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Lee Dong Wook 이동욱 Global Fans at Soompi


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I've been reading this thread here for the past months but this is my first post ever. Am a HUGE LDW fan so naturally I'm sad that the last episode of MG was aired tonight in the Phil. I've been watching Gong Chan and Yoo Rin for so long that they seemed like real people to me.

I saw Wookie up close (close enough to see the adorable moles on his adorable face) on his last visit here and I have to say that he deserves every praise, adulation and success that is coming his way. I'll miss seeing him on my TV set almost every night but I'm also excited about his upcoming projects.

Watching him was a nice way to end my day. There might be a lot more actors out there but there will only be one Lee Dong Wook for me.

well, welcome to soompi and the thread then, Anastasha. so glad to have you here.

wow, they cut some scenes? that's not cool. how sad, but i hope you'll get a chance to see it again fully then.

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WOW now that school's started

I have NO TIME to get on SOOMPI :[

BUT wookie is looking hottt

OMGSH when i have time



So my friend bought it for me on my birthday!

YAY so i get to lookie at WOOKIE's face OVER ND OVER AGAIn

Oh by the way

Are LDW and LDH going out?

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Guest incarnadine

I agree with you Anastasha..... There can only be one Lee Dong Wook.......There may be other koreanovelas that might come my way.... but i'll always be a pervie........

I was really disappointed on how ch2 ended the series.... they didn't show the messages of the actors to the fans at the end.......... they even cut some scenes.........

Welcome too. Anastasha! Of course there's only one Wookie, hehehe.

About last night's ep of My Girl, they did cut scenes. And for us Pervies, every scene, every bit is crucial, so I agree with you lyn about abscbn having committed a mortal sin... mortal sinS, actually. And I can't believe they cut the scenes where Gong Chan, while walking at the topmost floor of the 63bldg, was reminded of Yoo Rin's "lies" (like the Mazinga Z and the coin!!!) -- arrgh, that was like so material. It removed a lot of impact to the scene. Ohh well... anyways, felt somewhat empty when My Girl ended... and I agree, I kinda expected it to end with a bang... good thing our Wookie said bye bye in the end :) Will really, really miss seeing My Girl during weeknights! And the withdrawal syndrome begins... lol

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Guest kellee

^me too ... I'm having MG withdrawal (again ... hehe)

I was so disappointed too. It's not right to remove those scenes. Since they put so many commercials to generate more profit, the viewing time of MG suffered :angry: Like Lyn, I was hoping that ABS will show some BTS, NGs & interviews.

Malou is right, at least we saw the very handsome Wookie saying thank you in the end.

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Guest lisafh

hi..wookie pervies^^ :D

hehe ..i just want to share my wookie with u..i watched wookie movie 'Arang' ..wa ..it's great.but the ending surprised me a lot..

some caps(wookie in Arang) sharing from me^^ :wub:








1c12fe5c.jpg<--he is counting ' one. two. three..'








the end drawing near





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Guest kellee

^my dear Lisa, thanks for the caps

ohh, what's the ending!? I'm so agitated to know! :w00t:

~joke~ pls don't tell me :P


I think, this is news about his injured right hand .... calling Roddy

이동욱 운동 중 손가락 골절상 수술


[뉴스엔 김은구 기자]

드라마 ‘마이 걸’, 영화 ‘아랑’의 배우 이동욱이 운동 중 골절상을 당해 수술을 받은 사실이 뒤늦게 알려졌다.

측근에 따르면 이동욱은 2개월여 전 운동을 하다 오른손이 벽에 부딪치며 소지(새끼손가락) 뼈가 부러지는 부상을 입었다.

이동욱은 경기도 의정부시의 한 종합병원에서 부러진 뼈를 고정하기 위한 철심을 박는 수술을 받았다. 최근 철심을 제거하기는 했지만 아직도 깁스를 하고 있는 상태라는 게 이 측근의 설명이다. 이동욱은 지난달 필리핀에서 진행된 드라마 ‘마이 걸’ 및 영화 ‘아랑’ 현지 프로모션도 깁스를 한 채 참석했다.

이동욱은 SBS 드라마 ‘마이 걸’로 인기를 끈 뒤 ‘아랑’으로 영화에 데뷔, 100만 관객을 돌파하며 입지를 공고히 했다. 현재 부상 중이지만 10여개의 시나리오를 검토하며 차기 출연 영화를 고르고 있다.

