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Travelling without your SO?

BoA Fan

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I haven't really posted here in some time, but I wanted to get different perspectives on this question:

Is it acceptable to travel 1-2 weeks without your SO?


I have been with my gf for just over a year. I am currently employed and she is a student getting an advanced degree. Earlier this year, we discussed when a good time to go on vacation would be based on our schedules so that I could take time off of work.  We decided that August would work for both of our schedules. I requested my time-off for two weeks and it was approved; the possibility of cancelling it is pretty much null once approved. 

A few weeks ago, she told me that she didn't think she would have the money to go on a trip anymore. As I said, I can't cancel my vacation and I would prefer to not just stay at home for two weeks. I definitely am not keen on the idea of paying her way (and mine) for the vacation; not that she asked me to. I did pay for her plane ticket last trip we took (although it was her birthday gift, so I guess that is separate). She suggested a stay-cation, but I'm just not feeling the idea of spending money to sleep at a location that I already live in. I feel like my only two options would be to just suck it up and stay at home or go without her. 


Is it acceptable to go on a holiday leaving her at home? Are there any other options I am not thinking of?


Prior to this relationship, I was single for 4 years so I'm always not sure of what is acceptable and not.


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I think it's fine to vacation without your SO as long as both parties are on the same page about it.


How does she feel about you going on vacation without her? How do you feel about going on a solo vacation? Will you be able to enjoy it as much as you would without her? 



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  • 2 months later...

My SO and I travel separate more often then together (because of work and schedule)

it is just a matter of discussing it and also giving each other a heads up kind of thing (ie not just randomly go somewhere and be like oh by the way...) 

hope this helps.

just be open about it =)

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