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Kim Yoo-Jung & Park Bo-Gum | Moonlight Couple|


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10 hours ago, Edith Fabian said:

Thanks for uploading, guys!!!

BG's interaction with Irene is way too different from when they were still hosting together..sorry Borene shippers, the spark is no longer there..and it's very obvious that when hyeri's name was mentioned he opted to raise his hand instead and simply grinned as if saying " let's not talk about it " hahahaha!!! Love you, BoGum!!! And need we say more when YJ's name was merely mentioned he wasn't able to stop to smile like that?? I can't help but compare his reactions when he presented with YJ at MAMA and his aura during the AAA, he was oozing with love on both occasions, and for me those moments are a clear confirmation that we are sailing the right ship.. 

Attention to all Trolls and Non-BoYoo shippers trying to board this ship, either you support BoYoo or GO JuMP off!! 

Have a  blessed day, everyone!!!

Love your comment on the hand gesture lol indeed.

when i first saw it, I was wondering why he raised the hand...


, it was kind of strange as there was no eye-contact, then i thought perhaps he was saying hi to YJ, since the mere mention of YJ's name immediately put a big grin on his face and with instinct he used the secret sign language to wave at YJ knowing that she will be watching not only KDW & JY on the screen but him as well at that particular time :wub: 

Merry Christmas!

here's a christmas treat from Borene ;p




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Gud days n nights shippers.. 

In this happy moments hope we can stop ^fishing^ in the black water especially related all BGmy screen patner .. I won't say ^previous^ coz sooner or later our YJngie will be his previous too n thats the fact... But of course we knew n we believed that YJngie is special for BGmy n vice versa with no doubt.

And bout hand gesture of BGmy last night mcing, is the way he said hey to Hyeri when Irene said he have a great chemistry with all his screen patner. When YJngie name mentioned he smile shyly.. I said okey..we knew it BG ssi. U r so transparent...hahaha



So happy He mantained gud relationship with almost celebrities he ever worked with. As we know he visited their shows a couple days ago ..



So peace guys.. i don't want anything bad n unnecessary things happened to our beloved BoYoo..

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@thesecretgarden What is this master piece chingu? :wub: I'm so delighted to find that you updated this drabbles of yours. If fits the festive season so well. I'm so overwhelmed right now that I still have this pabo smile plastered on my face as I'm writing this. Please don't stop writing! Thank you for this updates~ :blush:

Thanks for the live updates of Bogum on KBS Ent. Awards chingus ^_____^

And Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday to all of you lovely people :heart:

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Wow..another great news:wub:.., means she health enough now..N im a happy mom now..:heart:

indeed..God always stand beside the gud one.. Thanks for share @shootingstar007 n @pearl0024. This is mean MDBC squad will comes right?..wow..hope for another BoYoo moments.. 

Loves how both BoYoo maintain gud relationships with their comrades..





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15 hours ago, seoulistic said:

Didn't YJ just say she would like to work with CTH again on her recent interview ? :wub:

These two puppies alway mimic each other, just love it :joy:

Who knows? Maybe Blossom Ent already has plans since CTH has a say in the matter, ifever, right? They seem to have telepathic powers whenever they're apart..so I'm sure they have so much to talk about when they're together.

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Is it true that both kdy and jy are nominated to new actor category to upcoming kbs drama awards so jy wish are granted to be invited to drama awards nights if yj are not nominated to new actress category im just curious what category shes belong?couple and netizen given.any news when they releasing the full list of nominees im just excited.

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10 hours ago, thesecretgarden said:

Merry Christmas, BoYoo shippers! :heart:

We have roughly six more days to go before we can see Bogum and Yoojung at KBS Drama Awards, but let's keep this ship sailing strong and enjoy your holiday, chingus! :)

Christmas gift from me to you all:

(Warning! Proceed with caution. Extremely delulu.)

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Incidents are either products of my imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental, and is by no means written to hurt, demean, or insult others.

Prompt: BoYoo ABC Drabbles Pt. 6


P: Present.

(December 25, 2016 – 12:35 a.m. Seoul)



Bogum stares blankly at the black screen of his phone, biting his lips with his brows knitted together, before he rests his head against the car window, looking at the scenery outside with a dejected expression, and lets out an extremely long sigh.

