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Official Brian G. Joo Thread

Guest JinxFairy

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Guest sungiebaby637

Brian finally posted !!

2 posts

Hey you guys~!

Thank you all for the Birthday greetings. I should be happy but, as you all know about the comedian who died, it saddens me that it had to be the same day that I was born. Please, pray for her and her family as they are in a time of need. Even though she is no longer with us on Earth, she is now in a better place where she can be with our God.

and again, that you all...

In Him,

Brian G. Joo

I do have a fan myspace that I just open up today, and also a fan e-mail address which I do check. And if I have time, I will try and respond to most fo the mail that you all write... so add me to your friend list if you can... thanks...

in Him,

Brian G. Joo

e-mail: thebrian110@hotmail.com

myspace: http://www.myspace.com/147448833

-Fly High

wow I'M SO GLAD that he opened up a myspace and email for us fans ^^ He really cares >< I said happy birthday but happy birthday again !!

thanx for the post from brian aaww i'm so sad about the comedian T_T aawww at least he got a b-day greeting from all of us fans hehe ^^ anywayz i'm gonna add him for sure hehe since i have myspace account hehe ^^ i think i should e-mail him too ^^

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Guest vietblue99

wow he opened up a myspace account just as i was about to delete mines. now i'm gonna keep it for awhile.

brian is the best! he's so kind to his fans!

oh yah it's so sad i heard about the comedian that died as well. she was so young!

again happy belated birthday brian!

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Guest sungiebaby637

wow he opened up a myspace account just as i was about to delete mines. now i'm gonna keep it for awhile.

brian is the best! he's so kind to his fans!

oh yah it's so sad i heard about the comedian that died as well. she was so young!

again happy belated birthday brian!

how she died?

i'm not sure about it but i'm kinda sad the way how ppl talk about it....

again brian really care about his fans hehe ^^

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Guest vietblue99

^ If I remember correctly, she was in a horrible car accident. She was stable for a bit but in critical condition and she passed away. I remember reading it in the Korean celebs photo section.

Yah he's such a nice guy and caring as well!

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Guest x3mango

YES! a myspace account! finally! and he said he'll reply to our mails. we'll see! wont we? (:

well i got his album on his birthday as a gift from my friend. ...it is so good! :D that photojacket is ..whoa too (: if you know what imean.

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Guest Tropical Paradise x3

OMGGG. I couldn't sleep and I suddenly remembered he's going to be posting in Fly High any day now (since he's been really active there lately and it was just his birthday) but this is even better than a post!!!!! :D <3

I was about to delete Myspace >________<

But now I'm going to keep it (duhhh haha) and I have to make it pretty because my friend hacked into my account and made the layout her current obsession :rolleyes: lol~ I'm so excited! ^^

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Guest sungiebaby637

vietblue99: aaww i c i'm feel so sorry foe Brian then *sigh*

hope he feel better *sigh*

brian finally let us kno his e-mail addy and myspace coo ^^

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Guest square-boxes

HI!! everyone!!

just realised today that i have the same birthday as this FUNNY guy!!! haahaa

he can sing and i really like it when he speaks english...

but somehow i like him with FTTS esp on variety programmes, its just the him and hwanhee chemistry i guess ^^

the MYSPACE thing is SOOOOO sweet!

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^ he said he'll try to READ our emails and MAYBE reply or get a staff to reply the questions. ^_^

anyway, i'm feeling so giddy right now. i got a myspace cuz of brian. and omigosh! i got added as a friend! woot! :w00t: i also left a comment on his myspace. i hope he gets to read it cuz he was online just now. comments have to be approved before posted. you also need to be approved before being added as a friend. this just makes me feel so much closer to brian. :wub: i've only written one message to get added as a friend. maybe will write an e-mail another time. i think he should've gotten a GMAIL account instead of hotmail though. his inbox is gonna be flooded. :lol: *lol*

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Hello! I'm a new fan of this gorgeous guy :D <3 him to bits ^___^ HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO HIM!! He's so cute and funny on Love Letter. It's a shame they decided to stop filming it though -_- . AHHH! I wish I had Myspace now :tears: Maybe I'll make one just to talk to Briannn :wub: Has anyone gotten a response from him?! I'm not sure if I should email him, makes me feel giddy :lol:

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Guest heartdrops

OMGGGGOSH, Myspace made by Brian especially for the fans?! <3

Kill me now. He's so awsome. Okie, I'm joining Myspace just for him xD

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WHYYYYYYYY must you get a myspaceeeeee!?

i haven't got one and i refuse to get one.. but lately it's been tempting, AND NOW IT IS! T_____T

this sucks balls T_T

how sad, i join myspace because of him. LMFAO.

wait, not sad at all! XD

i'll think about it T_T he always has over 200 friends LOL popular boy~


i feel like emailing him xD

but i don't want a staff. T___T psssh.

oh and jinkixp, i got the episode from The Brian forum ^^



i need to go jump off a cliff.

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Guest jinkixp

^ oh thnx but could u tell me more specifically?? beucase i tried youtube but they had only part one. so if u can tell me the link it would be great thnx

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^ he said he'll try to READ our emails and MAYBE reply or get a staff to reply the questions. ^_^

anyway, i'm feeling so giddy right now. i got a myspace cuz of brian. and omigosh! i got added as a friend! woot! :w00t: i also left a comment on his myspace. i hope he gets to read it cuz he was online just now. comments have to be approved before posted. you also need to be approved before being added as a friend. this just makes me feel so much closer to brian. :wub: i've only written one message to get added as a friend. maybe will write an e-mail another time. i think he should've gotten a GMAIL account instead of hotmail though. his inbox is gonna be flooded. :lol: *lol*

does gmail have a lot more sapce than hotmail? LOL

cuz i only filled up like.. 0.1% of my inbox in hotmail.. LOL

and i have 50+ random emails in there. LOL

he hasnt added me as a friend yet...................... *weeps*

^ oh thnx but could u tell me more specifically?? beucase i tried youtube but they had only part one. so if u can tell me the link it would be great thnx

oooh wut video did u want? maybe i can assist you ^^

wait acutally i'll backtrack.

heres the link (the one to the brian) --> http://z8.invisionfree.com/the_brian/index.php?showtopic=51

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say what?! he opened one myspace account just for us? for his lovely fans? aw, he is so sweet, kind and caring. not to mention he's hot, cute and funny. he really is a full package. lol. i already added him. and he added me! ^^

so now he has two myspaces, one is for his fans and one is for his close friends and family? nice.

he has such a warm heart. ^ ^

oh, does anyone know when his MV is coming out? are they shooting it? and for what song? kajima?

yes! this is my 2000th post, and it's in Brian's thread. how cool! and i made a new page. double cool! :)

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