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Han Hyo Joo 한효주 - [FIN: Happiness (2021) || NEXT: ThePirates: Goblin Flag (Jan 2022)]


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Guest n4tleeyaa

:D though i don't know who is 2 AM nor 2 PM, except they are a male idol coz i'm not a boyband nor girlband fan, i love many kind variety of music (from J-rock orange range, YUI, jazzy norah jones to korean ballad ... but not those two :) i don't know why B), but i'm still looking forward for hyojoo and 2 AM (obviously !! :P ) though i like chung lim :P , kinda feel sad :mellow::lol: , and i hope more couple photo shot as well harmony dear :lol:

currysushi33 me too, she look like going to cry, yeah maybe coz her journey to gain those awards, was not easy, and finally she have appreciation for her work, (if me instead i would not just going to cry :lol: maybe i would like really really cry :lol: ) she is such a strong girl, maybe who has choose these carrier ( being entertainer) must be a strong person

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currysushi33: :o Ooh, I'm interested in reading this blog :lol: Is it in Korean or English? Hmms... I think a majority of Cassies are supportive of JaeJoo and wouldn't mind if they dated in real life. It's just a few of the immature, possessive ones that are hating on Hyo Joo :\ Which is a shame because they're letting that hate blind them from seeing how wonderful she is! Sounds so cheesy but it's true :P lol But those after party pictures are just looooveeeee. I remember how excited I was when they were first released, and then people kept thinking they were photoshopped until more pictures were released with them being even closer :lol: I still believe that it was JJ's arm around Hyo Joo's waist :phew:

Oh! I know exactly what you mean about how people are usually so supportive of their female celebrities coupling up with fellow male celebrities, but there's so much turmoil when the situation is flipped lol. I'm supportive of both sides :lol:

Hehs, your love for JaeJoo will grow even more once you watch Heaven's Postman :P It's really such a cute, awesome film! Definitely one of a kind :D If you find out any information of Hyo Joo in Aussie, please share! 8D I think I read that she was staying in Australia for 3 weeks? o_o But that might be wrong because the translations were translated from Korean to Chinese, and I'm not fluent in both of those language so I don't know >.>

I wouldn't worry too much about that silly Anti-Club. Most of them members are probably in their preteens anyways. I found that a while ago too though :( I was like, "How could anyone hate Hyo Joo!? D8" lol But how many members are there now? Last I checked there were like 30 :\ But... on the bright side, at least they think Hyo Joo deserves to go to Heaven and not Hell for sharing a kissing scene with their beloved JJ :lol:

About the acceptance speech... I don't have an English translation of what she said, but there's a Chinese subbed video of it >< But I don't know Chinese, so... lol

oppa09: Huuhuu, I know exactly how you feel about the Anti-Club :( Admittedly, I used to be like that over my favorite idols but now I can see how foolish and immature it is to wish death upon someone for being in close proximity with your oppa. It's like... Seriously.. JJ doesn't even know you guys exist D:

And if he does, it's not like he's going to like any of them for supporting something as stupid as an Anti-Club for his co-star =.='

zahieyjunki: I try to update this thread as often as I can! I just love Hyo Joo too much to stop lol. She's like a drug lmfao. HwanSung couple are really cute ;D They need to be closer as friends haha. They both owe the other a lot for the success of BL and also how successful they've become because of BL.

I'm not used to the red lipstick on Hyo Joo either, but I think she looked fine with it lol. It's just a bizarre look that she had going on because we're all so used to seeing her au natural with very minimum makeup and never a bold lip. I wish she had let down her hair and curled it as well :( The choppy extensions were really distracting for me T_T I thought her dress was okayy, it was way too simple and safe for me to like or hate lol.

Yup! Dong Yi's going to start airing in March :D They should start filming sometime soon now~ Can't wait for stalker photos 8D

I loveeeee Bae Soo Bin, omgah. The man is soooooo hot for his age! I don't know why he keeps getting rejected by Hyo Joo's characters in dramas! haha

Yup! Hyo Joo's rumored to be in Australia shooting a new Samsung VLUU CF! :D We're all super excited about it haha. Plus, a new pictorial campaign for Jambangee! Oh, and Jambangee's a denim jean brand :) I wish it was 2PM as well but 2AM is cool too :D It kind of makes me sad that she's only like a year or two younger than all these male idols :lol:

Oh, I don't understand the Hyo Joo hate either :\ It's all because of the kiss scene in Heaven's Postman =.=' *sighs. Hopefully in a couple of years, they look back and realize how foolish it was to be in an Anti-Club.

ps3hl: Hello! :)

I have the original links that DBSKnights uploaded Heaven's Postman on, but because of the possible law suit, I'm afraid of spreading the links even more than I have. And I don't want DBSKnights to be shut down :( Especially after they took the time to surprise us by subbing Heaven's Postman.

n4tleeyaa: :o You don't know who 2PM/AM are!? D8 lol I'm so shocked. Especially about 2PM because they're kind of everywhere now. Hmms, you have a wide range of musical taste :) I like to think that I do too haha. And I know Hyo Joo does :) She likes all types of music! :D Hmms... Maybe after seeing the Jambangee pictorial, you'll get into 2AM and maybe even 2PM! :lol: I liked Hyo Joo with Chung Lim too especially after their most recent interview where Hyo Joo cuts in saying Chung Lim doesn't have any physical flaws after he's asked that question :lol: The way she said it was just so lol-worthy!

I think Hyo Joo has had a unique experience as an actress. Her road to stardom isn't conventional and she probably learned a lot of life lessons from it.

fujiwara no sai: I can't wait till the new Samsung CF too! 8D Imagine if she gets to work with kangaroos or wallabies! *squeals. So jealous of her if that does happen! lol

Well, she didn't have a Lacoste photoshoot :) It was just the one for Vogue Girl, but Lacoste endorsed all the clothing haha.

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Guest currysushi33

sorry i cant find anything of HHJ in Australia :(...but it probably cos of my lack of research skills hehe

but maybe its on like korean and chinese sites...i can only read english....

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I haven't seen anything on her Chinese and Korean fansites lately :\

It's hard to find out Hyo Joo's schedule TT-TT I wish BH Entertainment would update their site more often so her schedule would be available for everyone to see =.='

*sighs. We just have to be patient and wait for either pictures or news of her in Australia or filming Dong Yi *mumbles. lol

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ps3hl: Hello! :)

I have the original links that DBSKnights uploaded Heaven's Postman on, but because of the possible law suit, I'm afraid of spreading the links even more than I have. And I don't want DBSKnights to be shut down :( Especially after they took the time to surprise us by subbing Heaven's Postman.

Bashful. :wave:

Thanks for replying. I really want to see the drama tho. *thinking of a way to convince u* :)

EDIT: One more question..

Did Haru2SubS released Brilliant Legacy's Special episode with eng subs? or you know.. was there any subbed version of that episode that's available for download?

Little backstory here:

It was in Brilliant Legacy where I started liking Hyo Joo. I think she showed a very cute potrayal for Eun Sung there. At first I thought it was just acting but then when I saw some of her past interviews I realized that she did have that cute personality in her.. somewhat clumsy yet very cute.. she's very easy to like. I think she's very pretty also. I love watching her Samsung CF for a camera where she was dancing on this short skirt and red top. hahaha. -- transalation: I'm starting to get addicted to her. LOL! reason enough for me to search for everything she appeared at, dramas.. movies, music vids, magazines..

With that said, I'd really love to stay and chat with all you guys here. :) Hope to meet more of you.

