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Guest prexy_06

@itybittykitty‌ @HwaSeongEun‌ Welcome chinggus! I really went crazy the first time I watched this scene :D I just wanna share it and I will continue to make more GIF's of our wookie :-?? BTW, did you already watched La Dolce Vita?

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Guest silvertime

Omg! Finally get to type something here. I thought there's something wrong with my phone. New here. Nice to meet you all. Hope to get updates here. He he.

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Guest prexy_06

@silvertime‌ welcome to this forum chingu! Are you also an LDW fan?We hope to hear your thoughts and feelings about uri wookie :-h Please keep on supporting him! Yey!

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@akbuttercup agrre, Wookie in suit and with hair style with open forehead is just love. :x But still my favourite Wookie's look is from Strong Heart. Ok, some of them. Regarding pics for the project, you can cover your face by paper if you are shy ;) lol, I've done the same - covered a bit. :\">Please, share with us some pics from MAMA. Have you been there? I'm so glad for you, that you'll meet him in Osaka. I wish I could be able to go too. But I hope, he'll hold another fan meeting or fan signing later this year.
@HwaSeongEun , @itybittykitty thanks for sharing screen caps! Rather then korean lesson, I have found more funnier "Ms.Dong" part. :)) I hope Wookie will shine next epi. And I wonder why all guests who are invited are mostly Seho and Gukjoo guests...I want Wookie to invite some of his friends too.
@prexy_06 , chingu, OMG, you've teased me with those gifs and now I want to rewatch La Dolce Vita again. :)) He is so yummy there. And so passionate. This bed scene, and those one from Japan (were they've met) were the hottest sex scenes in Dramaland. Also I adore tango scene in Scent of a Woman.I like last two gifs the most. They are extremely hot. Thanks for making them! Will be waiting for more. :))))

I will rewatch LDV for sure after I finish rewatching The Partner. I'm so in love with his character there. He's so close to reality and to Wookie himself. :xI want him to play again such easygoing guy with big heart, some wunds in his heart, but still funny and easygoing. And even more hearttrob then in The Partner. :x
@silvertime welcome here! I hope you will support Wookie with us. ;)
Here is one of my favourite MV for Hotel King, made by korean fan:

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Guest silvertime

Dear all. I actually like his movie. He is so into his character that you will feel sad when he cry. Lol. I will be going to korea in april. might find a way to drop by room mate house in seongbuk. Of cox I don't expect to go in but it will be nice to look around that area ha ha.

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Watched a few times more the part with Oppa in the last episode of Roommate~ Feel good to learn the proverbs (속담) that he taught haha~~ Oppa, I could be a good student^^ Have made a quick summary~ Is it sounds crazy to make notes while watching :)) 

구르는 돌은 이끼가 낀다  A rolling stone gathers no moss

word by word…  구르다 roll  stone  이끼 moss  not  끼다 get jammed

it could mean... 쉬지 않고 노력하는 사람이 발전할 있다  People who work hard continuously would advance



꼬리가 길면 밟힌다  If tail is long, it would be trampled upon

word by word… 꼬리 tail  길다 long  밟힌다 be stepped

it could mean... 나쁜 일을 반복하면 어제가는 들킨다 If you keep doing something bad, you would be caught in one day


잃고 외양간 고친다  Repair the stable after the cow is stolen

word by word…   cow  잃다 loss  외양간 stable  고치다 repair

it could mean... 일을 그르친 뒤 후회해도 소용없다  Regret is useless if the work is ruined


My Korean is still in beginner stage... Any mistakes, please let me know~~

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Guest prexy_06

@Princi_86‌ Yay! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who love that bed scene and its nice to know that you also like it :) Episode 3 of LDV is so daebak, it is where all those hot scenes started =D> I also love the scenes in japan especially their fisrt kiss, first sex scene and if you remember the scene where in they are inside wookie's car after their first kiss? I love that too! Haha. So now, I really look like a pervert here :-SS I agree with you, those scenes are the hottest bed scene I've ever seen in K-dramaland :-bd. I'll try to make more GIF's from LDV when I have the time :)

LDW is indeed a hot good looking guy with overflowing charisma and sex appeal in PARTNER! Out of all his dramas this is where I find him most physically attractive. He looked so young and carefree plus he smiles a lot in this drama which made me adore him even more :x Yes, your right, his character here is the closest to his personality in real life. Oh, btw while watching this drama I dont know but I just can't take off my eyes from looking to his lips, OMG his lips is really KISSABLE and it is as red as cherry @-) Yummy!