이 측근은 “부상은 곧 완쾌될 것으로 보인다. 차기 영화에서는 액션을 선보이겠다는 각오로 다음달부터 정두홍 무술감독에게 액션수업을 받을 예정이다”고 전했다.

김은구 cowboy@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

credit: dwholic

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Guest munchee

my gosh lisafh......... i love the pics!!!!!!!!! dong wook shi is soooooooo cute!!!!!!!!! i'm still waiting for Arang to be shown in the big screen in Manila!!!!!!!!!

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Guest kellee

another news from dwholic ... about his visit in Manila

이동욱 필리핀 방문서 한류스타 가능성 확인





뉴스엔 김은구 기자]

배우 이동욱이 지난달 필리핀에서 진행된 드라마 ‘마이 걸’ 및 영화 ‘아랑’ 프로모션을 통해 차세대 한류스타의 가능성을 확인했다.

당시 이동욱은 현지 국영방송 ABS-CBN의 초청으로 5일간 필리핀을 방문했는데 가는 곳마다 이동욱을 보기 위한 팬들로 인산인해를 이룬 것이다.

이동욱은 ‘마이 걸’이 현지에 방송되면서 인기를 얻고 있지만 직접 눈으로 확인한 팬들의 반응은 상상 이상이었다.

이동욱이 도착한 공항에는 3,000여명의 팬이 몰려들어 이동욱 일행은 공항을 빠져나가기 위해 안전요원들의 도움을 받아야 할 정도였다. 또 이동욱이 묵은 샹그릴라 호텔 앞에도 수백명의 팬이 운집해 이동욱이 얼굴을 내비치기만 기다렸다.

이동욱은 코라손 아키노 전 필리핀 대통령의 딸 크리스 아키노가 진행하는 토크쇼 등 현지 프로그램에도 출연했는데 촬영장에도 객석이 부족할 정도로 팬들이 몰려들어 이동욱을 반겼다.

김은구 cowboy@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

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Guest lisafh

^my dear Lisa, thanks for the caps

ohh, what's the ending!? I'm so agitated to know! :w00t:

~joke~ pls don't tell me :P


I think, this is news about his injured right hand .... calling Roddy

이동욱 운동 중 손가락 골절상 수술


[뉴스엔 김은구 기자]

드라마 ‘마이 걸’, 영화 ‘아랑’의 배우 이동욱이 운동 중 골절상을 당해 수술을 받은 사실이 뒤늦게 알려졌다.

측근에 따르면 이동욱은 2개월여 전 운동을 하다 오른손이 벽에 부딪치며 소지(새끼손가락) 뼈가 부러지는 부상을 입었다.

이동욱은 경기도 의정부시의 한 종합병원에서 부러진 뼈를 고정하기 위한 철심을 박는 수술을 받았다. 최근 철심을 제거하기는 했지만 아직도 깁스를 하고 있는 상태라는 게 이 측근의 설명이다. 이동욱은 지난달 필리핀에서 진행된 드라마 ‘마이 걸’ 및 영화 ‘아랑’ 현지 프로모션도 깁스를 한 채 참석했다.

이동욱은 SBS 드라마 ‘마이 걸’로 인기를 끈 뒤 ‘아랑’으로 영화에 데뷔, 100만 관객을 돌파하며 입지를 공고히 했다. 현재 부상 중이지만 10여개의 시나리오를 검토하며 차기 출연 영화를 고르고 있다.

이 측근은 “부상은 곧 완쾌될 것으로 보인다. 차기 영화에서는 액션을 선보이겠다는 각오로 다음달부터 정두홍 무술감독에게 액션수업을 받을 예정이다”고 전했다.

김은구 cowboy@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

credit: dwholic


according to the news..wookie's next project will probably be a movie(action)^^.

and he has undergone an operation to fix the bone..the news is late known

ye..i see. hehe..but i want to show u the hint : camera. this boy(who ?)^^and nuna.




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Guest kellee


according to the news..wookie's next project will probably be a movie^^.

ye..i see. hehe..but i want to show u the hint : camera. this boy(who ?)^^and nuna.


ohh yeah ... on line translation says so

hmmm .... I think, I know the ending now ... :rolleyes:


Ranking of video lending accdg to www.cinetown.co.kr .... wowowo, Arang is no. 1 B)

송윤아·이동욱 주연의 공포물 ‘아랑’이 정상에 등극했다.

 비디오점 체인 씨네타운(www.cinetown.co.kr)이 14~20일 비디오 대여순위를 집계한 결과 지난주 7위에 올랐던 ‘아랑’이 1위에 올라 새로운 강자임을 과시했다.

