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Guest Van4Viv_GoSoo4DaHae

이다해-이동욱, 아니 땐 굴뚝에 연기날라?

Date : 2006/04/10 04:04 | Hit : 17



credit: dwholic

hope akana or p_bal will visit this thread

^^ look at the way LDH stared and smiled at LDW at the 4th picture (from LDH's party).

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Guest roddy

I noticed that pic too - She's gone totally googly-eyed, haha! (Actually if u look at the pics, she's smiling/laughing everytime he's talking! Wish I knew all the jokes he cracked) i think playing YooRin mus be very easy for her becoz who can resist GongChan played by Wookie oppa!

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Guest kellee

P_bal ... thank you so much :)


[뉴스엔 국지윤 기자]

god의 김태우가 막역한 친구이자 신인 가수 수호를 위해 특별한 애정을 보였다.

수호는 오는 17일 온라인 음악사이트 벅스를 통해 7트랙의 디지털 싱글 음악을 발표할 예정인 신예로 든든한 후원자 김태우의 전폭적인 지원을 받아 눈길을 끈다.

수호의 타이틀곡 ‘봄 여름 가을... 겨울’에 보컬 피처링을 맡은 김태우는 내친 김에 친구 수호를 위해 뮤직비디오의 카메오 출연을 자청해 우정을 과시했다.

13일 강화도 사기리를 배경으로 촬영될 뮤직직비디오에서 김태우는 수호와 함께 출연한다. 김태우는 여주인공의 친구로, 수호는 우편배달원으로 출연해 연기력을 선보인다.

수호는 “태우가 말없이 친구를 돕는 모습에 고마움보다 눈물이 먼저 앞섰다”며 “이번 음반을 위해 물심양면으로 애정을 쏟은 태우의 모습을 잊을 수 없다”고 고마움을 표시했다.

김태우 뿐만아니라 드라마 ‘마이걸’의 이동욱 역시 친구 수호를 위해 뮤직비디오 주연을 맡았다.

수호는 “뮤직비디오에는 배우이자 친구인 이동욱이 주연을 맡아 이래저래 친구 덕을 톡톡히 보게 됐다”고 밝혔다.

최근 브로드웨이 흥행 뮤지컬 ‘알타보이즈’에서 주연을 맡고 있는 김태우는 13일 오후 공연을 끝내자마자 친구 수호의 뮤직비디오 출연을 위해 강화도로 달려간다.

국지윤 piu00@newsen.co.kr

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.co.kr)

***기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.co.kr

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

credit: dwholic

~ _________________________________________________ ~

yay! I hope, I'm not asking too much .... :blush:

heeheehee .... care to translate this article again

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Guest honeypia

hehehe jus for fun, i've done some research and here are some pics of the mmm-mmmh moments:

1. In the clip where they were asked to describe each other in 5 words and she said: "Perfect package LDW!". He went: Oooh, u're just saying that in front of the camera" and then she smilingly shook her head: "mmm-mmmh" :D


I got to watch this clip..and Dongwook was caught off-guard when she said that! He was speechless for a few seconds..and slightly swallowed when he heard it.. :blush:

Thank you for all the clips and for all those bit by bit analizations... :) we're so enjoying reading them.. :D

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Guest Fleur

haha.. LDW offered his jacket bcos it was kinda ackward for LDH to sit facing the audience. she was wearing a skirt.. so u know..

hahahahha..... :rolleyes:

From the clip, LDH did look a bit awkward. She kept pulling her skirt down. Luckily someone noticed it and brought a scarf for her. She probably didn't expect such a high chair.

By the way, which are the links that are non-"expirable"? So that I can put them in the first post on the first page. :)

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Guest roddy

kellee: i'm not 100% sure but i think the article says that DW will be appearing in a new music video soon....!

Is LDW still on the Baeksang popular actors' poll? He was just behind Jo Hyun Jae some time ago. Anyone know the current results?

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A new MV? Yay! ^__^ And I do hope he shows up at the Baeksang Awards.

Can't get enough of him.

onnie ah , be true to yourself :blush: why did you have to tell another lie like that ??? you've promised to our oppa that you'll stop lying , remember huh ?? J/K J/K

btw.. yeah.. about hanib mentioning about DH..

she's lying again huh?

she's juz being YR there.. she has to try hard not 2 reveal their secret...:lol:

^Let's stare hard at the clip again... is LDH holding on to the fib coin???

^ If it was the truth , Yu Rin used her lies to protect GongChan once again :wub: hehe :ph34r:

like in ep 16.. NOBODY TOOK IN YR's LIES.. in fact her lies revealed her true feelings!! :P

hahaha this is really fun - we're practically re-enacting My Girl now ^__^ .

