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Guest fannxd

O_O dead fish?!

sry guys i havent been on lately, my internet was driving me insane!!

:] the good news is..... i'll be going to Korea in 3 DAYSS!! whooooo...

so i'll TRY to find some XING stuff and take pictures? hahaha ^___^

i'll bring back some VIRTUAL souvenirs ^^;;

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Guest canityo
Woah this thread is pretty dead *pokes dead fish*.

I read the news about them appearing in that concert thing.

I hope nothing stands in the way this time. Though...I'm not going to place too much hope on it. T_T

Stupid dead fish. >_>

Like I said something always happens when XING is said to perform or something. I suppose we just have to wait a LITTLE longer. ><


youre right this thread is really dead

but there isn't many news about xing now right T_T

I hope we will hear more about them in the future

If it's dead we should make it alive. Even if he don't have much hope left and that we pretty much all neutral now. We need to...what's that word? Improvise!

There is hardly any news on them...but...at least we have CYWORLD entries? *falls*

I wish another member would post another message to boost us. Please be JinHyun

O_O dead fish?!

sry guys i havent been on lately, my internet was driving me insane!!

:] the good news is..... i'll be going to Korea in 3 DAYSS!! whooooo...

so i'll TRY to find some XING stuff and take pictures? hahaha ^___^

i'll bring back some VIRTUAL souvenirs ^^;;

There there I feel your pain except it's my computer. At least you are bumping the thread. Unlike those lurkers *narrows eyes*.

FIND SOME XING STUFF? Woman you are going to hunt down their manager and shake them back and forth wailing and screaming like crazy.

I don't they will have much XING stuff besides one single. T_T Which was released oh-so-long ago.

Oh well, let's keep waiting.

And...here is one out of three CYWORLD entries I posted up today. Translated by your life saver silver_byul



I got a skin present..[T/N - The skin is for his CY, you can give 'presents' on CYWORLD] I'm not a weird person..

I'm already using it so can that be weird..? ㅡ.ㅡ.................kekekekeke

Credits: Cyworld + Silver_Byul + CYNOSTAR.NET

Yume is a weird bug. XD

Edi-- Funny how no one has mentioned this but we are having another 3member birthday present at CYNOSTAR.

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O_O dead fish?!

sry guys i havent been on lately, my internet was driving me insane!!

:] the good news is..... i'll be going to Korea in 3 DAYSS!! whooooo...

so i'll TRY to find some XING stuff and take pictures? hahaha ^___^

i'll bring back some VIRTUAL souvenirs ^^;;

LOL Dead fish is the name we've given this dead thread. T_T I don't even know why we started calling it dead fish to begin with. Its like why we started calling Yume is a BUG, I think it was because I saw Kim HeeChul's hair, and its so red, and I thought that he looks like a bug. O_O since Kim HeeChul is weird, I called him a bug. And Yume just HAPPENS to be weird at the same time, so I called Yume a bug. O_O Such weird logics. By the way, have fun in Korea^^!!!

Stupid dead fish. >_>

Like I said something always happens when XING is said to perform or something. I suppose we just have to wait a LITTLE longer. ><

If it's dead we should make it alive. Even if he don't have much hope left and that we pretty much all neutral now. We need to...what's that word? Improvise!

There is hardly any news on them...but...at least we have CYWORLD entries? *falls*

I wish another member would post another message to boost us. Please be JinHyun

There there I feel your pain except it's my computer. At least you are bumping the thread. Unlike those lurkers *narrows eyes*.

FIND SOME XING STUFF? Woman you are going to hunt down their manager and shake them back and forth wailing and screaming like crazy.

I don't they will have much XING stuff besides one single. T_T Which was released oh-so-long ago.

Oh well, let's keep waiting.

And...here is one out of three CYWORLD entries I posted up today. Translated by your life saver silver_byul



I got a skin present..[T/N - The skin is for his CY, you can give 'presents' on CYWORLD] I'm not a weird person..

I'm already using it so can that be weird..? ㅡ.ㅡ.................kekekekeke

Credits: Cyworld + Silver_Byul + CYNOSTAR.NET

Yume is a weird bug. XD

Edi-- Funny how no one has mentioned this but we are having another 3member birthday present at CYNOSTAR.

I think Nina mentioned it in the other page. Not sure which, but its in the other page. T_T Ahh ahh~

Its been so long I've forgotten how its like to be a hyper XING fan girl~

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Guest WithYunHo
He finally realised how long we have been waiting.