IDK chingu if what LDW did to me but as of now I can't find the will to watch another K-drama. I actually have here 3 new k-dramas but instead of watching them I suddenly find myself rewatching Scent of a Woman ;) Well, I guess this what the effect of HK withdrawal =D> Anyway, after rewatching SOAW I am planning to rewatch Strong Heart. :-B

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Guest prexy_06

Hooray! It seems like uri wookie will have a longer air time this tuesday in Roommate =D> The guest will be Nam Hee Suk a former Invisible Youth host. He was invited by his friend Jo Seho. I wonder if when will be our wookie invite his friends to come over? Here is the teaser link for episode 38 >:D<


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Guest littlelolo

Wow.. nice to see new chingus are joining the thread, wellcome to all of you here.

OMG @-) those bed scenes, it is a new wookie for me, I've seen many kdrama but it is first time watching daring scenes like this .. It is really proves that wookie likes doing different and challenging characters =D>.

BTW, Im currently watching kill me heal me and while watching it, I keep thinking how wounderful would it be if wookie is playing all these 7 characters( I know ji sung is very good) but I would really love watching him doing this drama.. hopefully, in the near future, will see him doing even better and interesting drama than this [-O< ( sorry if it was off topic).

and chingus, thank you for making this thread alive, hope you keep updating our wookie and posting new gifs cause we need this till he shines on us again in a new project.

Goodluck for him and for all of us >:D<

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Guest itybittykitty

welcome aboard all new comers >:D<  ... @akbuttercup ....I loved those proverns too...hope we get more wooki lessons in the future!

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@prexy_06 I have not watched LDV yet. I have a lot I still need to watch. I watched my first Korean Drama, Scent of a Woman, only one year ago so I am pretty new :-)
@princi_86 I feel that LDW does not invite many people because of his private nature. Maybe he does not feel close enough with them to invite them to the house? Maybe it is because he is not feeling confident and thinks the other roommate's friends would be more interesting. idk.
@silvertime I really want to walk by the Roommate house as well!! It would be so great if you go to the house and see LDW walking out the door with the other roommates!

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I'm so glad, the thread is alive even in between his dramas. Thank you so much, chingus! >:D<
@akbuttercup lol. Thank's for sharing detailed explanation of proverbs. So RM also can be useful. Although I'm so far from korean language, but I feel that Wookie is great teacher. I'm ready to study Korean if he'll be my teacher :)) I know that some of our Wookie lovers here study Korean too. 
@prexy_06 chingu, I'm hardcore fan of LDV and Wookie there. In my personal rating this drama is on very high position. I love not only Wookie, but the plot overall. And he's so versatile there. Not only his passionate part. But I understand also why this dorama hasn't been appreciated on MBC awards. The plot was to painful and hard for still narrow minded korean society: suicide, misconduct, bi-polar main lead who is semi-insane. It was too early for koreans. I think now such plot could me more appreciated.Of course I remember those first kiss and passionate scene in the car. I was dissapointed that it has been ended so early. :)) I want more such scenes in Wookie's next drama or movie. He's so shippable. Even with ajumas he creates wonderful chemistry. You're righting my thoughts about The Partner. I love this drama and his character so much. For me this drama is much more better then "I hear your voice" with almost the same plot but with lots of skinship and supernatural thing. I'm attracted to Wookie's lips in each drama of variety. :)) But maybe because of his character he looks more real and closer, and his natural charisma. Maybe that's why we feel his sex appeal there, coz we feel he's close to Wookie itself.And I adore how he calls main lady "Ajumah" :)
My situation is the same as yours. We have discussed lately with @MaysoonD that we're unable to watch new dramas. I'm trying, starting and then loosing interest coz becoming bored. I will try Kill Me Heal Me after it will air. Maybe it won't bore me. But I'm sure that only Wookie can effect me and my soul. That's why I'm continuing rewatching his works...over and over. I've finished SOAW lately. 
yeh, for sure there will be more Wookie next epi. So glad he's there. I'm concerned as well why Wookie wouldn't invite smb to RM.Here is some caps from Instagram:



