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Han Hyo Joo 한효주 - [FIN: Happiness (2021) || NEXT: ThePirates: Goblin Flag (Jan 2022)]


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Guest jihye87

^ thanks for the pics harmony~

Viki's clothes are kinda like for the working ladies :D

IF ... if HHJ were to take on the Korean ver. of ISWAK, I think all of us will have a hard time imagining HHJ as a silly and kinda dumb girl. Haha~ I think they should be casting a younger actress since HHJ has kinda built her profile as a candy/street smart girl.

I check the MNet choice voting daily and gosh! Her votes are jumping by 100 every 10 mins. Let's just pray it'll stay this way and we'll be able to catch her at the ceremony soon~!!

oh. Her hair is growing out~!!

She's able to tie a bun out now! :D

It's funny how I just caught So Jisub's film last night at a film fest and today there's news of HHJ having a crush on him. Haha. NIce choice.

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Guest Sayuri JaeJoong

^ i find that most of her best scenes are in AMAHAE

but since there are around 165 episodes it'll be hard to find a particular scene so i'll help u out x]

the kiss scene clickie (at 5:40) or clickie (at around 5:33)

the crying scene (she has quite a bit)

or the ones during the first few episodes of Brilliant legacy..

the laughing scene-there are so many i'll just share a few

& theres plenty of luaghing scenes in the korean air cfs that harmony uploaded ^^ clickie

& i dunno but i think that these are mv making worthy xP

& harmony uploaded a lot more on her youtube channel, i'm sure it'll help ^^ clickie

i hoped that helped ^^"

Hi !!! I really wanted to ThankYou before ne???

Thank U for your great suggestions for me my friend!!!

I LOVED All this videos and I´m so sorry for my delay to thank U ne???


Ah But I´m new here so I have fear to make a

mistake or something like that u.U"

Please I´m still asking your help and If U want to help me I thank U always!!!

Ahhhh!!! Domo arigato too for Heaven´s Postman new Pic!!!

JaeJoong♥´s holding Han Hyo Joo♥ was simply BEAUTIFULL !!!

I´m crazy to watch Heaven´s Postman♥ !!!

Ah !!! I thought Han Hyo Joo♥ totally sexy and super beautifull with long hairs !!!

She´s cute ne???

I´ll try to colaborate here so please forgive me for

Old pics ok?

I hope with time I get to colaborate with something new for Us ok???





I still need your Help !!!

I´m preparing ALL for my JJ♥ blog to October !!!

I Need a Good material from Han Hyo Joo♥For make my Video of Heaven´s Postman♥ !!!


If U have some GIFS from Han Hyo Joo♥ Please

Post here for me T^T ???

Thank You!!!


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Guest ellenkiki

Katie: Hehs, I think my favorite Hyojoo couples are.. HyoJae (duh!), TaJoo (Tabuloo~~), and HHJ x Daniel Henney XD What are yours?

sanderella: Well, it's not a LOT but the foundation seems really cakey @_@ But it could be the lighting of the room because other places, the makeup looks fine, lol. And seriously.. the girl has some KILLER legs! <3 So jealous T_T I like how even though she has a small tushy, she does poses that make it look like she has a big butt XD lol

Pshh: LOL!!! I don't remember his name >< It was some hairy, fat guy.. >.> Don't you remember?! D8 lol

I thought it was hilarious when he started swinging his legs LOL! She's so tall~ Heaven's Postman is such a tease :( Always releasing pictures to get everyone all hyped up but then postponing the damn date all the time T_T WAHH~! lol.

Anyways.. I made some .gifs ^^



Thanks for your share

These 2 gif are so cute^^

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Guest sanderella

lol its so funny how the 1N2D cast are pushing HHJ and LSK together, GOOD JOB to them! >:]

lol since we can't do it for them, at least they are getting it from LSK's hyoungs! >:] muaahhaaaha

but seriously, who cares if the drama's over >;[

OMG is HHJ basically saying that they don`t talk anymoreee!? :o

nuuuuuuuuuuu D:

anyways thanks to whoever posted that youtube link, haha HHJ is so pretty and cute (;

i hope she doesn`t try to be a "sexy" image later on because most korean actresses do that :P

haha and i knew it! HHJ's face doesn't look like that type of face that got surgery .

its so natural and pretty in a simple way :]

and about the couple pairing thing .. i dont really see JJ and HHJ as a couple O_O

when i found out that they were going to be on a movie, i was like, "...Okay .. ."

idk, for me, they just don`t look good together :P and besides, JJ acting? .. o.o LOL.

