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Kim Hee Chul 김희철 [希]

Guest damifino

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Guest damifino

One more minihompy entry from today :)


Title: 니 니 지 2 (Niniji 2)

2006.10.12 22:19

LOL ! !

That's my Yaamchae in the game ! !

Ooh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

even if I do that there isn't much there . . (T^T)

Thinking of Yaamchae, I thought I would raise it . .

In very frank words . .

it's bloody hard trying to raise this thing ㅡㅡ^

it doesn't even do as I say . .

Hmmph ~

And point ! !

I'm wearing a cat hairband

Can you see it? The cat ears ~ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ

To accomplish that quest was really ㅡㅡㆀ

Now I've acquired a bloodline and socialized with people ! !

But alas ~

once again I'm hunting alone ㅡㅡㆀ

During Chuseok while playing Niniji at the other dorm, Jongwoon said . .

Jongwoon: Heebong hyung Heebong hyung Heebong hyung~ (as he came over and sat down, touching the groove above his upper lip) <-- Heechul always makes fun of Yesung for touching the groove above his upper lip which is why Heechul calls Yesung '인중예성' Injoong Yesung :)

Me: What!! Stop touching me, oh honestly.. rabid (mad dog)

Jongwoon: Are you playing Niniji again? Have you increased your repetoire? <-- all of Yesung's dialogue is written to imitate Yesung's way of talking LOL

Me: Now I'm going to socialize with others~ I also plan to do a hunting party~ㅋ

Jongwoon: Heebong hyung~ I saw that you put this on your hompy~ What do you expect people to do?

Me: Crazy..ㅡㅡ^ I didn't write what level I was

Jongwoon: What are you going to do if instead of studying, they search all over the server trying to look for you~

Me: Surely they wouldn't do thatㅡㅡ;;

Jongwoon: We really had fun playing this a long time ago? Hyung and me and Kibum and Jihoo?

While doing what hyung told me to do, people told me that I was the worst player..

Me: You're the one who chose to do the same thing (Behreusaereuk ?)ㅡㅡ

Jongwoon: Heebong hyung Heebong hyung Heebong hyung~ (stroking my cheeks)

Me: Aiisshi!! Stop touching meㅡ you sneaky sneaky person ㅡㅡ^

Jongwoon: Why are you getting angry~ we are AB blood types~ Heebong hyung~

Me: Don't try to put yourself in a class with meㅡㅡ;; if you do then I just won't be AB blood type

Jongwoon: Hyung, you are more psycho than I am~ Heebong hyung Heebong hyung Heebong hyung~

ㅡㅡ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

When Jongwoon (Yesung) calls out to me, his point comes from the fact that he calls me . .

"Heebong hyung Heebong hyung Heebong hyung~"

From pronouncing this word 'Hee' strongly and he makes it more regal . .

But . .

^-^ saying this . .

what was I trying to say . . -_ㅡ++

DO NOT take this out without permission. Translated by Damifino@Soompi

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Guest damifino

Heechul updated a few things on his minihompy just now (well, in Korea, it's morning)


Today is 뿌듯 (bursting with pride)



Kim Kibok (up and down)..

Kim Cherry..

His friend Karrion..

Titles that take my place..

Ah.. I also have Heebong hyung..

He also changed his miniroom pic so now he's floating on a cloud with a crown surrounded by little animals and titled it "Sometimes.."

If I could go back to a year ago..

If I could go back to a month ago..

If I could go back to a week ago..

I have thoughts like these..

they are useless thoughts..

but they aren't bad..?

Keeping and protecting the past..

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Guest damifino

Heechul posted this at 5:15 am! I'm not sure if he's getting up really early... or staying up really late :)


Title: 햅 인 이 랑 (With Hae Bin)

2006.10.13 05:15

Is it because I uploaded a picture that I received, why is it so small . .

The reason why our heads are together like that . . ?

Each of us was trying to make our faces appear smaller in the picture so we are both in the process of taking a step back


heartbreakingly because I hurt my leg, it just doesn't look natural..

I couldn't fall back gracefully . . this yodel . .

She says that out of everyone she's ever met, I was the hardest to become friends with

She says I should change my aloofness and disinterest . .

Haebin: When a person says 'hello' greeting, you should also say something like 'yes hello'... what is this, what is this!! Making a person feel unwelcomeㅡㅡ^

Me: (derisively) Hmmph~

In truth . . I was acting derisive but . .

it's not like I'm like this because I want to be -_ㅡ++

I too want to improve my sociability, but what do I do when the words just won't come out . .

Haebin: How come you always behave aloof? Do you dislike me that much?

