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Guest nicole xoxo

JinHyun looks funny riding on a horse. haha.

Smile kid :P


What a wonderful entry. XP

I wish they release the single this week >.<

Thanks for sharing Yunah =)

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Guest canityo



Credits: Cyworld + Cynostar.net

Either it's Yume or the fan got a person to be like Yume. The dude is wearing the same thing as PD from Hello Star event. o.o

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Guest maizakichi

okay, now i'm pissed..i want to cry lol T_T

i have to rewrite what i have to say..

just when i was bout to hit the ADD REPLY button, the pc i was on suddenly

loss it's internet connection..then the pc shuts down T_T

i can't even copy paste..huhuhuh....

oh well..moving on,

as what i'm saying...

i can share kibum..hehehe..

though i can only share him to at most 2-3 people..lol

joke..as if he's mine..hahaha

the jin hyun pic spam is love..

i guess those pics are recent?

a lot of his friends are posting lot's of pics of him already..



^ i like that pic...and i'm starting to like his friends too..hahah

and yunah, what do you mean when you say the group picture...

is it this one? http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u310/FL...0708CYLJH13.jpg

or the xing one?

thanks for sharing ^^ <3

off to cyno..haven't been there for ages..hahaha lol

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Ah its hard to keep this thread alive. T_T I can't think of topics for us to keep talking about. Ermm I pray for maiza's net to come back (like how I prayed for my net to come back before). Yes not many people are bumping this thread. T_T only a few.

Ermm that Yume picture. What's with the weird pose? Well...my brother got a gigantic monitor just in time for me. T_T Let's hopet hat i'll be able to watch their debut on the wide screen. T_T They have 21 days left to appear. I think I might explode for real afterwards.

21 days.

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Guest maizakichi

let's keep this thread alive by making a countdown..hahahah

and yunah..did you just spend your 777th post in the XING THREAD?

i noticed it when i was PM-ing you XD

yay for XING!

xing is delaying their album release 'cause they're still waiting for me to get my net back..ahahha

i love you XING.....<3

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Guest canityo

Cammy: Woman, I've run out. The thing is, we've done it at Cynostar before and we having many people coming in and out of the XING thread over there. Over here it's lurkers and us. And that's about it? So it's kind of hard when you don't have that many brains together to make some imagination happening.

That's why every time I post, I try to give an update or something so people can talk about it and create some imagination from it just to make this thread a tad bit more fun and alive. But I guess it doesn't work huh?

If they don't debut this month, I will explode and I don't know. >_>

Maiza: Yeah ahaha well now it's 778. T_T Most of my posts come from here because I try so hard to make this thread stay alive. A countdown? Wth are we counting down to? T_T Counting down makes our hopes go higher and I don't think we should disappoint ourselves? That sounds horribly sad but oh well. xD Until XING actually releases an album/single then I'll let 'em hopes soar high.

It's literally useless to look at Kibum/Hye/Yume's friends CY 'cos their either SS501 fans coughkibumcough or XING fans. Jinhyun is the one who rejects them all which makes it easier for me to find their pictures.

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Guest maizakichi

lol..okay scratch that countdown part..ahahah...

yeah..it does make our hopes high..man

what if they won't release it on july?

august is still summer for them, right?! T_T

Jinhyun is the one who rejects them all

lol..you make it sounds like junhyun is mean..ahahhaha

well, i'm off <3

xing...don't update when i'm away okay? joke...lol...

i'll dream of them tonight XD

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canityo - yeahz, my mind can not create anymore topics. I see that you're trying hard to make this place grow. YunAh you're my hero cuz you're doing all the stalking for me. Its simply amazing how you actually look through all that.

I'm not counting down. I'm couting for July 31st. The END of July. I'm used to dissapointment now. I'll just be really pissed if they don't debut this month. Hahah^^ I sense an ESSAY comming up.

I've heard rumours about them debuting in summer, now its at the peek of summer. Some thing HAVE to happen. T_T

- edit -

maizakichi - but if you think about it, isn't it better when they update while you're away? cuz when you come back you'll have HEAPS of things to catch up with. You'll have more hten enough of XING to make up for the lost time. T_T then again, nothing can make up for lost time.

