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Lee Dong Wook 이동욱 Global Fans at Soompi


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Today I've woke up in Wookie's heaven with KKE post. But agree with @noname111 why not more!!! It's coverage of his 4(!!!) events. And lots of pics are either from deep side view or we have seen something similar from fans or press. But well, 10-15 pics are really daebak. They are showing us how you can film magazine's pictorial on ransoms streets without equipment but simply with right model who's work of art as most of you have admitted. 

I will forgive KKE if they will make another Naver post soon with his CFs bts. The most I want Pizza Alvolo's bts. And well, I want Wookie film pictorial for magazine outdoor. Even if it won't be Paris or Hawaii, can they just let his beauty shine on Seoul's or Jeju streets? 

Thanks for posting all those awesome pics and vids, gals! 

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Aigoo Ladies, you are so naughty. No wonder we get along very well hahahaha. I got addicted in match making between Samchoen and Daebakki. There's no end and so fun! But it's not fair to twin girls. Seolla even proposed marriage to Samchoen though she initiated polygamy kekekeke. She also chose Samchoen over Appa. But I'll end it with below final pics, before this becomes shipping thread between Samchoen and Daebakki. LOL. These two are match made in heaven!


Omo. Daebakki copied Samchoen's hairstyle. 


And Samchoen's fashion style. 





Even Samchoen's poses. But some are recent FMs, so Samchoen copied Daebakki's? Hahahahahaha.



Daebakki, when you grow up, you'll be as awesome as your Samchoen, simply standing but looks like pictorial model pose, probably you'll get a pretty girl next to you too. LOL. They both have beautiful long eyelashes.


Below is the most EPIC ever! 2yo Daebakki is much much STRONGER than his 35yo Samchoen!!! What a discovery! Samchoen, you need to work HARDER! FIGHTING Samchoen! 


Btw they are both November babies. Daebakki was born on 14 Nov 2014. No wonder they clicked so much! Match made in heaven...

@Princi_86 Yeah. KKE posted tons of KJW photos in their FB and reposted every single Naver posts. And multiple photos for the same pose same time taken! We need more posts and bts... really really need them.

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On 05/06/2017 at 4:39 AM, noname111 said:

Hi Ladies! Inspired by colorful outfits of LDW, recently mentioned on IG and to fullfil @MaysoonD request of game with white outfit, also since I just freshly come back from watching NFL I feel so competitive and energetic (after feeling down unable to see Oppa again huhuhu), I end up creating a competition theme game hahahahahahaha. It's gonna be EPIC!

Here I am, presenting The Most Spectacular and Star-Studded (only 1 star actually LOL) Competition...

"THE LEAGUE OF HANDSOME OPPAS" with total of 10 Squads to participate the game! Let's introduce the Squadrons and their Leaders.... clap clap clap!!!


(Oh I love this set so much, it shows how versatile is our Namja, not a single face expression same with others hahahaha)

And here we are... The 10 Squads to participate and may The Best Squad win our game! 











Vote vote vote! And don't vote for all, we need a winner here haha! Btw, what are they competing for? Haha. Whatever. The squad leader and members are my privilege to choose, so please don't complain why your favorite Oppa's look is not there haha... Maybe next time. And pardon my lousy editing, I rushed this in few hours (too excited actually), I just arrived home this morning, I did this with blurry eyes, bitter fingers and bloated brain. So excuse me if I cropped 1-2 precious fingers of Oppa. LOL. Looking forward to your votes. 

@noname111 so i can vote for leaders as well? It's not closed yet right? MaysoonD hasn't voted yet. Can i vote for grey leader? I want him to win.....

And for Matching Clothes, i vote for all with daebakki (giggle... just make it as voting game already....)

And thanks everyone for the pics and videos. I enjoyed so much.

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12 hours ago, joyezz said:

yea omg the most perfect looking man I've ever seen

so do you manage to go to any of his FM?


I'm going to his Japan FM. I've never gone to any FM before and i myself can't believe i'm going abroad to attend FM. :D

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4 hours ago, joyezz said:

I vote for the bears  hehehe @onrainydays47 we vote everything that is votable :D

@deurinlee you can watch Kang koo story here http://www.drama.net/m1/kang-koos-story-episode-1/part1



Agreeeeee :w00t: vote whatever you can vote. I think what important is not the winning announcement. It's the fun of us voting and choosing. Even tho @noname111 winner post is funny yes, but if we dont vote and leave them just like that it's no fun at all. And you spent time for collating those funny old pics. So we are appreciating by voting... if you have no idea of winner announcement, just leave it and move on with new game hahahaha. The winner is ALWAYS WOOkIE anyway :D we should vote for @kler2009 CF videos as well? I am all in for summer mind bridge! 

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My beloved chingus , i missed you all :heart::heart:forgive me for not being available for couple of days , i have 2or 3 pages to catch up

I always prefer to talk about WOOKIE's talent rather than his handsomeness  but i can't believe this is a human being , this is  sculpture  isn't he?





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@noname111 OMOOOOO!! Seeing Daebakkie pics at LDW thread is such heaven! Daebak is my first loveeeee (before LDW himself!) LOL. I always have soft spot for TROS children back then, from the triplets, fell for JJY bcos of Haru, CNBlue for Rohee but above all, LDW was the only one samchoon who left deeper impression for me. His caring attitude (and clueless) toward Daebak and twins won my heart! AND YOU NEED TO MAKE A VOTE FOR THEIR MATCHING COSTUMEEEE! LOL.

