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Guest iPhets
my friends wanna go to penguin island during the hols for some odd reason oo;

Any idea on how we could get to Mersey Point? Besides getting driven there. though we probably will haha

4 and a half out of 28 for my chem test.

I MUST STUDY T______________T

Lowest score was 1.

LOL. and i thought my class average for intro calc was sad.. 30% =.=;

what was the test on? i got one next week and i think im going to fail it.. i never listen in class =x

five should be better just in case =x

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Guest kappow

i dont think failing the first few tests in year 11 is that bad.. i mean the JUMP from year 10 to year 11 is ridiculous!! :wacko:

i have my intro calc test on MONDAY (stupid logs)!! plus my Italian Oral.

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Guest <3 Kim

I thought the jump from 11 to 12 wasn't that bad. By year 12 you would've been used to having tests like every week and used to being overloaded with work :/

I rememberd failing more in year 11 than in year 12. :/ I liked the start of year 12, thats when I did good in my tests :x

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Guest kandi

^agreed. the jump between yr 11 and 12 isnt that bad cos u get used to all the tests and stuff in yr 11. so yr 11 was a pretty good set up example to yr 12. i thought yr 10 to yr 11 was a bigger jump in workload.

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Guest iPhets
i dont think failing the first few tests in year 11 is that bad.. i mean the JUMP from year 10 to year 11 is ridiculous!! :wacko:

i have my intro calc test on MONDAY (stupid logs)!! plus my Italian Oral.

lol logs.. not looking forward to it x_x i have it next term..

LOL italian oral x_X i have my japanese one on thursday booo~~

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Guest TrainDriver

i guess i must be the only crazy one who though year 11 was much more relaxing than year 10 :lol: maybe cos i actually started working though and had a good routine that worked for me.

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Guest ayaka_sorano

OMGGG I have a mid semester this Tuesday and I dont feel like studying at all!!! I've only started studying like yesterday.... I think I'm extremely extremely screwed T.T

I thought the jump from 11 to 12 wasnt as bad as the jump from 10 to 11. The jump from 10 to 11 was SHOCKING!

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*phew* so I shouldn't freak out that much? xD I spent the last hour and a half working on my chem, I finally get a lot of it ahaha My only problem is formulas and valencies. You're allowed to put them in your calculator right? At least until I have a lot of them memorized. I still can't remember Ammonia and Ammonium. ^^;;

iPhets: Our test was on formulas. Balancing and whatnot. xD I couldn't remember my ions, even though I know the groups had something to do with valencies, I couldn't remember which was which so my formulas were all wrong x_x He did say the test was mid to high in difficulty but yeah. Our IC test average was like 60% or so? xDD I got another test on indexes and stuff on tuesday T_T

kappow: We should be starting logs this week =x The jump, yeah x_x the stuff they teach...gah. The first few weeks was just revision, then it just like stepped up xDDD iT is so flipping stupid though. Even the teacher doesn't expect us to do well in the exams. The stuff in it is just like wth and I had extra iT classes in yr 8-10 cause i was in a program ._.; The workload in English is crazy. The other subjects, not so much. maybe IC...French is a LOT harder cause we're not used to doing any work. and now we're expected to know the conjugations and speaking @($)@#$@(%@V#M$( rawr.

Darn it, my usage is up and I still have another 4 days till it resets.

Plus side, one more week of school! Consisting of...IC Test, IT Test, Big Chem test on THE LAST DAY ^_^ Oh and parent interviews.

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Guest <3 Kim

^ haha my sister has achem test tomorow too :P

But she's got Mr Ta to help her, damn lucky girl T_T i NEED him back now T__T im hell struggling with chem at at uni, its SO hard T_T

but yeah youre allowed to shove them in the calc :P

Yeah I thought the jump from year 10 to 11 was really bad. IT was so hard to adapt to it.

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Guest iPhets

^yeah, i got not much sleep nowadays T_T

and im not looking forward to the holidays, i bet all im going to do is study for the coming tests =.=

LOL rai-rai, the last week of term is NOT a plus >< so many tests in that week..

all the hardest ones too T_T physics on wednesday and chem on thursday =.=

luckily im not taking GnT, that would mean a test tomorrow, physics chem and japanese on the same week. LOL.

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Guest kappow

c r o s s c o u n t r y :tears:

English isn't that bad this year.. although i've done 5 essays in 4 subjects O.O (my god i seem to complain a lot.. im sorry.. ) i think im having a mid-teen crisis where i get really stressed and my hair falls off, i just got a new haircut ...For those in year 11 this year.. what subjects are u guys doing?

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Guest iPhets

^nothing that is fun =(

english 2a2b, physics, chem, intro, japanese, and human bio


and yeah.. my hair is falling out too..

and eye bags =.=

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english 2a2b, chem, intro calc, french and applied it in multimedia.

i did vet music before but i had to get moved out because the singing lessons were so expensive and i couldn't play any other instruments T_T so I get 6 study periods a week and do phys rec. I used to have 4 period 0's, now its 2 ahaha

I've done so many tasks in English, its even scarier cause everything you do goes to your marks. I haven't slept moe than 5 hours in a month. At least. I got 9 last night though ahaha

I am so scared. I need to get out of my habit of procrastinating.

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Guest Shellae

wait... 6 study periods a week?! i remember in year 11 i only had one, and that was for peer support... and year 12 i had no study periods!

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Guest kappow

6 STUDY PERIODS! WHHHAAAA :w00t: ?? i only get 2 in my 10 day cycle and theyre both on odd week..

me? im doing Eng2a2b, Econs, IntroCalc, Politics and Law, Accounting and Finance, RE (compulsory) and Italian :ph34r:

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whoa six?!

i had like two in year 11 and either 1 or 2 in year 12. maybe two.

uni was SO BORING today T_T i should've left at 5. goshhh.

eeew religion. it was compulsory for me, too. i hated it so much. but my teacher last year was so awesome. XD i saw him the other day when i visited my HS, ahhh he's the best~

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eh. It's because we have period 0s. Which start at 7:45 x_x Apparently its cause the school isn't flexible with the timetables and there has to be combined classes. so for each period 0, you get a few study classes. Since I used to do VET music, I had 4 of them. Most people got 2, max.

And when I moved out, I ended up just doing 5 subjects and so I kept the study periods haha

Ai. IC test tomorrow T_T

Psh. We don't get to explode anything in chem apparently...only "theoretically" with equations. Rawr. the teacher as awesome as he is isn't awesome xD

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Guest ayaka_sorano

oh gosh.. I just finished my mid semester exam and everyone thought it was hard. I hope i can pass at least LOL. It;s sooo annoying cos like I studied some things that I didnt need to study and some stuff i didnt study was included. X.X

I'm so tired nowwwwww. But I still have uni.. -.-"

I guess everyone's starting to have tests now since it;s nearly the end of term and stuff for high schoolers. It always gets full on at the end.

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