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Han Hyo Joo 한효주 - [FIN: Happiness (2021) || NEXT: ThePirates: Goblin Flag (Jan 2022)]


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Speaking of the scandal reports…

I knew you would say that. I wish that would stop… It was my first time encountering that, so I was hurt by it. Even talking about this makes me feel apologetic toward that person.

Some people (not here) commented in why HHJ seems so affected in a scandal rendered by many as scandal that wasn't even big. But I think HHJ was hurt because in the process, she was, unintentionally, the cause of the other party being hurt and ridiculed, and that hurt her more.

Jihye, that is a GREAT find! haha.... HHJ and her friends looks like they always had fun.

Bashfulharmony, yay! another CF. Oh-uh, she does seems tired physically but since she's not complaining, I know she is still happy. :D I can't wait to see the CF. At first glance, I thougt the girl she was with in the CF is Hye ri.

I think the book she's holding in one of the pics posted is the orange book she was raving about.

Itic, I thought the other girl was Jung Ryo Won (Ja Myung Go) but I'm not really sure. lolz

yozyoz, I actually like how short hair depending on how it was styled. Like in BL, in the very last episode just right before she kissed Hwan, her hair was kinda straightened with wavy curls in the front part near the ears and when its all straightened out. And my mind changes most of the time as to which I like best her short, which gives her a younger, fresher appearance, or her long wavy black hair, which gives her a more gorgeous appeal. Its reaaally hard for me to choose haha. But that's just me, haha.

sanderella, as for me, in terms of appearance, I like her best in Iljimae (even if I'm the only one, haha). But as for character personality, I like her best in BL and I really have to say in terms of interaction, BL and Love Letter season 2 episodes 34&35 .

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bashful_harmony. nice, another CF! and it's good to see her smile again

kozuesan. it's definitely hard to choose, she looks great either way (short hair or long, black or brown/orange :lol:)

personally, I loved when she made a mini ponytail(? sorry I don't know how to explain so I'll post a picture :P)


now that I think about it.. it's not really a ponytail right, she just tied her hair, XD

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Guest sanderella

lol even my lil bro is saying HHJ looks better with long hair :P

i hope they let her hair grow :P

i want her hair to be long for th awards D:

but looks like they are going to keep cutting her hair .. O_O

and her hair keeps getting brighter. . i really wish she would go back to Dark dark brown.

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LMFAO! It's not an essay :( *in denial.

You're in China?! :o How funnn! It must be hot there ><

Well, if Youtube doesn't work.. you can watch the MNet Bride of May here:


Also, here's some of the translations for the video!


And yup! I try to be as updated as I can XD <- big fan.

My BFF keeps saying I have a lesbian crush on HHJ T_T I don't know if I should deny it or not LOL

HAHA!! Poor Jay T_T *pats. There is noooo way he's only 2cm shorter than Junsu and Khun <3

*sighs. All the hot ones are too short *coughsYBcoughs.

Short guys aren't compatible with HHJ D8 She's sooo tall! If only she was like an inch shorter.. she'd be 5'6", but then she won't have those killer legs of hers :P

And true.. I wouldn't want any of us to get a warning for spazzing about 2pm in HHJ's thread LOL

But it's so hard to not do that D:

I reallllyyyyy want her to do a CF with them or a photoshoot ANYTHING that involves skinship!! AHAHA

Like.. a really cute food CF XD Or she could just appear on a variety show with them :D Too bad they're not on Idol Army anymoreee T_T

And yeah, there are a few people who don't like HHJ which I find is like O_O because it's HHJ! She's so likable! How can anyone hate her D8 But there's actually an Anti club for her on Crunchyroll T_T

I wouldn't mind seeing HyoJae doing a CF together either LOL. I just want her to have more exposure towards cute idol guys XD

And slim chances of HHJ/2pm endorsement, but we can still dream!