His manager steals a worried glance at him, wondering what got the young actor unusually dispirited when it’s Christmas Eve – ah, he peeks at his wristwatch and corrects himself – Christmas Day, because he was sure Bogum was so looking forward to the occasion – for whatever reason, that is – especially since he caught the young actor humming Christmas tunes just that afternoon.


His manager frowns. Again?

That’s the seventh time he has caught the young actor sighing since they left the venue of KBS Entertainment Award, and his manager can’t for the life of him figure out what makes his charge looking so…so despondent, so crestfallen, almost like a kicked puppy.

“Bogum-ah,” he starts, testing the water carefully. “Are you…okay?”

Bogum tenses before he turns around to face his manager, sending the older man a reassuring smile. “Hmm? I’m okay, hyung.”

But the lack of twinkle in younger man’s eyes and the slight downturn of his lips only manage to convince the older man further that there is definitely something wrong. “Are you sure?"

“I’m sure.”

“Really, really sure?”

Bogum chuckles. “Really, really sure, hyung.”

“You’re really okay?”


Their conversation falls short at that, and while he doesn’t want to push his charge into talking if he doesn’t feel like it – he respects Bogum too much to do that – the older man can’t help but wonder what it is that has the young actor sighing a hundred year’s worth of sighs and checking his phone every two seconds like it’s a ticking time bomb.

As if the heavens answered his prayers, Bogum’s phone suddenly buzzes, and a loud, cheery music – is that his new ringtone? His manager blinks – breaks the silence in the car.

He sees the way Bogum jolts in his seat, fumbling with his phone like he has never seen him doing before, and when the younger man finally looks down into his phone, it is hard to miss the sliver of hope passing through his charge’s eyes nor the excited tone in his voice as he answers the call.


“Yeoboseyo, Bogum-oppa?”

A smile so radiant that it could practically light up the whole city and so wide that it literally stretches from ear-to-ear, graces Bogum’s face. “Oh, Yoojung-ah.”

His manager pauses. Yoojung?

He swivels his head around to look at his charge, and he has to rub his eyes once…no, twice, because are those flowers he sees swirling in the background?

“Merry Christmas to you too.”

What's with that voice that is dripping with honey?

“Hm? I just finished my schedule for the day and I’m on my way back home now.”

What’s with the hundred-and-eighty degree mood change?

“Eh? Gwenchana, you don’t have to give me a Christmas present. Just listening to your voice is a good enough present for me.”

So...so cheesy! His manager gapes. Is this how he always talks with Yoojung-ie?

“Geunde, Yoojung-ah. Is it okay if we switch to video-call instead?”

The older man squints at Bogum suspiciously. What other embarrassing stuff is this person going to say?

“Hm, why? Because looking at your face will chase all my fatigue away.”

His manager chokes at his own spit, pounding at his chest, shaking his head and making an ‘x’-sign frantically when Bogum sends him a worried look. 

“Ah…ani, Jungshin-hyung suddenly coughed so…” Bogum pauses, listening to something that Yoojung says on the other line, before another bright smile appears on his face and when the younger man turns to look at him, Im Jungshin wonders if one can actually go blind from looking at another person’s smile. “Hyung! Yoojung said to take care of your health since it’s really cold these days. Oh, and she also says hello.”

The older man coughs for a few more times, nodding. “O-Oh. Tell her I said thank you.”

The two continues to chat on the phone for another twenty minutes, talking about chicken soup recipes, school, and a promise of going to a norebang, when Im Jungshin decides to stop tuning out – especially since they’re currently stuck in a traffic jam and it’s not like he has anything better to do anyway – and listens in to his charge’s conversation with his former co-star.

“…Tell your eomeoni that I enjoyed the kimchi she sent me last time.”

Hmm, meeting the in-laws already?

“But I really didn’t expect you to call me, since it’s already so late.”

Ha. What is this person talking about? The older man snorts in amusement. Wasn't he the one who looked like his soul is about to leave him before Yoojung-ie made her call?

“Oh, ahrasseo. Don’t stay up too late. You just got out of the hospital yesterday. I will give you your present next week, when we see each other.”