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ps3hl: No need to be so shy! :)

Haha, I'm usually easily persuaded so don't be surprised if you get a PM from me sometime this week *coughswhenihavetimecoughs. :D

Ahh.. Haru2Subs hasn't released the video yet :( But they're still working on it, so it's not like a lost cause or anything now lol. There's a transcript of the Special somewhere... Let me look for it~

Here it is! I couldn't find the original site that posted it so... here it all is! lol

Transcript of Shining Inheritance/Brilliant Legacy Special Episode:

YaShimManMan 2 featured a Brilliant Legacy Special on August 2, and it sure was fun. The cast present for the special recording:

Lee Seung Gi (Sun Woo Hwan)

Han Hyo Joo (Go Eun Sung)

Moon Chae Won (Yoo Seung Mi)

Bae Soo Bin (Park Jun Se)

Kim Mi Sook (Baek Seung Hee)

Yoo Ji In (Oh Young Ran)

Lee Seung Hyung (Pyo Sung Chul)

Below the jump is the transcript. Due to the length of the program, the transcript will be done in parts. Please do not take this out for use in fansubs.

MC Kang HD: No matter what hardships life is dishing out to you, there’s always the brilliant and hopeful national drama “Brilliant Legacy”! The title says it all, it continued to the end with a brilliant rating! Lee Seung Gi-ssi, what’s the ratings?

Lee SG: 47.1%.

MC Kang HD: (in his Konglish-English) UNMERIEVBABLE!

[Everyone laughs. Yoo Ji In mumbles "This is crazy" in response to Kang HD's 'UNMERIEVBABLE' She calms herself.]

Yoo JI: Hello everyone. I’m Oh Young Ran. I love you all.

Kim MS: (breaks into a laugh) It’s a pleasure to meet you. Hello.

Kang HD: You’ve never been on a variety program? [Gasps and wows can be heard from the cast]

Kim MS: It looks like it will be hard carrying out a decent conversation.

Lee SH: I’m the nation’s housekeeper Lee Seung Hyung. Just call me whenever you need me, I’ll be there in a jiffy. Even if it’s to cook.

Kang HD: Next is Han Hyo Joo as Eun Sung, who has pacified all the nation’s men!

Han HJ: Hello everyone.

Kang HD: (to all) Where do you all usually bump into Hyo Joo? I assume it’s around the stations. I met her at a special place once – the billiard centre. I got a fright seeing her there. She still has time for billiards despite her busy schedule. She’s pretty good at it.

[Question for Lee Seung Gi : What did you hear from Hyo Joo?]

Lee SG: This is what I’ve heard from Han Hyo Joo-ssi. [Kang HD] was playing by himself for 3 hours with no friends to accompany him. [Comments from other guests: Hwan is definitely from Eun Sung's camp...]

Han HJ: I saw someone looking like Kang HD playing billiards. Looking at his back, the resemblance was stronger.

Yoo JI: Where’s this place? I like to drop by if I’ve the time. [Laughter..]

Kang HD: The character who’s heart is weeping – Moon Chae Won!

Moon CW: Hello.

Lee SG: You look really nervous.

Kang HD: What’s with the shudder there? OK. Let’s greet everyone.

Moon CW: (rather softly) OK. Hello. I’m Moon Chae Won. It’s a pleasure meeting you. This is also my first time on a variety program. I will do my best. [Comments: You look like you have offended someone. Relax.]

Kang HD: He has already shown off his abs…[Comments: He really doesn't have to do anything other than show of his abs]

Bae SB: Yes. I’ll work harder at being fit. This is my second time here.

Kang HD: We’re going to reveal the real Lee SG outside his 1N2D persona. We are interested to delve into his male psych. Let’s ask him some questions.

Yoo JI: Let me help reveal the mystery about him. [Laughter...]

Lee SG: That’s the kind of person [Yoo JI] is on the set. She’s in-charge of creating the vibrant mood. This is exactly the mood she creates prior to a doing a weeping scene. She does it a lot. [Laughter..]

Lee SH: Whenever I’m trying to work up my feelings for a scene, she and her daughter would be stifling a laugh. Then they will tell me: ‘you need to work harder on your acting skills’.

Kang HD: This Brilliant Legacy special is giving you a chance to be the MC by asking those burning questions.

[Narrator: In place of Kang HD, what would you like to ask our guests? We are listening to your deepest thoughts. We are now revealing it all!]

Kang HD: We received 7.727 questions. That means near to 8,000 viewers voiced their questions. Because of the time constraints, it’s impossible to answer every question, so we chose some of them and ranked it from 1 – 7. The higher the number, the more embarrassing the question. Lee SG-ssi, what type of questions do you think it is? Kim MS-ssi, have any idea? These are questions from the viewers so answer them truthfully.

Kim MS: Yes.

Han HJ: Let’s see… [Comments: She sounds uneasy. The questions are beyond our expectations.]

Kang HD: Let’s begin. No. 1…….Yoo JI and Kim MS! Compare your beauty from your youth to that of Han Hyo Joo. Who is more outstanding? [OH.NO...moans.....]

Han HJ: I don’t like such questions.

Kang HD: This is a question from 23 year-old Lee Han Na. [Answer them truthfully] Compare your beauty from your youth to that of Han Hyo Joo.

Kim MS: Solely based on looks? If it’s based on looks, then it’s Hyo Joo.

Han HJ: (embarrassed) Sonsaeng-nim….

Kim MS: (to Yoo JI, who having a hard time deciding) Answer quickly.

Han HJ: I don’t think this is an appropriate question…I…

Kang HD: You mean you’re having issues with viewer Lee Ha Na?

Han HJ: (sitting on pins and cushions) No, this is not what I mean…

Kang HD: You’re both of the same age – 23. She’s merely asking out of curiosity. [Hyo Joo] is cornered.

Yoo JI: Although I may praised me for my looks but I’ve to agree that Hyo Joo has a fresh and pure look.

Kang HD: You don’t sound sincere….

Yoo JI: No…this is the truth.

Kim MS: She’s not beautiful in a comely manner but she is easy on the eyes. [Comments: So you don't really think she's pretty...]. It’s a beauty in a healthy way.

Kang HD: Let’s all be really truthful now. It’s not everyday that you all will be here for a special recording. Yoo JI-ssi, do you think you are more beautiful than Kim MS-ssi? Likewise for Kim MS-ssi, between the two of you, who’s prettier?

Yoo JI: Of course it’s me

Kim MS : (simultaneously) Oh gosh…really…

Kang HD (to Yoo JI) So you think you’re prettier than Kim MS?

Yoo JI: But. MS is a vibrant woman, even much more than me. She brings about a good mood around her. [Comment: You can say that about her voice too] Yes….

Kang HD: (seeing Kim MS embarrassed by the praises) Do you all see her putting on an act now? She saw that the camera is on her and then she started shaking her head! Wow! She slips into acting mode easily!

Yoo JI: And she has this way of protruding her collar bone and then mutters: “It’s craziness….”. She’s so fine even when she’s tired.

Kang HD: Kim MS-ssi. What about your opinion of Yoo JI-ssi?

Kim MS: Honestly, I wouldn’t want to look like unni [Laughter and claps follow]

Kang HD: Wow! This is great!

Kim MS: You see. Unni belongs in the class of classic beauties.

Kang HD: Seung Gi-ssi. It was fun watching Ji In-ssi and Mi Sook-ssi speak the truth, isn’t it? Will the stars of today be as truthful? Let’s see.

[seung Gi knows a tough one is coming up. He's in jitters]

Kang HD: Hyo Joo-ssi. Chae Won-ssi. When you look at your face, have you ever thought along the lines of : I’m prettier than Hyo Joo. Or I’m prettier than Chae Won.

Kim MS: Let them answer the question at the same time.

Kang HD: At the same time? Have you ever thought that ‘Han Hyo Joo is prettier than Moon Chae Won’… If you think you’re prettier, then touch your hair and say ‘I’m pretty’. Otherwise, just say ‘You are pretty.’

Han HJ: Oh my…

Moon CW: Huh..OK.

Kang HD: 1.2.3

Han HJ: You are pretty.

[Moon CW's hand is pointing to herself. She's stunned. Another chance is given. Han HJ says the same but Moon CW is still stuck at herself.]

Kang HD: She admits it!

Moon CW: I think I was too slow in showing my hand…

Kang HD: (to Han HJ) Why do you think Moon CW is prettier?

Han HJ: Can I put it in this way? I’ve a more natural look….

Kang HD: Compared to Moon CW?