Ugh, I felt the same as you when I first saw her hair in Spring Waltz. It's just so damn long and luscious D8 I still want to have my hair permed to look like hers! haha It's like perfectly wavy <3 I really miss that style on her... Haven't seen her with it in SOOO DAMN LONG T_T

Her hair does look orange sometimes :\ Depending on the lighting. I don't really like it that much but she pulls it off >< Her hair now is so much better than the hair she had in the early episodes of BL before she started putting her hair up in a ponytail.. Damn mushroom cut -.-

I kind of want to see her go platinum blonde LOL. I think she'd be able to pull it off.. She's pulled off yellow, orange/red, and purple before so maybe! haha

I... have no idea what you're talking about! haha I'm trying to remember how it felt when I had short hair... Ugh, I don't like short hair lol. She needs to go back to dark hair and side bangs :(

Have you noticed that in a lot of the Jambangee photos, she's playing with her hair. It's like she's thinking.. Oh I miss twirling my long hair~~ XD

itic: The girl on the left is that.. chick from BoF. The one who played the guy's fiance or w/e lol I don't remember her name >< And nahh, why would she be modeling HHJ's specially designed jeans :P

She's modeling for Tommy Hilfiger ^^ I haven't heard from that brand in sooo long @_@

Haha, she does seem really calm and collected in the translations XD In the video she giggles so much LOL

Ugh, I hate that her hair curved out like that :( It made me mad lol. It was so odddd -.-'

But a lot of girls are getting their hair like that now :\ BL influence~

Seriously, a lot of girls now are sporting short hairdos.. Especially the girls in the girl groups :o

I just realized that.. I will always be a fan of long hair <3 lol It's just so fun to swing around XD

And OMGSHH!!! Your name is sueeeeeee hehehehehehe XD so cute :D

Everyone has cute names here -.-' cindy's unhappy.

I think if HHJ and Wooyoung were the MCs, we'd never hear a word from HHJ because she'd be laughing too much! LOL

Ahh.. it makes me sad knowing that HHJ was once an Inki Gayo MC T_T That was like 3 years ago though.. and now Wooyoung and Taec are the MCs. *sighs.

sanderella: Haha no problem! ^^

HHJ was really pretty in NN5 but a little awkward onscreen sometimes XD lol

Her hair was zOMG so pretty!! in NN5 <3

Wonder if we'll ever see her rocking the permed dark long hair again.. :(

She seems to be really fond of brown/red nowadays since her hair color was brownish red last year too T_T

Lol, I can't tell the difference between the BR pics either. I just like posting pic spams XD lol

And I really loved how HHJ looked near the ending of AMAHAE. Especially when she and PHJ go on their honeymoon at the theme park. There's this scene where they slide down the water tube or something and HHJ's smiling, omgshhhh too pretty <3 lol

Haha, it's like a fact that HHJ looks best with long hair :P But the short hair is pretty refreshing. She's debuted for so long now and this is the first time that she's had this kind of hairstyle ^^

But I also miss the dark brown hair :( But I guess her hair now captures people more and reminds people of Eun Sung and BL. That way, they'll be more interested in the item she's endorsing!

Also, aren't you proud of me!? I'm on episode 13 now on BL!! LOL

kozuesan: I thought that way too.. Kang Do Han received a lot of negative publicity from the dating rumors. I wonder if he and HHJ are still friends :\ It irks me how the interviewer seemed really pushy with the questions though. It was really rude that he brought it up even though HHJ's manager told him not to..

Ah, our girl seems to be shooting CFs and having interviews everyday. Poor girl T_T I hope she's healthy though and that her cold is gone :(

I hope I won't ever see a "HAN HYO JOO FAINTS FROM EXHAUSTION" kind of article :(

And yup! The orange book she's reading is Orange Beach. I'm curious about it... I wonder if they have it overseas :o

yozyoz: Yeah, her smile is always so bright and refreshing <3

I also like it when she puts her hair up in a ponytail!! ^^ It's really cute haha

Her hair in HP wasn't even long enough to put up in a ponytail T_T lol

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woah she looks gorgeous in the viki filming

she looks a bit gloomy(?)

she's usually all giggly and bubbly during shoots

and loving the long hair ^^

i like her short hair better when she has a hat on x]

lol i'm trying to keep myself from fantasizing too much about HHJ+2pm xP

even though it is a bit hard since i just recently start watching WGM again haha..