In that case my contribution is : DW Oppa mus be saying to himself:

-I'll let her go...(before DH's birthday party)

-I can't let her go...(so he wears the "couple" t-shirt as a sign)

-I have to let her go...(so he wears dark glasses so he duzzn't have to look at her eyes when he lets her go)

-I won't let her go...(so he sits close next to her at the birthday party)

-I can let her go...(so he changes seats and sits far away from her at her party)

-I...don't want...to let her go...(so he caves in & gives her chocolates & a CD)


Will he/won't he? Is he/isn't he? Are they/Won't they? Aaaaaahhhh, the suspense is killing me!!

You guys are hilarious! That was certainly fun to read.

Hahah... We sure are good at linking fiction with reality... I hope we also have the power to MAKE fiction into reality! :D

Amen. (hee) We can dream, can't we? Humming...

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Guest yukito0824

Dear p_ballereena , can you translate the follow article? The article is very important about dw and dh... please thank you thank you


엠넷 오후3시에 짧막한 연예뉴스 나오는거 있자나~

그거 원스톱뉴스 맞지?

암튼 그 프로 코너중에 네티즌들에게 화제가 되고 있는 사진 소개하는 코너에

동욱다해 얘기 나왔어...

큰 타이틀로 [이다해-이동욱 열애설?] 이렇게 나왔던거 같아...

스타뉴스 기사에서 실린 사진 중에..

쇟이 위에 올린 사진처럼 따로 편집해서 붙여놓고

각각 사진 우측하단에 부가설명으로

<이동욱팬미팅> <이다해팬미팅>이라고 해놓고..

서로의 팬미팅에 참석해줬다는 멘트가 나왔었어..

이러다가 열애설 나는거 아니냐면서..

모든게 자세히 격이 안나서 미안해..

다음 기사나 텔존에 다햏 팬미팅때 동욱햏과 커플룩 입었다며 사진 올라와있길래

혹시나 나오려나 하고 봤는데 나오더라구..

9시에 재방하는거 같으니까 궁금한 횽들은 보도록 해^^

아~ 글구..

텔존 포토포토 게시판 다햏생파관련 댓글 중에

전~혀 믿을게 못되지만 그래도 눈에 띄는 댓글있길래 가져왔어..

HSJ_NJY 둘이 사귄다던데 ;; 제 친구의 이모가 홍자매 작가님들이신데요!! ㅇ_ㅇ (걔덕분에이준기싸인 도받았다> <) 이다해가 이동욱 너무 좋아해서 막 붙는데요 ㅋㅋㅋ

전혀 신뢰가 안가는 글이징? ㄲㄲㄲ

쓸데 없는거 가져와서 정신혼란줘서 미안혀 ㄲㄲㄲ

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He looks good in beanies... he looks good in shades... he looks good in stripes... he looks good in anything and everything :wub:

Is it just me but I thought LDW looks a little tired from the photo... Maybe he's feeling tired from all the filming...

OMG .. I missed the disscussion ..

the talk .. :tears: .. wanna cry ....sob sob sob ...

girls thank u so much for the clips .. for the teaser pics .. the cutest .. and romantic of them .. so happy seeing him again .. eventhough now i have to accept the fact that his heart may be have been stolen by someone ...

and roddy .. its so cute .. u have good imagination ..

and amy .. about the strips shirt .. its just looks so cute and perfetc for them .. a couple shirt .. is this coincidnece or have been planned??? who knows .. might be its true .. that she already has someone in her heart .. and maybe LDW too ...

I miss everyone ..

i hate my workload .. its always steal my time to be with LDW and the pervies ,,

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Guest hanib

A new MV? Yay! ^__^ And I do hope he shows up at the Baeksang Awards.

Can't get enough of him.

You guys are hilarious! That was certainly fun to read.

Amen. (hee) We can dream, can't we? Humming...

yuppie yuppie for sure :lol: We certainly can dream , It's good to dream big * :ph34r: *

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Guest ripgal

first of all.. i gotta thank p ballereena 4 the detailed translations!!

thanx a lot!! now we actually know wat's going on in the party..

i saw the 13 min clip by kel this afternoon.. thanx dear..

it was really sweet!! altho i didn't understand most of the convos.. but i still got wat LDH said at one part.

