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[OFFICIAL] <3Ɛ> Couple ~ Jota & Kim Jin Kyung Thread


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41 minutes ago, linja said:

You are right. That is a pair of feet. Probably a staff filming them in the bedroom. So much for the house being staff free! Jota certainly didn't notice if he's still able to flirt like that.

n they already in terms of "not care about surroundings' anymore...

but house suppose to be staff free... hmmmmmm.... not sure why this time there were staff with them..

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Just finished watching with subs.


Thanks to Mr Turtle and Mr Iguana that the REAL purpose of samsam couple visit to the pet cafe was forgotten.

( i see jinkyung being upset over jota's bluntness as part of the growing process in building their relationship ...

for sure they WILL watch each other's  BRI and take note ...  :thumbsup:)





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naughty nampyeon just had to say it  2x in her face .... aish ....  :sweat:




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just look at her expression ..  i think she is still upset thinking abt it ...    :sweat_smile:




photo 3_zpsdfyi6oay.gif

the arcade may be his turf, but when it comes to noraebang, he eyes roamed abt  with the unfamiliarity...  LOL 

its good to see that u both take turn to lead the other...

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 after watching the ep with english translation your AJHUMMA here really disappointed on how my Son not being supportive to JK when a man commenting about taste of the cookies. I'm expecting much from him to support or either explain further but he didn't i feel Jk disappointments.its ok to be objective but there are certain level or time in it. And one thing i noticed that my Son he's very furious when it come to there compitetions, i know he wants  her being cute,but i find it he over do it, i think  its okay to gave in ones in awhile to make her feel comforted or special in some ways. I hope my Son Will watch this episodes to learn or improve more his sensitivity towards JK.:heart:






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maybe bcause i prefer honesty, i'd like to know the truth and i used to be independent with things i do so i m not expecting anyone will defend on me except when i got blamed when i do nothing wrong. what i did is my responsiblity. ofc its nice if someone do it but i just rely on me hahaha 

My point of view for uri couple is JK. She knew healthy food is not coming in handy with tasty food. Jota did hint it to her since they were home. If i was in her shoes, i will anticipate n accept that people might not like it. It does hurt when we have to face unpleasent reality but rather than being sulky n drowning in sadness we can take the lesson n do it better next time. So for me,it s not about what couple should do but it s about facing the reality that every individual should do.It might hurt but it helps u to be though. Since the beginning jota wont spoil her when she wants something, she should earn it, n he wont being easy for her when she got to do her consequensy. If she lost bet, she has to do"the punisment". He likes her, he adores her but he teachs her some lifelessons too by being disciplene on her. I like his attitude haha In this case Jota being blunt in front of people has advantage to jk. she will remember it since so far jota always sugarcoated her food, so she is on her comfort zone.But bcause of "mean jota" she can move forward from her comfort zone n improve her cooking skill or if she still cant do it,she can forward to other alternative which is choosing better choice when she should cook for other people (there is healty food that tasty) because for jota he will swallow everything she made for him  hahhahaha i believe everything has good sides n i choose to be more focus on it :)


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1 hour ago, Nanahady said:

n they already in terms of "not care about surroundings' anymore...

but house suppose to be staff free... hmmmmmm.... not sure why this time there were staff with them..


there's always staff with wgm couples even in their houses.

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23 minutes ago, mellynarifqi said:

maybe bcause i prefer honesty, i'd like to know the truth and i used to be independent with things i do so i m not expecting anyone will defend on me except when i got blamed when i do nothing wrong. what i did is my responsiblity. ofc its nice if someone do it but i just rely on me hahaha 

