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[OFFICIAL] <3Ɛ> Couple ~ Jota & Kim Jin Kyung Thread


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Finally had the time to sit down and watch the RAW uninterrupted. What else can I say that has not been said? This episode has so much love! If new viewers were to watch this episode, they wouldn't believe that this is just episode 8 and they have only met for about 5 times. The chemistry between these two is really no joke. The way they act around each other is like as if they've been together for a long time. It's like whenever they're onscreen, there's fireworks!



I love EVERYTHING about today's episode. :love: JK being so kind as to help Madtown as a one day manager/supporting her husband's comeback, her packed lunchboxes, Madtown members being their adorable and dorky selves to liven up the atmosphere, Jota's jealousy (his face really can't hide his jealousy/disappointment), Jota calling her his "wife" and "She's mine!", both of them communicating so comfortably with each other, JK recording her husband's performance and dancing along to his moves, the backhugs (LIKE OMG!!! BOTH OF THEM REALLY HUGGED TIGHTLY! BODY CONTACT!), Jota's aegyo, Jota recording his wife's MC section with a goofy grin on his face, Jota's "proud husband" face when she finished it well, that self initiated hug towards the end...in short, this episode is DAEBAK! The best so far! Probably today's episode will be another turning point in their relationship, hopefully levelling up to being emotionally open to one another.


And can I say how bold and straightforward JK is to ask Jota to help her choose a bikini for their trip during the preview? This girl really do not act like the typical Korean girl you will see on screen. I think not being an actress/idol is a contributing factor. For that, I give you a :thumbsup:. Jota is so lucky!


Now, I'm off to abuse the replay button while waiting for the subs to be out! B)

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Me lol-ed when I read :

Jota will date himself if he is a woman? 


No wonder he has so many treatment for his face. He loves himself that much. 


If Jin Kyung's rank will be trending and ruin her image to be a good wife, I will blame the one who ask her that question. I think its not proper to ask "who is the most handsome between us?" While one of us is your husband. Even you are honest person or just give a lip service, the others would feel disappointed if they were not chosen. 

Me: my husband may be not as the most handsome guy in the world (or among my ex), but he is the one who sacrificed everything for my happiness and the kids. He has no blood relation to me, but he give me beyond my expectations. Should I put him on a rank? He should be not in the list. So does for Jota, Jin Kyung thought that he is not one of the list. 


But for all over Jin Kyung did as manager and as Jota wife and for the member and Music core, I am bowing for her braveness. I love her more. 

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this is so cute! btw, Jota did it so cute and sexily!!! too!!!  



"Objectively speaking. I would date me if I were a woman.”



*runs off to make a gif*

such confidence Jota! literally wanted to hug him in that moment LOLZ


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Jota nervous: he drinks a lot mineral water

Jota jealous: he drinks more and more, drop the bottle cap, plays with his teeth, yelling to the boys with informal language, holds his wife hands and said she is mine.

Jota shy: hiding behind the mirror, open the window (did he try to free jump from that high floor? Lol), escape from the camera/going outside and hitting the chair, lol.

Jota sad: he will say: I will date myself if I were a woman, lol.

Can someone tell him that himself already taken for a woman to be date partner?


Me sure Jin Kyung talked to him the reason behind the rank and thats why he has so many confidences in himself during BRI. 

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Giving my replay button a rest just to say, Jota looks SOOO GOOD in his BRI today. Loving that hair and the stripey green tee on him! :love::blush::heart:




Just to add on, I love this part when she re-enact a scene from the MV! Jota looks so surprised and JK was so nonchalant about it. Like, "Oh, no biggie. I'm just touching my husband's face." Really can't wait for the subs so I can understand what they're saying!



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That's why when we are in school days and sleepover with our friends or pajamas party or something like that, we should avoid a game like "who is the most..." or like "honest games". Because something like that will make an awkward athmosphere or one of us will be misunderstand Lol :D

But i love seeing another JT, he really jealous with that, and that's really cute!! I just hope people will not misunderstand with JK ranks, many people who not know much about wgm or still stuck about their though that wgm is so scripted, is the one that to be the first judges and i hate that.

We all know that madtown just to have a lot fun with our couple. And thanks to them because we can see the real Jealous JT and Confidence JT.

