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Kim Yoo-Jung & Park Bo-Gum | Moonlight Couple|


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5 hours ago, Kissy13 said:

THE LOVE FOR BOYOO COUPLE IS DEFINITELY NOT OVER...wishing that  although they are 2nd place on ranking..if ever their will be a remake..hope they cast BoYoo..CHEABAL DRAMA GOD!!HERE OUR PLEA!!

It's incredible...  how they can just being seconds!?  :tounge_wink: they must play still together if not today, tomorrow!  :love:
I don't remember in my 42 years a couple more compatible... The reasons for my love to BoYoo are...  I will explain those in more dettail after... 


Meanwhile I want tell you something about the ideal type. Doesn't exist. This is a request from a journalist for the benefit of fans. YJ's a girl too intelligent for not knowing that, indeed the his reply could adapt each time to changing circumstances. Now she met a boy that likes him a lot too to watching his nonverbal, so it is inevitable that in the characteristics of your ideal type resumed aspects of that boy. The answer is constructed? Sure, because she cannot say  tell the whole truth, must protect herself and their rapport, but then there would be need? The truth is as clear as day,  is there to under the eyes of those who wants to see ...  




I suggest to see this beautiful video that told the career of Bogum to date...


UPDATE: Please please to translate this :

And ... :dizzy:




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hi my chingus! been a little while since i posted here. but was always enjoying your lovely posts and everything. thanks to all. :) sorry that i’m kind of very lazy in posting things online keke.

about the controversial YJ’s interview.. she’s saying that she can’t answer the question because she doesn’t know about BG that much. unfortunately, don’t know the context and the exact question. so… let’s just ignore this one B)

btw, just wanted to tell u guys that i'm kind of suspicious with YJ right now. noticed at her interview, she obviously didn't want to explain how she was injured. all she said was that she was injured before doing sports. she even doesn't want to tell what kind of sport it is. u know usually there's no reason people wouldn't tell how they were injured, and we all know YJ is a cool girl. normally, she would have explained the details with the all the laughing going on. AND the highest possibility of normal people getting injured that seriously in normal life is when the floor is slippery. SO.... i think YJ was injured when she went to do watersport with SOMEONE. am i going too far? kekekeke

and hi @Kissy13 my friend! sorry that i didn't respond to your roll call last time. didn't want to bother this thread by just saying "i'm here!" kekeke  always happy to have u here.

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Another version of Yoojung's interview from her Singapore FM :) and it's so cute how they used Bogum's Singapore FM when she was talking about him :wub:

Full Video: http://www.zaobao.com.sg/zentertainment/k-pop/story20170523-763393

Q: What do you think of Park Bo Gum?





Q: What are the qualities of your ideal guy?




Someone she can have conversations with? Hehe, we saw that interaction clearly during BSAA. Our couple converse well. We saw how much they talked to each other during the event :wub: and sharing the same hobbies...like I said before, they have a lot of same hobbies/interests. And additionally, they both learn a lot from each other :)



Her answers are so cute lol. Bogum better remember her favorite flowers! Haha :D 

That's it for now! Have a good day everyone!

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9 hours ago, Kissy13 said:

THE LOVE FOR BOYOO COUPLE IS DEFINITELY NOT OVER...wishing that  although they are 2nd place on ranking..if ever their will be a remake..hope they cast BoYoo..CHEABAL DRAMA GOD!!HERE OUR PLEA!!



"I don't quite know him that well.so I can't really say if he's my ideal type or not........"""""""""

.................let me decode this phrase with my pure BoYoo delulu mind....

"We're just on early stage of dating so I don't really know him that well..so I'm not quite sure if his really my long life partner or not"......:wub:

Let me put my emotion in a form of gif by Yoo Jung 


Screaming with you Yoo Jung ah...this two will really the death of me!!but I don't mind as long as it's BoYoo kekekeke....

@lifeisfullofraon :heart: you as always... @piscesean @boyoomystery welcome to this thread chingus..:blush: @mushforbrains wahhh!! so happy for you!!Yoo saw Yoo Jung in person..what a precious memory it must be..and I love your mother protective mode on hehehe..

Thank u for ur warm welcome 

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I am just like everyone of us here have so much question marks that she said 'she dont know him well enough' after they have spent like more that 5 mths almost everyday together on n off screen. Talking, eating, acting, discussing, sharing so many fun n crazy moments, all the non verbal communications.. I remember they both said in some interviews before they can understand each other and know each other's thinking by just looking at each other's eyes. Also YJ said there nothing that they both cannot tell each other that they will feel awkward about.. 