My point of view for uri couple is JK. She knew healthy food is not coming in handy with tasty food. Jota did hint it to her since they were home. If i was in her shoes, i will anticipate n accept that people might not like it. It does hurt when we have to face unpleasent reality but rather than being sulky n drowning in sadness we can take the lesson n do it better next time. So for me,it s not about what couple should do but it s about facing the reality that every individual should do.It might hurt but it helps u to be though. Since the beginning jota wont spoil her when she wants something, she should earn it, n he wont being easy for her when she got to do her consequensy. If she lost bet, she has to do"the punisment". He likes her, he adores her but he teachs her some lifelessons too by being disciplene on her. I like his attitude haha In this case Jota being blunt in front of people has advantage to jk. she will remember it since so far jota always sugarcoated her food, so she is on her comfort zone.But bcause of "mean jota" she can move forward from her comfort zone n improve her cooking skill or if she still cant do it,she can forward to other alternative which is choosing better choice when she should cook for other people (there is healty food that tasty) because for jota he will swallow everything she made for him  hahhahaha i believe everything has good sides n i choose to be more focus on it :)



:wub: at last, I read something that kindly similar with my opinion. Hihi. He did it on purpose. Why on earth he prefers to go to the bakery shop to do a fair evaluation if it's not for JK's sake? Hihi, he might be mean and tactless, but he devoutly wants JK knows what he feels  about the taste of the cookies regardless if it's a healthy food or not. As you said that, "there are many healthy food that tasty". And remember, JT is not merely a Mr shy sly sly sly, but he is also a Mr 100%. Ha ha :lol::lol::lol:. JK hwaiting! I'm sure you can prove that you are a tremendous healthy food chef and of course the prettiest one! :wub::wub::wub:

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I am not in Jota side and I am not in JK side either. For cookies healthy food, they both tactless. 

Jin Kyung, from the very early episode she promised to take care of her husband health and she just eat healthy food that most of them were her cooking. But since the first meeting, she knew Jota could not deal that kind of food with him. Even from their last cooking episode, Jota gave her low scores and Jin Kyung even knew what would Jota says in his BRI, "that food is not my style". 


But from couple episodes, Jota was trying hard to accept the reality that "okay, I will eat what you cook but you know I am still not okay with the taste". Jin Kyung should be thankful for Jota considerations. 


And for the latest episode, Jin Kyung initiated to give the cookies for the neighbors. She "keep" focusing of healthy food instead of getting good first impression from their neighbors first. I mean, hey we just met once and you know I like healthy food so much, so please accept the cookies. That was not proper condition she should create. 

Jin Kyung is too young and she has a sense "I want to show him that I can cook well for healthy food, he should know my capabilities in cookies". Look how confident she is in the kitchen and order Jota to do this and that. She was not wrong, I would do it for impressing my boyfriend. Her ideas was so bright too, even Jota seems didn't have planning that day while Jin Kyung prepared all the itenerrary  that day. Me even never thought would give my neighbors some cookies when I just moved into my new house. I just invited them like others used to do it. 

My point are: Jin Kyung didn't ask for other opinion (her mom may be) for what kind of food that she should deliver to the neighbors. Even her considerate husband already confessed in his BRI more than once that the taste was not him. Can she expect people would love to lie on her just to make her happy like Jota did? No. She should know that "give others that they can eat, not you used to eat".


Then what about Jota? Yes, he shouldn't on other side when people bad commenting about her wife cooks. May be he want to express his feelings by take other comments. He didn't want to hurt her with his own comment and let others said it to her. So he chose the bakery shop for the tester. He did it for a purpose. I am not complaining. 

But he was wrong from the beginning. Can he just having an argument with her just once? Not just accept what she want and do what she ordered. Why he didn't tell her "lets make tasty cookies instead of healthy food, not all of them know you consume these food. I didn't say it was not tasty but I am afraid you will get hurt if we find the tester doesn't know tasty food at all". Jota knows about cooking really well, when he mixed the ingredients, he might be know there were something didn't match with the taste, like less salt or sugar, why he didn't interrupt her before it was baked? Being the assistant of the chef doesn't mean you can not give your suggestions right? Jin Kyung will not get mad if he warn her in a good way. Hey ya.. you two will face people who never met you before and don't have any contract with MBC at all. Everything can they say including honest with what they feel/taste. So, Jota - shii..as the head of family, just having an argument in your house only, not in front of others. 


So, both of them already saw each other BRI and they should learn their partner feelings step by step. Lucky them could see what their spouse feelings behind them, how bout us? Can I get my husband BRI just once? Lol.