( don't kill me DBSK fans, lol. i don't like JJ :P )

because of BL, i`d have to say LSK & HHJ are the best, and i`m never changing my mind :{

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Bashful: LOL you mean the guy with curly locks?

& looks like a lion?

Ofcourse I remember him,

he's hard to miss like its hard to miss Haha and Myung Soo (I always laugh when they

abbreviate his name; B.c then it becomes PMS haha xP)

So her ideal man is So Ji Sub.

Honestly, I had to google his name.

But I started laughing when I saw his picture.

I remember my mum watching 'We are dating now' & me and my sister kept laughing at his facial expression.

Because it never changes! They all look the same xP Partly because his eyes were so funny to me. :lol:

I think her hair looks better in HP than it does in BL. :huh:

HHJ should water her hair more so it can grow faster like a plant. Heard it works :)

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Guest sanderella

Bashful: LOL you mean the guy with curly locks?

& looks like a lion?

Ofcourse I remember him,

he's hard to miss like its hard to miss Haha and Myung Soo (I always laugh when they

abbreviate his name; B.c then it becomes PMS haha xP)

So her ideal man is So Ji Sub.

Honestly, I had to google his name.

But I started laughing when I saw his picture.

I remember my mum watching 'We are dating now' & me and my sister kept laughing at his facial expression.

Because it never changes! They all look the same xP Partly because his eyes were so funny to me. :lol:

I think her hair looks better in HP than it does in BL. :huh:

HHJ should water her hair more so it can grow faster like a plant. Heard it works :)

haha So Ji Sub is hot though :P but he`s too old for her lol.

i wonder what his reaction will be when he finds out that HHJ said her ideal type is him :P

lol. and whats the news about GOONG being remade ? O_O

if HHJ DOES choose to take the role i`ll be happy to see her be all like cute.

honestly i think it`ll be weird to see her act as a bad girl, it just doesn`t fit with the way she looks.

and for BL she was an outgoing character yet i felt like she was reserved.

i want to see her as a character who is really LOUD and outgoing :P

lOL are you serious? watering yhur hair like plant helps it grow? haha never heard of that :P

i heard that if your rub your knuckles together 24 times every day, than your hair grows longer O_O

LOL. but its just a stupid korean superstition :P

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Sanderella: Lol I dunno, my mum said it to me when I was little b.c she would always cut my hair shorter than I would want it to be :)

Ah Darn Parents! I knew it doesn't work D:

Not just parents either -My brother said you can make your hair grow faster if you start thinking a lot :huh:

Im not so sure about this one...stimulate you're brain cells?

I wanna see Hyojoo act as a Punk :lol:

Oh & the oh so famous Gangstaaa

Usually in the typical drama, people are afraid of gangsters :huh:

Lol, I just imagined Hyojoo smacking/popping gum. Haha It TOTALLY fits her! :o

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thx for sharing the date of when HP is going to finally air harmony !

lol i can see that we're one of the few here that are bigger jaejoo fans than LSG+HHJ

i don't mind if she stands next to all 3 of them during the gala event hehe

JJ can be on her right, TOP on the left and seungri behind her haha

& darn TOP is like 9 months younger than her

why must her bday be so early in the year..and LSG's bday just happens to be in january haha..

i am happy that her hair is growing longer !

but her skin still looks kind of "lumpy"

i guess the character in ISWAK is still the innocent type but i'm curious on how HHJ will portray the naive personality ^^

but i have to say, watching the drama made me hate the main character soo much...i found it SO annoying on how naive the girl was

but its an exception if HHJ is acting that character out x]

plus there is a lot more chemistry between the male+female lead cus that's how the story is..

np Sayuri JaeJoong !

i hope ur blog goes well & thx for sharing those pics !

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Guest ellenkiki

I'm so happy because Brilliant Legacy will be shown here in our country starting August 24.


Where you from?