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Guest canityo

lol..okay scratch that countdown part..ahahah...

yeah..it does make our hopes high..man

what if they won't release it on july?

august is still summer for them, right?! T_T

lol..you make it sounds like junhyun is mean..ahahhaha

well, i'm off <3

xing...don't update when i'm away okay? joke...lol...

i'll dream of them tonight XD

I'm 90% sure they will release in July.

I don't know if its soon or not. Soon being the end of this week and not being at the end of the month.

I really hope they release something before the end of my holidays, but what are the chances of that eh?

It's been a week already. D:

Jinhyun is most definitely NOT mean! XD

If he were mean, he wouldn't have the heart to reply to his fans. :P

If I was him, I would also reject all ilchon requests because maybe he wants to keep it purely for a friend contact type of thing.

Kibum, Yume and Hyesung accept them and well ._. it's hard for me to find photos. xD

T_T That's what I was hoping when my computer died.

But I don't know, I would always be here to update you Maiza.

No need to worry, I'll save all the XING info for you. ^^

Maiza's net, come back soon. <3

canityo - yeahz, my mind can not create anymore topics. I see that you're trying hard to make this place grow. YunAh you're my hero cuz you're doing all the stalking for me. Its simply amazing how you actually look through all that.

I'm not counting down. I'm couting for July 31st. The END of July. I'm used to dissapointment now. I'll just be really pissed if they don't debut this month. Hahah^^ I sense an ESSAY comming up.

I've heard rumours about them debuting in summer, now its at the peek of summer. Some thing HAVE to happen. T_T

It's literally so dull to create a topic too. 'Cos when you do, not everyone joins in.

Or either the next poster ends the topic discussion there and then.

Patience, I have patience for XING. I keep thinking 'I BELIEVE I CAN FIND SOMETHING TODAY! IF NOT I'LL EXPLODE'

And I don't want myself to explode so better to find something. ^^

How could we stay mad at XING just for not debuting?

Well as I have seen from Kibum and Yume's posts of diaries at stuff.

They really want to perform too. T_T I want to stay with XING for a little while and watch them perform.

But that little while went really far.

I think I'm kind of neutral to the disappointment. Most of the time at least. Like now? xD

*pats Cammy* Something will happen. xD

And when it does we will forget for a few spazzy moments that we were waiting for more than 6 months for it.

Now, let's attempt to get on with a subject.

How well do you think they would do in China?

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How welll in China? Pretty well I guess. Xing seems really popular in China already. And is it me or is it that KiBum is extra popular in China?

Can you guys imagine them singing in Chinese? Actually there's a lot of questions that's left unanswered about XING. For example: Why DID Xing ent decide to add in JinHyun and PD? Will we ever get an answer for that?


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Guest canityo

Well, Chinese fans knew of Kibum because of SS501.

xD Even though Kibum wasn't really a singer or anything he modeled a bit.

And I suppose those fans converted 'cos they realised how cute he is? xD

>_> I cannot imagine a Chinese version of IYH.

I think I would giggle at how cute their Chinese would be. :P

-Imagines them attending Chinese Award Shows-

Why did they add Jin Hyun and PD?

Although, they were secret weapons or something and now that I have learned to love them.

When I first heard news of them adding members to XING, I felt that there was no need for it.

Took me ages to figure out who was who between them two.

But now I'm kind of glad that they did add them in.

I can't imagine XING without them now. And now if they were to release something without, I wouldn't claim that as XING at all.

I would be pretty much heartbroken if they didn't add Jinhyun and Joonhyung in with their activities.

Even if I can't imagine them two singing on stage 'cos I've only seem them flipping. They're apart of XING, and jeebus I DEMAND TO SEE A VOICELESS CLIP WITH ALL SIX OF THEM!

:D If they were to promote in China I have a feeling Jinhyun would be their main speaker. *giggles*

After all his 'specialty' is Chinese. Aww it would be so cute. I'm imagining it in my head write now. XD

I wonder what their Japanese/Chinese skills are as a group?

Oh no, I'm in that 'lengthy' mood again. o.o"

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JinHyun has Chinese down as his specialty? Now this is something. I didn't know that, maybe its because I didn't read his profile properly. *sighs* well voiceless clips, I think they ran out. We better get something decent in return for the loss of time. I dont want to imagine a Chinese version of IYH, its like listening to the Chinese version of Rising Sun (which I was not too fond of). There's a total of 2 pictures of all 6 of them (that we've seen) and one clip of all 6 of them. Dang, that's not much. Strange how we survived all that. Its crazy.

