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[OFFICIAL] <3Ɛ> Couple ~ Jota & Kim Jin Kyung Thread


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13 minutes ago, nambunny373 said:


Jota's face though.. He looks worried himself too. But maybe he should worry more about JK, she will kill him if he gets hurt too much.

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3 hours ago, nambunny373 said:

Me too.. Actually all the samsamnizen scared for our King... He not in a very good condition... 

It's gonna be a tough fight... Judo ace n MMA fighter... 

Let's all hold hand when we watch it next week... 

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I watched Horror in Show Champion SO MANY times and it never fails to crack me up.

I just have to highlight the best parts that I keep rewatching. 

THE FIRST SCARE (hand drop)
1. Everybody except Jota got freaked out and fell to the floor. Jota's all like "what, did something happen?"
2. Daewon throwing up his water bottle.
3. Buffy tripping over everyone with the most scared look on his face.
4. Daewon on all fours losing his mind.
5. Buffy clutching his heart like he'd just had a heart attack.

THE SECOND SCARE (scary ghost on the floor)
1. HO pretending to be scared and screaming to scare the others.
2. Buffy majorly freaking out, chucking his mini fan at the scary ghost, falls to the floor and apologises for throwing the fan while retrieving it. (I guess he was worried he hurt the staff that played the ghost)
3. Daewon getting scared then mad and throws his water bottle hard towards the floor at the scary ghost, all like "how dare you scare me!" 

THE THIRD SCARE (wig drop)
1. The timing was perfect. Daewon was about to take a sip from his water bottle when the wig drops on his head. He gets scared and throws the water bottle up and spills water on his face and everywhere. He flips out even more upon seeing what it was (it must have looked scary in the dark) and falls to the floor.
2. Buffy wasn't in the frame, but when the camera angle is at their feet, you see Buffy is already on the floor. HAaha!
3. Buffy clutching his heart again looking like he's aged 10 years and pleading with them to stop.
4. Jota cracking up laughing when Daewon flips out throwing up the water bottle.

THE LAST SCARE (loud banging noise)
1. Heojun, Daewon and Buffy screaming their lungs out. 
2. Heojun dropping to the ground.
3. Buffy getting mad and yelling "who was that?!" and running out to catch the culprit. I think he may have swore too! Lol, or was about to!
4. Ho didn't even flinch!

Heojun got pretty scared too but his reactions weren't as big as Buffy so I didn't really take note the first couple of times I watched.

If I had to rank the most scaredy cat to the least scaredy cat, it would be:

Buffy > Daewon > Heojun > Lee Geon > Moos > Ho > Jota



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Huhuhu....... He totally look different... 

Like objective athletic idol is to thrown down Jota...

@linja, me too... keep replaying it... Hahahaha...... Buffy and Daewon reaction was epic...

they can win awards.....

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18 hours ago, linja said:

THE SECOND SCARE (scary ghost on the floor)
1. HO pretending to be scared and screaming to scare the others.
2. Buffy majorly freaking out, chucking his mini fan at the scary ghost, falls to the floor and apologises for throwing the fan while retrieving it. (I guess he was worried he hurt the staff that played the ghost)
3. Daewon getting scared then mad and throws his water bottle hard towards the floor at the scary ghost, all like "how dare you scare me!" 





It had me cracking everytime I watch their clip and I think I've seen it more than 10x already! hahaha

And I actually think the scary ghost on the floor is their prankster leader MOOS (because of his long sleeved shirt)!

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I watched somw part of ckotb... The coach said if Jota practiced wrestling for six months, he could join the olympics. 

Pointing at one trainee: he used to be first or second place in wrestling in college... But you saw earlier he couldn't keep up to Jota. 

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Jota looks pain..Jota ya! Take care...but again, the word he choose is JK's fav. 'Kukkil'....


From this vid, you cn see he is tried his best to dance even in pain (min 1.42) Get well soon Jota. Thanks H.O for holding him...

Jota hwaiting! Madtown hwaiting!

9 minutes ago, kazu-id said:

I watched somw part of ckotb... The coach said if Jota practiced wrestling for six months, he could join the olympics. 

