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Kim Yoo-Jung & Park Bo-Gum | Moonlight Couple|


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As @lovelybluehoneyz.. said...they, like us, are individuals ...

They are free to choose whom they love or like...

And if we respect them as individuals...we do not impose on their choices

We just ship them here so that a group of like minded individuals who love boyoo can chat and spazz...

Arent they the epitome of relationship goals in their interactions though...:wub:

Me still looking for someone to gaze at me so warmly...lol:wub:


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I don't you should be concerned with Yoona or drag her into this forum. BG wasn't really escorting her during AAA . They just came down stage together after receiving an award. BG rushed back to be with baby YJ....

During Baeksang, BG left first with his manager and bodyguard while YJ was with her manager. Meaning, she need not be protected by our namja Bg. But you see , that was all for public display bcs BG was actually waiting for her at the carpark and escorted her to her car. So have more faith in our Boyoo couple.

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I know I know and truly understand respect is very important as a shipper or supporter.  but bottom of my heart I wish little yoo jung  will not get hurt after all. She is too sweet and too sensitive! Bo is too nice of a gentleman and touchy guy (the previous him) so I think many women can misunderstand his acts and think he is interested in them.. 

just want to emphasize that I am not trying to offend Someone's fans, neither from other ship! Not to even mention how other ship's leading girl really annoys me big time! I can only share my feelings here since none of my friends or coworkers understand me.. 

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52 minutes ago, moonlightdream said:

Dear friends, I also never join any shipper forum before, but boyoo is just too amazing and too real! But i do have one worry which I have no one to share with besides all of u... I browsed through so many video clips and IGs and I don't feel right that Yoona is always so near them and in the pics, based on my female 6th sense, she does want Bo Gum.. the video Bo accompanied her somewhere in AAA and the stupid green water bottle which she and Bo both individually holded bothers me (I saw it in someone IG just today). Also in one of the video, after end of Baeksang award photo shot, Yoona  sort of followed Bo into the hallway to the back stage while Yoo Jung was still with her manager slowly walking... can anyone please tell me not to concern at all? I mean of course it is not my business to concern since they have their own life but the thought of Bo might fall for her disturbs me a lots! Please help! Thanks a lots in advance! 

Hi dear, I don't know what your purpose for this post. But please believe that Yoona is a good girl. I saw she's kind of lonely in the event and she seemed to have trouble with her dress. Yoojung felt that and treated her well. And Bogum brought water to her in AAA, he also brought water for the sunbaenim beside Yoona (sorry I dont rmb his name). 

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Yes BG is a nice guy and a gentleman. People may misunderstand him bcs of that. However, he seemed to be more than acting as a gentleman with YJ. He adores her and it shows even in front many eyes watching them. They were not acting as LY or Raon. They were themselves.

We should not underestimate YJ or worry abt her being hurt. She is quite mature for her age and believe me I am very sure there have been many other boys who have been after or still is after our baby's heart. She is not enamoured by it until she is ready. Her spontaneous public display of affection during Baeksang shows that she is opening herself and her heart more esp to BG. Have more faith.

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Didn't say whoever is not a good girl, and also saw yoo jung was trying to help her. Yoo jung is a super sweet girl as always! I was just expressing my uncomfortable feeling about Whoever was really around alots and also saw few fans ship she and Bo. This forum seems to be a loving place that I think I can get comfort words from so I expressed my thoughs here. That's all! It does not always mean evil when sometimes ppl Share not so positive feelings hope u can understand. Like I said, none of my friends or coworkers understand why I go crazy with bo and yoo being in love or not...