JK only late a little time with Lee geon when she want to say about "Number 0". If only she talk a little faster, i'm sure JT will grinning and smile like a super Baboo

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About jota's statement "dating himself if he were a woman", I think I've read his interview before. There is a question if he were a woman who would he date (between madtown members) and the answer is himself LOL

I forgot which interview but maybe @flowerpath can help :)

Oh, before I forgot. Dear @linja I'm from Indonesia too. Nice to meet u all here :)

About the rank thing. I think it's an usual thing in kvariety (like who is ur favorite, who is ur ideal type thing) And I believe Jota monitored their black room interview and must be grinning rite now to hear that he is number 0 for jinkyung. So all is good :) (At least for me LOL)

@jansp00rt So much jealousy from a guy who said he is not a jealous type (Said who ;) )

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When Jin Kyung surprised them as Madtwon manager, Jota hided  and Jin Kyung called him "Jota shii", she tried to be professional to not calling him Oppa. No wonder Jota greet her in formal way. But after the boys welcoming her as sister in law.. Jin Kyung comfortably to call everyone Oppa, lol.


Thanks to Buffy who recorded their "fighting moment" when they still have argument about MV, the boys even move forward on their seat to see them fighting, lol. Then Buffy suddenly change the vibe with funny moment by taking selfie with artist couple so they stop their arguments. Lol. 


As the youngest, HO didn't talk too much, or we can say he didn't order anything to the new manager. He just giggling and react fun with 33 PDA. 


As the leader, Moos did a good job for changing with "Jin Kyung Jin Kyung fighting".


And Lee Geon was really took advantage by asking JK wipe his face and followed by the others. Lol. Oh boy, they are so enjoy teasing Jota that day. I am not complaining, if he didn't do that way, the show would not be alive :D


I thought Daewon and Heo Jun were not talk that much before, but seems they didn't aware with the camera and speak comfortably to Jin Kyung like she is really their sister in law.


When they eat and Heo Jun changed the fork with spoon, the lipstick of these boys were on the spoons, lol. And the way they eat seems like they didn't want ruin the make up and their lips. On the other hand, Jota just eat like he didn't care with his face, he was too happy to know Jin Kyung prepared special food for him.


--- random pov ----


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2 hours ago, nambunny373 said:

Who created this aegyo? Jota or other artists? 

I think they said it in V app before that they copy this Aegyo to one of A Pink member (can't remember if it's Namjoo or other)


@mrssojisub (sorry idk how mention w/ link. Teach me pls)

KBS ended Dream Team already. The MC had DUI incident & the show is not doing well in ratings too so KBS ended it. Their last episode was last May i think? 


SamSam Day!!!

Today's episode was double the fun. Jinkyung & Jota + MADTOWN members trying their best to make Jota jealous at the same time help him too getting more close with Jinkyung.

Here's my review of the episode today


So Jinkyung surprised Jota for his comeback stage in Music Core. Jota & members looks like they don't know WGM will be filming that day but JTC's Director knows (the guy who talks in the phone acting like they will get new Manager & the one who opened the door to Jinkyung. Yes it's JTC's Director & he's 2nd most influencial i think(?) after the CEO). Members thot they will really get new one :sweatingbullets: (The Chubby Manager (Kevin) w/c is originally MBLAQ's Manager was in Busan w/ Seungho that time & they only have the skinny Manager (Changjo) idk where he is that time but later on i saw him in the video. The other Manager you see dancing w/ them, idk if he's still there coz i don't see him anymore & looks like they have new staff now). Jinkyung introduced her self to be MADTOWN member's 1 day Manager & Buffy saying it'll be hard. Since she is new Manager, they asked her to rank them in looks they said to except Jota but they include him. Moos saying that obviously Jota will be the first. While Jinkyung is thinking Jota telling members not to expect so much (too confident to be first lol) but Jinkyung ranking is: 1) Lee Geon 2) H.O 3) MOOS. Lee Geon was so happy to be picked no.1 & even asked Jinkyung to just address him Oppa than brother-in-law & he was more happy hearing it but Jota is not. He even tell the members what's w/ their reaction & to just accept it. Tho Lee Geon mentioned that Jota probably the 0 in ranking, Jota is not happy with it so he just told them that the ranking is not important since Jinkyung in hers but members telling him that they are satisfied(?) of it & that Jota said he doen't feel good with it. Heo Jun ask him about his Oppa friends & told him that Oppa is still a Man & Jinkyung replied to him that he's also Oppa. Hearing the word Oppa HeoJun's reaction made Jota scream 나가 (go out!) lmao (나가 - Jota's favorite word to say to his members when they are embarrassing or do other things he don't like). After they talk Madtown did pre-recording (it's like a rehearsal) so as Jinkyung for his MCing. Jota did Jinkyung's mission showing those hearts. (Maybe they purposely did the mission for pre-recording only & not in live broadcast bcoz fans watch live broadcast & they will know that those hearts is for Jinkyung. They might get upset). After the pre-recording, Jinkyung is busy wiping other members sweat & Jota is so jealous & told her that he sweat too (Jota usually not the type who sweats) & when Jinkyung just takes care of Jota, Moos was like she only takes care of Jota & if she's really Madtown manager. Then they eat lunch Jinkyung prepared. They are so jealous & Jota suggesting to just marry early. While they're eating Moos jokes that he needs water & Jota just scolds him to just eat & the caption says "don't you have hands & feet to get it" something like that & Buffy's like Coffee & Jota saying he should buy it himself & HeoJun rages on his fork haha you can see how Jota scolds his Hyung/Dongsaeng  . They talked about the Mv too & Daewon said Jota is sad during filming. Jinkyung tell something & said Jota didn't contact him. Jota saying he wanted Jinkyung to be in the MV too & suddenly they seem like in a fight & Buffy telling thiis is the most exciting & recording it in the phone & members are like watching drama live lol. They even mentioned that drama "Love & War" then Lee Geon & Buffy cut it by taking selca with them lol. They also reenact the hug scene & members telling Jota it's NG coz there's no emotion in it so Jinkyung said she will do it instead & during the hmmp part Daewon telling Jota he's cute & Jota telling him What he's doing/saying. Daewon's face is priceless. I will end my story here.


