우스의 ‘닥터래쉬 앰플’은 잠자기 전 속눈썹 사이사이에 발라주면 4주부터 눈에 띄게 속눈썹이 길고 풍성해지는 효과를 볼 수 있는 속눈썹 전용 나이트(night) 영양제로 이미 고객들 사이에서 그 효능이 입증된 제품이다.

한편, 에뛰드하우스 관계자는 “대다수의 여성들이 가지고 있는 속눈썹에 대한 고민을 풀어주고 여기에 박신혜씨도 참여하여 고객들에게 많은 호응을 받은 것 같다. 앞으로도 고객들을 위해 만족할 만한 유익한 뷰티클래스를 지속적으로 진행할 계획이다.” 고 밝혔다.

source: Paran


Park Shin-Hye - Etude House 'Dr.Lash Ampule' beauty course!

January 1 2010, Etude House and its customers celebrated the re-release of beauty product 'Dr. Lash Ampule' mascara with a beauty course.

Celebrated actress from Korean drama series 'You're Beautiful''s participation as a CF model has aroused wide attention and attracted many.

The beauty course held in a hotel [i don't know how to translate the name of the place] served as a promotional event for the re-release of popular beauty product 'Dr. lash Ampule', and also as a token of appreciation for the loved customers of Etude House.

Customers who took part in the event today with Park Shin-Hye tested out the mascara have learned how to use it effectively. Everyone had a great time by participating actively in the game 'Eye Beauty World Cup' hosted by Park Shin-Hye.

Park Shin-Hye also tried out the product during the event, and explained in detail on how to use the mascara and its effects. She also hoped that everyone can become lashes-beauties in the new year. Park Shin-Hye put on a radiant smile throughout the event and took pictures with each and every customer. This shows her friendly personality. Customers are very pleased with her friendliness.

The title of this Etude House beauty course is 'Dr. Lash Ampule'. 'Dr. Lash Ampule' is a lash-nutrition product that is applied on the lashes before sleep every night, four weeks later, the lashes will grow long and beautiful. This product has already gained wide acceptance and positive comments from customers.

Moreover, a spokesperson from Etude House said "This event aims at solving some common problems that most women have concerning their lashes. Park Shin-Hye also took part in the event, and has gained applause and positive feedback from our customers. Etude House will continue to organize meaningful beauty course in the near future to satisfy its customers."

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Hoping to see more pictures from CN Blue event. Uri Shin Hye looks adorable with hair extension/wig B)

I can't wait for more pix of our gorgeous Shin Hye. Have seen her castmates (YAB) pix as well but at their thread. Only saw so far as together were Hongki and Geun Suk in a pix.

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Guest didienazrin

I don't think shin hye sat that far from Geun Suk and Hong Ki. They might be just separated from their managers or personal aids. I just made a rough screen cap from DC gal videos. If you can see:

The first cap is Hongki..which sat next to Geun Suk


Then 2nd cap is Geun Suk.. sitting next to this guy in black cap and glasses


Then 3rd cap is shin hye sitting beside this guy in black cap and glasses also. Don't you think it is the same guy?


By the way, you can see there is also another spotlight besides the one on shin hye to her right. I think that spotlight was meant for both hong ki and geun suk. What would you think?

EDIT: if you're looking at the guy in front, it is more obvious. The guy in suede beige jacket is the same guy in snap 2 and 3 right. And do i see Min Hwan (FT Island drummer) in front of shin hye?

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Yeah, in the international forum, we have figured that the manager was b/w them

... So obviously they tried so hard to avoid each other in front of public eyes.^^;

Someone mentioned this remind of those fanfix that the managers involved to their relationship 0_o

... I wonder that what did the netizen react to their recent "strange behavior"?!?! ** I mean they were at least close friends after all, just suddenly not act like ones?_?**

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that puzzled me a bit too. why would both, who admit to being good friends, act so 'cold' suddenly? it's quite discouraging.

Hoping it's all temporary at that occasion. oh well. we can't know, can we.

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I see Wang cordi next to Shin Hye = )

She's so shy! Covering her mouth/face with the booklet. I wanna give her a hug and tell her she looks uber cute. I liked the picture where she smiled at the person taking the photo.

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Yeah, in the international forum, we have figured that the manager was b/w them

... So obviously they tried so hard to avoid each other in front of public eyes.^^;

Someone mentioned this remind of those fanfix that the managers involved to their relationship 0_o

... I wonder that what did the netizen react to their recent "strange behavior"?!?! ** I mean they were at least close friends after all, just suddenly not act like ones?_?**


I agree with you i think it's so obvious that they try hard to avoid each others in front of public eyes.

