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Han Hyo Joo 한효주 - [FIN: Happiness (2021) || NEXT: ThePirates: Goblin Flag (Jan 2022)]


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Guest katielovesyou

bashful_harmony: I don't mind you calling me Katie. No I didn't know that HHJ gave herself a English name. Really, she refer herself as Katie Han. Not many people has the name Katie these days. My cousin named me Katie when I was born, she name me Katie so my parents and grandma can say easier than other English names. Yep I live in Monterey Park. Really you live like 15 minutes away from me. Maybe I seen you before. Most boxset are $28. ^^ It's okay you will get it soon. LOL . Thank you. A lot people say that to me that i'm a sweetheart will even my teachers. Will when my teacher say it to me it kinda feel weird.*hugs back* I think we can be good friends. I just love making new friends. ^^ If you ever need help to get any dvd's, I would love to get it for you.

Pshh: Are you sure? I see. I really don't mind. Your welcome. Thanks , I'm use to people saying I'm too nice for my own sake but I love being nice and that's just who I am. And it makes me happy to be nice and to help others. ^^.

kozuesan: If JJ really confort her with a hug that's just so cute.I like her hair long . I'm not use too it short but I think she still look lovely. I would like to see that. I hope HHJ will come out soon again with her wonderful work of acting. I never watch her cfs. Maybe I will watch it later.

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Guest yongwonhi

omg bashful_harmony you write essays ahhaha ^^

yongwonhi: Hmms, that's a first.. haha.

Usually people say HHJ looks like SHK or HJH, but I've never heard Sun Ye. But Sun Ye's super pretty too so it's just another compliment XD lol. But personally, I don't see it mellow.gif

yeah actually it was just that series of pics, especially when HHJ smiled and the picture was kind of blurry :P

i hope HHJ wins the Mnet 20's choice thing! she deserves it~~

and i'm seriously dying from waiting for heaven's postman -o-

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kozuesan: Oh, I highly doubt it's BTS LOL. That'd just be.. kinda odd? haha anyways... That's what I'm thinking.. Looks like JaeJoon is comforting Hana.. *coughswriterwentdudonnamescough. Maybe she read a touching letter and started crying~ lol.

I like her hair length right now actually ^^ But.. only when it's straightened haha. Hopefully she'll straighten it when promotion begins~ Sadly.. I don't think we'll ever be able to see HyoJae with HHJ having her trademark long, dark hair :( lol. Unless she decides to wear extensions after dying her hair.. but I doubt that.

Jambangee HHJ is too sexy! Too sexy for JJ to handle! LOL jk!

But man.. HHJ is really freaking damn gorgeous in the Jambangee photoshoots.. Should've replaced Chung Lim with JJ :( lol. jk too >.>

And it's okay! HHJ is still leading! She and LSGi are in the lead for HOT actor/actress in a drama ^^

I'm curious about what her next drama will be :o She said she'd tell us soon but... when is soon D8 lol

And oy.. Dr. Kozuesan! Well.. seeing her recent photos, she looks fine now? And she wasn't coughing during the Baskin Robbins event and filming the SBS Entertainment TV segment afterwards.

Also.. don't have high expectations for the avie :ph34r: LOL. I'm rusty with Photoshop -.- Haven't done anything nice since last year, but then my desktop broke so I lost all my stuff LOL

That video.. Aigoo, I was just reminded of that horrendous hairstyle of hers that she had for Ride Away T_T lmao. That's actually from when she was pointed ambassador for the Korean Air Force. I don't think she learned how to fly a plane.. Think you need a license for that. But she did ride in them.. It took a lot of extensive preparation before she was able to be in a plane. The poor girl fainted during the simulation test :( lol.