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GUM-MORNING-TO-YOO! Chingu-deulz 

Cr. musuegeum_boyookingdom

Just to announce that I'm planning a family trip to SK in November and planning to do an MDBC tour to some of the shooting locations in Jeonju, Hwaseong and Gapyeong and KBS too :D. And of course wear hanbok at Geongbokgung, where our royal couple did their fansigning event in their gorgeous hanbok. Can't wait to reminisce and imagine the romance again on site :wub:



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Anyway, since I am new and before everyone starts to dislike me or kick me out, I want to talk about one observation I had for this fancam. Before Bo started moving his head around to show Yoo Jung something, I saw he was lips talking with someone across him. That person seemed to give good compliments about his hair do and he thanked that person and asked whether that person already ate... then u can see Bo seemed to want to say something to Yoo Jung but he was holding himself based on his facial expression. Finally he can not hold it anymore so he asked Yoo Jung what she thinks about his hairdo that's why he was moving his head around showing his hair style.. in the end he gave her a crown prince act move! I thought that interaction between them was really cute and it's one of my favorite video. What do u think? 


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22 minutes ago, moonlightdream said:

Didn't say yoona is not a good girl, and also saw yoo jung was trying to help her. Yoo jung is a super sweet girl as always! I was just expressing my uncomfortable feeling about Yoona was really around alots and also saw few fans ship she and Bo. This forum seems to be a loving place that I think I can get comfort words from so I expressed my thoughs here. That's all! It does not always mean evil when sometimes ppl Share not so positive feelings hope u can understand. Like I said, none of my friends or coworkers understand why I go crazy with bo and yoo being in love or not...

Hi, do feel free to write what you want but please clearly indicate that they are your personal opinion when you mention another person in your topic. Haters just pick up one opinion that they can target on and then they will conveniently classified it as the opinion of the whole group... in the end, YJ is the one who gets hurt that's why we want to be careful about any sensitive remarks:) 

It doesn't matter, to me, who is standing nearby them as it's obvious that they only have eyes for each other:)

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22 minutes ago, moonlightdream said:

Didn't say yoona is not a good girl, and also saw yoo jung was trying to help her. Yoo jung is a super sweet girl as always! I was just expressing my uncomfortable feeling about Yoona was really around alots and also saw few fans ship she and Bo. This forum seems to be a loving place that I think I can get comfort words from so I expressed my thoughs here. That's all! It does not always mean evil when sometimes ppl Share not so positive feelings hope u can understand. Like I said, none of my friends or coworkers understand why I go crazy with bo and yoo being in love or not...

I can understand you because maybe you are still young and I used to feel that way if my OTPs are threatened but you have to accept the fact that they will have other partners in their future dramas and we might see less and less of them together. Unlike in my country that if love teams are bankable they will have more movies and dramas together, in Korea it is seldom that they do so and if ever will take years for them to be partnered again. That's why we are just happy to see them in awards nights and other events being sweet together and believe that they are great friends and see each other without us knowing. You have just to prepare yourself that others or probably even some of us  will ship them with other celebrities as these two have great chemistry with other people as well.

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4 hours ago, moonlightdream said:

Dear friends, I also never join 


I don''t know whether you're just close minded or really immature, but this kind of opinion is not welcome here. Don't try to instigate negativity in this peaceful thread. Yoona has been really nice to them and never once did I see her try to get close to any male actor at all. If you are a real boyoo shipper, grow up. If you're just a fake shipper who wants to give bad name to boyoo shippers, please go away.

Lately, there has been a lot of fake accounts in social media trying to disturb boyoo shippers, I really have issues with new accounts like this. Sorry for being negative!

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1 hour ago, Tien Le said:

Hi dear, I don't know what your purpose for this post. But please believe that Yoona is a good girl. I saw she's kind of lonely in the event and she seemed to have trouble with her dress. Yoojung felt that and treated her well. And Bogum brought water to her in AAA, he also brought water for the sunbaenim beside Yoona (sorry I dont rmb his name). 


Yes, actually in most of her fancams, Yoona spent more time talking to Son Ye Jin than her own partner, Ji Chang Wook. She's an extremely popular idol-actress, any interaction with men will invite gossip for her, and I know she is very careful with her image. I don't appreciate people saying stuff like that about her for the sake of shipping.

