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All About Languages

Guest HobbyManiac

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Guest pink_is

learning japanese was fun

and challenging

i'm taking korean language class next year

i'm taking thai language class this year also.

when i hear people speaking my language, i'm amazed and tell them they're good, what they need to improve on, teach them more words. i don't look down on them...

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You'll always have a few people really possessive of their culture that they see it as something of an insult for an outsider to be "intruding" on their turf. But ehh...whatever you do, you'll have those kinds of people. If you listen to popular music, the indie snobs will get offended; if you like genre fiction, you'll get the academics laughing at you and calling you a wannabe. Some people just can't be satisfied unless they're laughing at someone, so I laugh back -at- them :lol:

That said, I don't like how some language learners are so in-your-face about learning the language. I've seen people that, because they know a few words, read a few books or watched a few TV shows, think they're experts and go on about "what Koreans do" and "how Koreans think". That smacks of total wannebe-ness and is really lame.

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im chinese & my paretns make me go to chinese school -_-' i guess you can say it's pretty fun if you've been with the ppl who are there for years. but that's about it. i like my class tho, i mean at the same time we learn we also have fun so it's alright. i want to learn other languages tho. my dad told me he was going to teach me japanese but it never happend & im hoping to learn korean frmo some of my friends :P

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Guest chubzzy

if people laugh at u because u try to speak their language, they are seriously very narrow-minded.

they should be proud that people are learning their language, and happy that more people out of their own nationality can communicate with them using their language!

the koreans i know are appreciative i speak some of their language, even if i speak off-key (because i'm not korean or brought up speaking the language). they will be like 'great! ur korean is good!' when it is so-NOT GOOD, but they are being really encouraging... it makes me feel good that way too, and motivated to learn it better~

i speak mandarin, and if i hear people speaking mandarin to me but they are still learning it, i'll have the same encouraging attitude too... and perhaps help correcting them if they are wrong or something.

i guess we all need to encourage and motivate each other. it's actually one's benefit to know another language. we have better access to the world if we increase our knowledge.

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Guest cherryonken

Learning a new language is amazing and it always makes a good impression on people when you say "oh I'm learning so and so" or "I know how to speak" - to enrich yourself by opening to an aspect of another culture...for someone to degrade you for doing that is really awful and it shows a great insecurity on their part.

If they themselves can't speak another language properly or take the effort to learn a new language than they really have no right to complain or condescend. The only people who are in a position to condescend wouldn't anyway. The irony of it all.

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Guest StylishAzNx07

IMO, anyone who puts down someone for trying to learn a language..

should be SLAPPED ... ignorant people like that bug the hell out of me.

learning a language or expanding on it is totally GREAT ..

not only do you expand your mind, but it helps you positively too.

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IMO, anyone who puts down someone for trying to learn a language..

should be SLAPPED ... ignorant people like that bug the hell out of me.

learning a language or expanding on it is totally GREAT ..

not only do you expand your mind, but it helps you positively too.

learning anything makes new synapses too, and some people have too few of those. ><

I also just read that learning a new language is one of the things that may also help prevent Alzhiemer's disease.

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Guest swtstar~

fluently dutch

normal/basic english/cantonese

I can understand a lil bit of french mandarin and german

and few words korean japanese

I've had 2years of spanish

but i forgot most of it

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Guest Shinghetoh

Fluent in English

I can speak Thai but i cant read or write

I understand Cambodian but its hard for me to speak it

I can understand Lao and kinda speak it

this is my 2nd year in Spanish class

I wonna learn Korean i kno a couple words :P

and i also want to learn Japanese and Chinese

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Guest ladiixxpreciious

able to speak

-english (i'm a "grammar snob" x[)

-spanish (does "hola" and the numbers count?)

-mandarin (took it for 6 years... i can understand it but i can't speak it fluently)

-nghi? (pronounced ng-I) i have NO idea how to spell it. it's my native language related to canto and mandarin. i have heard people say hakkanese too o.o

want to learn

-korean (i can write and read, but don't understand a word im reading or writing)

-spanish (probably going to take it in high school since they don't have korean)

-french (i just love the language)

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Guest xsilentangel

i am fluent in chinese and english

currently a noob but can understand some - mandarin and korean =D

TOTALLY wanna learn korean!

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Japanese and English but

arggh how I want to learn Cantonese/Mandarin .

My two Chinese friends who I work with are always speaking Cantonese between each other when i'm standing right there!

Feel so left out , haha . I'm always like you guys you can speak English around me , it's just me --;;.

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