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Guest canityo

I imagined them all in BB type of clothes? XD Kevin and KiBum XD!! I'm imagining them looking so cute and funny. XD THEY ALL LOOK LIKE THAT.

And their like rapping in front of the camera. Now, I can't stop laughing. Ah, seriously. I would like to see them like that someday. Even if they don't rap good, being in those clothes would just make me run in pentagons.

(Yes, see how deprived I am...T_T?)

They should sing a solo song each, so I can tell their voices apart. Especially, when PD and JH haven't sang much at all.

Edit: Wee! I'm back and I have the a stalkerish picture of KiBum.


^ I think this was after going to the airport? The girl is a fan of his. :3

Credits: CYWORLD + canityo@Soompi.

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Lol the way he's wearing his bag makes me thing of the nineties, down lowwwww.

I think Yume would look seriously gangster. That guy totally has the bad boy vibe around him lol.

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Guest maizakichi

waa...lucky fan..and omo..omo..is he smiling?!~ weee...so cute...heheh

im so wondering why this fan is everywhere...lol...for me she's like the no.1 kibum fan..and im on the bottom..lol..cause i dont even got a single selfcam pics of him -_-..

while she got lots of pics of him..whahaha...im jealous...lol..

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*sigh* Arent we all jealous Maiza?

Unless if we all board a plane to Korea, it'll be impossible. =.=

Now, let's start spazzing about KiBum's back!

Is that a Louis Vuiton bag? o____O My eyes are serving me right...right?

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*barges into random conversations* There are just some things that girls find attractive for a guy to wear, particularly with colors. Honestly, girls can be REALLY picky, and if they see a color on a guy they either go "HE LOOKS GOOD IN THAT COLOR" or "EWWW SOMEONE SHOOT HIS FASHION DESIGNER" but guys that wear pink or associate themself with that color are...how to put it...more open? I don't know how to word it, but I'm not saying they're gay or anything but girls just have strange fetishes for guys and colors. We sometimes color associate.

The pink was a little startling but hey, it's Yume and he wanted it to be happy...

Fooooo...that made no sense whatsoever *runs away*

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Guest fannxd

^___^ haha kibum has a louis vuitton bag XDDD

and wat a lucky fan :D i seriously am jealous :o [not fairrrrrrrrrrrr] XDD

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Guest Haengb0kk

Wow havent been here for a while

Happy belated birthday to YUME and hyesung!

woww marumir is so nice to his fans hehe. lucky

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Guest illusions

i have to meet kibum lmfao jkjk

but happy belated birthday to yume and hyesung ;]

cant wait for their new album.. i cant imagine them with big bang`s type of clothes though

and i like ballads more anyways ;]

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Guest canityo

This thread has been dead all day ]: So, I shall post up Yume's entry that he wrote about his birthday.


Thanks so much everyone for today!

I’ve never felt this great on my birthday ever since I was born ^^

I can really feel the effort that was put into that present~

Today, stupidly, I can't even express my self properly and I made some small mistakes..

But I was so touched by it!

From now on, I'll practice expressing my feelings properly. Hehehe

Anyway, thanks so much everyone for today!!

Happy Birthday hehe.

Credits: CYWORLD + europhia<3 @CYNOSTAR.NET

Do NOT take out of SOOMPI without permission.

This made me smile! Present eh? I wonder what it was ! Couldn't express feelings properly? I have that too. ><

T__T He sounds like such a happy guy. (Happier than the others :mellow:)

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Guest nizzkimin91

tea;leaves; AGREED! ((:

as in, about guys who associate themselves with pink are more open.

anyhow, visited yume's cyworld and woooh.. it's pink alright. but focus goes onto his post. he sounded so cute; not being able to express his feelings properly and all. and yes canityo, i wonder what the present is too! it must be really vavavoom since he guessed much effort was put into the present!

marumir; he seems very interactive with fans! LUCKY THAT PERSON!

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Guest jia_li

his message of his cyworld sounds really cute ^__^

I'm glad to here he had a great birthday

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Yume's message on his CY made me smile ^_______________^ He was so happy he made a few mistakes, but it's better than being in a saddened state of mind...like some of the other members, of course. *HWAITING!*

Thank you for posting it up, love <3

Ehehehehe....116th page 8D

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Guest jia_li

^ I totally agree with you..

maybe a view mistakes but glad to hear he wasn't sad on this birthday

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Guest Atmosphere.

I never heard their songs yet... but why do I think like they're like SS501?

AND, the guy whose born in 1988, Kim Young Gyung? He's handsome looking guy^^;;

Thats cool he's my age, yay!

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Guest Sammy1430263349

OMO!! they have cyworlds!?!?! Too bad, I don't have a cyworld....can someone help me with one? cause I wanna see some peoples profiles but It doesn't work cause I don't have one, but I do have an American one...idk.

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Guest clemie186

OMO!! they have cyworlds!?!?! Too bad, I don't have a cyworld....can someone help me with one? cause I wanna see some peoples profiles but It doesn't work cause I don't have one, but I do have an American one...idk.

Topic on cyworld --> http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=23581

even though i said i'd get one.. i haven't had the time

but if Kevin actually gave his cy link out to public, i'd totally get one :P:P

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Guest Sammy1430263349

^ Thanks!

I know, if I had the links to like everyone that is famous' Cy or myspace, I'd SOOO become bff with them >.< HAHAHHA

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I never heard their songs yet... but why do I think like they're like SS501?

AND, the guy whose born in 1988, Kim Young Gyung? He's handsome looking guy^^;;

Thats cool he's my age, yay!

lol maybe because one of the member's bro is in SS501. :D

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