Oooh, so that’s who the gift he sees lying on Bogum’s counter is for.

“Hmm. Geurae, Yoojung-ah. Rest well.” A chuckle. “Annyeong.”

Im Jungshin gives his charge a sly look, wiggling his eyebrows expectantly. “Hee…so Yoojung-ie, huh.”

Bogum still has that foolish smile plastered on his face, before he is snapped out of his day(night)-dreaming thanks to the mentioning of a certain someone’s name and looks up to meet his manager’s eyes. “Hmm? What about Yoojung-ie, hyung?”

The older man sweat-drops. “Is that all you take notice of?” Her name, really?

Bogum blinks. “What are you talking about?”

The older man shakes his head in exasperation. “Ani ya, forget about it. I’m just talking to myself.”

Bogum beams at him before leaning back in his seat, propping one arm against the armrest and looking at the dark night as he hums a Christmas tune.

His manager chortles. So he's back to being excited about Christmas now.

He is about to press on the gas before another thought crosses his mind. Right...

“Bogum-ah.” He glances at the younger man. “Did you change your ring tone?”

“Oh. I did. Isn’t it cute?”

Cute? His manager blinks. “Isn’t that the theme song for Ponyo?”

Bogum turns around to regard him excitedly. “You knew, hyung? Yoojung-ie recommended it to me.”

Im Jungshin resists the urge to facepalm.

Of course.



K: Kick

(March, 2028)


It all started when Bogum-oppa was on the phone with her mother and Yoojung overheard him talking about her sleeping habit.

“She kicks in her sleep sometimes but I don’t mind at all, eomeoni,” she heard him chuckling, “it’s actually cute. She’s like a kitten.”

So later that night, as the two of them are about to go to bed and Bogum is in the middle of arranging their pillows, Yoojung clears her throat, causing him to pause and tilts his head at her.

“Hm? What’s wrong, Yoojung-ah?”

Yoojung folds her legs underneath her thighs, back straight, and she slowly lifts her head to meet his gaze.



“I’m…” She chews on her lower lip, hesitation colouring her eyes, before she clenches her fists and shakes her head inwardly. No, she has to do this. For Bogum-oppa's sake. “I’m going to be sleeping in the guest room tonight.”

Bogum blinks.

And blinks.

And blinks.

Then his eyes widen at her declaration, and he starts to sputter. “H-Huh? Sleeping separately? T-tonight? B-but why—?”

Yoojung casts her gaze down, fiddling with her thumb. “You told eomma this afternoon that I kick in my sleep.”

“O-Oh,” Bogum swallows, panicking. “I-Is that why you want to sleep in a different room? Yoojung-ah, are you angry about that? Mian—oppa didn’t really mean that, I mean – you only kick once, really, and I don’t mind your cute kicks—“

Yoojung puffs her cheeks, sighing. “Oppa. You’re going to start filming for the action scene in your movie tomorrow, aren’t you?” Yoojung then walks toward the door, bringing her pillow along with her. “I heard from your manager that it’s going to be extremely rigorous so I think at least tonight, you should have a proper sleep—“

But before Yoojung can even turn the doorknob around, Bogum strides across the room and swiftly pushes one hand against the door, forcing it to shut close, rendering it impossible to be opened. Yoojung freezes, and she peeks at him over her shoulder, swallowing nervously at the look in his eyes.


“…What makes you think sleeping separately will make me sleep better,” he whispers into her ear, and she feels a shiver unconsciously run down her spine at hearing his voice so close to her. “Yoojung-ah?”

Yoojung flushes, turning around to face him. “But it is true that I kick in my sleep. I want you to have a good night rest so that tomorrow you can go and shoot the scene in optimum condition.”

Bogum pouts. “I don’t want to. I won’t let you sleep in a different room for such a silly reason. Your kicks won’t have any effect on my performance tomorrow.”

“It’s not silly. And you spoil me too much, Bogum-oppa.”

“No, I don’t.”

Yoojung lets out an amused laugh. “Yes, you do.” She sighs and hits his chest lightly. “Now please move.”




“Bogum-oppa,” Yoojung tries again. She pokes at his chest – once, twice, and she even uses her palm to push him, but still, he stubbornly refuses to move, rooted in his spot. Yoojung blows at her bangs. She is now effectively caged between her currently sulking husband and the door.