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kozuesan: Oh, I highly doubt it's BTS LOL. That'd just be.. kinda odd? haha anyways... That's what I'm thinking.. Looks like JaeJoon is comforting Hana.. *coughswriterwentdudonnamescough. Maybe she read a touching letter and started crying~ lol.

I like her hair length right now actually ^^ But.. only when it's straightened haha. Hopefully she'll straighten it when promotion begins~ Sadly.. I don't think we'll ever be able to see HyoJae with HHJ having her trademark long, dark hair :( lol. Unless she decides to wear extensions after dying her hair.. but I doubt that.

Jambangee HHJ is too sexy! Too sexy for JJ to handle! LOL jk!

But man.. HHJ is really freaking damn gorgeous in the Jambangee photoshoots.. Should've replaced Chung Lim with JJ :( lol. jk too >.>

And it's okay! HHJ is still leading! She and LSGi are in the lead for HOT actor/actress in a drama ^^

I'm curious about what her next drama will be :o She said she'd tell us soon but... when is soon D8 lol

And oy.. Dr. Kozuesan! Well.. seeing her recent photos, she looks fine now? And she wasn't coughing during the Baskin Robbins event and filming the SBS Entertainment TV segment afterwards.

Also.. don't have high expectations for the avie :ph34r: LOL. I'm rusty with Photoshop -.- Haven't done anything nice since last year, but then my desktop broke so I lost all my stuff LOL

That video.. Aigoo, I was just reminded of that horrendous hairstyle of hers that she had for Ride Away T_T lmao. That's actually from when she was pointed ambassador for the Korean Air Force. I don't think she learned how to fly a plane.. Think you need a license for that. But she did ride in them.. It took a lot of extensive preparation before she was able to be in a plane. The poor girl fainted during the simulation test :( lol.

And gosh.. your little storyline LOL. That'd be a nice one though! Kinda like Mulan in a way XD

Sorry to cut our post

haha, I also thought it would be odd if that is a BTS but I can dream, can I? haha. I definitely love HwanSung and they will always stay as one of my best loved couples of all time (all couples included) and I almost jumped when I read about what LSG's 1N2D hyungs are saying :lol:


I also feel giddy when I saw that HyoJae photo. Maybe its because of that after party pics haha.

I also like here hair right now especially at the last part of the BL ending just before ES kissed Hwan. Her hair was straight with a curl on just the few strands near her ears. That was really pretty. Its just that I was affected by the "pretty" comments in the special episode and I was thinking that that was their idea of beauty. lolz but I'm okay about that now, lolz.

like I said before I like her any style she has because she can definitely carry them.

really, she is sooo gorgeous in the jambangee pictures. I think that bunny is lucky, haha. And I still picture her and JaeJoong in the jambangee photoshoots probably because Chunglim' hair when he has his back on the camera looks similar to JJ. No? haha. okay, I'm just trying to find some reasons and I think I fail at finding one.

Thanks sabricaze for the video and bashful for posting it here. The interviewer is funny, HHJ has to fold her legs and they can still reach the floor while he can dangle his legs so freely, haha. And oh, So Ji Sub . Gosh, his like one of my

loves because of his eyes haha. His next to Won Bin for me haha. (my type of guys are older than the ones you guys like lolz). And I haven't seen that Nonstop5 portion they used for the interview. The one where she copied the poster where the lady was holding a cake with a candle with her maskara all over her face looks funny. :lol:

I'm also curious as to what HHJ's next drama would be... I hope we could learn about it soon. And when the news at dramabeans about a drama with a pretty boy was leaked, I actually thought they were talking about HP.

And any avie will do for me. I'll forever be grateful. Thank you so much in advance. I just love her in that scene haha.

And oh, she fainted? riding those type of planes does look like it feels hot inside because you'd be near the engine. And reading my little story again, it does look similar to mulan although I was thinking along the lines of Taekukgi, lolz.

I agree with IHeartHimxD, she looks sooo pretty in that second pic with her looking down and all serious.


And Sanderella, I think HHJ was only trying to find a way to not answer the question thats why she said "but the drama is over" coz that's like a pretty hard question to answer, IMO haha.