LDH was reading a msg by a fan.. n the fan's msg mentioned her hopes that LDW n LDH to be a couple. n LDH read that sentence out loud!! hahaha.. it's a good thing they're so open with it.. LDW n LDH laughed so much.. too bad the MC only focused on DH.. there weren't any convos btwn LDW n LDH.. but still i could see that she's very happy!!!

thanx again pervies n mukguers.. im now 85% convinced that they're a couple!! :lol:

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Guest ripgal

about the new MV thingy..

i think it's about LDW appearing in GOD Member g.o.d Kim Tae Woo's MV...

taken from leedongwook.net // only brief translations

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Guest roddy

Happy that there'll be a new MV of DW oppa. Kim Tae Woo is a good buddy of his.

BTW, before he appeared in Monday Kiz' Bye3x mv, he's appeared in another one before that. I don't know the singer, but i think the song title (?) is "saranghanda" or sthing like that. Anyone know where we can get/see the clip? Thanks in advance.

i'm not sure what poll this is but Vote for our oppa!:


you can vote once a day.

Pls select and click the green button beneath the list of female actresses.

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I've just been watching MY GIRL ...

I always thought that LDW was really good looking, even the Drama Alcohol Land. But seeing him in him in MY GIRL ... I was completely tripped over to his charisma and drop-dead-gorgeous smile.

I think I have FALLEN HARD for the handsome LEE DONG WOOK!!

As a Vietnamese, I was really impressed that he did HANOI BRIDE in commemorate to 4/30. I think the more I know about this guy, the more I am head over heels. :wub:

I wonder after his big hit MY GIRL, would he be starting any new project coming up?? I'm just thrill to see more of him in more leading roles. :)

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Guest Blue_moon

Roddy and Squallie, you guys crack me up!!

Blue_Moon, I love your MV!!! Very professional!! I love it! Thank you so much!

Oh, why was LDW offering his jacket?

hey second_glance, and L00Ni34u, i' m glad u like that MV....Baxia!! =]

about the new MV thingy..

i think it's about LDW appearing in GOD Member g.o.d Kim Tae Woo's MV...

taken from leedongwook.net // only brief translations

wow!!...wanna watch that mv!! :w00t:

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LDH was reading a msg by a fan.. n the fan's msg mentioned her hopes that LDW n LDH to be a couple. n LDH read that sentence out loud!! hahaha.. it's a good thing they're so open with it.. LDW n LDH laughed so much.. too bad the MC only focused on DH.. there weren't any convos btwn LDW n LDH.. but still i could see that she's very happy!!!

thanx again pervies n mukguers.. im now 85% convinced that they're a couple!! :lol:

hehhee 85% that's a really high percentage..hehehe it seems that ldh is VERY HAPPY--hehehe the kind of happiness u want to tell the whole world abt ur LOVE hehehe

about the new MV thingy..

i think it's about LDW appearing in GOD Member g.o.d Kim Tae Woo's MV...

taken from leedongwook.net // only brief translations

oh my that's wonderful news hehehe..so excited hehehe

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Guest honeypia

Hi Jo :)

i saw the 13 min clip by kel this afternoon.. thanx dear..

it was really sweet!! altho i didn't understand most of the convos.. but i still got wat LDH said at one part.

LDH was reading a msg by a fan.. n the fan's msg mentioned her hopes that LDW n LDH to be a couple. n LDH read that sentence out loud!! hahaha.. it's a good thing they're so open with it.. LDW n LDH laughed so much.. too bad the MC only focused on DH.. there weren't any convos btwn LDW n LDH.. but still i could see that she's very happy!!!

thanx again pervies n mukguers.. im now 85% convinced that they're a couple!! :lol:

i also heard how she said that. hehe. although the audio on my pc wasn't good, but when she said loudly ldw's name, both of them gave a good laugh. yeah, its nice they're open about the topic. i mean, if i were in ldh's place and have other special someone, i would be quite uncomfy with the issue...in defense of course for my bf.

i dont know if its just me, but i see ldw as very traditional. he's no show-off guy. he's reserved especially when it comes to emotions. whereas ldh is more expressive and transparent. i too saw how she was remarkably quiet when the seating arrangements where she and ldw were far from each other.

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Guest roddy

honeypia:, i kinda agree with u bout him being traditional type - he once described himself as a typical type B guy :lol: . Also he said in one interview the thing he has in common with GongChan is that he loves his work/ is hardworking/ cool character (i think meaning not the type to wear his heart on his sleeve :D )/ and blunt or frank way of talking - very honest!

i don't mind. i like type Bs - they're honest, loyal, protective & singleminded kinda guyz, and usually very masculine (they like to be in charge, haha :P ) - women just have to know how to "manage" them, heheheh :P !

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