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Kim Yoo-Jung & Park Bo-Gum | Moonlight Couple|


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2 hours ago, enzek said:


is there any MDBC fan in soompi forum that live in Cebu who can share some info for us? i don't know LOL

did yoo jung mother or assistant follow her for the trip there? i don't think her mother nor her agency would just let her go there alone with all the current rumor LOL besides, she still considered as underage.

i don't have too much hope to see their interaction in this trip with all the commotion happen but i hope yoo jung or bo gum would upload some selca or group pics in their insta & twitter. even if from beginning until ending of the trip they just upload only one of their pic that their snap with all the other crew it's ok. it give hint that their off screen friendship is still going although it lowkey:tears:


Yup. I was thinking that too. (Secretly praying mummy dearest would trust her enough to let her go on vacay with her new friends). Don't get me wrong but being teenagers, its really hard to act freely with mom around. Just her n her manager along with the rest of the team will only be considered a get away... 

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I agree with all of you :) One of the reasons why I ship these two, (aside from them just being really awesome individuals in general), is also because of their EXPLOSIVE chemistry, whether it's off/on-screen. Waking up this morning, my mind is somewhat more refreshed, and I've decided to put all the negative vibes to the back of my mind and face on today with a lighter heart! YJ looks so ethereal (she's a goddess!) in the v-live chat w/ CTH and I'm so happy she looks less tired there! Hope she can take care of her health - and the rest of the cast too! 

I'm ready, guys. Bring it on. I'm here to stay. I'm here in the long run. I WILL BOARD ON THIS SHIP FOR AS LONG AS I'M PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY ABLE TO. :D


Sharing some of my FMVs for uri BoYoo couple! Something to keep my (and our) delulu mind alive! :wub:

cr: me

cr: me

Anyway, hope we can all stay positive! I need to go to my lecture now, kekeke :sweatingbullets: Annyeong chingus! Let's keep this thread alive (AND BURNING!!) 


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13 minutes ago, LynnNash said:

Yup. I was thinking that too. (Secretly praying mummy dearest would trust her enough to let her go on vacay with her new friends). Don't get me wrong but being teenagers, its really hard to act freely with mom around. Just her n her manager along with the rest of the team will only be considered a get away... 


I think there is about 50% possibility her mum will follow. Back in 2012, she did mentioned in Strong Heart she sleeps with her mum because she was scared of ghost. I don't know about now. But things like this could last for a long time, some people never learned to sleep alone. i myself had a hard time adjusting to sleeping alone after years of sleeping with my sibling.

You can watch it here, it's either this episode or the episode 149


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2 hours ago, mamun said:


Not sure if i have seen enough of him to come to a conclusion that he's absolutely different with KYJ, but from my observation so far. He's always been touchy feely with almost everyone especially with his much older sunbae-nims (both male & female).The vibe i always got from him is just this innocent boy who are fond of everyone. Maybe it's his upbringing, the way his family interact with each other makes him such a friendly person, although I totally have no idea about his family background.

He also has this way of looking at people like he really likes them or something. Maybe his eyes are just too intense, I would say it's a god's gift to him. I was among those who root for Taek just because I want Bogum to get the girl and a happy ending for once. I always prefer to avoid comparison between their interaction with each other and other co-stars. But since you're asking :P

People, open this at your own risk! If you're not ready to deal with comparison please just ignore this post.


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Him and Yoo Jung is just phenomenal (well just backtrack everything in this thread if you want evidence).

For Hyeri, this video pretty much sums up his rapport with Hyeri


They give more of a BFF kind of feeling, which is fine in itself. But after R88 finished, I just stopped peeking into their shipping thread (and Hyeri seems closer to RJY post R88) 

Also, here's their fansign moments. As you can see it seems like Hyeri is the who is obsessed with Bogum's hand while he just looks like a kid when talking to her. 


I'm pretty sure they are good friends. I just can't get the vibe of a boy having a crush from him when he's interacting with her. Again, this is just from my perspective. Our views on things may differ.

With Irene, since their interaction are pretty much staged for the show, both of them are interacting on a professional level. To my eyes, Yoo Jung seems closer with her partners on Inkigayo than Bogum and Irene. It could also be Irene's personality who seems like she prefer to keep things professional between them.




