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@itybittykitty I think Wookie looks better  :x do you know the brand of this sweater?
Btw, I was searching Naver and guess what netizens are discussing and paying attention to after episode? How many boyfriends had Sunny and funny dance of Jackji and Gukjoo. Wookie's confession they even hasn't noticed. Just few fans has commented this article. I'm so dissapointed with them. 

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Guest itybittykitty

@Princi_86 ...me too thinks wookie looks better :x  ...the brand is Kenzo ....

unfortunately wookie is not the most popular roommate cast member...its so hard to find gifs of him after every episode...

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angiemty said:

Actor Lee Dong Wook talks about how he lost his confidence last year on 'Roommate'

Actor Lee Dong Wook opened up about the tough year he had on the January 13th installment of 'Roommate 2'.

He was hanging out with his roommates g.o.d's Park Joon Hyung and Otani Ryohei in the garden, where they had a heart-to-heart talk about 2014 as well as the new year. Lee Dong Wook expressed, "Last year, I worked a lot, but the results weren't good. This year, my goal is to return to how confident I used to be."

Park Joon Hyung responded, "The thing I know is that you've already started. My grandma told me that you'll be happier if you live without selfishness. No one around me has said anything negative about you. You've really succeeded."

How was 2014 for you?

I'm really sad reading this =((, hope 2015 will be a better year for uri Wookie :x
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Got from RM thread, thanks to alabm10, this was some of netizens comments regarding our Wookie, most of them comment about Blademan..well, yeah, seems Blademan was really flopped and the reason why I keep watching it onky because my support towards Wookie...
[Roommate] Lee Dongwook confessed 'I didn't have good outcomes in 2014, I lost my confidence'1. It seems that it's time to have the good eyes for choosing a masterpiece rather than being productive. [7848, 72]2. He's productive but it's true that the outcome is not so good..But still, good job to Lee Dongwook who did his best. [6300, 76]3. Roommate is fun and also touching.. But I wonder why the ratings doesn't seem to rise. First, I'm glad that they don't do all those lame things they did in season 1. In Roommate season 1, rather than because of fun, each one of the members became hot topics and being cursed at because of the bad editting.. Only pushing love-lines between female and male members..And i can't belive they aired an hour of a ridiculous prank (secret camera). It's nice that there's no such things in Season 2. [3789, 183]4. But still, we acknowledge your acting skills. Now, please carefully choose your project! Fighting. [3702, 153]5. In the case of Hotel King, it's still a drama with a good quality and the story-line is quite solid but Ironman was so ridiculous. It's unbelieveable that the drama first wanted to cast Park Shin-yang. [1690, 34]6. Of course you're loosing it...because horns suddenly come out from your back [666, 12]7. Lee Dongwook is such a good actor, has a good looks but he doesn't have an eye for choosing his works..ㅠ Hotel King, Ironman..what are these.. Choose a good one for your next project so that it works out well [635, 28]8. You should have rested after Hotel King. [573, 19]9. Move from that agency... To the one that choose a good project. Really..what is this..it's such a waste. ㅠㅠ But still, looking at how you are still doing Roommate, I think you still have the will power. [536, 6]10. Don't choose the character/role but choose the storyline/plot [512, 9]-------- GOODLUCK AND FIGHTING FOR 2015! 

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you made me really sad Lee dong wook , what makes you say that confession on TV. Are you that mush desperate ? are you that much lonely ? or you send a message to someone? Now I have to read comments questioning your choices and it is being repeated as it is a fact , what was wrong with wild romance , kang ko's story and hotel king to be judged bad choices , I don't know about heaven's order since historical drama isn't my cup of tea .blade man 's idea was brilliant ,but I admit it the script has some weakness points 

anyway I hope all these comments are sincere and you have to stop making hard on yourself ,appreciate what you already achieved and take your time and choose your new projects , never underrate yourself or accept any role for other' sake and finally if you are feeling lonely , go find your soulmate and get married man  fighting dear

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Guest littlelolo

@sassygirl94‌ I liked those comments.. it feels like reading my thoughts.

@MaysoonD‌ wild romance was funny and good but it wasnt an execellent choice after the big success of SOAW. But hotel king, for me, was much better, it attracted me from the very begining of the show, ofcourse there ware flows but on general it was interesting story and worth watching. And Blade man...I dont wanna talk about it, I think I got cheated by the writer and director


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@littlelolo i think he wanted a 180degree different character .anyway he needs now his beloved support and some luck and ofcourse he has to pay more attention to his new projects .