It's kind of rare for a celebrity to actually think about their international fans and make us easier to understand them. One more week, 7 more days until it's July!

XING they all have cute personalities. Yume is such a little boy, if you have read his 100 Q&As he's really cute. He has that FUN personality.

HyeSung, well...his Q&A is cute too. XD They all have something unique about them. The only members I don't really know much about is probably Jinhyun & PD.

Maybe I should go read their 100 Qs...XING are very bright kids...

I am also very curious about Jin Hyunnie...He's actually the one that

injected the XING virus. (^^) Since I saw him on Star King...I wanted

to know more and instead fell in love with the whole group! I seriously

cannot choose a favorite member...I want to know them more...I want

to see them more...will they be doing anything in July since you brought

that up? Hmm...being susicious now...

PD seems to be everywhere...Jin Hyunnie a bit too...have they ever mentioned

him being in XING on shows that he has been on?

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Guest canityo
Maybe I should go read their 100 Qs...XING are very bright kids...

I am also very curious about Jin Hyunnie...He's actually the one that

injected the XING virus. (^^) Since I saw him on Star King...I wanted

to know more and instead fell in love with the whole group! I seriously

cannot choose a favorite member...I want to know them more...I want

to see them more...will they be doing anything in July since you brought

that up? Hmm...being susicious now...

PD seems to be everywhere...Jin Hyunnie a bit too...have they ever mentioned

him being in XING on shows that he has been on?

Well, there are three 100 Q&As that we have found. One is HyeSung's and the other two are done by Yume.

Suspicions on July? Well it's written on Soompi's Upcoming CD Releases I'll post here since I haven't seen it around here and my computer is too slow to function properly. >_>

XING 2nd Single : Planned for July (they're recording it right now)

XING 1st Album : Planned for second half of the year (they're also recording this right now)

Credits: Hanteo, bestiz, Alexiel@Soompi.com

They seem to be releasing stuff when a lot of people are coming back?

No, they haven't mentioned about Jin Hyun being in XING on the show. But after appearing on Star King there was an article about him being in XING and stuff.

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Guest loveprint



Haha yes it was on the previous page. And it includes out beloved Kevin so all you Kevin campers go sign up. :D I only say that cause I know he's the most popular here but all you KiBum & P-D fans go sign up, too.


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Guest jia_li
If it's dead we should make it alive. Even if he don't have much hope left and that we pretty much all neutral now. We need to...what's that word? Improvise!

There is hardly any news on them...but...at least we have CYWORLD entries? *falls*

I wish another member would post another message to boost us.

you're right with that we should make it more alive..

hmm improvise.. let's talk about what you are thinking of Xing in the future?

or maybe what you are gonna expecting of xing ^^? maybe it's something to

do about that hehe.. I do not visit their cyworld often maybe I should do

it more than before ^^

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Guest Super_LinK

Hello! I just recently found out about Xing and I love their songs!

Although I'm still a newbie I'd love to learn more about them.

I hope they have an album out soon and concerts, hehe want to go to one... one day.

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Guest maizakichi

^hi..welcome to the xing world~

sry guys i havent been on lately, my internet was driving me insane!!

:] the good news is..... i'll be going to Korea in 3 DAYSS!! whooooo...

so i'll TRY to find some XING stuff and take pictures? hahaha ^___^

i'll bring back some VIRTUAL souvenirs ^^;;

haven't been online for 2 days T_T

waahhh..i so envy you...

i reccomend you go to NEWFACE STUDIO!

and take some pics..hahahah ;p

and don't forget to mention cynostar when you'll have the chance to meet them ;p

and say hi to kibum for me~


weee..i want to give them something for their bdays..especially kibum <3

but i want to think/made/buy that "something" before i sign-up so that i'm sure i'm gonna really send it this time...

unlike the last time where i back out and then joined again at the last minute..hahahah

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Guest canityo
you're right with that we should make it more alive..

hmm improvise.. let's talk about what you are thinking of Xing in the future?

or maybe what you are gonna expecting of xing ^^? maybe it's something to

do about that hehe.. I do not visit their cyworld often maybe I should do

it more than before ^^

XING's future? Hmmm..I hope that they will expand to China instead of Japan. They can always do that later. :3 They have a lot of Chinese fans that I know of. (:

Their CYWORLD...well let's say Jin Hhyun, Kibum and Yume are the more active ones. Kev, PD and Hyesung aren't. Hyesung pretty much deleted everything. Cammy is bummed out about it

PD wasn't really active to start with, he posts an entry once in a while. And Kevin...well his CY is empty. So yeah.

