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Guest canityo

Yeah, so many people go 'WHOA KEVIN'S SO YOUNG but, cute.' It seems strange. But, I guess it's a surprise?

It wasn't for me, considering WG debuted at the age of 14. Is there something different about Kevin >;O! Their not all that young, Yume is at a quite average age to debut. At least I think so. Well, no matter how young Kevin is his voice is <3.

XING voices are <3. (Besides the fact I can only hear Kevin's.)

Like I said they should have solo song for each member. You should see how much trouble I have trying to tell the difference between their voices!

Cammy, CYNOSTAR SHOULD BE UP THERE! And maybe their single will me purple? :mellow:

Edit: I should be sleeping. That banner made me high. ;~;

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Guest maizakichi

to yunah and cammy(shiro-chan you're cammy right :sweatingbullets: ):

lol..i love all your reactions..hahaha...yeah..way too many people react on their age..but it's ok for me..

and i've just noticed about the new banner...thanks for spazzing it out here on soompi..hehehe...

and yeah..kevinia gets way too much attention from xing..wahahhaha..

maybe tomorrow the banner will have marumir plus an autograph to princely(princekb.com)....

oh..maybe the banner will be on rotation and will have different members everyday plus an autograph to one of their fansites or something...

then after each of the member have their turns on the banner..they would put a group pic of xing(all 6 of them)..

PLUS AN AUTOGRAPH to CYNOSTAR~~~ wouldn't that be GREAT? heheh..lol...

and yeah..same here...i hope they wouldn't release it next week..especially during 02-05..cause i won't be able to go online on those days..

and it would kill me to miss out on a lot of xing updates at once -_-

hope they'll release it at the later part of may...

but still not a good thing for me...

'cause that would be the same time when classes starts here -_-

and being a 3rd yr student in a university is kinda tiring...

and oh..about the whole smiling thing...heheh..

my friend told me that marumir should smile often cause he looks more handsome if he did...

she said that when she saw the "april message" video....

i guess xing needs to have a video with a lot of smiling involved..

cause a lot of people want to see their smiles~ mwahahah..

and i love the fact that xing ent. choose to cap the part where jinhun was "flipping" off the wall as their "teaser pic" on the martial arts video that they placed on xing.tv ^^

edit--and oh..i saw nina's post on xing.tv..heheheh

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Guest kinoko

its not like i had a choice if i could meet him or not

it would just be cool if i did

and its not like YOU know him right?

tell me why you would wanna be his friend

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Guest loveprint

Haha you guys are advertising Cynostar so much. XD

edit--and oh..i saw nina's post on xing.tv..heheheh
Haha yeah I saw the Chinese fanbase posted and thought hey, we should be up there, too. XD

and its not like YOU know him right?

tell me why you would wanna be his friend

No, but I would never put a statement like that out there. It's selfish. Believe it or not, Kev will only see us as fans, and that's it. He has his own friends, and those are his true friends. Famous or not, they will still be with him. Those are the people he can trust.

Who knows what fans want from him. Like I said, it's selfish, and it's for their own satisfaction of knowing that they know somebody famous.

Look, I really want to drop this, but you just keep inviting me. I should really shut up.

And I wish their Starshop would open soon.

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Guest Korean_Girl92

Hi~ I'm new to this thread!

I was just introduced to Xing a few days ago! And I love their music~ <33

Love them!

EDIT: I never new they were that young! O_____________O Some of them are only one year older than me!

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Korean_Girl92 - yup the typical reaction^^ "they're young". But if you think about it...they're not young at all. I mean....Yume is turning 19 and the others are turning 17 and Kevin is turning 16...compared to older groups like DongBang then they are young. But ChangMin started out at the same age too. Welcome to the thread by the way^^ I just love it when someone intro themselves~

YunAh - I think that you don't think that they're young because the age gap between you and them is pretty...different. I think its mainly the age gap that makes the differences in people's reaction.

And I wish their Starshop would open soon.

Hmm I'm sure that we'll raid that shop everyday! XD

maiza - YES! I can only wish for the banner to be like that. It'll be so cool!!! And everone in Cynostar will have a miniature version of that BANNER=.= or a copy of it. Okay I'm getting way ahead of myself here. And yes, I'm Cammy^^.

