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Stock Picture Thread

Guest pink_is

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Guest `gamekyu.

anyone have any cute/good pictures with cute quote/sayings?

thanks in advance! =]

Here are some. Not sure how "cute" they are, but I hope you like them.

th_freakout.jpg th_tumblr_kt8ksbI0Au1qzr5ipo1_500_larg.png th_20090207235106.jpg th_20090602210241.jpg th_20090730232519.jpg th_i66RLtlBxqsu80m2bZe6VfI7o1_400_larg.jpg th_tumblr_koppuarrld1qzb31mo1_400_larg.jpg th_tumblr_kozkm8pg2p1qzhoxqo1_400_larg.jpg th_tumblr_kpd63fzLw21qzndo8o1_400_larg.jpg th_tumblr_kpd6glPMMd1qzndo8o1_500_larg.jpg th_tumblr_kppj2ngh521qzoozmo1_400_larg.jpg th_tumblr_kt7wa28UNz1qa3g4io1_400_larg.jpg th_tumblr_ku19toeulb1qau23io1_500_larg.jpg th_tumblr_ku19toeulb1qau23io1_500_larg.jpg th_tumblr_kue6bijY1c1qau23io1_500_larg.jpg th_tumblr_kugexhrulo1qzu1fjo1_500_larg.jpg th_tumblr_kugfbyB8VT1qzjig5o1_500_larg.jpg th_tumblr_kuh9iqGqiN1qzke2do1_500_larg.jpg th_tumblr_kuhv7t1dZJ1qa4eu8o1_500_larg.jpg

I have a lot more that aren't uploaded and I don't have time to get those now, but if you need more, just say so.

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Guest bonjour tristesse.

Hey guys, Does anyone have pictures of a sexy (not cutesy) DJ like girl (a girl with headphones, a girl at a DJ booth, a girl at a club...etc.?!) It would be awesome if you could help me out! THANKS SO MUCH : )


great stocks people! thanks for such a great stocks. love it.


anyone have landscape/scenery/nature related stocks?

thanks in advance!


theres ALOT here, & here


i need pictures of venetian/masquerade party themes and masks. it's for a prom flyer. thanks in advance :D


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Guest sariee x3
Here are some. Not sure how "cute" they are, but I hope you like them.

I have a lot more that aren't uploaded and I don't have time to get those now, but if you need more, just say so.

thank you thank you soo much!!

if you have time could you please share and upload the other ones you have? (:


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Guest `gamekyu.
thank you thank you soo much!!

if you have time could you please share and upload the other ones you have? (:


Sure thing. Sorry it took me forever to get around to it. I've been dying, haha.

th_tumblr_kvurs5QVSS1qa7vi6o1_400_larg.jpg th_z205533326_large.jpg th_tumblr_kvsr1uwNFh1qa03aio1_400_larg.png th_tumblr_kvltu5uzc81qa3umuo1_400_larg.jpg th_tumblr_kvk1dymF0K1qzhvdzo1_500_larg.jpg th_tumblr_kva03u1lAl1qzmnlso1_400_larg.jpg th_tumblr_kuupwqeq2H1qau23io1_500_larg.jpg th_tumblr_kugx1n0TAP1qzk4two1_400_larg.jpg th_tumblr_kuf5jkEavB1qzr5ipo1_500_larg.jpg th_tumblr_kujqgcZmDJ1qzyz3oo1_500_larg.jpg th_tumblr_ku6dqx0EIp1qzyrwvo1_500_larg.png th_tumblr_ku2ns5aZFT1qzyrwvo1_500_larg.jpg th_tumblr_ktyynzbWc71qzb31mo1_400_larg.jpg th_tumblr_ktx8qvbTLH1qzb31mo1_400_larg.jpg th_tumblr_kqib83EXUQ1qzgzxio1_500_larg.jpg th_tumblr_kpy1lkcEyr1qzlvpto1_400_larg.jpg th_ooooh.jpg th_m130286884_large.jpg th_km-gray-vintage-bark-diy-wedding01_.jpg th_86a3f44a336521baefe7136c1676cee5dcb.jpg th_4235849083_bc2c4315e7_large.jpg th_4174007962_c0930bf6b4_large.jpg th_4077744310_58505bb4cb_o_large.gif th_3830585218_155a174cc6_large.jpg th_20090413045158.jpg th_20090410202123.jpg th_20081221043942.jpg th_20081218153141.jpg th_20081212123435.jpg th_20081205191458.jpg th_20081129162316.jpg th_20080905155354.jpg th_20080601193415.jpg th_20080522040007.jpg th_20080509011126.jpg

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Guest hoodedstarr

dont know whether this was ever posed, link me if thr ever was one.

stocks of japanese korean girls? (as in, mixed)

thank you~! ^^

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Guest bonjour tristesse.
dont know whether this was ever posed, link me if thr ever was one.

stocks of japanese korean girls? (as in, mixed)

thank you~! ^^

its pretty hard to figure out if a model is a mixed person because most of the times, the girls on stock photos doesn't have a lot of information about themselves on sites. but anyways heres a picture spam of girls. hopefully, one will do for you (:


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Guest hoodedstarr

^ true that.

thats why finding stock photos of anything 'unpopular' is a b.itch D<

but thanks fr the help love <3 your stocks are alw osm 8D

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Guest xx_JenJenGirl


so i already posted in the "who's that celeb" topic, but i'll post it here too just in case the picture i am looking for is a stock (not a celeb).


does anyone know and can provide the pictures of the two guys who is used for the characters kim jinwoo and sul taesuk? thank you lots!

i did NOT make the chart by the way. it is credited to whomever made it. i just found this while looking around the internet~

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Guest bonjour tristesse.
guyyyys, hit me w guy stocks would you?

not those gangly, i-want-to-beat-your-face kinda men.

get my drift? ^^


Hello can I request some stock girls showing various emotion.

Example: sad = crying. Please and thank you!!





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