my make believe couple ^^

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suee_x3: Hehe it does seem a lot of CFs huh? XD

She snagged over 10 CF deals so it's major HHJ-ness :D I'm so excited about the CFs hehs

She's been dubbed the new CF Queen ^^ I really hope she gets even more after Heaven's Postman airs LOL

But she needs to rest :\

itic: She looks tired.. I noticed that too when I was watching the video like after the 5th time (I spazzed okay ><) But since the video's only a Making of Film, the video editors might've only cut out BTS stuff and just put in parts where HHJ'smodeling, lol. At least she made a peace sign? lol

I like the look with the beret/beanie on her when she has short hair too :) It's cute lol

But she looks so chic with the straightened medium length and long hair :D Like right out of a Vogue magazine or something :D :D

Lol, *pats. You must resist the temptation!! haha

Gosh, it's been like a week that 2pm was brought into this thread LOL

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HHJ in LG magazine













^ Sexy back dimpleees~

And someone was spotted wearing an outfit similar to HHJ's



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A fan on DC Inside opening his Love Tonic delivery order :)



^ I wonder if it came with the lollipops o.o

The Poster


The CD



“Sexy” Han HyoJoo Shows Off Her Jeans

Song HyeKyo of Levis Lady, Lee Hyori of Guess, Shin MinAh of Calvin Klein, Park ShiYeon of Buckaroo, and etc… For denim advertisements, top stars are in the market. Especially, along with the naive image of Song HyeKyo being added to the sexy denims, There is a battle of the sexy “S lines.”

In between this hectic competition, popular girl, Han HyoJoo declared a challenge as well. The SBS drama that ended with a record breaking viewer ratings, Shining Inheritance’s (aka. Brilliant Legacy) actress Han HyoJoo displayed a modern, casual denim brand showing her popping cuteness.

Han HyoJoo and ChungLim (who is making his change from the singer to an actor) shot the JamBangie 2009 FW advertisement together and showed off a cute, but still deep couple pose. Han HyoJoo who displayed more of the child image in the drama, showed off a naive, but still sexy image through this ad declaring it “Sexy Denim.” Along with ChungLim who also had the sweet boy image and transformed it into a much more manly image, Han HyoJoo is to have portrayed a cute and sophisticated woman image.

The denim line they showed off is called “Lucky Jean” having a natural wash and detailing. Han HyoJoo and ChungLim who also enjoying wearing jeans as well participated in the designing as well. JamBangie’s representative, Kim HyungIl said, “The fresh and cute image of HanHyoJu and the healthy and young image of ChungLim will put a restriction as well as a image of a trendy brand to a very satisfying advertisement campaign.”

In the SBS Drama ‘Dream’ ChungLim will be soon coming out as a fighter.

source: http://sookyeong.wordpress.com/2009/08/19/...-off-her-jeans/

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oohh ~ the jambangee photos are hot as usual

the one with both of them still feels like its missing something ><

come on, i know there can be more chemistry between the two !!

the second photo doesn't look like her but still hot ~

there should be one where they're looking at each other and not the camera xP

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The websites for Jambangee and LG SU:M 37' have updated their websites to feature HHJ ^^

I made the captures myself, so they're not that pretty >.>

Also, they're insanely huge (it's late over here [3AM!] so I can't resize them right now ><)

Have fun loading them!! LOL

LG SU:M 37'





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that making of video for VIKI is just so woooaaahhhh! She looks so gorgeous both in short and long hair. I really like what they did to her short hair here. I repeatedly watched the video hahaha. What I love most was when she closed her eyes and slightly tilted her head at 0:15 and when she was like walking (or semi-dancing, lols I don't know how to call it) with the hood on 0:25. She's sooo gorgeous! :lol:

yozyoz, I love that look too! :lol: She looks lovely with the ponytail in BL. When she was uniform, I oftentimes wished they kept the ponytail til the end of the show.

I went to the jambangee site in the women's product and I can't concentrate on the products coz HHJ kept looking at me, haha.

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