Pointing at one trainee: he used to be first or second place in wrestling in college... But you saw earlier he couldn't keep up to Jota. 


If his wife is a challenger (pepper queen :P:P:P) he is a fighter Indeed! :):):)

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Episode 11 Highlights & Thoughts

Some random thoughts as I watched the episode.

1. Jota is just like me. When he takes an interest in something, he does a lot of research. When he first starting getting to know Jin, he looked up a lot of things about her. Now, with the location they are going to, he did some research and saw pictures. He seems very organised!

Jota was saying in the BRI that the second he entered that room, he felt strange. I bet the burning flame of desire in him was sparked when the landlord/owner told them to ‘keep close tonight’ since the room is small, HAHAH!

I love the way Jin arms flails when her bag tips over. She’s so cute!

2. HAHAHHA, I cracked up at their 3 second silence and awkwardness before Jin said not to stay silent.
I think Jin meant, when they fall asleep, it won’t be awkward anymore, but she realised it sounded like something else and cries out silently to her mum, HAHA

3. I love Jin’s cute laugh at Jota’s attempt at a joke on wordplay. I’m sure Jota felt good about the joke because Jin laughed at it. It’s very cute and reflects the innocence of dating. I remember I used to laugh at my husband’s jokes when we first went out. Now I find his jokes lame, lol.

4. Look at Jota trying to subtly hint to Jin to start a real relationship after the show ends. First the wordplay on ‘lets date’ and asking her to ‘call’ on it. Then saying she’s his ideal type. Can you be anymore obvious, Jota?

5. The contrast from this 


to this
is just TOO FUNNY!

Jota’s giddly giggle whenever he is watching Jin do something (chopping wood) is just the cutest.

I remember the last time Jota displayed his strength (building the tent) Jin regretted not voicing out to him how cool she thought he was. I’m glad she did it this time. Heaping praises on him for chopping up the wood.

I loved the way Jin told Jota off for trying to break the wood with his bare hands. The subtitles didn’t catch it because the MCs were talking over them, but a part from telling Jota to stop and not to use his hands, she also said ‘are you not going to listen to me?’. That is such a girlfriend/wife thing to say. She slaps his back and even physically stops him by moving his arms away and giving him the authoritive finger. I love that she feels so close and comfortable to him now that she can do that. There is so much similarities in this episode and the first episode. In both episodes they had to spend their ‘first night’ together, do physical labour where Jota is using his bare hands, Jota bending down to blow and make fire, Jota listening to his wife well. They are so much closer and comfortable with each other compared to the first episode!

Side note: Sometimes, I wish the MCs would talk less during Jota and Jin’s segment. I want to hear the couples talk! Not the MCs!

6. I LOOOVE THEIR CONVERSATIONS OVER DINNER, so many things to talk about!

I love that they are protective of each other. In more ways than one. *coughgettingjealouscough*. How fast did Jota instinctively react and reach out his hand to protect Jin when Jin shrieked because of the fly around her head. I think he thought a stray spit from the fire/meat had hit her. That’s what I had initially thought. He is so cool and manly like that. He is so sweet too, to give Jin the first meat.

Love the phone conversation with Jin’s mum. Jin’s mum sounds EXACTLY like Jin! Deep voice and the way they talk! No wonder Jin says her mum looks like her.

HAHAH Jota keeps insisting he won’t do anything other than hold Jin’s hand. I’m sorry Jota, but that, to anyone’s ears just sounds so suss! What do you even mean?! What is even on your mind?! LOL

Jota rubbing his hands together while Jin talks to her mum, haha, cos inside he feels bad for not asking for permission and he’s sorry! *sings sorry sorry sorry … *

Aww, what a good and well mannered boy! He bowed at 90 degrees saying goodbye to Jin’s mum. Not like she can see, but good on him for still doing it. Good job, Jota. Jin’s mum will watch the broadcast and see  what a polite and repectful-towards-elders kind of person you are. If you ever ask her to date her daughter in the future, she will give her permission for sure!