Han HJ: I’m an insannyo. People have a good impression about me. I’m not the glamorous beauty. Chae Won unni is very beautiful. Look at her eyes, her nose, the shape of her face. She’s really pretty.

Kang HD: That would mean she’s not very natural?

Han HJ: Why are you so harsh? Do you have to be like that?

Kang HD: It wouldn’t be fun if I don’t talk like this.

Lee SG: That’s really truthful of you.

Kang HD: I’m only trying my best to work the mood here. I didn’t want to do this but that’s about all I’m capable of.

Lee SG: By truth, that is the ultimate truth.

Kang HD: (to Moon CW) Do you think you’re pretty?

Moon CW: In truth, I always thought that I’m not really pretty.

Kang HD: When?

Moon CW: Especially when I remove my make-up.

Kang HD: Is that the truth? The different is so vast? Oh..I’m sorry.

Lee SH: I really think that Moon CW is pretty without make-up. Let’s do a surprise check on her to reveal the truth. [Laughs...] No…no. She’s really not that different without the make-up.

Yoo JI: But everyone will look different.

Lee SH: You’re not that different either.

Kang HD: What about you Mi Sook-ssi? What’s your opinion?

Kim MS: I think I look even better without make-up. [Roars...]

Yoo JI: She’s right.

Kang HD: Wow. The exceptional entertainment value from the cast of Brilliant Legacy.

Lee SG: It’s lucky we’ve wrapped up with the filming.

Kang HD: Now on to Stage 2.

Han HJ: Are the questions pre-determined?

MC Mong: No. They were asked by the viewers so we don’t know either.

Kang HD: (goes into actor mode) Be by my side…I don’t want to be your oppa, I want to be your guy.

MC Mong: Are you dreaming or acting?

Kang HD: That’s what the script says.

[Moon CW claps spontaneously. She's asked if she's recognizing Kang HD's acting talent? She's OK with even this standard of acting? She hides her face in abject embarrassment. Cuts to drama clip...]

Kang HD: That’s the famous confession scene in the drama. Now, in reality…how many times have you confessed your love? Lee SG-ssi, Bae SB-ssi.

Learn more about Lee Seung Gi’s love confession and Kim Mi Sook’s real-life love story after the jump…Please do not take this out for use in fansubs.

Kang HD: How many times did you confess your love?

Lee SG: Me? Two times. I did it twice.

Kang HD: When?

Lee SG: Third year of middle school and first year of high school.

Kang HD: The truth?

Lee SG: Yes. I made the first step.

Qns: It was two different persons?

Lee SG: Yes. Who makes a love confession twice to the same person?

Qns: That’s only a year apart.

Lee SG: Yes.

Kang HD: You seem like a guy who does it seriously.

Lee SG: Huh, no. I’m the type of guy who go about it casually. If I meet someone I like, I get impatient. I don’t care for advices, I just want to make the confession. When I was in middle school, I had already knew this girl but I couldn’t say anything then. It was later when we attended tuition class together.

Qns: It happened on your way home?

Lee SG: Yes. I told her in the bus when we’re on the way home from tuition class. We happened to take the same bus and I told her, “I like you.”

Yo JI: I too, experienced such shocks often when I was in tuition class. [Laughs...]

Lee SG: I will always make the first step in expressing my fondness.

Kang HD: Then in high school?

Lee SG: High school? We were doing music together. I was preparing for my last music performance….she was a very popular girl then and I liked her very much. I did many things for her.

Qns: What did yo say to her?

Lee SG: The usual stuff…I like you. I’m not a romantic.

Kang HD: Guys do not always need to be the one making the first move, right?

Kim MS: I agree.

Kang HD: Chae Won-ssi. Any experiences?

Moon CW: Yes. Numerous.

Kang HD: OK. I know now.

Bae SB: I did it while we were having ramyeon. I did it very casually, nothing pre-planned. Just simply: “I think I like you”.

MC: The fact is, confessions are made when you still don’t have any idea about how the girl is feeling. It just jumps right out of your mouth without allowing you time to think about it. Even if you have planned what to say, you will start feeling uneasy and then you ready yourself to say it but….your mind just goes blank. So he’s really calm about it, can you imagine making a love confession when eating ramyeon?

Bae SB: I wasn’t really casual about it, I was embarrassed too. I said it with the thought of marriage on my mind so I just said, “I like you.” If you say it and the other party says, “Hey, what’s that about..” Then I will know that she’s only interested in being friends. If she remains silent then it means she is thinking along the same line.

MC: So no answer means a success.

Bae SB: Yes. Just like Eun Sung. She treats Jun Se as a brother and so she will instantly react to his confession. In honesty, I’ve been treated as a oppa on several occasions. There are times when they response, “Hey…what’s this about, Oppa?”

Lee SG: People tend to link drama scenes with a real-life love confession but imagine if you were to tell her, “Please stay by my side…” This wouldn’t work at all! There’s no prelude to it, just simply a direct ‘please stay by my side’. It definitely wouldn’t work! Those lines are logical because of the plot. In dramas, there’s beautiful music, lighting, make-up….

Kang HD: Mi Sook-ssi. Do you have a similar experience? Like when you were dating or the marriage proposal?

Kim MS: Oh that..my husband was the one who proposed. But I initiated the proposal..[she breaks into laughter]

Kang HD: How did this happen?

MC: That’s like an invitation to a proposal.

Yoo JI: She gave him verbal hints so that he will do a good job. I can understand where she was coming from.

Kim MS: I like him very much. He’s younger than I am. So I call him ‘our family young [fellow]‘ [Laughter...is that a new term?]

Yoo JI: It’s similar to saying ‘our family pride. So since her husband is younger, so he’s ‘our family young [fellow]‘

MC: What’s the age difference?

Kim MS: 5 years. He really likes me very much but saying words like ‘I like you’ or ‘I want to marry you’ is hard for him. He’s cautious even about holding hands. One autumn, we bought roasted chestnuts. And I asked ‘why aren’t you letting me have some?’ So he said, ‘OK’ and started peeling them. He held his hands out to me and I thought he was giving me some of the chestnuts but his hands were empty, then he held my hands. [she demonstrates it with Yoo JI's hand and an envious Yoo JI said, "This is torturing.."] He held on to my hands without looking at me but I felt it even without him saying anything. And he didn’t dare looked at me. I asked, “Do you like me?”, and he said ‘Yes’. Still not looking at me.

Yoo JI: Oh..you are thick-skinned.

Kim MS: A couple of months later…[Comments: Wow, a couple of months later! He's really cautious!]

Kang HD: That young man at home is really amazing!

Kim MS: One winter night, I told him to return home quickly but he wanted to walk slowly instead. Looking at his side profile, I felt his reliability and had this feeling of wanting to praise him. So I asked him, “Do you want to marry me?” Yes, I said it first. The he replied, “Aren’t you being too eager?” [Everyone who was holding their breaths, burst into laughter.]

MC: Oh my…I mean…this is THE Kim Mi Sook.

Kim MS: YES! That was what I was thinking too. THE Kim Mi Sook suggested marriage and he asked if I was too eager? That was pretty disrespectful. So I replied, “Oh? Is that so?” In my opinion, a couple needs to brave certain events before they should talk about marriage. They have to be understanding and forgiving. I meant it as a joke then, actually both as a joke and seriously.

Kang HD: That’s why it was even more embarrassing.

Kim MS: I had a short moment of shock because I thought he wouldn’t reject me.

Yoo JI: Actually you weren’t young then.

Kim MS: Excuse me…..

Yoo JI: How old were you?

Kim MS: I was 39.

MC: That’s about Kang HD’s age.

Kim MS: Then about 5 months later. I remember it was in a sunny day in May. I was on a FM morning show and having just finished work at about 11 and on my way home. I was in the back seat and he called. He asked where I was and I said on my way home. Was I at the Han River? (Yes.) Can I see the river? (Yes.) Can I see the sunshine? (Yes.) Han River was really beautiful with the sunshine upon the water. Then he asked, “Will you marry me?” [Han HJ is envious. Others commented that it's a scene lacking in television dramas.] I simply answered ‘Yes’. Just like that.