I'll laugh if after we talk about "smilling" this much...and then out of a sudden XINGent releases a clip of XiNG grinning through the whole way. Well....at least we know that they can smile...I still need to see KiBum smile, actually I want to see him GRIN and smile like his face would rip open, I'm exagerating it a little.

I wonder if they'll still do ballads for the second single...or will they try something different. I can't wait!!! After my exams I have a 3 days break (including weekend) and I plan to get myself updated!!!!

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Guest canityo

Welcome to this thread Korean_Girl92! XING is a really great group, they may seem young but they have lots of talents. They just haven't exploded that talent. :mellow:

Maiza: It's a sign they shouldn't release it next week, But, XING always update things when I'm not here. Which is really troubling. I hate exams, I hate the fact that YR 8 people have their tests earlier.

Okay totally, off topic. >_<

Have you realised that XING Ent. takes the funniest/whoa-est? caps of videos. Most of them are Kevin. :mellow: Makes me think Kevin takes it himself.

When will they ever include PD and Jin Hyun. I want to see them smile and be pretty too! They should just borrow CYNO's banner. XD

Cammy: Ballads, rock, upbeat, hiphop, trance. ANYTHING. I WANT SOMETHING NOW!

Re-Edit: I'm in need of a Korean translator for Google translator confuses me about their CY entries. Yes HyeSung is emo again *cries* I should stop bolding now. PM me if you can translate a few lines please.

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Guest loveprint
i wanted to drop it to

but your liike " it would be good if you explained blahblah "

but yeah that's okay

Only because I was afraid I interpreted your statement wrong. Anyway, we're cool. Hear that everyone? We're cool.

Actually you're probably all like 'They're still at it. =_='

So Star King is on tomorrow and I'm capped. How unfortunate.

but I think Kevin look like a girl...
*cough* Don't worry Kev, she's lying. You look fine. ._.
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Guest sj_paradise

i like how this pic turned out...they look hot x3



haha cello~~ Even if Marumir doesn't know how to play, i still love these pics because i play cello ^^

Kibum very cute ahh love him very

sexy guy 3<

look hot !!!

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Guest canityo
Yeah they r really cute!I like Yume, but I think Kevin look like a girl... <_<

;_; Just because Kevin's pretty&cute (ier) than me. Eh, doesn't matter! There are more guys that look even prettier. Kevin will earn the HOT name one day ._.

Only because I was afraid I interpreted your statement wrong. Anyway, we're cool. Hear that everyone? We're cool.

Actually you're probably all like 'They're still at it. =_='

So Star King is on tomorrow and I'm capped. How unfortunate.

*cough* Don't worry Kev, she's lying. You look fine. ._.

XD NINA you crack me up. *ahem* I just saw your before post 'advertising CYNO so much.' T___T I'm often left alone there, I don't want to be alone. We have to be active. This thread is a quiet as CYNO or quieter.

Oh and the reason for my post is this.

Hehehe, I found a GIF of PD dancing in the April's Message (WHICH WAS NOT A MESSAGE --; ) it repeats itself so now I won't have to replay 42 seconds or so to see it clearly on XING.TV! XD


Credits: Crazy4Yong & canityo@Soompi

Okay, it's starting to look freaky when I keep staring at it. ._.

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^Oh wow...that GIF of PD dancing...his hand gesture reminds me of this traditional dance I had to do for the school once (and I swear it was not fun stretching my hand). *cries* its him!! its him!!! Now we gotta spot out JinHyun!!! Hopefully JinHyun was in there. Actually I thought that PD was HyeSung at first...@___@ (why do they both have to wear jackets?).

Nina - YAY you're all cool now^^. I believe you~

but I think Kevin look like a girl...

A girl? Hmmm...that thought did pass my mind once...but it didnt come out that way, instead it was something like this: "Damn! He's prettier then me!=.=". I take the word "girl" as pretty.