Me: As long as I'm good to my woman, everything'll be fineㅡㅡ

Haebin: But I'm your friend~

Me: I don't have friends that was femaleㅡㅡ

Haebin: Then what am I!!

Me: A creature

Haebin: You, how dare you talk back to noona!!

Me: By looking at your face, you look more like an aunt

Haebin: ㅡㅡ^ Being like that, how do you think you are going to date a girl and get married?

Me: Why? You worried that I'm going to beg you to marry me?

Why is it that . . teasing words come out of my mouth first instead of sweet words . .

I always talk about this with 'TRAX's Jungmo (X-mas) and Kibum

Me: Hey! When do you think I'll get a girlfriend..

Jungmo: When you have more of a desire to do wonderful things for a girl than wanting to just tease her..

Kibum: Heechul hyung~ such an abrupt remark, why are you like this~ not just once or twice, but all the time~

Me: (sigh)..ㅡㅡ^ Hey~ Hankyung~ let's play booroomabuel (?) ~

This is how the four of us, the dorm team, sit playing booroomabuel (?) . .

DO NOT take this out without permission. Translated by Damifino@Soompi

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Guest MizJudge.d

hahahh why does he sound more funny than a "hard-to-befriend-with" person?

Haebin is pretty^^. Ppl are different in..different ways. Him being sarcastic and not a usual sweet talk person is what makes me like him the most. But it'll be surprising when we know that he CAN sweet talk, and he dus it better than anibody else.

I don't make friends that easily either. Its either the other person talk to me first or I'll never or rareli ( when I have to) strike up a conversation with them.

Maybe I'm being lazy or I'm just dull and couldn't care less about other ppl that I don't know and don't wanna noe.

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OMgosh...dont tell me he stayed up all night. Argggg FREAK!!!

But wow, so many entries in just a few hours. >_______<

LOL he loves teasing girls...what a gentleman. LOL AB bloodtype suresuits him. LOL it is said that people who have AB bloodtype are....EVIL!!! (no offense to any AB people out there).

But the entry about his cat was sooo cute. At least he only mentions the yodel song ONCE. He's still not over it yet. >_____<

But poor YeSung, he has to listen to HeeChul~~

hahahh why does he sound more funny than a "hard-to-befriend-with" person?

Haebin is pretty^^. Ppl are different in..different ways. Him being sarcastic and not a usual sweet talk person is what makes me like him the most. But it'll be surprising when we know that he CAN sweet talk, and he dus it better than anibody else.

I don't make friends that easily either. Its either the other person talk to me first or I'll never or rareli ( when I have to) strike up a conversation with them.

Maybe I'm being lazy or I'm just dull and couldn't care less about other ppl that I don't know and don't wanna noe.

^ME TOO~~~ Its rare for me to 'make' friends, it takes me a LONG LONG time. And I tend to insult a person more because of my bluntness.

And yes, HeeChul does tend to sarcast a lot in his entries. But he's just too funny. ~~~

Thanks for the trans damifino

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Guest damifino

As Heechul mentions all the time, he is AB blood type so I thought I'd post some of the traits that are supposed to apply to Heechul. What do you think, does he fit the profile or what? LOL

Type AB Traits (4% of population)

You are a natural entertainer. Social, Easy-going, Sympathetic, Diplomatic, Outgoing, Laid-back, Creative, Unpredictable, Artistic, Flexible, Moody and Brooding.

Blend of opposites. Shy with some and bold with some. Introvert and Extrovert. Unpredictable and may seem to have calm exterior. Strong creative strain. Good at spotting problems and skirting them. Like city environment. Get bored easily. Everything they do is compelling. Never take things for granted. Appear mysterious. Contribute harmoniously to society.

Dislike to touch or be touched by others.

ABs are said to be serious and solitary by nature

Best Traits: Cool, controlled, rational. Sociable and popular. Empathic.

Worst Traits: Blunt, Aloof, critical, indecisive and unforgiving.

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Heck, I guess it true. We dont 'know' know him, so its not for sure.

But it sure seems like the HeeChul that's on the screen.

The worst traits sounds like its true. O_________O

Especially the blunt part and aloof, critical too. I'm not so sure about unforgiving.

LOL but it is true about my friend. Hahah, she's AB.

But the AB blooded people I know are evil. LOL my bro said that there are chances of me being AB. =______= my bro is AB, sure suits him.

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Guest damifino

I only know one AB person in real life, my niece and I'm not sure if she fits all of it, but she sure fits the blend of opposites and the creative part :)

It's so bizarre that people's characteristics are thought to be related to blood type... as if there really is only 4 types of people in the world. But I guess it's no stranger than the Briggs-Meyer personality test.