I wonder when someone is going to ask this question if they do an interview of JGS or PSH.

But i think it's not going to hapend 's because they try to avoid this type of question (you know what i mean,(questions without answear))

No really i don't care if they are lover's or best friend, i just want to say that it's such a waste if they are acting like that because of rumors and can't show they friendship.

anyway sorry just my opinion :P:)

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Guest mndymah

Hi guys

Thanks so much for still posting pics here in soompi forum!

I'm disappointed. There were soo little pix of Shin Hye. I saw her in the video sitting in the audience and then leaving. But I guess like what most of you said, ANJell were not the stars. They were just there to support their pal Yong Hwa.

In terms of Shin Hye not sitting besides the boys, whatever it is, I think it just may be coincidence that she happened to sit a bit ways from them but in the end, they were still at trio. I truly have faith that they are all good friends and who knows, maybe they talked to each other when the camera was not on them. We don't and will never know. People at the JGS forum were speculating whether he had a gf because he has a ring he keeps wearing. And I think it's difficult for celebrities to have a strong friendship with another celebrity, especially if it's between a male and female because of all the rumors that start to occur. The fact that they are what they are now, we should all be happy. :)

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yeah mndymah... i agree with you.

as long as they're in a good relationship *regardless what relationship it is* i'll be happy for both of them :lol:

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Halooo.everyone...Good Morning....

Thank you all for Shin Hye pictures in CN Blue showcase, she looks pretty in her hair extension...I wonder why she use hair extension...is it preparation for her new CF shooting?...and gals and guys...dont be sad because JGS and PSH limited interactions on the showcase yesterday...I believe they are still friends...just be positive OK.

And for some reason I want to make a collection of all SH kisses/ SH pairing


I read an article and decided to translate it ... about SH new partner that many people are curious about.

I am going to finish and post it tomorrow but here 's just a line to keep you guys wonder ^^ (and happy, I hope)


Morever, Lee Hyun Jae is a model for famous brands such as Casual UGIZ, Nikon camera, Coldstone ice-cream, Lusus Jewelry and 2010 seems to be his his year to emerge with many promising CFs


**ok, I know I am bad ^^**

I am blaming on you thao....because of you I had an idea to put on all Shin Hye on screen kisses into one clip :P ...yesterday i rush home afer work because I really want to make that clip ASAP....bad...bad of you thao for making me like this :) ...Ooooops wait a minute it made both of us bad girls than kekekekkekeke :lol: ....here's the clip...and please thao dont drooling over this clip OK hehehehe :lol: ...hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


here's the link to download : sendspace http://www.sendspace.com/file/c8fhl4 ; mediafire : http://www.mediafire.com/?g0jvumwnziy

BTW, I tried high and low to look for Lee Hyun Jae's pictures and profile but not succeed...could you share information about him...Just curious about the latest lucky guy that paired up with our Shin Hye ....and I'm waiting patiently for your article translation thao:)

.....And now I'm waiting for Shin Hye become guest star in Dan Bi on January 17 :)

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Guest almontel

Agie, i love your PSH KISSES COLLECTION...sooooooooooooooooo nice....i wonder how many times SH has kissed her partner...

but i think so far, the mose passionate kiss she's done that i've seen is her CF with JGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i think that's why i can't get this pair off of my mind...

but i'm willing to see SH paired of with either of the BOF guys....ha ha ha...

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Hi everyone, I am back

Sorry for the delaying.... ^^;;

Hi guys

Thanks so much for still posting pics here in soompi forum!

I'm disappointed. There were soo little pix of Shin Hye.

I truly have faith that they are all good friends and who knows, maybe they talked to each other when the camera was not on them.

And I think it's difficult for celebrities to have a strong friendship with another celebrity, especially if it's between a male and female because of all the rumors that start to occur.

I can't agree with you more. I was sad ( a little disappointed ) because of so little pix of SH. But I truly believe they are good friends ( behind the camera). As they don't want to draw the attention to their relationship, let's them be and not to pressure them anymore...

I think it's hard to be celebrities when it comes to privacy and relationship. I am sure they have their reasons and let's time answer all the question :rolleyes:

But in the mean time, I like CNBlue music and can't help to hope that SH will be in one ( or more) of their next MVs. Wouldn't it be great?