But do visit. xD Leave comments or something, they might reply to you like Jin hyun replied to me. *giggles*

Hello! I just recently found out about Xing and I love their songs!

Although I'm still a newbie I'd love to learn more about them.

I hope they have an album out soon and concerts, hehe want to go to one... one day.

Welcome to the thread!

If you want to learn about them, stick around. ^^! Or join XING's forum, cynostar.net.

Album...speaking of one they should release one soon. We just have to keep waiting. Don't we all want to go to their concerts one day? (:

^hi..welcome to the xing world~

haven't been online for 2 days T_T

waahhh..i so envy you...

i reccomend you go to NEWFACE STUDIO!

and take some pics..hahahah ;p

and don't forget to mention cynostar when you'll have the chance to meet them ;p

and say hi to kibum for me~


weee..i want to give them something for their bdays..especially kibum <3

but i want to think/made/buy that "something" before i sign-up so that i'm sure i'm gonna really send it this time...

unlike the last time where i back out and then joined again at the last minute..hahahah

T_T Where have you been woman? This thread needs you.

I want to give them a lot of things for their birthdays, sadly money is an issue isn't it? Oh well, we could always make something thoughtful.

Don't back out again! We, international fans, must leave a deep imprint of how much we love them too! XD If you back ouot I have chopsticks and I'm not afraid to use them!

I'm going to edit this post later to post CY entries. Wait for it~

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T_T Where have you been woman? This thread needs you.

I want to give them a lot of things for their birthdays, sadly money is an issue isn't it? Oh well, we could always make something thoughtful.

Don't back out again! We, international fans, must leave a deep imprint of how much we love them too! XD If you back ouot I have chopsticks and I'm not afraid to use them!

I'm going to edit this post later to post CY entries. Wait for it~

yeahz...we talk big when it comes to the project. And plan really ahead too. == But I have a feeling that we might be doing things in the last minute again.


weee..i want to give them something for their bdays..especially kibum <3

but i want to think/made/buy that "something" before i sign-up so that i'm sure i'm gonna really send it this time...

unlike the last time where i back out and then joined again at the last minute..hahahah

LOL...now we shouldn't be biased *dodges knives* ...right I shouldn't say that. == we can't help but be biased. xD

I hope a lot of people join this time.

Hmmm...July is finally here. I wonder how many days we'll have to wait for news.

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Guest jia_li
XING's future? Hmmm..I hope that they will expand to China instead of Japan. They can always do that later. :3 They have a lot of Chinese fans that I know of. (:

Their CYWORLD...well let's say Jin Hhyun, Kibum and Yume are the more active ones. Kev, PD and Hyesung aren't. Hyesung pretty much deleted everything.

PD wasn't really active to start with, he posts an entry once in a while. And Kevin...well his CY is empty. So yeah.

But do visit. xD Leave comments or something, they might reply to you like Jin hyun replied to me. *giggles*

ah I see ^^.

I don't have a korean cy only a us cyworld XD

I leaved a message on Hong Ki of FT his cyworld

but my korean is really really bad... so I'm going

to try it again by jin Hyun or Kibum don't know for

shore but let's try it ^^ my korean friend will

help me out I hope so

Super_LinK: welcome to this thread ^^

I hope they're gonna bring an album out soon ^^

aah lucky you if you're going to a concert

I live too far away T_T but soon

I hope I could go to korea

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Guest x_laughter

hey you guys..this is my first time posting in this thread! anyways, i was interested in XING when they first came out but i never found any performances or anything..does anyone have videos of them of any kind besides music videos?

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Guest clemie186

^ They haven't debutted yet. So the only official videos of them are either music videos, a few interviews or "messages"/silent videos. (am i even right???)

But either way, when Kevin budge a finger, this place explodes. Call it "everybody loves Kevin?" xD hahah~ Well the others needs attention too. T_T quit hogging the attention Kevin! xD kidding kidding. I know that he can't help it. xD

that cracked me up XD the finger and the explodes part

*raises hand* I am guilty of being part of "everybody" who pays the most attention to Kevin :sweatingbullets:

yes, this thread is VERY dead -.-"

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Guest Haengb0kk

Xing..where are you? I miss you :[. I'm still waiting on them though.