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^ LOL...yup yup its all so weird. >_____<

Now that I read it twice...it does seem like HeeChul...well judging from the entries and all. >_____< Most of it sounds true.

ABs are said to be serious and solitary by nature

^that kinda strike me thinking...arent evil people usually serious and solitary by nature. LOL. Or is it just me?

I was listening to one of the soundtrack from "Bad Family" and I noticed how HeeChul raps in there. And the more I listen, the more I notice how his rapping sounds much better when compared to his singing. Maybe its just me, but HeeChul has a nice...speaking voice. XD.

LOL I think him staying up the other night is what causing the delay in the minihompy entries. Well it sure makes up for it^^.

Hahaha, I cant believe he posted an entry at 5Am. >____<

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Guest damifino

Heechul does have a nice speaking voice. I loved listening to him on the radio. Heechul can talk really fast and he can make it sound more edgier which fits perfectly well to rapping, but I love his singing voice also. It's not your typical Korean ballad singer voice (Korean singers often use excessive vibrato which irritates the heck out of me... probably why I can't stand Korean R&B), but his voice has emotional depth without being pretentious. He matches more when he's singing rock or traditional pop than bubble gum pop, probably because he enjoys them more. I would like to see him on shows like Music Wave and 1000 song challenge when he goes back to work.

ETA For page ownage :)


Oh, this is something from the SuJu thread...

From 061013 박소현의러브게임(신동,성민,려욱) <-- Park SohYeon's Love Game (Shindong, Sungmin, Ryeowook)

host: a lot of listeners have been asking about Heechul and his activities

shindong: right now, he's gotten a lot better

sungmin: a lot better

shindong: at first, he couldn't even stand up and he had to lie down all the time but now

sungmin: he walks around by himself

shindong: he walks around but it's a bitttttttt hard so he still limps around but nowadays he goes to places by himself like the hairsalon, so everyone don't worry he's going to get better really soon. And there was also an article about his surgery, he just went through a new surgery and gotten a lot better so everyone don't worry~ heechul hyung is healthy~

ryeowook: heechul hyung is a real celebrity. he's sick but the thing that shocked me is that he cuts his hair and cuts his nails and the way he takes care of himself (looks-wise, i think), it shocked me. don't worry~

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Guest shronie_x3

omgosh Heechul updated on his cyworld about Yunho :tears: The picture freaked me out. it`s like a red skull.. and titled 'garbage' refering to the anti.. i could tell it was something serious. I`m sure everyone`s knows of it by now.. but if you didn`t then this anti-fan poisoned a drink, i think they put bond in it or something, and gave it to Yunho. How low can they go? Really.. probably at this moment that person`s taking pleasure in their misery. I really don`t get it..

Heechul seems really really really pissed off right now. i don`t blame him. As he said, yunho is like family to him. Heechul even prayed... yes he actually prayed. Yeah so we all though how serious this is to him and probably everybody else close to Yunho.

In the entry, Heechul asks everyone to pray for Yunho so they can catch anti who did this. So everyone please pray for them. It seems like suju and dbsk are both going through a lot hard times.

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Guest MizJudge.d

That girl must've been crazy or over obsessive. Hee Chul is really protective of his friends and family, let alone someone like Yunho, who is really close to him. The drink incident stirred up strong uprising among DBSG's fans. Who wouldn't get angry and want to skin the the anti's skin like you skin a fish if your idol happens to be her victim. Damn ppl these days. But Yunho is fine now. Thnx to all the prayers. Heechul don't waste your breath over some nut head like that. Rest well <3

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Guest damifino

You all might have heard by now that Yunho from DBSK was hospitalized after drinking something a so-called fan gave him that was laced with super glue. Here is what Heechul wrote on his minihompy after getting the call from Changmin about what happened to Yunho. He sounds REALLY angry. He even deleted every folder in his Photo section besides the one where he wrote his entry.

This is from the front page on his daily journal.


Today is 열받음 (furious) <-- he put a lightening bolt here

Protection of human rights..?

It should only apply to human beings,

it shouldn't apply to trash?

If your face is made public..

If I have to step on filthy underdwellers ..

Praying is something I have never done

Today I'm praying... get caught....

I didn't translate his main entry since it was already translated on the SuJu thread, here it is... with the pic that he posted with it


Title: 쓰 레 기 (Garbage)

2006.10.15 06:21

This is Heechul's entry.

I did NOT translate this,

my friend Tina did, so thank her.


I just noticed that the last paragraph of Heechul's post wasn't in the translation so here it is...