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why are we fighting about food~ lol i thought it was pretty cute~

for me I like honesty...and this is non-issue

any of you guys following Judo in Rio Olympics, An Baul will have a match later on quarter finals, if you must know Jota competed against him before when Jota was a professional Judo player. An Baul even said that Jota gave him the hardest time, not the russian player in the world championships.


anyway I've been so busy with life and my fansite and my twitter and my youtube for Jota, that I barely go here now... I'm really sad that I'm not as active before... I'll try my best


I missed everyone~~!!!

did anyone share this before



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@khairunni I thin Jota knows that he doesn't know a lot about baking, and that you can't just mess up with the recipe... but I don't think she added enough sugar to it, or butter or eggs... so consistency will be that of a very dry scones...

LOL I bake a lot, and cookies needs a lot of sugar and butter (pile it on!!!) hahah sorry I even use powder sugar and not flour when I roll my cookie dough to cut it out... that's how brutal cookies are. 

I've never tried baking healthy cookies... but BEETS are just a no for me... basically it doesn't have a taste, it taste like soil very earthy. I've tried baking Ginger cookies, but as she doesn't add eggs, butter or sugar I doubt it will taste anything.

to be honest in the end... I think Jin Kyung should try cooking a very delicious healthy food (butter is not that bad... unless its way too much)

BTW on another note I'm on a diet and I'm eating healthy food now~ thanks samsam couple lol

in the end I think as this couple goes on they'll learn more ~

--- edit ---

she can substitute

butter with almond butter 

eggs for mashed bananas

sugar with honey 

adding fruits for flavor,

and using spices like cinnamon & nutmeg will add taste

adding poppy seeds will give a great texture and certain sweetness

she can even make one of my favorite cookies

Lemon shortbread cookies~! woooooooo

I love baking

I make mean brownies

my signature Pumpkin Spice cupcakes with Cream cheese frosting~ (with real mashed pumpkins I add cinnamon and nutmeg etc for flavor)



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9 hours ago, Nanahady said:

n they already in terms of "not care about surroundings' anymore...

but house suppose to be staff free... hmmmmmm.... not sure why this time there were staff with them..

There is no way the house is staff free. For them and other couples the house is not and cannot be staff free. What I mean is that for filming purposes the house is not staff free because there are some angles that those wall cameras installed in their house just can't capture and for them to put enough cameras to capture everything would be hella expensive and a lot of cameras. If you look and notice the difference in overall picture quality from scene to scene in and out the house, it's pretty clear to see what is captured by wall cams and what has been captured by someone being there. 

I know the PD team says, "the coupled are alone on their houses" but that's all fanservice to keep the illusion of "married couple" up. I feel we fans can't take at face value everything the show and its PDs say and that their words should be taken with a spoon of salt. Staff have been filming in house since they moved it. Many kitchen scenes, and living room scenes and scenes in their upstairs closet have had camera person there. It's needed for a clear looking and good capturing of scenes. The camera ppl are also in Eric&Solar's house as well as Caou houses. 

@mellynarifqi I disagree. Most of us here are not mad that Jota was honest nor are we saying he should always be nice and spare Jin's feelings and lie to her so she'll feel good. No one is saying that he should have lied to the baker and been all "you're wrong. My wife's cooking is the best. The cookies taste good and your taste buds are screwed if you can't taste it." No we all agree that his being honest that it was tasteless is fine. It's just the way he went about expressing that and the situation at the time was wrong. Again, it's the tact of it. It would not have hurt to Jota to sugarcoat his words and to honestly, have read Jin and her body language to see how nervous she was and how slightly hurt she looked after his words. After he said it, he laughed and that doubly hurts imho.

In a relationship imho, with my boyfriend the whole world can laugh at me and "eh, these ppl are strangers their opinion doesn't matter that much" but if my boyfriend were to laugh at me or join in on the laughing "this hurts a lot. It already stings and I feel sort of alone and loser-ish. I thought you would be on my side and one bright spot that I can lean on and be 'I still got my boyfriend, at least he thinks this or that, who cares about this person's opinion' it's just comforting and makes the sting a little less to feel you have someone on your side. Again it's not the honesty that was given, its how it was given. I feel it was tactless and just not good social decorum and consideration of others not to do that.