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surely very harsh comment, but I will swallow it now cuz I understand u don't want haters to find reasons to hate Boyoo. But just don't assume i have evil intention. just a FYI that I actually had been reading the forum before the kbs award and was also heartbroken with all of u when Yoo Jung couldn't show up to the event! So please don't be so harsh. We all have feelings...

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3 minutes ago, moonlightdream said:

surely very harsh comment, but I will swallow it now cuz I understand u don't want haters to find reasons to hate Boyoo. But just don't assume i have evil intention. just a FYI that I actually had been reading the forum before the kbs award and was also heartbroken with all of u when Yoo Jung couldn't show up to the event! So please don't be so harsh. We all have feelings...


Sorry for being harsh. I would appreciate if you can edit your post about Yoona and only focus to BoYoo in this thread. If you can do so, you are more than welcome to spazz with us :D

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56 minutes ago, moonlightdream said:

Didn't say yoona is not a good girl, and also saw yoo jung was trying to help her. Yoo jung is a super sweet girl as always! I was just expressing my uncomfortable feeling about Yoona was really around alots and also saw few fans ship she and Bo. This forum seems to be a loving place that I think I can get comfort words from so I expressed my thoughs here. That's all! It does not always mean evil when sometimes ppl Share not so positive feelings hope u can understand. Like I said, none of my friends or coworkers understand why I go crazy with bo and yoo being in love or not...

Now I really suspect your purpose to post these posts in this forum. Sorry but I can't help. I think I always welcome negative idea to prove my idea wrong or right. Actually, are you a new shipper of them or not? If you're new, yes, this uncomfortable feeling will come a lot, but please try to think positive since acting career of Bogum and Yoojung will bring you this uncomfortable feeling if you ship them. They will kiss or hug another one in their future projects, but that's working, right?

So, again, just be positive and enjoy beautiful moments of them. You wont have this uncomfortable feeling anymore and you may feel stronger believe. Cheers!


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49 minutes ago, moonlightdream said:

Anyway, since I am new and before everyone starts to dislike me or kick me out, I want to talk about one observation I had for this fancam. Before Bo started moving his head around to show Yoo Jung something, I saw he was lips taking with someone across him. That person seemed to give good compliments about his hair do and he thanked that person and asked whether that person already ate... then u can see Bo seemed to want to say something to Yoo Jung but he was holding himself based from his facial expression. Finally he can not hold it anymore so he asked Yoo Jung what she thinks about his hairdo that's why he was moving his head around showing his hair style.. in the end he gave her a crown prince act move! I thought that interaction between them was really cute and it's one of my favorite video. What do u think? 



But sorry I cannot speak Korean so I have no idea about their talking about. What I saw in this clip that they both have a close relationship than the others.

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@lovelybluehoneyz.. :heart:your post..how are chingu?seems like BoYoo heals you fast.. @moonsunandmina Welcome to this thread chinguya..enjoy shipping!!:blush: @saegukyoinOmo!!Best of luck and enjoy your moonlight tour chinguya..:blush:

I HAVE TO SAY THAT...NOTHINGS GONNA CHANGE BOO LOVE FOR YOO..:wub:LOL I can't help to have butterflies and smile like crazy on my cheesy line :joy::blush:ctto...






@moonlightdream allow me to welcome you on this thread chinguya...but for BoYoo's sake just refrain mentioning other names or better put it in the spoiler like this..especially when their some fan world war z going on in IG..your right this thread is lovely and the people boarding on this ship..but this kind of post is a big no no to others..it can unleash the evil side of BoYoo people like me hehehe just kidding...just edit your post before some trolls see your other post..and I know your just very concern to Yoo Jung and if you say so..again kindly edit your post coz this kind of post can give a big negative blow to her again..which we really don't like..I hope you understand our concern here on this thread..and just enjoy shipping:blush:


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