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Guest Xiaoba1tu
I hate taking the bus when like some smelly person sits near you and you have to sit the whole time trying not to smell the stink...... *shudders*

hahaa..!! I have taken the bus for a year now and so far haven't sat next to a stinky person before :lol:

Poor you.. I would try to change seats.. hehe.. ( or pretend to offer your seat to someone standing up )

hehe.. mean eh..

edit// Woooh! I TOPPED a page!

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^ :lol: I like to sit near the buttons too at the back cos when you need to get off and sumone is sitting next to you, it's way hard to press the button ^^" and I hate getting off when there's sumone sitting next to you cos you have to make them move and all that... haha

LOL same here! HAHAHA. yeah, i try to sit on the seat closest to the aisle, at the back.. HAHA. i'm so lazy! but i'll move in it if the bus is busy.

a smelly person.. that's happened numerous times to me. =__=

i so can't wait until i get my license.

if i do.


and wtf! today was so weird. i heard it was 26. it felt like freaking 35 today. ergh!

went to the city and it was cold at first but started boilingggg. and it was cloudy this morning. =_=

and apparently christmas day is 38? HOLYGOSH.

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Guest ayaka_sorano

^ man.... that hot today? I wouldnt know since I've been at home all day XD

I wish our Christmas is during Winter like most other places...... Then we'd be able to see snow and make snowmans!! Wouldnt that be fun.... Christmas in Aus is just not as exciting at all...

How i wish for a Winter Christmas.....

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I would love a white christmas too... *sigh*

I went shopping for the whole day today... buying presents for my family xD

I spent SO much money T_T_T_T i want to work again T_T_T_T

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^ aww yeah, i saw all those bags you were holding.. O_O

so funny, jack and i were literally standing behind you guys for like one minute. and you were turning around and everything HAHA

but yeah we did end up seeing lara, ryan, and sena at carillon city for lunch.. and ryan goes to me (when lara was away), "she spent all my money again.." ROFLL =_=

anyways! yeah. it got hotter by the afternoon. T_T

for once i want a wintery birthday... :(

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HAHA I so didn't see you guys there xD

I was talking to Quan and never realised you guys were standing behind me until I turned around XD

HAHAHA awww he gets all his money used up :P

I wonder if they ended up going karaoke :/ haha

the city is so boring now... I walked around the city like twice with nothing to do anymore T_T

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Guest TrainDriver

^yeh, perth doesn't have much to do. i've seen all the movies i wanted to see, been to couple of sleepovers, played some pool. i've run out of things to do.

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Guest ayaka_sorano

^ yeah me too........ It's getting kinda boring on soompi when there's nothing new to look at though....

Perth is b o r i n g................ Everywhere you go here is just the same....No new shops or anything.... *getting sleepy*

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what the freaking stupid soompi times thing. my post was meant to go below kim's T_T


i just realised something. because it's so boring lately... we should have a soompi meet up soon. :o! i know everyone was refusing before.. LOL. but it's so boring now, maybe we can express how boring perth is when we meet ROFL. :x

i know hey. T_T in total, i've played 3 hours worth of pokemon today. T_T so boring!

and i have no where to go out at night. T_T there's no where to go and all.

i wish someone lived really really near me. T_T


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haha yeah, I've been spending much less time on soompi as usual :mellow:

I've been trying to go out everynight ><

I'm at my cousin's atm and its SO boring T_T

THe only thing I'm doing now is playing pokemon T_T

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Guest ayaka_sorano

I've been trying to occupy myself with watching some dramas from the net and DVD but Korean dramas are becoming WAY TOO boring now cos it just is...... I only like watching SOME Japanese dramas but since I do have a download limit, I cant just keep watching...... I mean I can watch up to 7 episodes in one day if I really could... But I cant...... I guess I fast forward too much... But i cant stand watching the boring bits......

Why nobody wanna go to Soompi Meet up? I see that most other countries are having or HAD their meet ups.. Perth has never had one XD I wouldnt mind going ^^ It'll occupy me for a day.... haha

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Guest TrainDriver

^haha download limits suck. i want to watch taiyo no uta, cos i like the song :P but each ep is 700mb :wacko:

soompi meetup will be mainly us year 12s, and antz, kim and joanna already know each other. it'll be a bit weird for me being the only guy there, and its awkward meeting ppl from the net (yes guys, i'm predator :ph34r:) :lol: but i reckon u guys should have a meetup.

xmas is soon, which means xmas food :D wat u guys having? i'm having roast pork on xmas eve, turkey on xmas and glazed ham on boxing day.

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we shud all burn kdramas and exchange them. I've watched the same ones too many times o_o

I haf dl limits too and i can download only at off peak times-.-

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^ :o! :D hehe. i don't have a lot of korean dramas, and the ones i have, everyone probably has it anyway ahaha.

LOL no way. there should be about two or three guys, or even more here. from the top of my head, there are three. it's all good! we'll just organise a day where all the guys can go. :D

yeah but it's all good, even if kim, joanna, and i know each other, there won't be any awkwardness. ^^

i'd LOVE to meet all you guys. ^^ it would be even awesome if i already had seen you guys from somewhere, LOL! ^^


omg. i forgot to get back to watching dramas. i seem to watch like one episode every 3 days. O_O i could have done that today.. darn!

YES i can't wait until christmas dinner <3 i'm having yummy roast lamb, YAY!

but then after christmas will be hell.... :(

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Guest ayaka_sorano

Ongi3000: I watched Taiyou No Uta already~! It was ok i guess haha :lol: I would lend it to you except that I've returned it to my fren and I have no idea where she is ^^" And it wouldnt be weird! Cos I havent met anyone from Soompi either, let alone have school frens from Soompi so most of us are on the same boat here =)

OMG... I wanna watch My Girl again!! I downloaded it ages ago when it came out with eng subs and all but then i lent it to my fren and apprently she sed returned me the cd's already, but I can't find them ANYWHERE! I love that show so much..... But it's not worth it to download it all again....... Would waste like 2 gb or sumthing!

I've got some Kdramas I guess... But most of them I downloaded from youtube to avoid Huge download size so they're low quality haha ^^

Hmm.... Parents arent here for Christmas so i guess I wont be having those special dinners until they come back.... I wanna eat nice food too -.-"

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^MY GIRL! omg. seriously. i had all the eps until my comps crashed. then i got some back again and now i have one ep to go. ive been watching it throughout this year cuz of school LOL. too lazy to finish watching it off HAHA.

freaking soompi times again! =_______=

woot woot welcome back, jo XD even though i'm talking to you right now LOL.


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wow this thread grows so fast o_O

im finally back from Taiwan hehe. it seemed so fast, it seemed more like a week than 3 weeks haha. i need to catch up on everything. haha soompi meetup?? we should haha i think we've been talking about it for ages but never really organised it HAHA.

i got so much dramas to watch but im kinda lazy hehe, J Doramas were on special so i bought a few haha. i bought Nobuta wo Produce, i cant wait to watch it haha i've been wanting to watch it for ages and j doramas usually take FOREVER for me to download ><

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