MC: Was it because you were worried about trembling as you spoke, that’s why you only answered ‘yes’?

Kim MS: No. It was because I thought it was inappropriate so say more through the phone. So I just said ‘yes’ demurely.

Kang HD: But actually in your heart you were going, “YES! YES! Call! Call! The river heard that! The sun heard that! CALL! CALL!…OH MY! Kim Mi Sook is getting married, ASA!”

Kim MS: I wasn’t the driver. I was in the back seat. The moment I said yes, I felt relieved and I slumped down into the seat. It was really a feeling out of the movies.

Kang HD: Just a moment please. What does ’slumping down into the seat’ really mean? [Kim MS demonstrates]

Kim MS: I didn’t want to think about anything. It was like I’ve just made a decision. I made a choice.

Kang HD: But wait a moment. Don’t all actresses need to hide a part of herself from the audience. Everyone has seen how Kim MS has just reacted. Wouldn’t that have an adverse effect on your image?

Kim MS: Please don’t edit this. I want my husband to watch this.

Kang HD: Then, you were at an elevated status as that of [Kim]Tae Hee, [song]Hye Gyo and [Jeon]Ji Hyun. So what was it about that young man that had attracted you so much?

MC: In your perspective, what was attractive about him?

Kim MS: He’s good-looking. I love his voice. To sum it up, I like how he is that’s why I agreed to marrying him.

Kang HD: What actually should one look for in a guy? [Qns directed towards the sunbaes on behalf of the young actresses]

Yoo JI; It’s important he must be kind and looks kind. A kind heart is of great importance.

MC: What about Mi Sook-ssi?

Kim MS: I never thought about that but my husband is a very kind person.

Kang HD: That’s only who she can think about. That young fellow.

Good-looking. Nice Voice. Kind. Wow, why is that young fellow so nice? He’s the best in everything.

Kim MS: To Chae Won and Hyo Joo, a kind man is the basic requirement. When together, basic manners is important. If a person does not have social manners, you will naturally know it after being together for a while. That’s the same for sincerity. I’m at an age where I can easily see through a person. Kindness is a must. [Hyo joo and Chae Won] are my daughter’s age. You will know if a man is kind just by looking at his eyes. Just like Seung Gi has kind eyes. So does Soo Bin. [When asked about Kang HD, Yoo JI suggest they give the question a pass.]

Kang HD: Now on to Stage 3. It’s a question from the production crew to the cast.

MC: We have no idea about the questions. We were shocked too.

MC Mong: The first question from the staff to Bae SB. When alone in the restroom, you would give your face a beat and say, “Yes that’s it, Bae Soo Bin. You’re looking great! Do a good job! Bae Soo Bin, fighting!” A curious staff approached you but you started running. The staff followed but you just kept running. It’s too embarrassing! [The cast wonders if that's true.] There’s more. So what they want to know is: do you really think you’re good-looking? Or is there another reason? [MC Mong embarks on a Bae SB mimic show....] Keep it up! Bae Soo Bin. Have courage! You are better looking than Seung Gi! [....and Mong runs after Kang HD takes on the act of the curious staff]

Bae SB: Oh my. Who was the one who asked this?

MC: Do you remember anything?

This must be Bae Soo Bin’s most embarrassing moment on TV. Find out why he ran. Or didn’t he? And the funny facts behind Lee Seung Gi and Han Hyo Joo’s kissing scenes. Again, please do not take this out for use in fansubs.

Bae SB: I really did look into the mirror…but then there was no one there.

Yoo JI: Hey…cut the act.

Kang HD: The truth is, you think you are good-looking?

Bae SB: Aren’t there such situations? When before doing a scene, you pep yourself up to give yourself some strength [Comment: Yes. Self-hypnosis]

MC: But the thing is you were talking about looks.

Bae SB: Geez…why am I feeling so hot?

MC: Others usually talk to themselves to concentrate but you were talking about being good-looking.

Yoo JI: But he is good-looking.

Lee SG: Oh gosh, what should I do? I can’t even help you out.

Yoo JI: You see, [seung Gi and Hyo Joo] are so much younger than Soo Bin. Being older, it’s natural he felt some pressure.

Bae SB: Oh my…I’m dying twice now.

Yoo JI: Soo Bin, that’s not it. I’m merely pointing out a possibility.

Bae SB: During the earlier episodes, Jun Se has a good relationship with Eun Sung. Every scene done together has a dating feel to it. Then all of a sudden she and Seung Gi are looking great together. And you know, things just become…I really felt like I was living in Jun Se’s shadow. It’s weird but when I was on set, I really felt that I was being isolated.

Kim MS: Oh. That’s pitiful. I was thinking about how Soo Bin was feeling during those moments and I felt pity for him.

Bae SB: So it wasn’t about my looks, it’s more of encouraging Jun Se. The thought I had for Jun Se was, “OK. Let’s fight it out. I want to protect Eun Sung to the end.” That’s it.

MC: Did this happen on the day you punched Seung Gi?

Bae SB: Let me recall…wasn’t there a long corridor?

Lee SG: Yes. The corridor was endless.

MC: But there’s another complain against Bae SB-ssi. Let us give you a choice. The complain or do a re-enactment of the scene. [He chooses to re-enact.]

Bae SB: (looking angry) Who asked the question? [Laughter...]

MC: The next staff question for Lee SG. For the kissing scene with Han HJ, it was overheard him asking the director, “Should I do a real kiss or just a fake one?” Were you really thinking of doing a sloppy job?

Lee SG: I don’t even know how to answer this.

Kang HD: Lee SG-ssi. Did you have expectations knowing that there’s a kissing scene? You were the one asking about doing a real kiss or a fake one.

Lee SG: It’s not like that. Of course I know that I’ve to do a real kiss for a close-up shoot. The reason I asked was because I wanted to know, when filming a full shot that’s 20 feet away from the camera….

Kang HD: You mean to say you can just do a sloppy job if the camera is far away? Wow that’s so Lee SG.That’s exactly how Lee SG thinks.

MC: When you mentioned a ‘real kiss’ how real did you intended it to be?

Lee SG: I didn’t mean that I wouldn’t do a good job. But you have to consider the actress’s feelings. I’ve to care for Hyo Joo-ssi feelings. It’s not right to ignore everything to just hug and kiss her. I can’t do that. I’ve to respect the actress, she’s my co-star. We’re only acting.

MC: But acting has to be real too.

Lee SG: Yes…..that too.

MC: What were your thoughts about the scene when you read the script?

Lee SG: It was an overpowering feeling. I couldn’t sleep. I practised repeatedly for the lines prior to that scene. I wanted to say the lines with charismatic flair. The pressure was too great and I couldn’t sleep at all. I was almost falling to pieces when I arrived at the site. I couldn’t tell anyone and I couldn’t rehearse. The nerve-wrecking thing about kissing scenes is that you cannot rehearse it. It’s really nerve-wrecking. I couldn’t approach Hyo Joo-ssi and ask ’should we do a real kiss or a fake one during the full shot’. So I had to ask the director. Should I do a real kiss or just…or should I not do anything and just touch our lips together?

Kim MS: That will do. That’s why it’s so embarrassing.

Kang HD: (to Yoo JI and Kim MS) So how about you both? Do you do a real kiss?

Yoo JI: You see. What happened then was that both of them were really nervous and feeling awkward. When we were viewing the close-up, we noticed that their noses were squashed. We were pent-up about it because it should not be like this.

Kang HD: Seung Gi-ssi. We have the director’s testimony ready. Let’s take a look.

Director: It was an early shoot and everyone was listless. I couldn’t remember well but I think I wanted them to do a real kiss. Both of them were awkward. It’s supposed to be an aesthetic shot with him looking smart and she pretty but their noses got squashed. It’s an NG and I told them to do a retake. I don’t know if it’s true but I was thinking to myself: Is Lee SG that inexperienced? Lee SG was blushing. Seeing him blush, I wanted to play a prank on them. I didn’t shout ‘Cut’ and they went on for…was it a minute or two?