@angiemty shall we a make vedieo saying "Wookie you did a good jop in all his international fans languages "

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@MaysoonD Making a video is the only thing that crossed my mind when you said we should do something to cheer him up, it's really hard for us to do something like DongWookholic or DC Gallery does because we're from different places, the only thing we can do is throught the internet a video is a good option and we can find a way to make him see the video, maybe send it to KKE or someone in RM can help us perhabs PDnim, but we'll cross that brigde when we come to it... First we need to know who wants to participate maybe we have people who doesn't like to be in front of a camera, myself included but let's see what everyone else think about it, oh and someone who's really good editing videos :-/
thoughts? :-B

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@angiemty making video is a good idea! because we can post it to anybody...and we do have a friend that is close to DWH member, also is a good and faster if we send it to SBS Roommate PD, or KKE...and post to KKE and Wookie's weibo..

Wookie's 2015 calendar, Japan FM organizer sell this for 3600 Yen.. but we can only ask Japanese to buy..too bad..

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Guest adikkeluangman

As a casual fan and random watcher, what I saw from last year LDW was a yes man. So what he said on Roommate somehow it clicked to me. He become yes man when he accept the role for Hotel King because his former co-star asked him. He become the third replacement for lead in Blade Man after 2 actors refused the drama. He still continue Roommate for S2 because of his loyalty when he got choice to drop it.
Somehow it can lower the confidence because he is not the first choice or director fave or script writer got him in mind. This year, for once please be a no-man and selfish. Say no when your co-star offer job. Think twice whether you want to help your friend or the job is good for your resume/can it improve your acting etc. 
Drop from Roommate S3 if it become more burden for you. But I can see how happy LDW in Roommate because he got friends from every age range so they can share and discuss anything.
For once, I want to read news that said director xyz offer him role because director can see he is the right person for that or script writer visualize him as the lead when wrote the script.

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A video is a good idea, but there are many considerations that @angiemty said that we need to keep in mind. It might be hard if there is just us. But there are also quite a few smaller international fanbases for LDW, such as on twitter. Maybe we can rope them in too? 

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@adikkeluangman No, you were wrong here..FYI, it wasn't his co star asked him to be in HK but it is vice versa, It was Wookie asking Da Hae to be his partner because the first choice is Lee Yoo Bi and Da Hae wasn't first choice of the female lead, so Wookie told the director that he wanted Da hae to be his partner... and when the writer wrote HK, she was imagining Wookie to the male lead, so in this case Wookie was tge first choice, but in Blademan, he was third after Park Shin Yang and Ji Sung, for me, I think he agreed to be in this drama to help KBS itself since they were running out of time to look for new male lead, but it turned out bad when they didn't appreciated him, cutting down the episodes, didn't nominated in KBS award, well his acting isn't that bad actually..IDK, but yes, 2014 was his productive year when we can see him from Feb until now every week...well, I hope this year, he will receive a really good script and story line and hopefully it is under SBS this time...

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@adikkeluangman  and regarding Roommate , luckily he stay coz he is having fun there and he proved that bad rating and low popularity wasn't coz of season 1 members but due to editing and direction problems which is improved in season 2.

wish he read your advise and be no- man and selfish 

@sassygirl94 I agree with , I am totally disappointed in KBS, Idk if you have watched BM , his acting was superior , even those who criticize or even hate the drama appreciated his talent   

no offense but LDH is much better so it is good thing he chose her instead 

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@angiemty video is great idea. I'm in, although I don't like to pose on camera. I agree with @uriuri and others, that we need to attract more people in order to make it more meaningful to Wookie. Maybe from Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Also we need a script and video-maker. But I think we can deal with it. Just need to start. I will post some ideas how to organize it when will be a bit more free from work. And chingus, let's all think about it seriously. We need to make it before his new drama in order to encourage him. Coz I think he's a bit afraid that audience has disappointed at him after BM and will not watch his new project. :( For me Blade Man was drama which turned me from Wookie lover to almost Wookie's fan. Roommate was final thing. He has shown himself on BM as versatile actor, coz this role was opposite to HK's role and he has played it perfectly nevertheless all critics which he had for sure read on Naver or elsewhere. But I'm almost sure that netizens haven't criticized his acting. I think they have criticized drama overall. Sorry that all in one line. I'm typing from tablet and it doesn't want to make paragraphs.