I want to hear more about them :]

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Guest canityo
yeahz...we talk big when it comes to the project. And plan really ahead too. == But I have a feeling that we might be doing things in the last minute again.

LOL...now we shouldn't be biased *dodges knives* ...right I shouldn't say that. == we can't help but be biased. xD

I hope a lot of people join this time.

Hmmm...July is finally here. I wonder how many days we'll have to wait for news.

I shouldn't be biased. That is a very hard action to do. Easier said than done. T_T No matter how much more love Kevin gets more than Marumir/PD we can't help it. He hypnotized us

July...IT'S JULY! CHEESE! It's is too. I think their releasing it in Mid-July now. T_T...

ah I see ^^.

I don't have a korean cy only a us cyworld XD

I leaved a message on Hong Ki of FT his cyworld

but my korean is really really bad... so I'm going

to try it again by jin Hyun or Kibum don't know for

shore but let's try it ^^ my korean friend will

help me out I hope so

You can still view their CYs without an account...just that you can't comment. Use the Soompi CYWORLD tutorial it helped me a LOT. If you need more help you could PM me.

I left a message in english on Jin hyun's CYWORLD and he replied to me in english. *giggles*

hey you guys..this is my first time posting in this thread! anyways, i was interested in XING when they first came out but i never found any performances or anything..does anyone have videos of them of any kind besides music videos?

Welcome to the XING thread where it is somewhat highly deserted.

If you are looking for videos to download they are at CYNOSTAR.NET but you have to have 50 posts or more. >< If you don't want to download them you can go to Youtube and type in CYNOSTAR because we have a YT account too. ^^

It depends if you looking for 6 member videos or 4 member or even one.

There are interviews, voiceless clips and short messages. The solos are of PD's fancams and Jin hyun's appearance on Star King.

Blah. I hoped I helped?

^ They haven't debutted yet. So the only official videos of them are either music videos, a few interviews or "messages"/silent videos. (am i even right???)

that cracked me up XD the finger and the explodes part

*raises hand* I am guilty of being part of "everybody" who pays the most attention to Kevin :sweatingbullets:

yes, this thread is VERY dead -.-"

*pats* I was once part of that group. Until I saw the oh-so-smexy Jin hyun on Star King, realised what an alien Yume is, saw PD dance. Now, HyeSung & Marumir just has to WOWWWWWWWWWWWW me xD.

This thread is moving better than before. Thank god for that Kevin message huh?

my second time in this thread..^^

really love jin hyun...he's hot hehe..

and yes..this thread is a bit slow...where are all the xing fans??

Jin hyun is sweet. :3

Thread...slow? It's not slow it's dead. Where all the XING fans? Well...firstly there is NOTHING to talk about. Secondly, hardly anyone BUMPS the thread and the people who do bump the thread feel like there is no hope for this thread. And yeah. T_T

Where were you when we needed to bump this thread? T___T

You must help us make this thread grow. (:

Xing..where are you? I miss you :[. I'm still waiting on them though.

I want to hear more about them :]

I know. I've been missing them for 6 and a half months. ._, Time flies doesn't it?

Cammy and I are getting a new XING interview translated so hold on okay?

Anyway, I haven't seen myself quote so much in my life. T_T I said I was going to edit my post from before but then I was busy today...and no one is going to back track this thread because they never really do. T_T So I'll just post it here.



It's the weekend~



I'm sleepy..ㅡ.ㅡ...;

Credits: CYWORLD + silver_byul + CYNOSTAR.NET

These are the SHORTER entries. XD There's another Yume one at CYNOSTAR which is not quite understandable...? T_T

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Hypnotise? Hmmm, not so sure about that, but I'll agree with you anyways. It feels so weird ever since I became neutral.

Thread...slow? It's not slow it's dead. Where all the XING fans? Well...firstly there is NOTHING to talk about. Secondly, hardly anyone BUMPS the thread and the people who do bump the thread feel like there is no hope for this thread. And yeah. T_T

That's not true, its not that I have no hope in them, just that I'm not putting much hope in the news that are related to them.

Whenever something XING related comes out that supposes to be big, it either gets canceled or turns out to be false alarms.

So its best if I don't put that much hope into it, I won't feel as dissapointed and emo. Though, being so neutral is getting to me.

HyeSung decided to update his CY today. I guess he's still alive. People who have CY should comment. ^^ he said he reads them.

Suprisingly I'm still neutral even after its confirmed that they're alive.

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