And gosh.. your little storyline LOL. That'd be a nice one though! Kinda like Mulan in a way XD

kimchigal: Oh, really? Hmms, not sure if I want HHJ to be in It Started with a Kiss though.. Character's the same as her previous roles :\ She needs a breakthrough role that will prove that she's a versatile actress ^^ Did you know that HHJ and KHJ presented an award together :) It was in.. 2006, I think.. It was during the year-end SBS music awards.

sanderella: LOL, seriously! We gotta stop with talking about HHJ's boobs >< So inappropriate! lmfao

I hope HHJ sets up her own company like what YEH did.. That's a really smart move~

And, I think she's going to keep her lead~ The vote margin between her and GHS expands more and more by the day, now she's leading with 6000 votes! And HHJ hasn't even done all her CF deals, so those will probably help her keep the lead :)

xesre8: Hehe... you posted again XD *happy! LOL

It's fine~ Just by replying, you're contributing to the thread ^^

HHJ always looks fresh! I never get bored of looking at her face or looking for updates of her :o

And I'm always happy to share new pictures or news about her because it's fun to spazz with others XD hehe

I can't wait until Heaven's Postman and her new drama too! :D I'm really curious about what role she'll be taking.. Dramabeans said she's going to be in a drama with a prettyboy actor.. Hmms, who could that be :blink: I think most of the watches she wore in BL were from Marc Jacobs~ Expensive watches.. haha.

I think she just collects all accessories lol. I don't think the ring means anything XD It's usually the left ring finger that means something~ But the one that's already on that finger is too casual to mean anything LOL.

Pshh: When I read about KHJ having a crush on one of the XMan girls, I admit I thought of HHJ too :ph34r: Even though they only appeared on one episode together, the guy prepared a cute little Christmas song (he was probably hoping he'd be paired up with HHJ hehe XD). The MCs even teased him about it heh, but instead, he got some fat guy LOL

Katie: Yup! HHJ named herself Katie! lol I think it suits her ^^ Katie's a really pretty name, I'm jealous :( And seriously.. you'd think Katie would be a really common name since it's so simple, but I don't think I know any Katies other than you LOL. I seriously live like.. next door to you (okay, not literally but we're in the same area!) Your area code is 626 right? :) Ah.. drama DVDs are getting more and more expensive, or I'm just getting cheaper LOL And once again, you really are a sweetheart, dear <3

yongwonhi: *scoffs. Whatchu talking 'bout Willis?!

lol jk! I do not write essays D8 They're paragraphs! Lol Maybe the hairstyle contributed to the comparison too~ Cause Sun Ye had that kind of hairstyle too (I think..?) And.. I don't want to be cocky and jinx it but I think HHJ will win it! LOL *knocks on wood. She really deserves it! And I can't imagine how happy it'll make her if she wins! Gah! I can't wait to see her on the blue carpet! I want to see her take a picture with the other celebrities there! Like Hyori, LSGi (it'd be funny if they came together. Scandal LOL), and omgsh I'd faint if I saw her with the 2PM boys.. I think she and Taec would look so good together cause they both have the height and have big smiles/teeth LOL *fantasizes.

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TeleCinema Gala Event at Seoul University


Korea-Japan joint project Tele Cinema will take screen in theater in upcoming September and is expected to gain a lot of popularity.

The drama publisher, Samhwa Networks who is known to produce a lot of Japan’s top movies and TV dramas cooperates with high class movie personnels range from popular Hallyu stars, well known producer and writers to produce 7 series of Tele Cinema.

The first promoting event will be held on September 18th, entitled “Tele Cinema Gala Event” which is planned to take place at the gymnasium of Seoul University, Korea. Tele Cinema Gala Event will release trailers, making film, and others while the leading actors of the 7 series will participate in this great stage.

The OST to the series’ theme songs are expected to be performed by the singers as well and the expectation of fans of the event seems to be great.

source: heraldbiz.com

trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress

Aw... I wanted just HyoJae to promote together :( lol. But I guess they don't have time to have every actor/actress from their respective telecinemas to promote.. T-T Not to mention it'd probably cost a fortune :( Still, I hope to see some HyoJae interactions! *crosses fingers

Also, imagine if she had taken the role in Chuno.. Omgsh.. So tiring for her T_T

HHJ and baby kiss~


Cute shot from BL ^^


And.. Sexy Hyo Joo for Jambangee!