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Guest itybittykitty

@adikkeluangman ... I said the same thing ...though differently...he does too many favors for his friends in the industry ... and he really gets invested ....I remember that for strong heart he asked one of his friends who were rappers to write the intro song for the show *I forgot what episode that was* .....but he takes things on and even carries them on his shoulders...

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@adikkeluangman like @sassygirl94 said you got it wrong it wasn't Da Hae who asked Dong Wook to take CJW's role it was Wookie who asked Cherry to work with him again, they said in Hotel King's presscon and interviews

@sassygirl94 @uriuri @princi_86 @MaysoonD I agree with all of you said
First we can set a due date eg. february 10th, we promote it on SNS (facebook, twitter, IG, weibo), I was thinking two ideas for the video...
1.- everyone's personal message max one or two minutes (all in english) 

2.- Love actually's style we write a general message and then everyone's get a line (this is an option if someone's not confident with their english)
In the end of both videos we can add @MaysoonD idea's about "Oppa, you did a good job" or something between the lines in different languages because even if two or more persons speak the same language we have different accents

If we choose the first option then we set only one due date, but if we choose the second one we need two dates first one to know who wants to participate to divide the lines and a second date to send your video. I think the first option is way less complicated =))
Someone have another idea of how to make this video?

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@adikkeluangman, thanks for your distorted info, making me posting in this thread again. I used to post here 4-5 years ago, but after Dahae many scandals, I don't want to disrupt the peace, or making other Wookie's fans uneasy knowing hard core Dahae's fans in here, but I never skip reading this thread, and just supporting him in other channel.

so back to your comment, hope this can clear your misunderstanding about your "yes man" story, and hope people who don't know about history of Hotel king, didn't jump to conclusion based on wrong info.


I know it's not easy to browse google on Hotel King early production story, like the casting, I think you can find it easily in other famous english blogs.


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I have an idea for the video...personal message for 2 minutes in English is too long for me, I guess because how long the duration it will be? IMO,we can just ask someone who's better in editing, I think we have a lot goot video makers in Soompi, remember HK fan made MV by Hoteliers? LOL! for first few minutes, we can put Wookie's happy moment,bts clip etc in 2014..and after that, put the video about Roommate episode when they did mini Healing camp, focusing on Wookie's part...then, we as fans send our message, name, picture to someone who wants to make video, and put it on last few minutes, I think in this way it will be easier..Plus, we can use Sugar-Maroon 5 as the background music since it is Wookie's fav song  :D

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Hello! I am mostly a lurker here, but I decided to post because thanks to an app I could find InStyle scans in a better quality than the ones we've gotten from DC. It would be cool if someone can translate Wookie's interview ^^ (click on the pics to enlarge)

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And, speaking of what all of you have said here... @adikkeluangman, from what I could gather last year, Wookie was the first choice for Hotel King but LDH wasn't. I read that HK's writer wrote the drama with him in mind. I have a theory that maybe since he also acted as a producer for that drama, that he also cooperated to "create" some of it, at least the superficial stuff, because in the last years he is investing his money and as we all know he likes to directing. I think if he hadn't been asked BM, he would have done HK only which is the drama that made me his fan.

Wookie doesn't want to lose chances, imo. If he likes a script, he accepts the job because he is interested and probably thinks that who knows, that project may do well despite (in BM's case) the plot was contrived. On a side he doesn't want to refuse because you know, there's some people that don't ask you twice in the future if you want to join their projects, because they'll think you'll refuse again. Maybe he believes that he has to try and accept everything so that he will still get offered from the same people in the future and he'll still have a project to act in? From his RM words and past interviews (like on TAXI) he seemed to fear that he won't be remembered because all that he's done in his career besides few things, have been criticized by netizens as if he doesn't "arrive" to people. At this point I don't know exactly if it's more a carpe diem attitude what he has, or fear to be put in the shadows if he acts mighty like other actors and rejects job offers if they don't please him. It could be a mix of both. Anyway my suggestion is that he should read the scripts carefully and think if he has to accept or refuse the job. Sure, he could refuse something that turns out to be a hit, but he wouldn't be the first actor to do so. Maybe, against his thoughts he is gonna be asked more to work because he would be less "avaiable"... but mmmmh, this depends. In any case, I hope that he gets a big project like SOAW and gets back in the spotlight.

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