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Guest 사랑競文


i think its my first time posting here?

i forgot.

anyways, my names vk.

i stalk kevin. 8D


ahh i love poppin dragon (:

he reminds me TANK.

or maybe i just have problems =-=

;_; Kevin sounds so lonely at school, if I was there I would walk him home everyday :D!! Not a lot of girls loved him? ALL LIES. Doesn't matter, my CYNOSTAR-ERS and I love Kevin. Kevin is much loved. XING is much loved. <3

LIES. haha. i love kevin too. we all love kevin. kevin is loved. (:


i think

i found a haduri pic with you and kevin? (it looked like you.O_O)


mind if i post it?

stalking. 8D

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Guest shaaaron

I know it always happens, but it still amuses me to see the boys with different types of abs. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE. XD It's like JinHyun has wide long abs, and his friend in the middle has narrow skinny, "bookshelf" abs (which looks like it's about to reach an 8pack.. :OO), and the other friend has..... er it looks like a toned fourpack.


D-d-d-d-daaammmnnnn. 8D

Man, I should be doing homework. >>

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Guest fannxd

hey guys i havent been on a for a while i had too many projects to do for school so yeah.

n e ways now tht i'm back i just wante dto say i'm back.

i've read so old and new posts and things were getting pretty intense there don't u think?

its only my OPINION but i think kevin had alot of friends and they were his friends BEFORE he got famous which means that they LIKED him before he was famous so i guess it should stay that way and leave him alone.

and jinhyun looks like he can kick my butt within seconds

=____=;; i'm frightened lmao.

well, this is just another cool addition to the super talented xing.

now, theres a extreme martial artist in XING too.

so xing officially has a base voice, Middle tone and high tone

a dancer and a martial arts person ^___^;; isn't tht great?

xing DEFINATELY is one of th emost talented groups i noe of :]

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to kinoko

btw i'm not trying to bash i just thought that was like not possible

I know that you were not trying to bash...when I refered to bashing I was refering to people cyberly bashing you. Im not stating that you're bashing Kevin =.= remember that this is a XING thread. Although you were only sharing what you know...some people might become offended in what you say. Just becareful when you're sharing information okay.

maiza - You took the words about the love heart out of my mouth! MWhahaha~~ I wouldnt be suprise if YunAh did that. ^^ considering how her true colours are hidden here. Thank you so much for the picture. You really know how to K.O me^^. I'll remember to NOT to fight you if we ever end up fighting some day (dont mind my way of talking). Thank you for sharing the pictures^^

Oh I recently found out the meaning of ZEN (I'm slow on these kinda things). Viet classes are actually useful. O_____O Anyways...I'm still not too clear on the meaning...since hte teacher explained it in Vietnamese. So does anyone know the meaning in plain/simplified english? Its so shameful how I cant understand my first language (Vietnamese) perfectly.

Sharon - YOU PERVERT!!! LMAO...but then...all I can do is quote your coment on the pictures! =.= I should be studying for my exams too...exams everyday next week. *goes to the corner*

hey guys i havent been on a for a while i had too many projects to do for school so yeah.

n e ways now tht i'm back i just wante dto say i'm back.

i've read so old and new posts and things were getting pretty intense there don't u think?

I agree, things are becoming too intense...can we drop the topic and talk about something happier?

- edit -

사랑競文 - Hello welcome to the thread^^ I just noticed your post (sorry). I'm Cammy, nice to meet you^^.

P.S for some strange reason your username turned out strange when I tried to copy and paste it. =.=

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Guest canityo

T.T I can't stand Jin Hyun being called ZEN. It's so strange O.O Jin Hyun looks so manly in those pictures <333 Thanks for sharing maiza^^ *Takes the topless ones for myself* MUAHAHAHA ._. Okay no.

vk: :D Hello VK! Welcome to the thread, you should post more >:o WE MUST KEEP FIGHTING TO KEEP THIS THREAD ALIVE AND WELL!

Cammy: Excuse me, joo are talking about my hidden fangirlness >=( Not good, it's a secret. I am a naruto form of a fangirl (Hehehe I make no sense ;_;)

You found his name meaning? ._. Even if the name meaning is awesome, I still can't get sued to ZEN! XD

I feel so blessed to have found this group with two guys who has hot bodies :D *Highly perverted :(*

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Guest loveprint
I agree, things are becoming too intense...can we drop the topic and talk about something happier?
Haha sorry I kind of started it. XD

Um I'll edit this post later.

Some P-D goodness. (:



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Guest Rei_akiko

Ah... i dunno which pages it is... but thx to maizakichi, nina and canityo for the pics...

Ah~~ i love it very much... XD

Canityo : I'm really craving for Jin Hyun's pic. Really big thanks to you LOL

And for Nina... thx for the info XD StarKing???!!! argh.. i can't see that one T.T *regretting*

Btw... i really wanna know.. why PD and Jin Hyun don't always looked together with the other 4? *um, mess language sorry English isn't my first language ><* And like what i see... >< 4 of them got more popularity than PD n JH.

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Guest maizakichi
Kev did live in the States and it's their own fault they didn't get to know that boy that was 'cute and looks nice'. But now that he's famous, everyone's kicking themselves for not getting off their asses to enrol in MVHS to stalk Kevin. As I said, it's understandable; everyone wants to know a famous personality, but sometimes statements like those get to me.

very well said..hehe

and about the word ZEN..i googled it up..lol..

and it talks about meditation and stuff..which i think kinda suits him..

since he knows martial arts..in which you need to meditate (i think..bwahhaha..)

though personally, for me..the word ZEN reminds me of a spa ;p

and oh..XING entertainment finally posted the "april message" on their cy...

xing's april message re-up (w/o the watermark)

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Guest ailaalliz
Oh I recently found out the meaning of ZEN (I'm slow on these kinda things). Viet classes are actually useful. O_____O Anyways...I'm still not too clear on the meaning...since hte teacher explained it in Vietnamese. So does anyone know the meaning in plain/simplified english? Its so shameful how I cant understand my first language (Vietnamese) perfectly.