She's so gorgeous~ And I think that's her pink cellphone at the bottom left corner, lol. Maybe her assistant was taking a picture of the photoshoot with HHJ's phone

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Guest katielovesyou

bashful_harmony : I have a friend name Katy but spelled different. When I was little I didn't really like my name till I got older and now I do think my name fits me. Yeah my area code is 626. Yes most DVD's are getting a lot expensive but normally were i go buy it they always give me a discount because I buy a lot of DVD's there. Thanks again. I can't wait to see her with Jaejoong.She looks beautiful in all those pictures. I wish I could meet her.


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Katie: Seriousllyyyy~

I want HyoJae moments :( I noticed that there are a lot of different pairings with HHJ.. There are still people who ship HHJ and Tablo. Some ship HHJ with Seo Do Young, or Daniel Henney <3. And some ship her with PHJ from AMAHAE (allanpuge!), and some like her with Lee Jun Ki. And recently, people like her with JJ and LSGi XD lol. She's had great chemistry with a big majority of these guys.. minus Jun Ki >.> lol.

Anyways.. sabricraze uploaded the MBC Section TV - HHJ Cut video onto YT! It's in HD ^^


Thanks sabricraze! I'm curious how you're able to find the videos :o Do you use clubbox?

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Guest sanderella

bashful - haha i don't really think they put TOO much make up on HHJ lol. >.>

anyways, wow her legs look soo long and pretty :o

btw, anyone know what company LSK is in? O_O

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LOL Bashful, "some fat guy"

MBC Section TV: Lol Interviewer was shorter than HHJ. Swinging his legs, while he was sitting on the stool lol :lol:

JaeJoo couple!! "Accidently" release more pictures [and news heehee] please! :)

P.s. Sanderella: I checked Wiki [: & it says he's part of Hook Entertainment

Argh Capt'n Hook xP

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Katie: Hehs, I think my favorite Hyojoo couples are.. HyoJae (duh!), TaJoo (Tabuloo~~), and HHJ x Daniel Henney XD What are yours?

sanderella: Well, it's not a LOT but the foundation seems really cakey @_@ But it could be the lighting of the room because other places, the makeup looks fine, lol. And seriously.. the girl has some KILLER legs! <3 So jealous T_T I like how even though she has a small tushy, she does poses that make it look like she has a big butt XD lol

Pshh: LOL!!! I don't remember his name >< It was some hairy, fat guy.. >.> Don't you remember?! D8 lol

I thought it was hilarious when he started swinging his legs LOL! She's so tall~ Heaven's Postman is such a tease :( Always releasing pictures to get everyone all hyped up but then postponing the damn date all the time T_T WAHH~! lol.

Anyways.. I made some .gifs ^^












Sorry for the laggage it creates ><

Anyways.. in the interview, HHJ says her ideal guy is So Ji Sub lol. And the interviewer asks her who she wants to go traveling with, and HHJ doesn't say anything and he's like.. So Ji Sub? And she says yes LOL.



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Guest katielovesyou

bashful_harmony: Hmm my favorite coupling with her huh....jaejoong, Lee seung gi, Daniel Henney, Seo Do Young , and Park Hae Jin. I didn't watch Nonstop 5 yet so I'm not sure but I did see her in loveletter with tablo. They look cute. I like most of the guys she paired with but if you ask me who I like her with it's Jaejoong, Lee Seung Gi, and Park Hae Jin. I can't really Choose between them who will fit her a lot. But all of them are very talented guys.

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Guest currysushi33

wait....bashful_harmony are thoes pics of HHJ recent? ...her hair cant be that long ...extensions? cos the colour and fringe is the same as brilliant legacy

nd i just watched her in sprin waltz... shes so beautiful...but like her hair in BL better, she defs makes the best couple with LSK but the spring waltz guys arent too bad

nd is heavens postman a drama?