Bogum then looks down at her, giving her his best puppy look. “Yoojung-ah…please?” He takes her hands into his, gently brushing his thumb over her knuckles, something he knows she secretly enjoys. “If we sleep separately, I won’t even be able to close my eyes. I can assure you, I will probably end up doing even worse tomorrow.”

Yoojung sputters, her heart completely unprepared. “Oppa, that’s unfair!”

Bogum doesn’t waver, however, and instead he persists, knitting his brows to give the added illusion of a pitiful puppy. “…Please?”

Yoojung chews on her lower lip, cheeks red, before she finally relents, muttering at him in a dejected tone. “Ahrasseo, I will stay.”

Bogum beams, and with their hands still joined together, he guides her back to their bed. However, as soon as Bogum releases his grip on her, Yoojung runs toward the closet at the other side of the bed, taking out a large comforter from one of the drawers. Bogum blinks as he watches his wife rolling said comforter into some sort of bolster, using her belt to tie it in place, and a sense of dread settles in the pit of his stomach when he sees her placing it in the middle of their bed.

“…Yoojung-ah.” He frowns. “What is that?”

Yoojung grins. “A divider. Something I just made in order to prevent me from kicking you in my sleep, Bogum-oppa. This way, we will not step into each other’s boundary, and still be able to sleep together.”

She looks so adorably proud at her own achievement, that for a second there Bogum almost forgets about the problem at hand and kisses her silly.

“This is a win-win situation. Both of our wishes are fulfilled at the same time.”

Her words bring him back into reality, and he sits down on the bed with her, pouting. “Eeeh, I don’t like this.”

Yoojung sticks her tongue out. “Too bad, oppa. This is called compromising.”

“But…” He sees the pointed look she gives him, and wilts. “Not even a little bit of over-stepping?”


“How about holding hands?”


“…Not even a strand of your hair?”

She can feel the blush returning to her cheeks at his words, and Yoojung scowls, turning to look at her husband, chastising him. “Oppa. No means no. And it’s useless, even if you try to give me that look.”

Bogum sulks. “No use, huh.”

Yoojung huffs, crossing her arms across her chest. “Of course, now go to sleep. We both have an early day tomorrow.”

She casually plops onto her side of the bed, pushing the blanket up higher, before turning around to face the opposite side.

Bogum walks toward the dresser to switch the night-light off, before he goes to join her in their bed, the mattress dipping down with his weight. He then shifts to rest his body on one side, craning his neck to look at her, only to be greeted with the sight of her back.



“You won’t even face my way?”


Bogum sighs, turning on his back. 

“Yoojung-ah, let’s make up tomorrow?”

She sniffs. “…Maybe. If you promise to sleep well tonight and stop using your smiles to make me forget about my anger.”

He chuckles, closing his eyes. “Ahrasseo, good night.”

“Good night, oppa.”

It takes him longer than usual to fall asleep without her warmth nearby, and Bogum remembers counting sheep up to a-thousand-and-thirty-five before his eyes start to droop, and by then it’s already two in the morning. However, a sudden loud thump causes him to jolt awake, and when he turns around to see what has happened, he has to suppress the urge to laugh out loud.

Yoojung, with one hand sprawled above her head and the other resting across her stomach, has one of her feet hanging over the edge of the bed, after she has presumably kicked the ‘vertical divider’ that she made more like the great wall of doom, Bogum notes wryly inside, it got what it deserved – onto the cold, hard ground. She then rolls over to his side, and he has to raise an amused eyebrow, as she is the one who ends up trespassing over the so-called ridiculous boundary that she has decided earlier that night on her own.

But what she does next is something that he certainly doesn’t expect – Yoojung wiggles closer to him, probably attracted to the warmth that his body exudes, and circles her arms around his front, snuggling into his chest. Bogum blinks, his two arms hovering just above her tiny figure, unsure as to what he should do – because she did give him a warning that should he violate the rule, she would sleep in the guest room for the rest of the week – but he can’t help the small chuckle that escapes his lips when she latches onto his arm and flanks her two arms around it.

He pokes at her cheek. “Yoojung-ah.” 