 이는 연일 계속되는 무더위로 인해 호러물을 찾는 관객이 늘었기 때문으로 풀이된다.

 지난주까지 1위를 차지했던 ‘강적’은 2위에, 고소영의 컴백작 ‘아파트’는 3위로 각각 한계단씩 내려앉았다.

 7위에 오른 ‘맨발의 기봉이’가 비교적 롱런하고 있는 비디오 시장은 ‘왕의 남자’를 비롯해 ‘럭키 넘버 슬레븐’ 등 소폭의 순위변화만 있었을 뿐 대다수의 작품들이 순위권을 유지하고 있다. 

 1. 아랑(호러·안상훈) Arang

 2. 강적(액션ㆍ조민호)

 3. 아파트(호러ㆍ안병기)

 4. 럭키 넘버 슬레븐(스릴러ㆍ폴 맥기건)

 5. 왕의 남자(드라마ㆍ이준익)

 6. 구타유발자들(코믹스릴러ㆍ원신연)

 7. 맨발의 기봉이(드라마ㆍ권수경)

 8. 달콤, 살벌한 연인(로맨틱스릴러ㆍ손재곤)

 9. 생, 날선생(코미디·김동욱)

 10. 인사이드 맨(스파이크 리)

 11. 사생결단(액션ㆍ최호)

 12. 밴디다스(코미디·에스펜 샌버그)

 13. 태풍(드라마ㆍ곽경택)

 14. 토네이도(액션·딕 로우리)

 15. 원초적 본능 2(스릴러ㆍ마이클 카튼 존스)

송영석기자 sergi@domin.co.kr

credits to dwholic

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Guest incarnadine

hi..wookie pervies^^ :D

hehe ..i just want to share my wookie with u..i watched wookie movie 'Arang' ..wa ..it's great.but the ending surprised me a lot..

some caps(wookie in Arang) sharing from me^^ :wub:


omo omo lisa... thanks so much chinggu for the Arang caps!!! I can't wait to see this movie, waaa! Hehehe. I LOVED all the caps but this pic captured my heart the most... his face looks so full of emotion... Wookie did say his character here is quite complex, and from these caps alone it looks like he nailed it :) thanks too kellee for the pics, I'm reminiscing again, LOL^^ Oh my... they had to operate on his wrist bone? That sounds so serious... hope our Wookie is alright... an action film?!? Sheesh I'm squirming right now, can't wait for that one! I hope Wookie doesn't injure himself further though, lol... but first I have to see Arang :D

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Guest polabola

welcome to the club Anastasha. We're glad to have you here and be obsessed with one man....and we all miss him :( ack withdrawal symptoms in the house ><

malou yes every pervie would have held knives and axes if they see the murderous deed! I thought ABSCBN would really make the ending a treat for us fans because it is a hit and a lot of people are so darn crazy about LDW

kel I think ABS owes us fans a 1 hour special of everything wookie and my girl or better yet bring wookie back here! I think those should do the trick for the wounds to be healed and the sins be forgiven. ^_^

Thank you for the wookie news...it's about time we hear an update on him...and yeah he had to go an operation?! I hope it doesn't hurt him so much :(

lisa: thanks for spoiling us with the best Arang caps!!!! graphic worthy definitely!!!! since they're so dramatic and quality is indescribable! :w00t: I'm glad you liked the movie because we would like it too and the ending...I'm intrigued already hmf! heheheheheh

I like the idea of an action film because wookie's face is more drama worthy rather than comical. He would do well showing his ultra macho side ^_^

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Guest incarnadine

Amen to that, lyn. We deserve a special. Wookie, Da Hae and the rest of the My Girl cast deserve it, too. The network hugely benefitted from the ratings... the least they can do is indulge the fans one last time... :( wow Arang is doing well even in video lending... sheesh I hope yesasia delivers fast lol ~ just kidding^^

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Guest siCKako

yup they owe a special like what they did for a love to kill...

they should have at least aired wookie's visit..like the meet & greet...

thanks for posting the arang caps...i'm sure we'll be all surprised by wookie's character...

re: operation..i hope he recovers soon..:)

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Guest lavender*sshi

Hi! I think he does^^




credit: daum cafe

I'm not sure if this is fanmade... but it's cute:)

Omo! Ahaha! So he also endores men's lipstick? Wow! Amazing Wookie, that explains why he has this super kissable lips! Hahaha! :D