To be at that level of understanding n communication, there must definitely be a great degree of closeness.. and so many vids on their interactions in bts n events say otherwise.. 

sorry it seems i just cant believe n get over what she said.. like she has forgotten abt what she said in those interviews n bts before.. :-)

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just want to share a more accurately-synced version of the back hug scene replay during the SG fan meet:) credit: KBS World, instagram: boyoo_aholic, Kim Yoo Jung Singapore 

A few interesting things to share other than the hand grabbing and back hug moments:

1. At about 1:14, YJ suddenly looked at the big screen (because she knew what was coming too lol)

2. When BG's face first appeared at around 1:36, YJ smiled even wider for a second.

3. From 2:14 she smiled and swing along the OST as she watched  Raon and LY also swing gently in the clip.

All in all I think she enjoyed seeing the clip and was reminiscing the good times, even though she said later that she didn't like the scene because her face looked too big next to BG's lol She was all smiles and rarely blinked her eyes when she watched it.


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@lovelybluehoneyz.. same sentiments here chinguya..if ever we have known about this survey a little bit earlier..surely all of the people on this thread would camp on that voting site :joy:but again it is really possible to see BoYoo again on a small screen just like you said it's just a matter of time.. @boyoomysteryYour always welcome my friend but don't include the images or the video next time you quote chinguya..you can highlight the pictures or videos then delete it...to keep moderators from visiting this thread hehehe @presentk no it's okay chinguya..your name was always on my notification:blush:I know your around on this thread...

"SHARE THE SAME HOBBIES"...and We all know that they are FOOD BUDDIES:heart:AND IT'S AN OPEN SECRET...:wub:

SOMETHING IN COMMON (Bobby Brown) featuring BoYoo couple...

Girl you mean so much to me
It should be plain to see that we
(We, we have something in common)
It's the way we feel about each other
When we're together


 I'm the type of girl who understands my man
I'll be strong, when he's weak, I will hold his hand
Now I believe old fashioned rules and old fashioned ways
Courtesy, honesty, like in the old days


You're my man and I'm your girl
There's nothing better in this whole wide world
I'll stand by your side till the very end
All in all, best of love, we are friends
(We, we have something in common)



so overall we all know that they HAVE SOMEthing in COMMON......:heart::wub:

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5 hours ago, Kissy13 said:

SOMETHING IN COMMON (Bobby Brown) featuring BoYoo couple...

Girl you mean so much to me
It should be plain to see that we
(We, we have something in common)
It's the way we feel about each other
When we're together


 I'm the type of girl who understands my man
I'll be strong, when he's weak, I will hold his hand
Now I believe old fashioned rules and old fashioned ways
Courtesy, honesty, like in the old days


You're my man and I'm your girl
There's nothing better in this whole wide world
I'll stand by your side till the very end
All in all, best of love, we are friends
(We, we have something in common)



so overall we all know that they HAVE SOMEthing in COMMON......:heart::wub:


@Kissy! The lyrics is matchy-matchy! So BoYoo!

Those snapshots :wub:, I likeeee  hehehe……. First, he got caught staring at her. Second, she got caught staring at him and lastly, the couple ‘trademarks’ staring into each other’s eye. Ahhh....Why is it everytime I spot them  did that, my heart will start humming that famous fairy tale tune………………

“ I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream. I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam.  Yet I know Its true. The visions are seldom all they seem. But If I know you, I know what you’ll do. You’ll love me at once the way you did once upon a dream. “  

 HAHAHA…….. Crazy of me… Maybe the crux of the matter for me is my own thinking that BoYoo couple is so much like a fairy tale, you know, the story of  the prince so charming meeting a princess so beautiful. Really it’s almost too good a reality to be true. But how I would love to see them waltzing around in each others’arms in a big empty ball room………. Having said that, Can KBS do a modern era prince/princess drama?  and make sure there is a royal ball scene where BoYoo get to waltz together. hehehe other than school 2017, Our BoYoo would be a perfect fit for that kind of project too, yeah?  

Its bed time now, time to call it a day. sweet dreams everyone!

Edited by tsarathefirst
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15 hours ago, Li-Yi Chen said:

just want to share a more accurately-synced version of the back hug scene replay during the SG fan meet:) credit: KBS World, instagram: boyoo_aholic, Kim Yoo Jung Singapore 

A few interesting things to share other than the hand grabbing and back hug moments:

1. At about 1:14, YJ suddenly looked at the big screen (because she knew what was coming too lol)

2. When BG's face first appeared at around 1:36, YJ smiled even wider for a second.

3. From 2:14 she smiled and swing along the OST as she watched  Raon and LY also swing gently in the clip.

All in all I think she enjoyed seeing the clip and was reminiscing the good times, even though she said later that she didn't like the scene because her face looked too big next to BG's lol She was all smiles and rarely blinked her eyes when she watched it.