- edit -

Oops~ I didn't mean to own this, sorry can't share anything. Perhaps our super stalker will come up with something.

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Guest canityo

Eh, we coped with it. We have to after all those hours of cropping pictures.

T_T 2 hours on Naver and ending up with NOTHING is a pain.

As long as a few of the members are alive, I'll keep waiting. XD



Attention all lurking XING staff, if there's any.

Suggest this to your video shootererer

The beach idea: (OMFG, Cynosters' remember this? XD) Wouldn't that be awesome? Seeing them at the beach. Who cares if it was voiceless! It's a beach!! XD With XING!!

I can imagine Kevin and Kibum writing 'XING' in the sand or something. That's so cute.

And then and then Yume, Jinhyun, PD (TOPLESS XDDDD!!) playing volleyball. And, haha Hyesung eating under the umbrella.

Hmm, and they could also do another voiceless clip...well it can't really be voiceless.

Where someone goes around XING ent, to different rooms seeing them do stuff.

Like in one room they open the door and you would see XING practicing dancing. And then another scene would be them practicing or even recording their singing.

Hmm, then there would be theme eating, studying Chinese/Japanese or even English? xDD Jinhyun practicing flipping or something.

Them crowding around Kevin showing them fansites. (I wish~)

T_____T Those two would be a great idea, if only they followed it huh?

But, I can really imagine them doing those two videos.

What wild imagination I have.

You owned and nothing to share huh? Well we can't leave the start-ish of this page blank so here goes nothing:

Kev, Hyesung, Kibum, PD's signatures

No Yume or Jinhyun 'cos I can't find a separate image of it. If I do I'll edit


Credits: Crazy4Yong + Cynostar.net


Credits: Cyworld + Cynostar.net


Credits: Kevinia + Cynostar.net


Credits: Naver + Cynostar.net

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You owned and nothing to share huh? Well we can't leave the start-ish of this page blank so here goes nothing:

Well its your fault for calculating the post counts wrong! Hahah T_T but you're my source, it'll be weird if I post stuff that you previously posted.

Anyways. Yes I remember "under the sun @ the beach" story. T_T HyeSung eats watermelon under the umbrella and just as Hyesung was about to take a great big bite of the watermelon, he gets hit in the face with the volley ball that Yume, JinHyun and PD were playing with. T_T and then they all crowd around him cuz he hurt his face (I don't get why people crowd, its extremely hard to breathe if you get hit in the face). I went a little bit far...didn't I?

There's HEAPS of things that they can do their voiceless clips on. Even if the clip is of them doing something weird, I'm sure that we'll all cry in happiness cuz there's a voiceless clip! Its not hard to imagine them in anything, since for the last 6 months I've been using my imagination. T_T

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Guest loveprint

There's no doubt that KiBum is the most popular member in China. Kev may give him a run for his money, though.

And even though JinHyun's specialty is tagged as Chinese, I have a feeling his Chinese is going to be horrible.

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Guest shaaaron

I love the beach idea. xD HyeSung eating solo, KiBum and Kevin (just had to be those two, hmm? ;D), and then the other three playing. That's imaginable.

That's what I was thinking, about the lack of entries lately. Maybe they've been too busy trying to prepare for their debut/single? I hope so. T_T

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Guest WithYunHo

TO: CRAZY? LOL! adorable!! did you get their autographs?

I really wanna meet XING...and yes i would like to see these boys

topless! i know they have abs!! LOL!

thanks so much for sharing the siggies!!

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Guest loveprint

None of us has met Xing. Those autographs are for their Korean fans. The CRAZY one is for P-D's fansite. :D

PD's sig is Pd, right? I only just noticed that. O_O;;

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Guest WithYunHo

ahh...i see...thanks for clearing that up...

Kevin has very lovely handwriting (^^)

Such a disappointment for me because I'm a girl

and a bit older than he is...I have such bad handwriting (^^)

Haha...would love to meet him in person and compliment him...

I really wanna see Kevin blush...He would be so adorable! Haha...

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