And I'm calling way too many guys pretty these days (but they are pretty). I know that guys gets offended when they hear the word pretty, but, "handsome" is too awkward to use, "good" is too plain, "nice" can mean anything, "hot" reminds me of...something and "cute" is okay...but I choose pretty over cute^^, "beautiful" is the same thing...heheh~~ really my little brain can't find any better word^^~.

But the thing is, pretty guys turns out HOT later on~ especially if they're young. XD ehhehe~ But Kevin is cute, his cheeks looks so pinchable!!!

I LOVE bolding stuff now^^.

Random: I wonder why they called that clip "april message". o_____O when I heard the name I was expecting them to talk, hear their voice, to make sure that they're alive somewhere!!! Ignore the last part.

- edit - we must advertise CYNOSTAR, YunAh NEEDS new spamming partners while I need to study!!!

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Guest maizakichi

hello kiwistar, clemie186, kinoko, nina, cammy, yunah,Korean_Girl92 :w00t:

I'm torn between Marumir and JinHyun.

i'm torn between all of them :w00t: ..wahahha...

i always find it hard to choose between a member in a group cause each one of them has his own special/ unique qualities that makes me like them....just like in suju and xing..though you really have someone *special..lol, i still care for them all^^

Re-Edit: I'm in need of a Korean translator for Google translator confuses me about their CY entries. Yes HyeSung is emo again *cries* I should stop bolding now. PM me if you can translate a few lines please.

i don't know korean but i use babel, and i better get myself a cyworld account so that i could comment on their cy entries...i envy those fans who could comment in their cy's ...

Only because I was afraid I interpreted your statement wrong. Anyway, we're cool. Hear that everyone? We're cool.Actually you're probably all like 'They're still at it. =_='

So Star King is on tomorrow and I'm capped. How unfortunate.

*cough* Don't worry Kev, she's lying. You look fine. ._.

wahhaha..lol...im excited for tomorrow^^...

Kevin will earn the HOT name one day ._.

Okay, it's starting to look freaky when I keep staring at it. ._.

yeah..kevin will earn the three letter word "HOT"..someday...heheheh

in the gif, pd looks like a ghost..(not of his appearance or something)..but because of the animation..the way it blurs at the beginning..plus the slow motion and the black & white effect....hahaha

edit---sorry..got nothing to share -_-

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Talk about HyeSung being emo....Xing seriously have a good share of strange entries*sighs* any online translating program is BAD BAD BAD BAD!!!! I should have hope in him not being "emo" with that entry of his. =.=

i don't know korean but i use babel, and i better get myself a cyworld account so that i could comment on their cy entries...i envy those fans who could comment in their cy's ...

If I get my hands on an account (I can if I want to) I'll make sure HyeSung gets long long long essays whenever he's being emo. @___@ I'll probably be repeating myself=.=

yeah..kevin will earn the three letter word "HOT"..someday...heheheh

that someday...makes it sound like its a long time away. Hmmm just wait till he's around...18-20 ^^ we'll all be happy happy little fan girls spazzing about how much he's grown since debut~~~

I hope I'll still be alive then^^ since we're all dying from the day we were born =.= now I sound emo.

random: PD's fringe is longer then mine. O_____O

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Guest Haengb0kk

Hi Yume, Hi Kevin, Hi marumir, Hi Poppin' Dragon, Hi Hye Sung, Hi Jin Hyun! Haha

Just felt like saying hi to everybody even though they won't be able to read this!

Cool i like that GIF picture! Haha he's dancing! =P

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Guest clemie186
*cough* Don't worry Kev, she's lying. You look fine. ._.

that made me chuckle a bit :P:P lol did i just use the word chuckle??? :lol:

Kevin will earn the HOT name one day ._.

He definitely will XD

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Guest canityo
hello kiwistar, clemie186, kinoko, nina, cammy, yunah,Korean_Girl92 :w00t:

i'm torn between all of them :w00t: ..wahahha...

i always find it hard to choose between a member in a group cause each one of them has his own special/ unique qualities that makes me like them....just like in suju and xing..though you really have someone *special..lol, i still care for them all^^

i don't know korean but i use babel, and i better get myself a cyworld account so that i could comment on their cy entries...i envy those fans who could comment in their cy's ...

wahhaha..lol...im excited for tomorrow^^...

yeah..kevin will earn the three letter word "HOT"..someday...heheheh

in the gif, pd looks like a ghost..(not of his appearance or something)..but because of the animation..the way it blurs at the beginning..plus the slow motion and the black & white effect....hahaha

edit---sorry..got nothing to share -_-

Are you going to watch Star King live? Because I forgot to add that program in to watch sexy Jin Hyun take off his shirt.