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Han Hyo Joo looks sooo much like Song hye Kyo (only in some pics though)!!!! :huh: Dont u guys agree??? But i think Song hye kyo has a prettier face ( of course)

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In17, welcome to the thread! :D

HHJ has recently been frequently compared to SHK regarding her looks. I do like both of them and I've watched SHK's AIMH, fullhouse, WW, hotelier, My girl & I movie, started watching all in and guardian angel but failed to finish both, and I agree both are pretty. SHK is a really big star internationally. But with regards to your last comment, to each her own, :lol:

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Guest goldfishinthesky

yeah me too, i've always thought she look like a mix of song hye kyo and seven (the singer) especially when she smile---she really pretty--

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Guest IHeartHimxD

Though in my opinon, I really dislike of comparison to their face, because of course they are different people and both with very natural and beautiful features. I only think that their smile is very bright, other then that I think they're complete different. They're equal as beautiful.

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jihye: I've never heard of So Ji Sub until.. like.. very recently, haha. I don't think he's particularly good looking (facial wise) but for some reason.. he's still oddly attractive! Part of it has to do with that hot bod of his, and the other part... I like the way he presents himself. IDK, hard to explain :P lol

And, I actually won't find it that hard to imagine her as a dumb girl because of NN5 LOL. She was already stupid in that sitcom >.> Even if she's built an image of being a candy girl, I feel like she should show her versatility as an actress.

Sayuri JaeJoong: Why are you afraid? D8 We're all nice girls here ^^

And thanks for the contribution! :D

Good luck with your fanvideo! I'm sorry I'm not much help.. I don't have any of the dramas that she's been in on file with me..

ellenkiki: No problem! Glad you liked them! :D

And I agree. HHJ is HHJ! She's incomparable! haha I'm so bias >< lol

sanderella: Lol, I remember when the cast members from AMAHAE tried hooking up HHJ and PHJ together XD but I think PHJ said they looked too much alike or something like that haha. And a little bit of a sexy Hyojoo is always nice to see XD

And yeah, I'm glad that she revealed that she's never had plastic surgery, even if she was pressured to have it. I like the way she answered the question. She's like.. Yes, I've never had plastic surgery, but I don't object to it. And then she goes on saying how she had the opportunity to remove the mole on the side of her eye, but she decided not to.. Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that she's not being a hypocrite by saying she opposes it when she's been tempted to go under the knife before. Do I make any sense @_@ lol

Hehe, I love the HyoJae coupling XD Probably because I like JJ more than LSGi haha... >.>

JJ was my first Kpop crush.. so I'll always have a soft spot for that prettyboy :P

I agree.. So Ji Sub is a bit too old for her, lol. But I'd like to see them together for like a CF or something! :D

And it's not Goong that's being remade, it's It Started With a Kiss. It was a Japanese manga that was made into a Taiwanese drama then there was a Japanese version, and now there'll be a Korean version! lol. The Taiwanese one is really popular though, so there'll be a lot of hype for the Korean version just like BOF.

I think HHJ can easily look snobby if you give her the right appearance, lol. Cause I know she can glare pretty mean~ :P Just give her black, long hair.. Apply some more makeup on her with darker tones, and give her a killer wardrobe and WAH LA!~ But that's my opinion, lol.

Pshh: YEAH! The guy with the super curly hair! lol

Okay, good, you remember. I'm not a psycho :P

And I lol at PSM's initials too XD It fits so well with him LOL

I've never seen So Ji Sub's movies/dramas, but the man has a gorgeous physique! Gah.. *drools. lol

I also notice that he has single eyelids.. a trait that HHJ likes in a man~

You know.. after the initial shock of her HP hair.. and then seeing it in BL.. I think I have to agree with you. I think I like the HP hair more than the BL hair now o_O. A lot of times the hair she had in BL was so odd.. like there's an indent sort of in the middle of the hair length, lol. Am I making any sense T_T haha

But I like her with her short hair when straightened the most! :D

And for hair growing faster.. I know horse shampoo works. It makes your hair thicker and grows longer faster.. but who wants to use horse shampoo o_O that's kind of odd, lol.