7. Jota has become a bit of a smooth talker now! He’s not the same shy boy we met in the first episode anymore!

8. I love how after Jin feeds him with the chilli wrap, he eats it so happily and deliciously. I love how he’s talking with this mouth full “mashita!” and pumps his fists sideways. That is just soooo adorable! He looks like a little boy being fed a delicious meal by his mummy. SO CUTE! But of course, that only lasted about 3 seconds before he felt the spiciness in his mouth, HAHA! I was laughing so hard at Jin trying to hold in her laughter. What I really love about this scenario is the fact that Jota didn’t get mad at Jin for playing a prank on him at all. He took it all in stride. He is very good nature when it comes to Jin. Or maybe he is just incapable of getting mad/annoyed at her, lol. He is a wife-fool afterall. I love their chilli challenge. Good on Jota for humouring his wife. That’s a big plus for him! And it worked out in his favour. Jin felt so bad that she accepted his request for an aegyo. I know I shouldn’t laugh seeing Jota in chilli pain (physical pain is different, I would feel pain too if I saw him in pain/hurt, but in this case ..) I couldn’t help laughing along with Jin. I have a pretty good chilli tolerance like Jin too, so .. that could be why I find it funny when someone is in chilli pain. They cut out too much of Jota suffering from the spicyness. It would have been hilarious to see it all. I remember from last episode’s preview, Jota was saying he was getting angry (cos the spicyness wouldn’t go away) but the preview made it seem like it was an argument. They really should stop cutting out so much of Jota & Jin’s segment. Just extend it a little!

At one point, I could see on Jin’s face that she was starting to feel the pain for Jota. When he asked her if she was really sorry, and she replied yes, she sniffed a bit. Aawwww.

HAHA! That’s why you shouldn’t cry wolf Jota! That’s what you get for pretending you couldn’t skate. It took a while for your wife to take you seriously when you were suffering from the spicyness. I thought Jota asking for the aeygo was so cute. He was doing aegyo himself asking Jin for aegyo. LOVED all his facial expressions. Can he get any cuter? Gah! So adorable!

BAHAH, loved the way Jota was beaming when his wife did the 1,2,3 aeygo for him. The spicyness immediately disappeared. You can barely see his eyes anymore. It’s completely closed up like a moon smile! You can tell how happy he is by how much his eyes closes, Lol. The smaller the gap, the happier he is, haha!

9. I’m so excited for Jota and Jin to meet each other’s family! Can’t wait to see!

Yes I wonder aswell, what does Jin mean when she says she will do well to her mum, HAHA. Poor Jota. She’s planting strange thoughts in his head!

10. I keep forgetting Jin is 19 years old and that is why she is all shy and losing her mind hearing Jota in the shower, HAHAha! Oh gosh, such innocence. Hahaahah and why is Jota telling her not to steal a glance. That would be the obvious thing. By saying it, do you mean the opposite Jota?! Are you wishing for the opposite eh, Jota? LOL. Oh dear Hahaha, these two.

OHMYGOSH!!!! WGM really needs to give us some kind of warning before Jota exposes his abs like that!! GAH!! What 10 oxygen tanks? Give me the works! I need 50 oxygen tanks, drips, blood transfusion, the defibrillator. Hook me up with everything you’ve got because I can not handle that shower scene! &!%^#$@^%#! My eyes literally popped out!

Trust Jota to forget his towel. Trying to create favourable situations eh Jota? And looks like all the shyness and awkardness is gone if Jin can be so playful while handing the towel to Jota. But seriously, why did they show us his hand sticking out reaching for the towel? It only made me realise .. that behind that door .. is a nekid Jota! GAH! I need to purify my mind! Be gone impure thoughts! Be gone!

11. These two are such a good looking couple. Visual couple. They look good with make up on and even better without make up on.

12. And ohmygosh, Jota watching Jin take off her makeup. It’s like he’s melting just standing at the doorway watching her. You, Jota, is making every girl question their ideal type. He won’t stop complimenting how great she looks without make up. Just what every girl loves to hear.

13. LOL, still can’t get over how many products Jota puts on his face. I counted .. 6 steps for Jota. The funny thing is, because they are on vacation, Jota brought with him fewer than usual items. Meaning, he usually has more steps than what is shown on WGM. Hahaha, Jota.