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Q_Park: Hey! Welcome to HHJ's thread ^^

Hehs, glad you enjoyed BL! :D

Ara is a very talented actress as well!

currysushi33: Yup! They're recent!

They gave her extensions~ Don't they look pretty on her :P

Or rather.. does she look super gorgeous with long hair?! lol

Oh, how do you like Spring Waltz? It's one of the few HHJ dramas that I actually finished LOL.

But yeah, she's exceptionally beautiful with long black hair! I can't believe she was only 18-19 when she filmed Spring Waltz, and now she's 22! How time flies by.. Hehs, I'm one of the few who don't really like her with Lee Seung Gi (Don't kill me!!) because I think she's too pretty for him LOL. <- shallow.

And their relationship really seems more like just a friendship to me. I don't see the possibility of a romance between the two. I loved her with Daniel Henney in Spring Waltz! I wanted her to end up with Phillip more than the other guy (can't remember his character's name). HHJ and Daniel Henney BTS are just so cute XD

And Heaven's Postman is more like a movie.. It's not long enough to be considered a drama. It's a telecinema that will air in Japan and S. Korea. In Japan, I think it'll be shown in theaters, and in S. Korea, it will be aired on SBS as two parts. Heaven's Postman is around 2 hours long, I think.. Can't remember ><


Han Hyo Joo’s Ideal Man Is So Ji Sub

Actress Han Hyo Joo, who recently completed filming the very popular weekend drama Brilliant Legacy co-starring Lee Seung Gi, revealed in an interview with MBC Section TV Entertainment Relay that her ideal man is So Ji Sub. She went on to say that she’s been longing to go on a trip after the drama ended, and her dream is to go with So Ji Sub. I feel you, girl. I feel you.

In the same interview, she also stated that she really liked the ending of Brilliant Legacy. When she received the script and read it, she was so happy and excited she screamed. And upon the reporter’s statement that the members of the popular reality show 1 Night 2 Days (in which Lee Seung Gi takes part) are pushing for her and Lee Seung Gi to become a real couple, she quipped, “But the drama’s over!”. Hehe. Cute.

At least now I know that she has good taste in men. :D

source: http://daheefanel.wordpress.com/2009/08/07...n-is-so-ji-sub/

Fanarts of BL!





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Guest currysushi33

bashful_harmony: yeah she is gorgeous with long hair...nd i absolutely loved spring waltz...cant believ she was just 19? o.k nd i dont understand why u dont like LSK hes adorbale, but phillip on the other hand i found really annoying, hes acting wasnt that great, well the english parts anyway it felt too fake to me....has HHJ done other dramas other than that..i want to watch them all lol

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oh oh ! i saw the jambangee pics and i just had to reply ^^

welcome new HHJ fans !

& thx for the article, pics and gifs harmony !

lol i'm still a jaejoo shipper xp

so are both JJ&HJJ going to the HP gala?

haha i don't mind having her standing next to the big bang boys who are also in the telecinema

lol i don't know when i'm going to stop saying this

but she looks totally gorgeous in the jambangee pics even with all that make up on

i found it cute that she was holding her bunny during the interview haha..

oh and i heard about the korean version of ISWAK too..it would be nice if she takes the lead role

its a different personality for her to take on

it doesn't really matter who the lead male is, i just want her to take the female role since its different from what she usually does =]

oh and i just noticed that i have the same yellow plaid shirt she has on during the interview..

lol i'm not going to wear that again cus it looks awesome on her and on me..bleh.

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currysushi33: Lol, It's not that I don't like LSGi! I think he's adorable, but.. just, no to him and Hyo Joo together LOL. I don't know.. I just don't see the spark between them offscreen, you know? They just seem like buddies to me. And I think.. you can find everything about HHJ on the first post, but I didn't include photoshoots and variety shows, because.. I'm too lazy to find those >< lol.

itic: No problem! HHJ really does look gorgeous in the Jambangee photos doesn't she?!