[Their BTS kissing scene was shown. A total of 10 retakes with the final take lasting 19:34]

Kang HD: The director didn’t know much about Lee SG. The truth is he’s a pro at blushing. Acting shy. He’s really good at that.

MC Mong: He was actually thinking, “Hyo Joo isn’t that good at it either.”

Yoo JI: Oh. He’s blushing now.

Kang HD: Hyo Joo-ssi. You seem to have lots to say about this scene too. Your nose was flattened. What’s your opinion?

Han HJ: In honesty, he really doesn’t have much experience with kissing.

MC: Did you have lots of kissing scenes in your previous projects?

Han HJ: Most of them.

Kim MS: (curious) Who were your co-stars? [Han HJ laughs]

Han HJ: When I read the script, I told myself I was going to do a good scene here. I knew that it would garner a strong viewers’ response. I was filming with that thought but when I looked at the tape later – my nose was flattened. Actresses usually hope that their kissing scenes will turn out beautiful. In the end, he was fine but my nose was flattened. Luckily, there was a final kissing scene.

Lee SG: And she went all out to wrestle her revenge.

Han HJ: The ending kiss scene was interesting. Eun Sung surprised Hwan with a kiss. So when I read the script stating that ‘Eun Sung holds Hwan’s head and kisses him’, I knew this was the opportunity. I held his head and…

Lee SG: She grabbed it like this and squashed it. Actually she could have just held it like this but she did this.

MC: Any more new insider information?

Kang HD: There’s this rumor about you touching Hyo Joo’s hair for the ending kiss scene. Was it pre-planned or just a personal habit of Lee SG?

Han HJ: I think he may have picked that up from somewhere. It will be fine if held me like this but he had to do this. I was frightened and he had to clutch my hair like this.

Kang HD: Where did you see this?

MC: It wasn’t in any of the movies.

Lee SG: I thought holding her this way looks great. I only knew how it looked but I didn’t know the correct way of holding her. It wasn’t simply holding her. There are two of us and she’s the lead actress. She has to look good too. I held her too fast and her hair got shoved high. No matter which way I had held her, her hair would be shoved too. So I decided to smooth it gently.

MC: Well, not everyone can do that.

Kang HD: Next. A staff question for Yoo JI-ssi.

Yoo JI: I’m scared.

MC Mong: Let me ask this. What will you do if you start missing the Wednesday nights soju sessions?

MC: Do you like to drink?

Yoo JI: Yes. I enjoy drinking.

MC: How much can you drink?

Yoo JI: Mi Sook told me to say two glasses. She says I’ve to be discreet but I’m really not like that.

MC: How many glasses?

Yoo JI: About 10.

Kang HD: Pokdanju?

Yoo JI: Yes. I love the ambience. I like experimenting how to swirl the glasses. My sunbaes say that I’ve just learn to drink so it’s a happy feeling. That day I was learning to do it again and they told me to stop doing it – what would others think of me? They told me to just use a pair of chopsticks to stir it but I replied that it wouldn’t taste as good. I’ve lived the entertainer’s lifestyle since I was 19. There was no time for play. I felt a lot of heartache when I look at Seung Gi and Hyo Joo. I hope they live a different lifestyle that I was living. I hope they get to enjoy what I’ve missed out. It’s a blessing to gain maturity slowly. Like what they say it’s not elegant of me to do it [the wine swirling thing]. Everyone tells me to not do what I like, I believe it’s the same for both of them. But I don’t like people interfering with what I do so I continue doing it…secretly.

MC: This is for Lee SH-ssi. This question is going to sound petty but you love to eat? And you have eaten most of the drama food-props. You love to eat during outdoor trips.

Lee SG: About that trip, I had indeed ate a lot of the food. You see, my role was always in the kitchen and I had to do something.

Yoo JI: We used to have a saying that a star will not be born through eating (meaning it’s a jinx to a celebrity career if they start eating food props)

Lee SG: If one starts eating food used for filming, bad luck will follow for three years.

Lee SH: Those are rumors made up by the production staff. But SBS food props are really good.

[Random picking of questions]

Kang HD: Seung Gi oppa, why is your nose so fat?

Lee SG: A fat nose…in comparison to other celebrities, my nose is indeed…well I’ve never thought that way about my nose.

Kang HD: ‘My mother wants to know where Lee SG is staying.’ I think her mother is waiting to bump into you.

Lee SG: My house? In front of Gangnam government office.

Yoo JI: No. It’s in front of the police station.

Kang HD: Men in the 40s age group have chosen their favorite actress – Jeon In Hwa and Kim Mi Sook. Mi Sook-ssi, who do you think has a stronger winning edge? Jeon In Hwa-ssi is watching this.

Kim MS: Oh gosh….Of course it’s me.

Kang HD: Yoo JI-ssi, what do you usually wear at home?

Yoo JI: Oh..I wish I can say ‘….nothing’.

Kang HD: You are mostly in the role of a rich person. What are some techniques to be more elegant?

Yoo Ji: It’s an inborn trait.

MC: Bae SB-ssi. Do you really possess the ‘warm-hearted syndrome’ (dajung-byeong)? [Everyone laughs...including Bae SB] Can that be considered an illness?

MC: (to Moon CW) Between your two male co-stars Lee SG and Lee Min Ho, who do you like best?

Moon CW: Lee SG. [seung Gi bows his head with thanks)

MC: That means you dislike Lee Min Ho? (No.....)

Lee SG: Please don't twist it around.

Kang HD: (to Han HJ) This is from a 20 year old male Yoon Ho Seon: 'why do you tempt my heart?'

Han HJ: Yoon Heo Seon-ssi. I love you. (She kisses his question card)

MC: (to Lee SH) Have you even been mistaken for Lee Kwang Gi-ssi?

Lee SH: Nooooo. Just that I sang a song at a year-end event and after that, they said, "Thank you, Lee Kwang Gi-ssi."

[NG clips thereafter...]

This is the last part of the transcript. The Q&A begins right after the showing of the NG clips. I’ve omitted a bulk of the incessant chatter by the MC, going straight to the main question. As a last time reminder, please do not take this out for use in fansubs.

The reason is: I’m nowhere fluent in the language (only a pathetic smattering of understanding) so a bulk of the transcript is translated from the work of the generous people who had done the c-subs. So please respect the hard work. Now, onto more fun.

MC: This is for Kim Mi Sook-ssi. You’ve have never been in an anti-role. Why did you accept this role now?

Kim MS: The director approached me with this drama role. He said he wanted to show that an actor who has never been in an anti-role is able to perform very well too. As for my character, the tone of my first line is very important, this is to solidify the anti-characteristics of the role. That was a scene with Eun Sung and I said “우리가 가족이니 Are we a family?” Everyone remembered the line and indeed it developed my anti-image. That line was a hard one for me. If I were to say it this way [she gave a demonstration of several different tones saying the same line] then it wouldn’t have gave birth to THIS Baek Seung Hee (her character in the drama) as it’s different to her character. But if I were to say it this way [calm and low-pitched] then it gives a completely different feel.

MC: So this was the determining line cementing your anti-image in the drama?

Kim MS: Yes…and it took off from there. Did I answer this question too seriously?

MC: No….serious is good. Variety programs have their serious moments too.

Kang HD: Yoo JI-ssi. Do you like doing anti-roles?

MC: You’ve never been in an anti-role, have you?

Yoo JI: I can’t do that. My heart was beating furiously when I had to slap Hyo Joo.

MC: What if you were in Kim MS’s position?

Yoo JI: Well, she has what it takes to do that. See, that’s what’s good about being a sunbae. I can say anything.

Kang HD: Now, on to Stage 5. I’m the only one who knows the question to 5,6,7. [He shows the next question to Kim MS] Do you think I can ask this? Will it hurt?

Kim MS: No…I think this is OK. They will answer it truthfully.

[Kang HD calls out Han HJ's name but it's only a scare]

Kang HD: This is from viewer Han Joo Hee-ssi. As compared to Han Hyo Joo, the spotlight on you is lesser. Are you jealous about it? Moon Chae Won.