And here's my voteee 1) their panda-bear costume! When LDG feel a lil bit shy during halloween, he could call secretary Lee and ask him to accompany Daebak during costume party. LOL 2) Grim reaper style and even their bunny teeth felt so similar, LOL! (Pardon my bias for Daebak's baby fat at his cheek, but somehow, I felt he's more stylish than our GR since he picked cooler duck t-shirt than GR. 3) their weightlifting costumeeee!

Wookie HD picspam at his KKE's post is daebak, but agreed that we still want moreeeeeeeeee pics of him for swooning. How could he looked so beautiful when he even didn't try to pose and only did his FM activities?


Regarding this pic, Wookie's handsomeness made the lady at the background surprised, but actually eventho her face blurred, that lady actually the EO owner, maybe deep inside her heart, she's a Wookie fan girl too. LOL

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@kler2009 Thankyou so much for the youtube link, ahahahaha seeing LDW in old era is such a mood maker, his singing, or his CF made me smile!

@Princi_86 Yes indeed, the MC couldn't read LDW's character better than I imagine, well, when he said LDW asked him to take a pic I assumed it's not a selca but more like at the formal stage during presscon together with his translator too. The funniest thing was, when I gave him input at his SNS rather than he replied to me at the same SNS, some time later, he tweeted (eventho he didn't put LDW name but only said korean artist) but I believe that tweet refers to me, he tweeted like there's a fan of korean artist who got angry, I'm scared bla bla... idk, I just didn't like that kind of gesture, I mean if he find I attacked his MC skills and he didn't like it, don't you think he should reply me rather than putting its at other SNS? he's weird, LOL.

Talk about KKE, just hope for the best Princi! At least, I believe at Wookie's decision so far. If he still stay with KKE it means he believe KKE could provide and maintain his career better than we as outsider imagined (as stated at your post, he actually have more freedom to choose projects, CFs and events from KKE) eventho as whole, KKE still lacks at publicity games. And if someday Wookie choose for leaving, it also not a bad thing too. Agency is just like your parent home, when you realized you're adult and mature enough, leaving your parent home is the option if you want more freedom. LOL. Someday, I hope Wookie could make his own one agency bcos he totally deserved that.

@winterdew A very well written and sweet post, chingu which made me teary! I agreed that Wookie teached and inspired us, from his hardworking ethics (and we could see how his acting improved lots) until how to be a nice and good person and friends. I like many actors before bcos of their good looking faces or good actings but Wookie is the whole package, his personality also made love him even more! Different from you, my fangirling experience is still newbie since Wookie is only the 2nd celebs where I'm totally be the active fangirl. My first fangirl experience was towards a football player (Princi and Noname, we did love the same field beside Wookie, except... I didn't choose Azzurri but the La Roja one) he's now retired from active football but he did teach me a lots thing during the moment I cheered him. Same for him and Wookie, both of them made a lazy lady like me to learn something useful and meet new fandoms too! #fangirlsticktogether. LOL

@longleg AWWWW yihaaaa! Glad that you finally make it to his JP FM! Hope you enjoye your meeting with Wookie, have fun there! I believe you'll love him even more after seeing him IRL.

@deurinlee I also want him to appear at VS too! TROS is my best wish but idk, I assumed TROS team already asked him before during Goblin's hit (Daebak and twins made so many reference about Goblin and Wookie at that time) but I think Wookie is the one who reject the idea, he loves the LDG's kids deeper and without any intention to get publicize, so he preferred to see them off the screen rather than on screen. Princi said he maybe will appear at Life Bar! OMOOOO! It's gonna be so fun since all the talks mostly under soju/wine's influence? LOL. I remember LDH appeared at Life Bar before and she talked about her love story, I hope if Wookie fix to appeard, SDY will ask the most important Q's, when will you get married, boy? LOL  Talk about the moles, I agreed with you, I did remember some fangirl comments about a guy's moles, his moles is beautiful, it's just like a constellation of stars mole. LOL

See you soon, ladies! xoxo


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Yeah yeah Ladies. Vote as many as you want. I can't stop you. Have fun with voting, since when you are all into voting games? @kler2009 Forget about Mind Bridge. I'm totally in LOVE with LITMUS!!! My vote! It's so awkward yet so RIGHT! I wonder what will he think when he sees that video again wakakakaka. Thanks so much for sharing! It really helps cure my bad mood unable to watch On The Air live. 

@MaysoonD Welcome back chingu! I came from a beautiful planet called WOOK, which is named after our one and only Handsome Almighty GOD, Lee Dong WOOK, who's Made In Heaven. That's why I worship him. LOL just joking. 

@giegie Omo, so you fell for Daebakki first before his Samchoen? Wow, that's cute. Btw, about KKE, check their FB posts. I don't think I can call it parent reason or home thingy. Parent won't post 2 LDW's every 20 KJW's posts. Just unfair, too much for me. And that excludes other Starship/KKE artists. Glad that he has freedom, but without promotion he won't be able to maintain his popularity. Well, in SK, buzz and talks are everything. I hope they can improve. On a lighter note... This is me sulking over office work. I wanna watch and listen to On The Air. But can only play with phone pics.




Aaaaaaaa. He looks so cuuuttteeee today! He wears yellow, my favorite color. Huhuhuhu. And OMG he really looks like a bee. 


NO. This is not for voting game. Hmmm. Whatever. You won't listen anyway hahahahaha.

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