News articles are comparing her sexy self to Hyori :o lol. But then again, they always do that whenever HHJ has a sexy photoshoot, lol. Ah.. you and I (and a couple of others) are the only ones shipping for HyoJae amongst all the HwanSung fanatics XD haha

I'm pretty sure both will attend. JJ will probably perform the OST for HP! :D I can't waitt hehe. Lol, I just hope she stands next to Jaejoong D8 lol. It should be in this order. JJ, HHJ, then the 2nd telecinema, 3rd, 4th, etc.

Omgsh, I'm so excited for HyoJae XD And if she does stand next to Big Bang members, I want her to stand next to TOP lol :D Seungri's jailbait for Hyo Joo :P

She's always carrying that bunny around LOL. I like how she just rubs its face during the interview XD

As for ISWAK, I actually think that role isn't too different from her other roles :\ Just this one is a bit stupid, lol.

But I'd still be supportive if she does get it ^^ Hopefully it won't be a catastrophe like no offense, BOF or Goong S was >.>

HHJ seriously can rock anything.. So jealous, lol. And you should continue wearing the yellow plaid shirt! Pretend you're HHJ in it LOL XD jk!

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[NEWS] 090807 Heaven's Postman Series Will Premiere in September

The "Heaven's Postman" movie series will premiere in September.

This is a film and television series where South Korea and Japan cooperated together to create this production. There were popular Japanese and Korean actors/actresses and playwrighters that cooperated with each other to create this series.

The video series will be premiered on the 18th of September in Huating Gym of the Seoul Unniversity in Korea.

The series is 7 movies long.

The shooting of this series has started since last year October, and has had been edited many times until it has now been completed.

Fans have been looking forward to it, and it is expected to be a great success.

Source: baidutvxq.com

Translated by: Wynniie @ onetvxq.com

Credits: OneTVXQ {One World One Red Ocean One TVXQ}

A set date finally!

& this is just extra info from the interview HHJ had yesterday(?). Where she's wearing the black dress shirt and sippin' on wine~

HHJ has never had plastic surgery, but she doesn't object to it. She's had the opportunity to go under the knife (to fix the mole under her left eye) but she didn't do it.

Also, her favorite color is pink~ lol. Like me hehe XD

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Wait, Bashful, there's talk of HHJ in the Itazura Na Kiss remake???? I hear you about the disaster that was Goong S and BOF (heck, even Goong was long winded with lots of bad acting), I wasn't all that excited when I heard the production company was going to adapt INK to a Korean version. But if they add HHJ to the mix... and coupled with an equally interesting male lead, I will definitely have to watch it.

Personally, I really want HHJ to stretch her acting skills tho with a challenging role, no more goody goody lady please. I actually want to see HHJ playing a quirky, downright weird girl, I think she can pull it off nicely.

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deeta: I totally agree about Goong too T_T I couldn't finish Goong at all.. it was too damn draggy for me, and YEH's character (I forgot her name~) was hella annoying >< I'll keep my eye on the Korean ISWAK though. But for now.. only news of it is that Group 8 bought the rights to reproduce it. I wonder which channel it'll air on.. If it's SBS, I kind of have a feeling that HHJ will most likely be casted, lol. She's been doing a lot of SBS projects lately. And Nah, people are just adding their opinions of who should be casted in ISWAK. lol

I've never watched the drama before, nor have I read the manga, so I don't really know how the female character is, but reading the Wikipedia page, it seems like she's rather.. dumb, lol. But overall, she's another good girl with a Candy-like personality. I don't want HHJ taking on another sweet, kind role.. Want to see her do something vastly different too! I think she could pull off a 4D, oddball type of character as well.

Anyways.. I think these are from the Viki photoshoot



Since the clothing style is completely different from Jambagee, lol.

But they could be for a magazine photoshoot too.. So who knows? haha

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