ZEN is a pretty common word here in Brazil. It stands for a state of mind and soul when you're very relaxed and concentrated. Basicaly when you're 'high' without the need of any weed or chemistry. A lower level of nirvana.

My mom tries it often when doing yoga. I'm not sure if it has diferent meanings in other words though... case that's the meaning for this word in portuguese... but that's not a portuguese word since no word in portuguese ends with "n" unless it's "borrowed" from another language.. wich I think it's the case. Perhaps a japanese word?

some people are just too hypocrite and this is beyond annoying

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Guest shaaaron
I can't stand Jin Hyun being called ZEN. It's so strange O.O

His, and KiBum's. I can't stand calling KiBum "Marumir"... I know a lot of people do.. but I don't.. I like KiBum.

KiBum-Bum-Bum. :DD


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Guest 사랑競文

Poppin' Dragon looks like half TANK, half Daesung.



i think i need to make some comparison picture.




after i told my cousin kevin was from SF she started flipping out =-=

shes from SF so she went psyhco.



dont mock me.


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Guest kiwistar


I'm torn between Marumir and JinHyun.

Marumir is really pretty/handsome, and has a nice voice.

Jinhyun can dance/do martial arts really well and he has JunKi eyes<3

They still haven't performed yet? =/

are they ever going to o_0


what a boring way to start a page~~

here's some already seen pics ^^ i know bc i got them from this thread


i like how this pic turned out...they look hot x3



haha cello~~ Even if Marumir doesn't know how to play, i still love these pics because i play cello ^^

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Guest clemie186
They still haven't performed yet? =/

are they ever going to o_0

here's some already seen pics ^^ i know bc i got them from this thread


i like how this pic turned out...they look hot x3

They will... eventually XD

Yes, Kevin and Kibum do look really hot in this picture... one of my favorites :P

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Guest loveprint

Then if you can explain what you're saying more clearly, then that would be good. Because the way I took it is that hey, he's famous and cute. Let's be friends.

Okay so Star King is in 2 days and I can't wait.

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You know...the term HARRY POTTER never occured to me.

But he's so cute there~~~ thank you heaps for sharing^^~

kiwistar - Yes KiBum does look hot there. XD The cello makes it even hotter. I realized that XiNG's stylist(clothing) is very....I can't find a word to describe. Anyways...I really like the style...its something that I can't seem to pick out, there's only biology terminologies in my head right now. But to put it in simple words...I like their stylist^^. They look extra hot wearing what they're wearing. >______<

Must run off to study. >_____<

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Guest canityo

The new banner on XING.TV is really nice. All those smiles are so happy! Second single makes me all high, it makes me wonder what the concept will be. Lately, it's been all smiles.

And why does the banner squish Kevin -_-. Not good, it changes frames as well, ._. stretches and squishes the Kevin picture!

;_; His autograph is there too, to KEVINIA. D: Cynostar should be there.

Edit: Nina! You just reminded me that Star King will be on, too bad I'm capped. I also hope they won't release their second single next week. I might die from stress. But, if they release it, I'll be SUPER high and push all my work away XD ._. That's a bad thing.

Must go think of a fangirl solution.

Re-Edit: Oh and did I mention that question mark on the 'second single' cracked me up. It was just a random question mark on a blank shape. ._. Really makes you wonder?

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^yeahz...you spent half an hour spazzing to me about it.

And we spent half an hour refreshing the page to see the border change. =.= how sad.

Well its better then studying (my brain needs a break). This just goes to prove how DEPRIVED we are of XiNG. Despite me stating that I'm waiting patiently for the new single to come out....I can't help but complain.

This is my last post before going to bed. Must keep this place active!!!

SEE YUNAH!!! I was complaining that they don't smile enough before...maybe...I should complain more!

Kevinia...gets a lot of recognition. I dream of the day where CYNOSTAR will be up there in BOLD letters. BOLD BOLD BOLD!!!

I just hope that they wont release their single next week...or else I'll CRY (not literally), damn exams. IhadtheperfectchancetobombtheschoolandIchoseotto.Ihadtherightacidstoo.

Oh yeahz...I know that I brought this topic up over at CYNOSTAR...but...I'll bring it up again, have you guys realized that many people seem to react to Xing's age? Especially Kevin's age? I know I reacted that way too, but then...I just hope that people are not judging Xing by the age, or else it would really....what's another word for suck? Sorry for my language and fangirlyness...its midnight...and I've been living off coffee and back pains from studying.

- edit - Yeahz that question mark. Make me wonder why they chose the colour purple. At least they didnt choose a hideous shade of green *shivers* biology is getting to me.

- edit 2 - v Yeahz, considering that Yume is 19 this year and KiBum and HyeSung<3 are 17, Kevin is turning 16 too. AHhh ahh~~~ Solo songs = GOOD IDEA!!! I play repeat on one of the forever. The only voice that I can tell right now is Kevin's, sadly I'm still struggling to tell the other three voices, soon to be five. Can anyone tell the differences between their voices?

I should be sleeping too...AND taking extra care of my health since its exam season. =.=

- edit 3 - Talk about voices, Kevin's voice is very similar to this Vietnamese/American artist named Cardin. I might post one of his songs up on CYNOSTAR one day. CARDIN was the first thing that went through my mind when I heard Kevin.

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