Talk about HyeSung being emo....Xing seriously have a good share of strange entries*sighs* any online translating program is BAD BAD BAD BAD!!!! I should have hope in him not being "emo" with that entry of his. =.=

If I get my hands on an account (I can if I want to) I'll make sure HyeSung gets long long long essays whenever he's being emo. @___@ I'll probably be repeating myself=.=

that someday...makes it sound like its a long time away. Hmmm just wait till he's around...18-20 ^^ we'll all be happy happy little fan girls spazzing about how much he's grown since debut~~~

I hope I'll still be alive then^^ since we're all dying from the day we were born =.= now I sound emo.

random: PD's fringe is longer then mine. O_____O

Cammy, one problem. You can't write in Korean remember. And PD and Yume CY entries aren't THAT depressing lately. It's just Marumir and HyeSung

Note: There are new CY entries in, translated by our dear silver_byul. I posted them in Headlines in CYNOSTAR. You don't need a required post count to read them!

Here's Marumir's one for a teaser, since it's only one line? XD


The moment I even sleep is regrettable.



Blah, why are their CY entries oh-so-sad. It makes me worry, PD and Yume's one makes me confused.

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Guest 사랑競文


Credits: Crazy4Yong & canityo@Soompi

Okay, it's starting to look freaky when I keep staring at it. ._.

you, my dear, has just read my mind.

but the GIF itself is hot.


When kevin speask english, his voice is so cute. (:

(or is that just his voice overall?)

doesnt matter its still.... CUTE.

yes, why must Yume be in that sort of sorrow?

its sadding...x_x

he must feel better.

Ok goodness, ive got to stop talking like that.

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Guest ashleyx

my thoughts about some of the previous posts regarding kevin.

Heh? He was shy, oh kay? Well...he's got a lot of girls loving him now^^ *hinthintCYNOSTERShinthint* especially someone I know here^^ *coughcoughYunAhcoughcough*. YunAh...I think you'll scare him off instead. Well...Kevin is so cute! I'm sure that he'll get HEAPS more love (that he really deserves) in the future. He's still young^^.

Kevin was never shy, in my opinion he was just quiet at first.

Sounds like you want to know him now because he's famous. I know there will be a lot of statements like this, though. It's understandable, in a way, but you probably wouldn't of given a damn about him if he was walking down the street if he did live there. But now that he's a star, it's a different story. People will start begging to get to know him now.

I agree with this post. Honestly, if he wasn't famous or anything now, would you still want to be best friends with him? Whether you meant it like that or not, saying something like that makes it seem like it.


i think

i found a haduri pic with you and kevin? (it looked like you.O_O)


mind if i post it?

stalking. 8D

haha, i don't mind. but, that is me and kevin.

we took more, but my hard drive crashed so they got deleted D:

its only my OPINION but i think kevin had alot of friends and they were his friends BEFORE he got famous which means that they LIKED him before he was famous so i guess it should stay that way and leave him alone.

Kevin was never a lonely guy. EVERYONE liked him because he's probably the nicest guy you'll meet. So, you're right. He did have alot of friends BEFORE he got famous. & Kevin can kindof tell when someone that he used to know is sucking up to him NOW because he's famous. It's happened before.

No, but I would never put a statement like that out there. It's selfish. Believe it or not, Kev will only see us as fans, and that's it. He has his own friends, and those are his true friends. Famous or not, they will still be with him. Those are the people he can trust.

Who knows what fans want from him. Like I said, it's selfish, and it's for their own satisfaction of knowing that they know somebody famous.

Look, I really want to drop this, but you just keep inviting me. I should really shut up.

And I wish their Starshop would open soon.

Nicely said :D

Okay, done with some explaining.

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