14. I looovee the conversation with Jota’s mum. So sweet! How special is that? Jota’s first time introducing a girl to his mum, letting her speak on the phone. That is just too precious. Oh how I really really wish with all my heart they date for real after the show. Or CONTINUE DATING after the show.

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@linja Unni (I guess you are older than me?), I really really like reading your long posts. :blush: You are very good at writing. I'm too lazy for it. Hahahahha

For me, I'm surprise at how each episode, it is just keep getting better. Just when i think, "nothing will top this episode", then the new one comes and proves me wrong every single time. :glasses:

Every time I watch them, I keep telling myself how lucky I am to discover a very competitive/passionate Jota with sport. And finally get to know a very manly/shy/romantic/cute Jota. Moreover, it's such a happy incident to find a great personality like Jinkyung as well.

Last but not least, I'm very glad I join this forum which is my first forum I EVER join. I'm very glad to know you all in so many ways. :heart:

EDIT: I used so many "I'm very glad". LOL

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Variety Shows MADTOWN want to do:

HAE JUN - Radio Star

BUFFY -  Infinity Challenge Festival w/ Jung Jun Ha

H.O - Real Man

JOTA - Real Man / Running Man

Daewon - Dog Papa ( 개밥주는남자 )

LEE GEON - Masked Singer

MOOS - Animal Farm

Cr to Madtown_info twit

huhuhuhu... RM should call Jota and play name tag strip... he n KJK... hehehehe.. epic fight.....

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@linja Thanks for the 'accueil' :)....yeaahhh, i'm soooo into this couple...actually here in france we're still in the middle of summer holiday, but i already warn my kids and hubby that each saturday morning, WE STAY AT HOME or IN THE HOTEL ( if we're out of the city for vacation) because of my 'sacré' moment of streaaamiiinnng :lol:

Btw, you forgot to mention in your last post, about their first nite, I think that moment is my most favorite scene so far, it's showing how sweet he's to her, taking care silently while she's sleeping, not once but three or more....it's so.....gaahhh, i'm so lost in words, i cant even think the best words to express my feeling, even in french or other langguages :wub:

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1 hour ago, ReallyJota said:

@linja Unni (I guess you are older than me?), I really really like reading your long posts. :blush: You are very good at writing. I'm too lazy for it. Hahahahha

For me, I'm surprise at how each episode, it is just keep getting better. Just when i think, "nothing will top this episode", then the new one comes and proves me wrong every single time. :glasses:

Every time I watch them, I keep telling myself how lucky I am to discover a very competitive/passionate Jota with sport. And finally get to know a very manly/shy/romantic/cute Jota. Moreover, it's such a happy incident to find a great personality like Jinkyung as well.

Last but not least, I'm very glad I join this forum which is my first forum I EVER join. I'm very glad to know you all in so many ways. :heart:

EDIT: I used so many "I'm very glad". LOL

yes I also can't understand xixixi....why their episode sooooo interesting ....

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@linja loved you analysis! ALso thx for catching up on the JK touch counter posts.. Was missing those :lol:

Yes i certainly agree the MC's tend to babble too much though the important parts. 
Jota should just ask JK directly if she wants to date him or not. Preferably off screen, so he does not put her on the spot.
But knowing Jota that is going to be hardship. He is being a little too cryptic for JK to notice what he means. 

My favorite parts were:Phone calls to their mothers. JK taking off her make-up while Jota was staring, and JK telling Jota to stop breaking the wood with his hands. Them actually sleeping next to each other was worth a few lvl ups!

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This scene captured my heart..i can see a sincere heart to heart talk. Short and deep..unscripted convo and natural reaction by both of them!



Then...Jota respond tho, sounds promising! 


and look at JK's face..sincerely touched by JT's word. Reliable!


Love and miss them both! 



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5 hours ago, blumen77 said:

If his wife is a challenger (pepper queen :P:P:P) he is a fighter Indeed! :):):)

true.... 100% agree... both of them never back down.... Love their competitive attitude...

n they both know when to pull back...

Love both of them to the max....... :blush::heart:

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