For example remember the episode where Jin visited Madtown and the boys asked for her ranking on looks. Everyone on the panel and us viewers knew, expected, and anticipated Jin putting Jota in first place, why; because he's her "husband" and that's just what you do. It's just an accepted part of social respect, consideration towards the other person, and also decorum. You don't put your significant other last especially in front of his friends, kind of strangers to you, because you out of everyone should pick them over others. While for Jin (and many of us in relationships) it may technically be true that someone is better looking or better whatever than our significant other (and many times it's known/aware on an objective level) we still choose the significant others because it's known that in their eyes they want to be our first, our best, our number one. It's just, you think about the others feelings (and honestly the harmony of your relationship and being someone they can trust and rely on) and choose them.

Jin knew this and planned to put Jota above everyone (too bad LeeGeon screwed the plans up). She made sure to make it known in the BGI she was going to choose Jota and Jota is her number one or honestly fans including myself would have side eyed the heck out of her. If Jin had done the opposite it would have been tasteless imho and just been like "did you really have to do that girl? Have some class. Spare his feelings. You don't always got to be honest" also Jota would have been hurt needlessly (watch again how disappointed/hurt he was then). That situation to me was similar to what occurred at the bakery. 

Even though it's technically true that the cookies are tasteless, in that moment, in all of Jin's nervousness and anxiety (you could tell she was scared/nervous for the criticism to come), and in front of a stranger; Jota should have defended Jin, period. Defending doesn't mean he has to lie, but like most have said, he could have explained they were suppose to be healthy, talked about how they worked hard to prepare it, and asked for tips on how to make it tastier next time. You know given Jin a pat on her back and make her feel good for her efforts but still let her know she requires more work (even the panel said basically the same). To me it's just social manners to do this. Like when they went water boarding even though Jota fell many times while trying to do tricks Jin still loudly cheered for him and kept screaming encouraging things (I know Jota did the same). After when Jota was down and hard on himself that he did bad and it didn't go as expected. Jin didn't join in on the criticism (and she could have easily laughed and said he looked funny falling again and again) instead she told him he looked so cool in her eyes and kept assuring him that he did well and was impressive in her eyes. That's having tact, social manners, reading the other person, and sparing feelings.

Blunt honesty and objective judgement isn't always needed and I felt in the bakery is was not needed (everyone was already making it known the cookies weren't good, in body language and then words, did Jota really need to add his two sense "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all"). For example we don't bluntly answer "does this make me look fat?" With "yes you look hella fat in that" instead we say something like "that's a cute whatever, but it makes you look a bit big (see say big not fat) and is kind of tight. I think maybe a different size or even a different design of whatever would be better." The first is rude, imho. The latter is honest opinion but still spares hurting the other person and shows tact. Something I feel Jota should have done but didn't in the bakery. The golden rule of treat others how you would like to be treated should have been applied. I don't think we viewers nor Jota himself would like it if Jin straight up agreed with someone that Jota is the worst at something (disappointment and hurt feelings would ensue) so I wish that Jota wouldn't have done the same. Like I said before time and place.

Even though one of my friends is the worst at volleyball, whenever it came to choosing teams and I got to choose, I always choose them first. Why? Because I knew no one else would. I knew that it would be embarrassing and hurt to be chosen last, and I also knew that as their best friend, despite their skills, they expected and wanted me to choose them first. Because, if you can't rely on (trust) your best friend to that, who can/will you rely on (and what kind of friend are they? Is winning a gym volleyball game more important than a best friends feelings and not being embarrassed?). The same is true of a significant other. In some situations if we can't rely on/depend on you to do something even if it seems small or ridiculous or is a little white lie, who do we rely on? LOL. It may seem like the taste of a cookie but it's not. It's you letting us know that you're on our side. You're like a safety net that we can turn to and is there for us in big and small times. 

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4 minutes ago, blumen77 said:


Ha ha ha :lol::w00t::lol:  agreed!

The pds they usually ask permission to film beforehand anyway... some stores don't allow filming and such (store owners even get mad, i've seen it countless of times in live shooting in SK) 

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