About the Music Core Periscope Live, it was filmed after Jinkyung meet MADTOWN. It's sad to know she waited for them during filming. I know the hug scene too was after they performed & made a short mini fanmeeting with fans


"Objectively speaking. I would date me if I were a woman.” - JOTA

Jota has been saying this since debut everytime they're asked to pick w/c member they would date. He picks no one but himself lol. And about the looks ranking, id you ask each member they will answer only their name 1-7. But during the time they had 1st fanmeeting in Korea, fans were asked to rank each member for looks/appearance in fancafe (it's not a poll but ranking)


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They have managers. I'm sure they meant that day, they noticed a manger (probably one of their usual a) wasn't with them as usual and were most likely told a new/temp manager was coming for the day. I want to watch the raw so bad *crawls back to her family vacation* 

Jota I am a woman and I would date you too. I got a boyfriend and old still says you. My boyfriend and I have a list of 10 celebrities we are allowed to have a 9 to 5 with :P I find it hilarious that he said he'ld date himself. Good to know he knows he's a good catch.

can someone explain why being 0 in her heart is a good thing? I thought 0 was nothing. No value....we count starting 1,2,3 not 0,1,2,3...I don't get it...

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Guest cr1mson
3 hours ago, khairunni said:

Me lol-ed when I read :

Jota will date himself if he is a woman? 


No wonder he has so many treatment for his face. He loves himself that much. 


If Jin Kyung's rank will be trending and ruin her image to be a good wife, I will blame the one who ask her that question. I think its not proper to ask "who is the most handsome between us?" While one of us is your husband. Even you are honest person or just give a lip service, the others would feel disappointed if they were not chosen. 

Me: my husband may be not as the most handsome guy in the world (or among my ex), but he is the one who sacrificed everything for my happiness and the kids. He has no blood relation to me, but he give me beyond my expectations. Should I put him on a rank? He should be not in the list. So does for Jota, Jin Kyung thought that he is not one of the list. 


But for all over Jin Kyung did as manager and as Jota wife and for the member and Music core, I am bowing for her braveness. I love her more. 


I don't think the rank is a problem to a husband though.

You can ask your husband if you don't believe it LOL.

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@a81 Fidder I get it. He's like permanent constant first in her heart since 0 (zero) technically is the fist number. She's was trying to be clever and cure by getting Jota's hopes down them having him burst with happiness at that logic but apparently her plan was ruined? LOL poor her and him. But it did lead him to declaring rankings don't matter since he's the ultimate winner being her husband (and her his wife). I get it after thinking on it. 


Dear Jota,

Can you please wear the stripped shirt every single BRI. Because sexy can I take you to my crib. B)

Love, a thirsting fangirl

Of all the days to choose "family fun day" my family chooses Saturdat, a day that should be devoted to 33. My mom has threatened 6 times now to take away my phone. 

Me: I didn't choose the fangirl life mom. The fangirl life chose me. 

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