I also want to see her take on a punk-like role. It'll be refreshing~ haha. A character that's like the girl from My Sassy Girl. I think she could pull it off quite well ^^

catherine ann: WOW! BL is barely airing in your country? Do you live in the Philippines perhaps? I remember someone posted about BL airing in Philippines soon in the BL thread.. Was that you? I can't remember >< haha.

itic: Ah.. thank wing834. She updates the thread more than I do and I'm supposed to be in charge of it >.> lol. And yup! HyoJae fans FTW! LMAO. I just love them together.. One of my favorite Kpop singers and my favorite actress.. Of course I'm happy! hehe Hmms.. I think if anything, the entire cast will stand in one line, lol. But I wonder if the stage will be big enough for that to happen.. Anyways, HHJ will be seeing Bae Soo Bin again since he's also in one of the telecinema projects. I think her skin just looks lump in those sponsor pictures, because her skin in the LG CF shoot and the Baskin Robbin event was just.. absolutely flawless!

But HHJ's human and she has a really busy schedule nowadays, so it's expected that she'll get some breakouts.

I've never watched ISWAK, lol, but I read the character description/plot on Wikipedia. I think I might change my mind about HHJ taking the role depending on the male cast :P lol

IHeartHimxD: Lol! HHJ always looks beautiful! XD

And yeah.. the comparisons can get kind of old after a while >.>

But I think what makes HHJ stand out is her smile~

Her smile is so pretty, I'm jealous :(

Very few people can smile with their teeth showing and look that pretty.

kozuesan: It's okay! Imagine if it were a BTS pic.. gah! Can I dream with you!? lol jk

I love HyoJae so much <3 They're quickly becoming my favorite pairing :P I would be so freaking happy if they dated in real life~ *sighs. I think their personalities match a lot! On the outside, they're both gorgeous, but JJ has that dark, mysterious look to him, whereas HHJ has the happy, fresh look. It's like.. opposites attract physically. But then they're both complete dorks XD IDK.. I'm just always giddy whenever I talk about HyoJae LOL. And yup! Hyojoo can pull off so many looks.. I guess that's a good thing about her simple beauty, because whenever she does a photoshoot, people are always like.. THAT'S HER?! WOAH! I didn't even recognize her! But they mean it in a good way, lol. I want that bunny doll :( It's so cute T_T

Ahh.. Imagine HyoJae in a CF or photoshoot *dies. LOL Too much for me to handle! It doesn't even have to be a sexy photoshoot! Just as long as they're doing something together, I'm happy! LOL

And seriously.. HHJ's so tall @_@ I thought it was really cute when the interviewer started swinging his legs on the stool LOL. And I like Won Bin more <3 He's like.. my favorite actor who's over 30 <3 The man is insanely gorgeous~

I also assumed the drama with the pretty boy actor was Heaven's Postman o.o' Maybe it was? o_O

No need to thank me!~ And yup! HHJ fainted during the simulation test. She and the other guy had to take the test to prove that they could withstand riding in a real plane, and I guess the speed of it was too much for her and she fainted when the test ended, and then she had to retake it ><

I never finished watching Taekukgi.. My history teacher in sophomore year played it but we never finished it =.=

But I agree.. I think HHJ's prettier than SHK XD While SHK is like insanely gorgeous, I connect more with HHJ's beauty. She's just so refreshing and the more you look at her, the more you can't help but find her more attractive <3

ln17: Hey! Welcome to the thread ^^

Ahh.. another HHJ looks like SHK comment XD haha

I once thought that too though.. But now.. I can't see the resemblance anymore. Probably because I've seen so much of HHJ that her face is like.. etched onto my brain, lol. As for your last comment.. Well, I personally think HHJ's prettier XD haha. FYI, your signature is breaking Soompi's rules! You should change it before you get warned :o

goldfishinthesky: Welcome to HHJ's thread :D

Hmms, Se7en? Really? haha I don't see the resemblance in that XD lol

sabricaze: Thanks for uploading the videos onto YT! I'm curious.. how are you able to find them in HD :o Do you use Clubbox? Anyways, I can't find any of the videos in HD quality, other than her most recent one.. If you want it, you can dl it here:


Sorry! I thought I would able to find the videos using Clubbox but I didn't know Clubbox doesn't work on Macs T_T

- - - - - -

Anyways HHJ's now leading the MNet 20s Choice award with almost 14,000 votes and a 5% lead!! ^^ She better attend the award ceremony! We didn't see her at all last year!! lol

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