I apologize.. for my rough way of talking..


I'm also a human being ..

They might say that clearly things like this could happen

but this issue.. I have a feeling that this issue is bigger than just this incident

So that Yunho will heal quickly.. so that the criminal will be definitely be caught.. please pray....

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Gosh that was soooo scary.


What the hell was that anti fan thinking?

GOsh I wanna skin that girl let alone HeeChul. >_____<


He's cursing so much, I've never seen any of his entries like...this.

You can actually feel the wrapth of his anger just through those words.

Crazy fan girl. OMgosh.

And YunHo vomitted blood too.

Gosh this is too crazy.

Thanks for sharign the trans

EDIT - calaboca - Really he didnt? Oh, *phew~~~* Thanks for confirming that

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Guest damifino

This is from the SuJu thread by Julie...

heechul's message in his cafe about yunho's incident...


if you look at it from a certain way a person that is so nice to the point he's foolish...

arghh seriously...

i'm about to cuss...

because i'm a celebrity... what is a celebrity... the fact that i have to use nice words even in this situation...


18... (like ssipal which is a bad word in korean)

when i first got the phone call i was skeptical...

he always smiles and laughs... he's the same as the first time i met him...

i can't even tell if he's really nice or i'm getting deceived by him because he's too nice... to that kind of person...

injury? is that injury? that's a murder...

get caught... get caught... get caught...

arghh... i'm feel like X(he doesnt feel good)...

when that X who's a X would have laughed while looking at yunho receive that drink...

that boy didnt know anything... he smiled like he does always... he would've received it saying "thank you"...

if she's a human... if she's a human that has been born from her parents and can think...

would she have been able to give him the drink without any hesitation looking directly at his face...

trash... trash is something that give off an awful smell that doesn't allow anyone to come near it...

18... if she's not trash then what's is she that's lower than trash...

we always talked about how he believes people too much and that he will get into a big accident by trusting people too much from a long time ago...

he might not trust his surroundings anymore... he would have been very shocked also...

and he would say "I'm okay ^-^" as if it's nothing...

please get caught... ruin your life... rehabilitation center? jail? what's the use?

human rights? giving a chance because you can't ruin your life from just one mistake? mozaic? change of voice?

is a murder even a human... a murder and a violation of their own child (sry i dunno wut that means :x)..

do we have to be nice enough to protect those kinds of people?

does that mean we have to recycle by going through trash?

we can't recycle food junk, can we?

we should make those kinds of trash into a bird food...

death penalty? is that gone now?


okay... i understand...

if we're going to punish a trash we have to give it a worse punishment...

even if i'm a proud korean i feel like X caring for a murderer and a violator...

i'm sorry yunho...

when i heard your news...

i was worried of course... but what i thought about more strongly was...

i really wanted that trash to get caught...

i don't belive in God, Jesus, or Buddha... i don't pray either...

i'm praying...

for you to get well...

but the thing i wish more is...

for that trash to get caught...

not a protection like a jail...

for her to get a punishment like getting her face into the public...

i'm sorry everyone...

but i'm a person too...

this kind of incident happened to a guy that i really love on the birthday of a guy that i really love...

it's very hard for me to be in the middle of celebration and rage..

credits: kiseki (heechul's fan cafe) + xgoody2shoes15x-soompi

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Guest MizJudge.d

~_______~ he is MAD very very very mad. I wud be too if it was me, it ruins Donghae's birthday. How could the anti have a soul to poison a nice person like Yunho, even if I don't know him personally, from what Heechul wrote, it must've been true, since they are really close to each other.

What drove the anti to do a thing like that. Even if she hates DBSG, did she have to go that far to poison one of them? Didn't she think of the consequence? But I kinda pity her now. DBSG fans will be raging with hatred for her, not to mention their fans are numbered to be millions of those from all over the world. tsk tsk.

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Guest damifino

I think it happened late at night on the 14th. They said DBSK was filming "Heroine 6" at the KBS studios and it happened around 10pm or something like that on the 14th. But I assume with all the chaos and going to the hospital and all, Heechul and Kibum didn't get the call until after midnight or close to it. Heechul often talked about Yunho, Donghae, and himself... they had special nicknames just for the three of them, Yurobbong, Dorobbong, and Heerobbong. I can't even begin to imagine how sad they all are right now :(

This incident is going to have so much repercussions to celebrity-fan relations in Korea. Fans probably won't be able to just come up to celebrities and give them stuff especially food/drinks like they have been. It's a good thing that celebrities are going to get more cautious, but it's sad that it took something like this to make them.

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