HI!! Thanks so much for this insight! This is pure GOLD!! ^____^ I'm smiling from ear to ear watching this. Hehehe

Did you go to her FM? Mind telling us what was the picture that the MC was talking about during Baeksang Awards that she later explained about it? The crowd were screaming 'Bow-tie, bow-tie' But I dont think that was the picture shown on that day isn't it? 

Thanks in advance! ^__^ 

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15 hours ago, Kissy13 said:



@Kissy13:  thank you for the beautiful post.  

They're probably the most beautiful couple these days. They cannot contain whatever they feel for each other.  There's depth in their regard for each other.  They themselves may not know the label... but whatever it is, it must be really special.  It translates in the way they gaze at each other... their nonverbal communication becomes our (us shippers) window to how they feel.  

We see their feelings flourish before our very eyes.  They draw us more to them because we find sincerity and innocence about them.



***credits to the owner of the pic

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Happy day chinggus...

reading all of your post gives smile all over my face..hahha..Especially yours @lifeisfullofraon...:heart:..

Reading YJngie preferences gave me a think...wow..this girl is so extraordinary...Even her choice of fav flowers..(This is my first times hearing bout those flower :huh:), so im searching in Mr G..n wow...those flowers are soo beautiful n meaningful.. Our Girl is really something.. Thats why BoYoo r one of great n rare One Top Pairing..




The for the meaning..(http://www.flowermeaning.com/lisianthus-meaning/)

What Does the Lisianthus Flower Mean?

Lisianthus has plenty of different meanings to explore, such as

  • Being the birth flower of the Sagittarius astrological sign
  • The joining of two people for a lifelong bond
  • Expressing gratitude for a gift or favor from a friend
  • Showing someone how much appreciate them, especially for their social skills or warm personality
  • Trying to convince someone you’re charismatic and charming
  • Traditional values and old fashioned morals.


  • Spoiler

    Etymological Meaning of the Lisianthus Flower

    The lisianthus plant is also known by the common name of Eustoma. This term comes from ancient Greece. The eu- prefix carries the meaning of beauty, while the -stoma part of the name refers to a mouth or a mouth-like shape. Lisianthus means something closer to a dissolving flower instead, since lysis refers to dissolution and anthos is the Greek word for flower.

    Symbolism of the Lisianthus Flower

    The lisianthus requires specific conditions to first germinate, but then it grows into a hardy plant that blooms profusely. This means it symbolizes rising above your surroundings and being grateful for everything in your life. It’s also a wedding flower due to its link with devotion and long-lasting bonds. Finally, you can also explain that you’re a traditionalist or show off your charisma with this colorful and fun plant.

    Lisianthus Flower Color Meaning

    This flower comes in practically any color, allowing you to play with color symbolism as well when giving the gift of lisianthus. Light pink makes this bloom a great present for a new mother or young girl, while the deep blue varieties evoke a sense of peace and openness. Of course, bright red ones still carry a meaning of love and passion between two people. Unlike many other flowers used for floral arranging, this plant is also available in varying shades of green. These green ruffles work well to symbolize wealth, fertility, and success at work.


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Bogum came because of invitation from Yeo Jin Goo. And he called his dongsaeng 'sunbae-nim' kekeke Bogum so courteous. B)

And everyone kept screaming 'Jalsaengyota!' Which means so handsome! Even the MC was suprised of BG handsomeness. ^_^:wub:

aigoo its been a while since we last saw him out open in public isnt it? We miss you Bogumah! :wub:

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*SCREAMS* Bogum looks so handsome today! What a great way to wake up to in the morning lol :D 

@mamun definitely playing it cool haha. It looks like they got caught :rolleyes: The way Yoojung look at Bogum. It's as if saying "Oh no! We got caught, oppa." Lol

Here's a SLOW MO version :)

The way she looks at him~ :wub:
Yoojung's Viu interview from her Singapore Fanmeet
K1 Entertainment News- Kim Yoo Jung Gives Us More
Kim You Jung talks about her relationship with fellow actors in Love in the Moonlight and her acting career since childhood.
Q: Do you still hang out with the Love in the Moonlight co-stars, including Park Bo Gum?
A: We still keep in contact and give one another encouragement, and sometimes, we also meet up to eat and talk. It's not just with the cast, at times, I'll meet the rest of the staff and director too.
Video and full interview under spoiler :)

Here's the full video link but it's not available in my country, so I can't view it :( but check out the IG above. It has the whole video in parts :)


It's always great to know that the MDBC casts and team are still in contact with each other. :)  MDBC family forever!

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