Who else do we have?

Shim Eun Kyung. I don't have a clip of him with her. But i remember coming across an interview of them. Still, Bogum is Bogum. He's nice and all that. But he just reminds me of a good friend of mine who are always nice and kind to people. It's almost like they just have no feelings and just decided to be nice and friendly (borderline flirty) to whoever. This people really exist and Bogum is just a living proof next to our eyes.

To conclude, if we were to judge his feeling from his kindness, I bet he's in love with everyone, male, female, little boys, little girls, and even babies!! :sweatingbullets::blink::crazy:

And what do I see about him Yoo Jung that makes me ship them so hard, (I have never really actively joined a thread like this before. So pardon me for my noob-ness), It's almost like Bogum is always smitten by her, overly excited around her, and he radiates this aura of a man that I've never really saw in him. Not to mention, his fetish with her hands. As I said, I have never seen him like this.

And please please please forgive me, but i was so immune with his kindness I can even readily accept if he turns out to be like that Chef in Jealousy Incarnate. Well, after all I fell in love with Bogum the actor and that's all matters to me. 


I just feel the need to put this disclaimer. I don't think I am in a position to dictate who they should love or whatever. I'm just one of those lifeless ahjumma who likes to see a blooming relationship. Theirs is really innocent and cute I can't help myself.


Omg how I love your post... I just watched all over again about yesterday event when KYJ fixed PBG's clothes....I remember one of his fan said he could work good almost everything but he's a little bit clumsy in real life. I just realize KYJ could understand him well, understand he could struggle with these kind of things, so that she's eager to fix his clothes naturally....And that's what we saw yesterday....the reason over just liking him is understand him.

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4 hours ago, mamun said:


This is what drives me crazy, I have been a Bogum's fan since his I Remember You days, I've never seen him so obsessed with someone's body part (or hands to be precise). It looks like he's always unconsciously reaching for her hand. more than once he just hold her and caress her hands. its seriously making my delulu mind even more crazy.

I guess Yoo Jung must have a super soft and lovely hands for him to be this addicted. And what's shown is not even 10% of the time they spent with each other. Imagine how many times he just simply hold her hands for no reason

And how legendary is this?




Well Yoo Jung have extremely beautiful and delicate hands I can't blame Bo Gum for obsessing over her hands.

Even I myself as a girl desire to hold YJ's hands too. I mean just look!






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4 hours ago, nataliakay said:

Did anyone watch the v-live of CTH and KYJ just now? Oh my god. My heart almost stopped looking at her. SHE IS ...RAVISHING!! KYJ IS SO GORGEOUS I JUST.....out of vocab to desribe her. I don't think i've ever had this big a crush on a girl before. Gosh....I don't know how PBG does it if he manage not to fall for her tonight. His Ra-On-ie just bumped into even a more beautiful lady in this era

LOL Bo Gum must have screamed Yeppeodaa!! while clapping his hands.just like in the bts special

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3 hours ago, mamun said:


Not sure if i have seen enough of him to come to a conclusion that he's absolutely different with KYJ, but from my observation so far. He's always been touchy feely with almost everyone especially with his much older sunbae-nims (both male & female).The vibe i always got from him is just this innocent boy who are fond of everyone. Maybe it's his upbringing, the way his family interact with each other makes him such a friendly person, although I totally have no idea about his family background.

He also has this way of looking at people like he really likes them or something. Maybe his eyes are just too intense, I would say it's a god's gift to him. I was among those who root for Taek just because I want Bogum to get the girl and a happy ending for once. I always prefer to avoid comparison between their interaction with each other and other co-stars. But since you're asking :P

People, open this at your own risk! If you're not ready to deal with comparison please just ignore this post.


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Him and Yoo Jung is just phenomenal (well just backtrack everything in this thread if you want evidence).

For Hyeri, this video pretty much sums up his rapport with Hyeri


They give more of a BFF kind of feeling, which is fine in itself. But after R88 finished, I just stopped peeking into their shipping thread (and Hyeri seems closer to RJY post R88) 

Also, here's their fansign moments. As you can see it seems like Hyeri is the who is obsessed with Bogum's hand while he just looks like a kid when talking to her. 


I'm pretty sure they are good friends. I just can't get the vibe of a boy having a crush from him when he's interacting with her. Again, this is just from my perspective. Our views on things may differ.