Anyway, I really feel sad now that My Girl ends here in the Philippines. And what makes me more sad is that they (ABS) didn't even show any special features.. It's like they end where it really ends. Aww! Too bad! I'll really miss the couple.. MUKGU and WOOKIE! I'm really hoping for the showing of ARANG here in the Philippines, but too bad till now it's not yet showing. Grrr.! Till when will they keep pinoy pervies waiting?? And also the showing of SPEED of LDH. Hahaha! Though I know it'll surely be in the far future, ahaha, but still I hope, it'll be available here in the Philippines too! :D

Nyway, I already find Wookie's LOVING YOU and I'm so excited to watch it! Hahaha! :D

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Guest grace_cui

hi..wookie pervies^^ :D


this one is my best love......the way wookie looks down is so cool. you can somehow read something from his darkened eyes. maybe evil? hahahaha

lisa thanks for these great caps~~~about the camera boy, haha after watching the arang mv, i probably guess the end, as that is like a Thailand horror movie. i cannot forget one scene in the mv that wookie obba said sorry in korea with tears......cannot forget....

hope i will watch this wonderful movie soon.... and more and more wookie news about his new movie come out ......watching on.....

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Guest chuchi

Hello Pervies!!

just like everyone else, i was so disappointed with how ABS ended My Girl last night, especially cutting those really important scenes and bombarding it with commercials, they do make a good profit out of it huh?! (it makes me remember another MG, Meteor Garden with those hordes of commercials) it really makes me more sad. I expect they're gonna show some NG or just some clips about the cast, but they DIDN"T!!! :( If we can just rally outside ABS to tell them our sentiments. :lol:

Lisa, thank you so much for posting those Arang screencaps, ur so lucky you already watch it, makes us who haven't watch it yet so excited.

So glad to read fresh news bout wookie, at least it lessens our misery bout the whole thing. Pervies let's all pray that the operation will go smoothly and he'll have a fast recovery. As qouted from Yoo Rin; God Bless Lee Doong Wook oppa!

I'm so excited also bout the film reportedly he will be doing. From a sleek gentleman GC to an action star? not bad! proves our oppa is a truly versatile actor who challenges his ability by accepting different kinds of roles which can help polish more his craft. :D It's no surprise if we gonna see him one day receiving a best actor award!


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Guest polabola

the wookie version of the chocolate wallpaper...hope you like it ^_^


here's the thumbnail in case you have a slow connection ^_^


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Guest ripgal

hi there Pervies!!!

finally there's some news about Wookie! we have been craving for his latest news.. thanx to our efficient Pervy Prez kel! aish..yeap the article is about his injured hand and the possibility that he might take up an action movie! im excited that he's already preparing 4 his next project, but i really hope he takes care of his hand.. dun get injured again!! cos his next movie might require more action and violent scenes! i wonder what his next role may be? :rolleyes:

Lisa!! thank u 4 capping some of the ARANG scenes! all of them are very good! i love all of them! u really hav great capping skills.. cos u managed to cap most of Wookie's deep-in-his-own-thoughts scenes! and i agree with malou that the cap she quoted, he really nailed it! it seemed as if he was struggling to overcome something in his mind and finally he did it.. this is also one of my fav


i love the far-angled capture of these scene.. it's not so upclose of Wookie but u can actually feel his struggles.. ahh..im not making any sense.. but i juz love this particular cap! i wonder how the ending got to surprise u?hehehe.. no spoilers but i juz hope he doesn't die.. ^^

btw..here's the full translation to Wookie's Hand Injury Article

LDW's Finger Bone Broken - Treatment requires Bandage even during Promos

MG star Lee Dong Wook had recently undergone a small surgery to fix his finger bone which he injured during a gym session 2 months ago.

After surgery, his hand had to be bandaged in a cast and it was even seen in his trip to Manila not long ago.

LDW's popularity and fame shot up after his lead debut in MG and his movie ARANG had gained very good results in ticket sales and a record of 1 million viewers since the movie aired. Despite being injured, LDW still has no time to rest. During this time, he had 10 over project proposals offered to him. Therefore, he's taking time to prepare for his next project.

His management company expressed that LDW will recover in no time and he will prepare for his next movie (action movie) starting next month.

credits: newsen&joins/版权 希马凯特/提供 hellen.wu/编译) / baidu


wow.. i didn't know Wookie's injury happened before he came to Manila. i thought it was a different injury and he got hurt after coming back to Korea. cos the article mentioned it was the injury he got before he went to Manila to promote... gsh... Wookie Oppa, please do take care of ur hand!!! :(

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