Yoojung frowns in her sleep, squirming. “Hmm, samgeyopsal.”

Bogum laughs, shifting his weight so that he is now facing her side, and wraps an arm around her figure, pulling her closer. “This girl, jeongmal.” He taps onto her nose gently, chuckling when the frown between her brows is furrowed even deeper. “What should I do with you, Yoojung-ah?”

He caresses her cheek with the back of his hand, his heart clenching in adoration when she leans into his touch, and he trails his hand to her hair, stroking her tresses gently. The frown on her face starts to melt, and Bogum smiles, leaning down to press a kiss on her forehead. He stares at the now contented smile playing on her lips, laughing quietly when she mentions yet again the name of another type of food.

“…Oppa,” She mumbles against his shirt. “Tteokbokki.”

He pouts. “Is food all that you think of? What about me?”

“Hmm…” Yoojung sighs. “…Bogum-oppa.”

Bogum bites his lips, a foolish smile plastered on his face, and rests his hand on her waist. “This isn’t my fault, you know. I have no say in this,” he mumbles to himself.

Closing his eyes, he thinks.

…Maybe this isn't so bad, after all.



M: Matching

(The truth behind BoYoo couple's matching outfits)


“Today’s theme is turquoise, casual but neat.” Yoojung’s stylist nods eagerly, muttering to herself, before she sends the message to her partner in crime. She grins conspiratorially. “Great, this should take care of this week’s couple outfit.”

“Couple outfit?” Yoojung inquires from inside the changing room. “Who are you talking to, Jaemin-unnie?”

The twenty-five year old stylist freezes, before she forces out a loud laugh. “Haha, nothing. I’m just talking about how the couple outfit in this magazine I’m reading is so cute.”

“Is that so?” Yoojung steps out from the changing room and smiles at her stylist, twirling around to let the older woman appraise her own work. “I like today’s top. Thank you for always picking such comfortable clothes for me to wear, unnie.”

“O-Oh, no problem…” the woman trails off a bit guiltily, slapping herself inwardly for lying to such a sweet girl. However, Choi Jaemin can’t deny that Yoojung indeed looks stunning in the plain turquoise green blouse and long grey hip pleat skirt that she has picked out especially to bring out the natural elegance that the young actress possesses. The skirt falls a few centimetres just below her knees, accentuating her petite figure, and Jaemin can’t be more proud of her own work today.

She beams at Yoojung. “You look wonderful, Yoojung-ah. I bet Ceci’s January issue will sell out in no time with you as their cover girl—“

A loud beeping noise interrupts her before she can finish her sentence, and Jaemin takes out her phone from the pocket of her pants, sending the younger girl a quiet apology, but what she reads next almost causes her to pop an aneurysm.   

Jaemin-ssi! Emergency! The event manager just told me to change today’s interview theme to grey! Can you adjust your side to match ours instead?

“What?” The older woman shrieks, cursing under breath. “Aish, Hansoo-oppa, you should have told me about it sooner—“

“What’s wrong, unnie?” Yoojung looks at her stylist in concern, surprised by the sudden outburst displayed by the usually calm and collected older woman. “Did something happen?”

The woman in question screams inside her mind and grits her teeth, letting out a deep breath. “Ani, I’m sorry, Yoojung-ah.” She shifts her gaze back to the young actress, perusing her from top to bottom, before sighing again. “You know what, maybe the top is no good after all. Let’s change it to a striped-grey instead.”

“O-Oh…” Yoojung blinks. “Okay?”

Yoojung accepts the grey blouse that her stylist suddenly shoves into her hand, walking back into the changing room and shrugs. Jaemin-unnie can be weird sometimes.

Meanwhile, a few metres away from the cubicle, Choi Jaemin re-opens the picture that her fellow stylist just sent to her minutes ago, smirking at the picture of Bogum dressed in a white shirt and buttoned grey cardigan, its shade identical to the grey blouse that she just asked Yoojung to change into.

“Tsk, checkered grey. If he told me about it earlier, I could have made sure her blouse is checkered too, not striped.” The woman sighs, muttering in annoyance. “Oh well, at least they have the same red outfits for tomorrow. I will kill Hansoo-oppa if he dares to tell me to change the colour again.”