With Irene, since their interaction are pretty much staged for the show, both of them are interacting on a professional level. To my eyes, Yoo Jung seems closer with her partners on Inkigayo than Bogum and Irene. It could also be Irene's personality who seems like she prefer to keep things professional between them.


Who else do we have?

Shim Eun Kyung. I don't have a clip of him with her. But i remember coming across an interview of them. Still, Bogum is Bogum. He's nice and all that. But he just reminds me of a good friend of mine who are always nice and kind to people. It's almost like they just have no feelings and just decided to be nice and friendly (borderline flirty) to whoever. This people really exist and Bogum is just a living proof next to our eyes.

To conclude, if we were to judge his feeling from his kindness, I bet he's in love with everyone, male, female, little boys, little girls, and even babies!! :sweatingbullets::blink::crazy:

And what do I see about him Yoo Jung that makes me ship them so hard, (I have never really actively joined a thread like this before. So pardon me for my noob-ness), It's almost like Bogum is always smitten by her, overly excited around her, and he radiates this aura of a man that I've never really saw in him. Not to mention, his fetish with her hands. As I said, I have never seen him like this.

And please please please forgive me, but i was so immune with his kindness I can even readily accept if he turns out to be like that Chef in Jealousy Incarnate. Well, after all I fell in love with Bogum the actor and that's all matters to me. 


I just feel the need to put this disclaimer. I don't think I am in a position to dictate who they should love or whatever. I'm just one of those lifeless ahjumma who likes to see a blooming relationship. Theirs is really innocent and cute I can't help myself.


I agree with you.. with Hyeri, Bo Gum seems to act like a kid around her (they gave siblings vibe to me- Hyeri as a big sister) With Irene, the interaction is on professional level, no different from his interactions with other females.

When it comes to Yoo Jung, Bo Gum gives off a manly, protective vibe towards her. He goofs around to make her laugh, stares at her and loves to touch her hands.It's him who wants attention.

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8 minutes ago, mamun said:

Just found this from one of the fancam from their fansign event. YooJung in her Noona mode. I love that sometimes they are each other's friends, each other's dongsaeng, each other's oppa/noona, and of course I hope one day they'll end up as each other's soulmate :wub:


Bogum seems to be dependant on her during this event, but he still checks her out from time to time. I'm too sleepy now but I saw him checking on her multiple times and stealing glances even while giving his autograph to fans.


I think i am having too much fun right now. Forgive me if any of you feel I'm spamming this thread too much :cold_sweat:

video credit: whitestar616


spam away! this is shipper thread after all! spread the love heheh

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32 minutes ago, mamun said:

Just found this from one of the fancam from their fansign event. YooJung in her Noona mode. I love that sometimes they are each other's friends, each other's dongsaeng, each other's oppa/noona, and of course I hope one day they'll end up as each other's soulmate :wub:


This particular interaction, I won't say it's CP and Raon, it's totally Bogum & Yoojung. Because Raon's character was never like his Noona. Raon is more of a cute fairy to CP who happens to be his eunuch.

Bogum seems to be dependant on her during this event, but he still checks her out from time to time. I'm too sleepy now but I saw him checking on her multiple times and stealing glances even while giving his autograph to fans.

I think i am having too much fun right now. Forgive me if any of you feel I'm spamming this thread too much :cold_sweat:

video credit: whitestar616

Please do continue, love all of your insightful posts, it makes my shipper's hearts flutter and excited...lol...just reading them (and everyone else's too) gives me the feeling of hope for these two :)


I don't mind you spamming this thread at all ...lol... :D .....


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Annyeong! It's my first post in this thread but I've been visiting on and off. I don't know why it took me this long to camp here with you guys. Hope you have room for one more BoYoo shipper. :)

I know that several of you (including me) are disappointed with the lack of interaction between PBG & KYJ at MDBC's wrap-up party. Whatever the reason may be, let's not focus and dwell on it. Surely, they will come to patch things up (perhaps, they may have already done so) and they will have loads of opportunities to interact with each other during their stay in Cebu.. Let's stay positive and hopeful, chingus! 

Anyhow, here's something I stumbled upon on Twitter to make us BoYoo shipper's smile. :)



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