Moon CW: It gave me a fright.

Kang HD: This is a little sensitive especially for actresses.

MC: Oh..even Han Hyo Joo is laughing. These questions are really something.

Lee SG: This is Stage 5. Can you imagine what’s at Stage 7? I bet someone will be backing out by then.

Moon CW: To be honest, I never thought about it in that way. I feel blessed. I watch this program often and to be here now just means the drama has done well. I just want to do a good job, except that I’ve not done too well. I know that. When I see the visitors’ count on my homepage increasing by the day, I’m happy. This is the first time I felt maybe I won’t be too much in the spotlight because of the role that I was playing.

Kang HD: How about Han HJ-ssi? Do you think you’re popular?

Han HJ: I don’t think it’s necessary to ask the question in such a way…

Moon CW: Could [the viewer] be an anti?

MC: Do you have antis?

Moon CW: Sure. Why wouldn’t I? AH. I may have seen her post. This is a ‘Brilliant Legacy Special’. Must the questions be so sensitive? Yes. In the drama Eun Sung is more well-received than I am….but then I’ve also started on another project…Han Joo Hee-ssi.

Yoo JI: Wow. She’s scarier than Baek Seng Hee. Like mother like daughter.

Kim MS: You done well, my daughter.

Moon CW: I’ll be seeing you all in a new project soon.

Kang HD: I remember Kim Hye Ja sonsaengnim saying this when asked her opinion about acting. She said ” 30% is acting, 30% is helping your partner act. The remaining 40% is waiting.”

MC Mong: I also remember Kang HD sunbae saying this when I asked “Sunbae, what’s variety programs all about?” And he said, “Think about it for yourself, kid.”

Kang HD: I said that to help you learn independence [Laughter...]

MC: (to Yoo JI and Kim MS): You both were once lead actresses but now you are playing supporting roles….

Kim MS: It reminds me that I’m no longer the old Kim Mi Sook. When I was in LA for a shoot and I walked into the set, they called out, “Mr. Director, the star [from the past] is ready now.” And I was still in the lead role then. I just sat there amd pretended not to have heard it but it kept haunting me. I was thinking about how to accept these words but then it’s also these words that humbled me. Thinking in this way calmed me. Then there was another time, when I walked out of the airport, there was this group of middle-schoolers. I knew they weren’t there for me, especially after the ’star of the past’ statement. But they suddenly swarmed towards me and screamed, “It’s Son Ji Chang’s omma!” At that time, Son Ji Chang was acting as my youngest son [in a drama]. So I’m no longer Kim Mi Sook but ‘XXX’s omma’. It was reality then and I told myself I have to start looking for my direction.

MC: What about Yoo Ji In-ssi?

Kim MS: Unni married at the peak of her popularity and made a comeback 15 years later. So it’s natural that she is landed with mother roles.

Yoo JI: When I return to work, I saw many actresses younger than me being given ajumma roles. Then when I was given that role of a mother, I thought, “I should be dating him instead.” [Laughter...] In the past, I was told to participate in the Miss Korea pageant several times and I was also a fashion model but now the younger entrants are all 183 cm in height, making me look like Jeon Hyeon Joo sonsaengnim [presumably in reference to her height]…I’m sorry Jeon sonsaeng [Laughter...] I’m getting really good at doing such programs. Anyway, I received a call last night telling me, “Hey, New Actor. You are finally gaining popularity after a decade.” And I’ve always thought of myself as a new actor ever since I made my debut.

Kang HD: Now, on to Stage 6. This is a straightforward question. If you are given a chance to work on a special project with the condition that you give up 1N2D, what will your decision be, Lee Seung Gi-ssi?

MC Mong: It’s a 40 billion won project and you have to give up on 1N2D.

Kang HD: A project that is a sure-winner, however you have to give up variety programs in order to maintain the drama image. Make a choice. Will you give up 1N2D? 1,2,3.

Lee SG: I can’t give it up. [Claps and cheers..."Seung Gi, jjang!"]

Kim MS: This is what I think. Whatever you have already started to do, you have to continue doing it. You cannot back out of it over a promise that is not guaranteed. It’s unacceptable if you betray your loyalty and trust.

Kang HD: Especially not because of your popularity.

Kim MS: Exactly.

Lee SG: This is a sensitive question for me, however I was able to answer frankly because it’s something I’ve already thought about. In fact, I was in the same situation before ‘Brilliant Legacy’ came along. As kyosu-nim (Kim Mi Sook) put it, 1N2D has already become a form of loyalty and trust for me. It’s not simply a variety program. If it was just a variety program, then I will give it up for the sake of my future. But I’ve gone too far with 1N2D and I’ve changed along with it although I cannot say it changed me 100%. Many people had a hard time because of me. 9 out of 10 were worried for me when I took on a drama. And there were many who looked differently at variety programs and dramas. I’ve the ambition and the confidence to accomplish this. I’ve to thank 1N2D. This is where I gather my courage from. It’s possible there will be a day where I’ve to give up 1N2D but I don’t want to think about that now. What I know is that I don’t want to be known as an entertainer that has done a variety program. I want it to be known as a program that’s about friendship. A program that cannot be exchanged for with a hefty monetary package.

MC: The roles in 1N2D and Brilliant Legacy are not overly contrasting. What if you are given a drama role with a more serious character? What’s your choice?

Kim MS: Please. Stop putting him in a spot.

Kang HD: (to Lee SG) You have an outstanding image in 1N2D. How do you project this smart image?

Lee SG: I think it boils down to practice.

Han HJ: This is true. While he’s waiting, he will practise his lines up to 30 times. His tones differ too [she imitates Seung Gi's different tones when saying 'halmoni'].

Lee SG: A fan edited an episode of me saying ‘What? Halmoni!’ – all in different tones.

Han HJ: I don’t know how many times he had went through the script that he was able to memorise all the lines of his co-stars. He knew all my lines by heart and when he’s done with his, he will start mumbling my lines. The first time I really felt it was ridiculous and I went into NGs. I asked him “Seung Gi-ssi. Did you say my lines on purpose?” And he replied “When did I do that?” He really didn’t know what he did.

Lee SG: I didn’t know. Whenever she has to react after my lines, I will start doing this [mumbling]. I realized it after a couple of time. Hyo Joo-ssi told me about it, it was then that I knew I kept mumbling all the time. I’m full of apologies. Especially when we had to do an emotional scene. I was waiting for her lines and then I started doing this again. [Laughter. Comments: "You are very detailed..."]

Han HJ: There was a scene with a close-up on his hands. Then he called out “Hold on please. Lotion.”

Lee SG: I didn’t put it that way. I said, “Can I have some lotion please?”

MC: Wow. You’re polite.

Kim MS: I wonder if you will hear yourself being called ‘the star from the past’ 10 years later.

Kang HD: Now to Stage 7. To everyone. Do you think you are still able to maintain your popularity after ‘Brilliant Legacy”?

Moon CW. Yes. I think so and it will be better. It’s just the beginning…but then, I wouldn’t know about the ratings.

MC: So you are meaning to say you are not sure how the ratings will do but you’re sure about your popularity.

Moon CW: This is really a dream rating.

Lee SH: This is the first time in my 17 years of career that I’ve people calling out to the name of my drama character. I thought to myself: “Is this popularity?” When I go to the canteen for meals now, I’m given extra eggs. Or sometimes a double serving. So getting eggs is a recognition of my popularity. If I were to be in an anti role, then I’ll probably not be getting any eggs.

Lee SG: It wouldn’t be achievable if there isn’t hope. There wouldn’t be passion for it. Everyone yearns to be recognized but if this is how far one’s thoughts go, then it’s bound to be downhill from here. If there’s encouragement, there will be improvement. Even if there isn’t, you still have to continue with hope.

Kang HD: Wow. Your popularity will last. Why is that we have never thought such things at his age.

Yoo JI: Well, don’t you know who’s son he is in ‘Brilliant Legacy’?