I am blaming on you thao....because of you I had an idea to put on all Shin Hye on screen kisses into one clip :P ...yesterday i rush home afer work because I really want to make that clip ASAP....bad...bad of you thao for making me like this :) ...Ooooops wait a minute it made both of us bad girls than kekekekkekeke :lol: ....here's the clip...and please thao dont drooling over this clip OK hehehehe :lol: ...hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

BTW, I tried high and low to look for Lee Hyun Jae's pictures and profile but not succeed...could you share information about him...Just curious about the latest lucky guy that paired up with our Shin Hye ....and I'm waiting patiently for your article translation thao:)

.....And now I'm waiting for Shin Hye become guest star in Dan Bi on January 17 :)

Hellooo Agie,

How are you my Dear? ^^

And thank you for a good laugh as well as the kisses.(**Ahhhh. I love it . And Yes, I am drooling but can't help to crave for more keke :lol::lol::lol: **) I am so happy that there is another bad girl joining me ;p YAYYY!!!

Oh, talking about kiss , I had an idea when I was translating the article (** talk later**)

I never attempt to make a mv but maybe I will try, for the very 1st time... ( SH sure know how to make me do many things for the 1st time :rolleyes: )*sign* .... but what program do I need?!?! --> time to do some research**

And Dear Agie,

I am so sorry for the delay and keep you waiting ( **btw, you got bait ^^kekeke and I love it :lol: **)

It was crazy last night though...

I had to go back and forth like almost 10 sites to look for SH pix but couldnt find any ... I was so frustrated and tired at almost 3 in the morning and I had to wake up early today. The pics and vid didn't appeared until early this morning :(

Anyway, here comes the goody!!! ^^~ ( you are not the only one who are curious about him *_^, so don't worry**)

NOTE: This is translated by me and it may not be 100% accurated since I did it from a Vietnames translation and it was quite confusing too ( I wasn't quite sure All it means but I tried to do my best anyway)


Lee Hyun Jae of “Mate” band is falling for Park Shin Hye “lips” ….

There have been so many phone calls to EH management questioning about the new male model just appeared in the recent Etude House CF...

Etude House just produced a new product lines called "lip perfume"- new type of scent created specifically for lips- as a strong wind suddenly blows in to the cosmetics business.

Lip Perfume is actually lip balm, which was already on the market, but adding special essence into. These items should open a new era for fragrance that can also be appeared from the sweet lips. (this sentence in confused me, so I just did as I thought how it would work ^^;;)

Etude male models have always been the most popular stars such as Jang K. Suk in YB, Lee M Ho in BOF, Yoo Seung Ho Seonduk…

Lip perfume CF has recently aired on television with a new fresh face flower boy, which seems never appeared before, which evokes many people’s curiosity.

In the CF, this handsome male model, was falling for the fragrance from Park Shin Hye’s lips at the very first time (he sensed it), has continuously captured audience attention by his youthful look and exotic feature.

The model is Lee Hyun Jea, a drummer in Mate band, who were invited as guests for Swell Season performance in last Jan and became a well-discussed subject.

Mate is a very new band for the commentator’s topics creation includes the 1st album released in April last year was ranked number one on the best-selling albums and their concert was sold out even at high-priced range tickets

Moreover, Lee Hyun Jae is a model for famous brands such as Casual UGIZ, Nikon camera, Coldstone ice-cream, Lusus Jewelry and 2010 seems to be his his year to emerge with many promising CF.

On the other hand, Mate , which HJ is a member of , eventually had a successful concert performance in Noel Ceremony in Last December. And they are currently preparing and promoting for a mini album, which is going to be released at the end of January.

***Ok Agie? What do you think? ^^;; and do you know what I have in mind? :rolleyes:

haha while I translated... fragrance, scent, falling, sweet lips, ... flower boy... ^^;;

Ok, I admit I can't help but dreaming for another KISS CF ^^;; ( I know I ... am bad)

but COME ON !!! What is the point of lip perfume honestly??? Ok , fine you want yourself smell good , be attractive, confident... blah, blah , blad... But we already had many products to do that, right? ( toothpaste, breath freshener, gum, candy, lipstick and lip balm does smell good too....) I , myself, wouldn't use a special " lips perfume" UNLESS .... there is ....^^;; like a KISS that I am expecting on a (first or special) date or something...

Do you think another Kiss CF is a good idea? Or it 's just me?^^;;

And I think she'll be at her Brother concert on the 16th

then Dan Bi on 17th

Yayyy for more SH!!!!<3

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