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B: Beautiful

(April, 2020)


If people ask him when is his wife most beautiful, Bogum would answer it is right now – at this particular moment.

Not when he saw her in that light pink hanbok, on their last day of filming gurumi, as they treaded through the field of cosmos, hand in hand.

It’s not when she was dressed in that beautiful black dress, the first time they revealed to the public about their relationship and when she bashfully laced her fingers with his, in front of thousands of flashing camera lights.

It’s also not when he saw her walking down the aisle with her father, garbed in that satin white wedding dress, smiling so brilliantly at him that he swore his heart almost beat out of his chest.

If people ask him when is his wife most beautiful, Bogum would answer it is right now, at this particular moment, as she holds their little bundle of joy in her arms, her face pale and sweaty from exertion, the bags underneath her eyes prominent, her lips chapped and a little bit bruised after biting down on them for hours. 

“Bogum-oppa,” she says weakly, reaching out one hand toward him.

He rushes to her side, taking her hand into his, and she is smiling at him – so bright and beautiful and warm – and she is alive; she is here, with him, and their son, and Bogum can’t help but cry because he’s never seen anyone and anything so beautiful before.

She wipes his tears for him – like she always does – and motions him to come closer.

Right at that moment, the baby in her arms – his son, their son – opens his eyes, and lets out a loud cry.

Yoojung chuckles. “Crying, already?” She shakes her head, glancing at Bogum with that twinkle of amusement in her eyes. “What to do, oppa? Like father, like son.”

Bogum closes his eyes, breathing in and out. Fluttering his eyes open, he leans over her to kiss her brows softly, murmuring against her skin. “Saranghae, Yoojung-ah.”

He pulls away, still smiling.

She smiles back.

Their son stops crying and watches the interaction between his parents with big, curious eyes.

“Oh, he stops crying,” Bogum whispers in amazement. He pokes at his son’s cheek, and the baby frowns. “Yoojung-ah, he has your frown.”

Yoojung snorts. “Huh, I wonder about that. He is a carbon copy of you, Bogum-oppa. He looks like you so much that I had to stare at him for a good ten minutes before I could find any feature of mine.”

Bogum chuckles, waving a finger in front of their son’s curious gaze. The baby then grips at his finger, and Bogum can feel his heart swell with pride.  

“Y-Yoojung-ah…he has such a strong grip.” Bogum stammers, eyes widening in astonishment. “Does this mean he will become a baseball player in the future? Maybe he can even join one of the KBO Leagues!”

Yoojung laughs.

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credit to: _jiany_




A/N: Gah, sorry, sorry, sorry for this extremely delusional piece of writing but I can’t help it, chingus – Christmas does all kinds of weird things to me. I know I’ve used Protect in my last fic for the letter ‘P’, but that was an impromptu fic and I’ve always had this story stored in my computer so please forgive me for using the same letter more than once.

By the way, Im Jungshin (Bogum’s manager’s name), and Choi Jaemin (Yoojung’s stylist), are completely fictional names – I tried (actually) searching for their real names on the Internet, but unfortunately couldn’t find them. Which is good, I guess, because otherwise, invasion of privacy and all that, you know. :)

KBO League is the highest-level league of baseball in South Korea, and was originally referred to as Korea Baseball Championship (Wikipedia)





@panda08 it is in the spoiler :)

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Chingus, I hope that all of you wouldn't mind if I post the link of this video. I literally LOL when I watched this cut of Happy Together. One of the guests, Jang Young Ran, mentioned in the show (previous cut) of how handsome Bo Gum is. She and her friends even tried to send a coffee truck for BG to the shooting location of MDBC, but aparently there was already a long queue of coffee trucks being sent by fans to the shooting location. Omooo...

In this cut, Jang Young Ran acted as an angry wife.. and.. just watch it by yourself! There will be another mention of BG that cracked me up. So funny!


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i hope its not too late to wish merry christmas to all my lovely dearies here who celebrate xmas.. sorry chingus..im too occupied and that is making me super exhausted..sigh..nevertheless,i miss all of u here n i please keep the gd post coming..will try to back read whenever i can.. loads of love to all my chingus! :wub:

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