[The program ends to a string of laughter and cheers from Yoo Ji In or rather Oh Young Ran's pride and joy.]

It's A LOT to read so have fun! lol Though, to be honest... I just read all the parts that had Hyo Joo in them :lol:

Haha, yeah a lot of people close to Hyo Joo say she's similar to Eun Sung in real life :) And I just love watching her behind the scenes of filming! She's so dorky and acts like a little kid sometimes! It's really endearing ahaha I love her fun, bubbly personality! :D Oh, you liked the Samsung CF?! A lot of people didn't like it because they weren't used to seeing her being all sexy and dancing haha. A lot of us in here were super nervous when we found out she would be dancing sexily for the CF but I personally thought it came out pretty nice! :D She only had 3 days to practice, and she was already beyond exhausted from finishing filming BL so the finished production came out nicely in my opinion ^^

Hehe yay! There can never be enough Hyo Joo fans! :D And may I ask for your real name? :) I'm Cindy by the way! ^^

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Guest n4tleeyaa

hello ps3hl :D:D i can see you are newbie in this thread, me too :) i have the same background with you, i know hyojoo from BL, and i found that she's really pretty and cute too, and she portrayed eun sung character so great!!, coz if the actress failed to portrayed that such character it could be end up with annoying act, but hyojoo can played it nicely and smoothly, not annoying me at all B) i have a habit if the actor caught me with their acting i tends to search their other project, and that become my reverence to put it in my watching list, and it happen with hyojoo, she caught me with her acting in BL, and then i started to search her other project, found Spring Waltz, fallin in love with all in it, the men, the OST, even with the evil yi-na (lee so yeon also one of my fav actress, i know her before hyojoo) SW was such a beautiful works :):) (though i never watched the other seasonal series, i've tried it but after i saw a few eps, i was with happily and no regreted at all to left it :lol: ), then i decided to join at soompi (never crossed in my mind that i would be joining in forums before, coz of my laziness :rolleyes: ) to know more about her and failin in love with this thread also :)

hope to see more of you either ps3hl :):)GBU

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^ waaaaaaaaahh!! HwanSung.... love them!

ps3hl: No need to be so shy!

Haha, I'm usually easily persuaded so don't be surprised if you get a PM from me sometime this week *coughswhenihavetimecoughs.

Ahh.. Haru2Subs hasn't released the video yet : ( But they're still working on it, so it's not like a lost cause or anything now lol. There's a transcript of the Special somewhere... Let me look for it~

Here it is! I couldn't find the original site that posted it so... here it all is! lol

It's A LOT to read so have fun! lol Though, to be honest... I just read all the parts that had Hyo Joo in them

Haha, yeah a lot of people close to Hyo Joo say she's similar to Eun Sung in real life :) And I just love watching her behind the scenes of filming! She's so dorky and acts like a little kid sometimes! It's really endearing ahaha I love her fun, bubbly personality! : Oh, you liked the Samsung CF?! A lot of people didn't like it because they weren't used to seeing her being all sexy and dancing haha. A lot of us in here were super nervous when we found out she would be dancing sexily for the CF but I personally thought it came out pretty nice! :D She only had 3 days to practice, and she was already beyond exhausted from finishing filming BL so the finished production came out nicely in my opinion ^^

Hehe yay! There can never be enough Hyo Joo fans! :D And may I ask for your real name? :) I'm Cindy by the way! ^^

Hey there Cindy! :) Annyeong~

Thank you so much for the transcript.. I'll probably print this now and ready them on my way to work.. or maybe I'll hang around here later while working.. :)

re: BL Special

they are?! then that's nice to hear.. :) at least I know there's actually something i'm waiting for.. hahaha.. I went to viikii.net and saw uploaded videos of the special but only a few of the parts of the episode were subbed in english but then learning that Haru2's already working on it.. i can finally calm myself down.. hahaha..

re: HJ playing Eun Sung

I know. She's really fun to watch. I love how she always touch her bangs whenever she gets annoyed or something. It's just so cute.. hahaha. and the smile~ :)

re: Samsung CF

You know what I first saw the behind the scenes video of her practicing/learning the dance she did on the commercial. It really showed there that she's not really a 'dancer' compared to other actresses that I've seen before. When I saw the actual CF, I really think she did it VERY VERY WELL. I think, overall, Hyo Joo was able to show people a different side of her and it kinda makes me proud... i don't know why. haha. Made me realize "hey, I think I made the right decision to actually be a fan of this very talented actress" :) ... and may I just add.. HOTNESS... :)

BTW, call me Emg. :)

Hms, this is interesting o_o

Hyo Joo and Bae Soo Bin's costar, Lee So Yeon, from Spring Waltz and Temptation of an Angel has been recently cast in Dong Yi.

I really hope HJ will do well on this drama.. Good Luck to her. :)

hello ps3hl i can see you are newbie in this thread, me too : ) i have the same background with you, i know hyojoo from BL, and i found that she's really pretty and cute too, and she portrayed eun sung character so great!!, coz if the actress failed to portrayed that such character it could be end up with annoying act, but hyojoo can played it nicely and smoothly, not annoying me at all i have a habit if the actor caught me with their acting i tends to search their other project, and that become my reverence to put it in my watching list, and it happen with hyojoo, she caught me with her acting in BL, and then i started to search her other project, found Spring Waltz, fallin in love with all in it, the men, the OST, even with the evil yi-na (lee so yeon also one of my fav actress, i know her before hyojoo) SW was such a beautiful works :):) (though i never watched the other seasonal series, i've tried it but after i saw a few eps, i was with happily and no regreted at all to left it : ), then i decided to join at soompi (never crossed in my mind that i would be joining in forums before, coz of my laziness ) to know more about her and failin in love with this thread also :)

hope to see more of you either ps3hl GBU

Annyeong n4tleeyaa~

Yep. Im newbie to SOOMPI actually. Hahaha.. *number of posts as evidence. LOL!

I have a copy of Spring Waltz and I tried watching it before, I think I reached epi 3 of the drama but was unable to actually finish the whole thing. Funny thing was, I never realized that it was Hyo Joo.. hahahaha.. it was only after I finished BL. So, I'm planning to rewatch the drama again. :) LOL!

Hope to chat with you guys more. Thank u so much for the warm welcome. :)

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Guest jae90ful

omo @bash

i miss JAEJOO couple so much..

recently i keep rewind HP..i keep watching and watching...i just love jaejoo chemistry

i love the way jaejoong look to hyo joo...sometimes he havent dare staring her at long period...keke such a cutie pie :P

i hope next time both will hold another project together *pray

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ahhhhhhhh I miss her so much :( :(

I wonder when will Dong Yi start filming, I want to see her pics everyday !!

I was so lucky to watch HP before it was deleted ^^, it's a great movie , hope after Dong Yi she will choose a movie script

about her trip to Australia,is that the country her younger brother is studying in ? I remember I read about that but not sure Australia or American :P

Harmony, I want to have new avatar n new banner,can you help me :x ,my ava n banner are old,i think it must be over a year ^^

where are you Jihye87 :)

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Just a quick update on Dong Yi!

The main cast have been selected, so it'd be Hyo Joo, Ji Jin Hee, Bae Soo Bin, Lee So Yeon, and Park Ha Sun.

Hyo Joo - Dong Yi, later Choi Suk Bin

Ji Jin Hee - King Sukjong

Bae Soo Bin, Cha Chun Soo

Lee So Yeon - Jang Hui Bin

Park Ha Sun - ??? lol

I'll BBL with replies guyys!! ^^ <3 you all!

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I loved BSB's role in BL and how selfless he is. But then again, I always have a thing for those kind of guys. Anyway, I can't wait to see Dong Yi!! I love historical books and dramas, and I'd definitely watch it since having Han Hyo Joo on the drama is a big plus! XD Can't wait!

Anyway, I made a fanlisting for her, guys. Please join and show that you support her. XD

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Park Ha-sun cast as queen in Dong Yi

Historical drama Dong Yi has cast Park Ha-sun to play the role of Queen In-hyun, the second wife of King Suk-jong. Han Hyo-joo plays the lead character Dong-yi, a water maid who later became royal consort and gave birth to a future king; Ji Jin-hee plays King Suk-jong.