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@littlelolo Hi, chingu! Well, I haven't watched Kill me heal me yet, but I have seen some MV and I'm totally agree that Wookie would be perfect in this character as well. You know, that Ji Sung was considering to play Jo Hong Bin in BM. He was searching for such hilarious character. And he did right decision, that has declined at the end BM. Now he's shining in KMHM. And Wookie also has searched for challenging role, that's why has chosen BM. And he hasn't succeed not in terms of acting, but scenario and production was weak enough. Sadly. I hope he'll find his hit and interesting character and project, as Ji Sung did. But I'm almost sure, that everybody will now compare all hilarious characters and projects with Ji Sung's Kill Me Heal Me. So it will be hard for Wookie to shine in Dramaland this year. Well, it will be hard for everyone. But let's hope.   [-O< Btw, want to remind you to take part in our video-project for uri Wookie ;)
@silvertime I hope you'll succeed in finding RM house. Do you know the exact address? lol. If you'll find it, you should share the address with me and when I'll be in Seoul next time, I'll try to walk there too. Who knows, maybe Dongwook will be filming RM that day (if he still will be among the cast *praying* and I'll see him or take a oic, or autograph. 
@HwaSeongEun so SOAW was your first drama? Mine wasn't Wookies. And I used to appreciate some korean actors, but only Wookie has turned me to be the fan. lol. Regarding invitations in RM. I'm sure all of them are not initiative of cast. I'm sure it's PDs who are deciding whom to invite. In this season yes. In 1st season maybe it was initiative of cast members. But now all is done by scenario. So I think if PDs will tell Wookie that for next shooting we want to invite Lee Jin Wook or Boom, it will be not Wookie who will call them, but PDs. But it will be shown for audience, that it was Wookie who has invited them. Idk, maybe all those guest: comediants, Shoo, etc. need to be promoted. Or even their agency has agreed with SBS. But of course there is slight chance that it was Guk-joo or Seho who are asking PDs to invite those guests. But I bet it isn't so. 

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@princi_86 i don't know  whether it was luck or wisdom of Ji sung to pick KMHM over BM .you know sometimes I wished if BM be reproduced again after taking care of all the flaws ,it could be a hit :( the writer missed a huge opportunity anyway luckily LDW gained new fans thanks to BM and I think he learned a lesson .I once read a comment saying ' I am gonna see how LDW will save this drama ' he can't do it alone whatsoever his talent

you know what makes HK and WR are special to me , coz I love every single character in both dramas , the supporting cast were awesome and perfectly written , I don't see them as just filler that was missing in BM ..btw I haven't watched SOAW and mandate of heaven.to talk about

@princi_86 don't worry about comparing uri WOOKIE with anyone , he will rocks just pray he finds the good plot , good screen writer , good director and finally a popular co star 

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Guest silvertime

Haven't finish watch BM. Left 2 more episode. Is there something wrong with that movie that I didn't know? I think it's an interesting movie. Ha ha. I will share the picture plus location for you guys next time. Who knows I can meet them there. Ha ha. Gonna check with a Korean guy and see if he knows the whereabouts of DW And Ji Hyo (My favourite actor and actress). Are you guys the one who organise the project for DW??? Already sent in the pics. Ha ha hope he can get our messages.

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@silvertime welcome chingu , don't get me wrong i love BM , i watched it while it was airing the music, cinnmatography and of course the whole cast were awesome;but it has flaws in writing you can notice that my profile pic.is HB of BM

you will go to Korea, it seems i am the only one here who hasn't been there befor :( have a nice trip ;)

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Guest prexy_06

@Princi_86‌ :-h Yes! I hate the fact that korean netezines dont appreciate a heavy drama like LDV but this is the kind of drama where you can truly find how good and effective an actor or an actress is. Wookie's acting in LDV and HK is beyond EXTRAORDINARY! =D> I super duper hate KBS and MBC for not recognizing wookie's talent :( So yes, I totally understand how devastated our wookie last year. I feel like something very important to him was being taken away :( We are all witness of how good his acting in HK so how come he didn't get even just one award? As a fan I am really affected by this, i feel like he is being cheated! URGH! *sigh*

Anyway, I'm almost done rewatching SOAW and I fall for him all over again. I love his character there. And yes, chingu he is so shippable to anyone even to those "ajuma" maybe because he gets along to anyone :))

@HwaSeongEun‌ chingu, if you want to fall inlove to LDW even more I suggest you to watch My Girl, Wild Romance, and Partner first because it was a light and easy going drama then you can continue watching his melodrama. Hotel King, Mandate of Heaven and La dolce Vita we're one of the best when it comes to his acting ability:)

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@Prexy_06 Wild Romance is next on my list to watch :-) I've seen My Girl, SOAW<3, BM, HeartBreak Library, The Recipe and The Perfect Couple (I loved his look in this one especially). I have only watched half of HK though. I decided to give it a break and try to finish later because it was so heavy and long. 

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