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Guest ayaka_sorano

Just a quick Question guys!!

Does anyone want anything from THREADLESS.COM?

Someone wanted personal order so I'd just see whether anyone else is interested..

Let me know ASAP! Thanks!^^

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Guest mystique
I don't think anyone should panic about the new bus routes. You will be very surprised at particularly the main line service improvements.

By cutting out free way running it leaves available many more buses and drivers, and to top that off the PTA have a not so secret depot where they have stored some of the better older buses because they will also be needed for the new system.

People south of the river, particularly in the old 879, 878, 883 etc will be getting a lot more buses starting a lot earlier and finishing a lot later.

The new bus time tables are online now at www.transperth.wa.gov.au

As far as jobs go try something unconventional. If you had of told me I would have been driving buses as my uni job 3 years ago I would have thought you where mad. I can't even drive a four wheel drive because they are to big.

Try cleaning jobs in hospitals, supermarkets, asian lunch bars, etc etc.

YES! go 879!!! :D

and like others have said, its best to bring ur passport for getting ya Ls.

i went to get my Ls last Tues and the lady asked for my passport and bank card to check that my signature was the same.

good luck for those going for it! if uve done it online u should do fine, the Qs r the same ^^

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Just a quick Question guys!!

Does anyone want anything from THREADLESS.COM?

Someone wanted personal order so I'd just see whether anyone else is interested..

Let me know ASAP! Thanks!^^

thanks for that ^^ aww the shirts are so cute! i wanna buy some but i gotta save up! sighhh T.T

I was freaking out about my L's last night.. now I'm like, homg, I can't believe I even freaked out. It took me like 2 minutes, seriously. O_O My mum was like WTF and staring at me with the look like O_O *GO BACK IN THERE!!* I'm just bummed that I didn't get the 30, even though I was close... stupid one question that I forgot T_T Aish! But it's all good. :D I'm happyhappyhappyhappyhappy~~~

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Guest rain.lee.bow

omg iv been sitting around for like 2 weeks not going anything.. waitin for someone to call me up for a freaking job!? does anyone know any available positions (mostly in city) with an immediate start. im so bored... i have applied like everywhere!

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haha i havent even done the reading test yet for driving >< i was gonna bring the book and read it while on holidays and come back to take the test but i left the book at home T__T and im kinda lazy too haha. i have to get a job first before starting any of the driving stuff ><.i need money lol i've spend more than half my money already and it's only been the first week.

i'm so bummed at the moment, i want to see lollipop here, i think they are doing some fansigning stuff this sunday but my mum wont let me go T___T i want to see wangzi so bad *cries*

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i havent been in here in a while T_T

damn my net got cut and its pissing me off >< so have to go to my cousin's house to use the net =(

but yeah... havent taken my Ls yet... been so busy from work ><

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I still have to type up my resume hahaha

I have zero experience and yeah T_T I have no idea what to do. I want to go around to a few shops and ask if they need anybody but I don't have the guts ._.;

mm...looking through the KFC site. I might just like, apply for ti anyway. despite my nonexistent communication skills and my unconess -_____-;

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Guest sulfuric_ACID

yay to the early release of uni results. i feel so relieved now. now i can truly enjoy my holidays hehe. like everyone else, i need a job too. missed the vac work opportunities. saw an awesome job, counting boats for 22$/hr + 0.64$ per km traveled. only problem is i need a car and i don't have one. too bad for me

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Jobs.. hmm.. i wanted to work, but my mum said not to cause im going on a 2 month holiday on Tuesday. These are just some of the jobs that i was offered;


Subway (easy easy job)

HJs (said above)

Ikea!! (theyre opening next year)


Good lucckkk!!

have a great holiday

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Guest ayaka_sorano

^ that's true for me too in a way. When I worked in Pink Rice, I still loved all the food they cooked even though the pthers were sick of it ^^"

OH! Target in Carousel is apparently looking for people too! Some girl I met today told me... If u want to work there, go to the target website and fill in application form and go to Target in Caro with your resume.

I worked today.... So tired!! But the pay is double time! I earn $21.65 per hour today~♪

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Guest mystique

wahh target is looking for people again?? maybe i should re-apply ^^;;

have bus routes changed yet? i went on the website buts its confusing :huh:

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The bus routes don't change until the 24th. So for the first day of train operation the normal bus routes apply.

Arrr, thats so sad, I earn about $22 an hour during the week. It's about the lowest I have worked for, but it's a brain dead job driving buses. Trained monkeys could do it. I worked today as well, and we are on about $44 I think, might be a bit more.

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i've been in hk for 2 weeks now but all i've really done is gone hiking. i never knew how painful it could be to walk up stairs -_-

i wish i could work here but the pay is really crap. the average pay is probably like, 4 AUD an hour O_O

i'm sticking to volunteer work instead.

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