Queen In-hyun was pushed aside and lost standing when the king passed her over for a more favored concubine Lady Jang, which led to court strife. Eventually she was reinstated and the ambitious Jang demoted, but In-hyun died mysteriously and Jang’s faction was accused of poisoning. In-hyun looks after Dong-yi, three years her junior, when Dong-yi first enters the palace, and develops a trust in her. Jang will be played by Lee So-yeon, and if her recent vengeful turn in Angel’s Temptation is any indication, it will be with great gusto. (We’ve got a mini-Angel’s Temptation reunion, with her co-star Bae Soo-bin playing a protective figure to Dong-yi.)

According to a representative with the production, they chose Park Ha-sun because they wanted to put a fresh face to the role. Park has played queen consort in the past, in the 2007-08 SBS sageuk King and I.

Dong Yi will air on Mondays and Tuesdays on MBC beginning in March.

Via E Daily

source: http://www.dramabeans.com/2010/01/park-ha-...een-in-dong-yi/

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Finally replies!! XD

Emg: I really thought that HwanSung photo was real until I realized Hyo Joo isn't that short and the face looked really off, haha. No problem about the transcript! Just happy that I could help :] Hyo Joo fans are <33333 for me! =D Have you read them yet by chance? I totally can't wait to watch the subbed video! I know it'll be even greater lol. I love how Hyo Joo is so likable and charming in a dorky way ;] She doesn't come off as being ideal like a lot of other K-actresses. She's very approachable and not intimidating at all! :D I like this appeal!

Oh yeah, I think people stopped trying to sub the Special over at Viikii lol. Only like a couple of the parts are subbed and like... none of them are 100% fully subbed >< But whatever... Viikii subs for free and that's more than what we can ask for =D

I know a lot of people say Eun Sung wasn't that hard of a character to portray, but it's definitely something different from the past characters that Hyo Joo has played before. Either way... I felt that Hyo Joo portrayed Eun Sung wonderfully.. Bias aside, I honestly don't think I would have liked Eun Sung this much if another actress played her. Hyo Joo genuinely has the same appeal as Eun Sung does, so it was nice to see how realistic and natural her acting was :]

Omgsh, haha the bang touching XD Hyo Joo's old costar in Nonstop 5... What was her name... Jo Jung Rin parodied her on a show right after BL ended :lol: Her parody had a lot of Eun Sung traits, including touching of the bangs! I really never noticed that Hyo Joo did that a lot until I saw the parody! :lol: Oh yes... Hyo Joo's smile is so enchanting LOL. So cliche, but whatever! Her smile is just so precious <3 I wish I had a lovely smile like her.

I totally get what you mean about the Samsung VLUU CF, lol. I was getting second hand embarrassment watching her at the practices. Then at the end of the video... the little snippet preview and I was like *drools. I was SOLD haha. The CF came out really nicely :) Especially since she only got to rehearse for 3 days and she's not a natural dancer. I feel like she was able to show that sexy side of her that people aren't used to. It was definitely a foreign look compared to her natural state, but I don't know... I like it when she explores different looks lol. It's just further proof that she can seriously pull of any kind of look.

I PRAYYYY that Hyo Joo does an extremely awesome job in Dong Yi. 50 episodes is a lot, but thank god she's had experience in long dramas. She did a daily drama that had like 150+ episodes, so I guess 50 episodes shouldn't be that bad lol. But yeah, I really want people to take her more seriously as an actress :( A lot of people judge her acting based on her characters because they're so similar to each other but a lot of these people haven't watched Ad Lib Night, or even her new work, Soul Special. I thought she did a great job in these two works and I especially loved Soul Special. Her character was really just spontaneous and carefree, it was a breath of fresh air to watch her onscreen! :D

jae90ful: *Pats. I miss JaeJoo dearly too :( It feels so long since there's been any news of Heaven's Postman... But it's only been like two and a half months. LOL. I really hope to see them together again... Either to promote Heaven's Postman or a photoshoot or something. It's just :( to not see them together and doing separate activities :lol: JaeJoo seriously have a lot of chemistry, I'm surprised to say. I didn't think they'd compliment each other that well.. Acting wise and appearance wise! Don't know about personality since.. well, we don't know either of them personally, lol. I was really nervous that they wouldn't have good chemistry onscreen, and that it'd just be behind the cameras.. but to my delight, they did! :D I like to think that Jaejoong is so comfortable acting with Hyo Joo that his acting just isn't the same when he's acting with other actresses :P Or more specifically... in the Call Me music video by Taegoon, where Jaejoong starred with Park Shin Hye.. I didn't think his acting was all that impressive but in Heaven's Postman, he really made me proud! :D

fujiwara no sai: Huuhuu, we all miss JaeJoo in here *glances. lol Dang... that sucks that your Internet won't let you finish downloading Heaven's Postman :( It's seriously something you shouldn't miss! It's so awesome <3 I can't till you watch it! :D And yup... no news on the new Samsung CF, but I'm sure in a couple of weeks we'll hear more about it :) And I wish she'd do a catalog photoshoot for Lacoste as well :( But she isn't their model, just South Korea's representative.. *sighs. I wanted her to work with Sean Opry haha

missha: Hey love! :D I'm glad you still pop in here every once in a while! ^^ I don't know if it's just me... but I feel like my life is more boring when Hyo Joo's on a hiatus or there aren't any new photos or information on her lol. Makes me sound like a creepy stalker fan but meh~ :P Dong Yi should begin filming very soon now that the main cast has been announced. I can't wait to see photos of her in costume though! Gosh.. she just looks gorgeous in hanboks.. The tall, lithe body in such a beautiful traditional gown!

Oh! You were able to watch Heaven's Postman!? *squeals! Wasn't it amazing?! 8D I just loveee JaeJoo so much especially after watching Heaven's Postman, lol.

Hmms... I never caught that about her brother going to Australia for college :o I totally forgot about that, lol. I think he studies in America though... In Las Vegas I think... I can't really remember that well :\ I think he graduated already though.. or he should be graduating soon if he hasn't already.

I'll try to make you a new banner/avatar set but I'm kind of busy nowadays now that school's back in session >< Just PM me with what you want and I'll try to fulfill it! But I haven't used Photoshop in ages so I don't even know how it works anymore lmao. I miss jihye too :(

sandixbabo: Haha glad that you're going to give Dong Yi a try! :D I'm usually reluctant to watch sageuks too, but whatever.. Hyo Joo is in it! lol Have you watched Heaven's Postman yet btw? I remember you being reluctant to watch it in the beginning and then you said you'd give it a try :)

Ugh, I couldn't stand Lee So Yeon's character in Spring Waltz. She was so annoying and so mean haha. Typical second female lead, but still... She was crazy for being so obsessed with him like that :(

Whatever girl! I loved Jun Se even if he's unrealistic! lol Most K-drama characters are unrealistic anyways :P I saw pictures of BSB's abs and... omgsh, Hyo Joo go bag that NOW! lol He's sooooo hot for his age!

And nope :( Those pictures were taken after Iljimae ended.. It was when she was promoting Ride Away. Her hair was so long back then D:

Senyth: Hello! :D Welcome to the thread ^^ So sorry for the late introduction though haha. I loved Jun Se too! I think half of BL audience loved Jun Se... He was just way too perfect and desirable to resist lol. I always root for the second male lead too.. It always breaks my heart that they never gets the girl :(

Oh yay! So glad that you're excited about Dong Yi! I know most people go ew at sageuks so they probably won't pay any attention to Dong Yi when it comes out. I'm really intrigued about the plot of Dong Yi.. It's seriously like The Tudors! And I LOVE The Tudors! But... mostly because of Henry Cavill and Jonathan Rhys Meyer >.>

I've already signed up for the fanlisting! :D I saw the link in here yesterday and got all excited because Hyo Joo has a fanlisting now XD lol She needs more love!!

Edit: Dang... I wrote a lot lol

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