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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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Guest delightful
2 hours ago, tammy_P said:


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P'Arthit student ID. is 0206 while Kong is 0062. However their seniors are getting marry. Traditionally, we call it co-line.


LOL! When she said "sai-co" all I could think of was psycho! LOL! That's why I just left it at tradition. But I'll add that into the final edit of my subs. Thanks!!! :P

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Guest delightful


1 hour ago, jaelephy said:

"We are planning English translation in due time." 

I hope it happens soon but I wonder if it will be worth it for them. In all honesty, the novel will only be read by fans of the drama series and not everyone will buy it (sadly piracy exists). Will they be able to make profit from publishing an English version?

anyhow...was anyone else in love with how Kong looked at Arthit?? Cause damn but I could only see love shining in them!!



:wub: :wub:

“His eyes were those of someone who’s just fallen in love, someone who sees nothing but his lover, someone who has no fear of anything. The eyes of someone who believes that every dream will come true, that reality will move if you just give it a push.” 

This describes Kong to the perfection imo!![/spoiler]




This was my most favorite scene! His eyes when he looked at his P'Arthit is so cute. And of course P'Arthit had to look at his 0062 too. Why do I like it when Arthit calls Kongpope 0062? I feel like running over to a tree and carving in 0062+0206 =love. I'm crazy right now.

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7 hours ago, delightful said:

Are you all ready for Ep.6 Eng subbed? Sorry it took so long!!!!!!! Please do not upload to other sites/streaming sites without proper credit and a link back to this thread. Also PM me a link to your upload. The encoding and uploading took so long because I wanted very good quality output once it was hardsubbed. ENJOY!!!!!


Use this as your crediting format:

Credit RAW File: JJong080525

Credit Thai Subs: Delightful

Visit thread for discussion: Soompi Forum



Thank you so much dear. You make my day!!!  :wub:

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Good morning :D 

@tammy_P Thank you for all the spoilers. :wub:

@rae_ai_gin JJ welcome to this thread. Feel free to go crazy with us about this series :P

7 hours ago, delightful said:

Are you all ready for Ep.6 Eng subbed? Sorry it took so long!!!!!!! Please do not upload to other sites/streaming sites without proper credit and a link back to this thread. Also PM me a link to your upload. The encoding and uploading took so long because I wanted very good quality output once it was hardsubbed. ENJOY!!!!!


Use this as your crediting format:

Credit RAW File: JJong080525

Credit Thai Subs: Delightful

Visit thread for discussion: Soompi Forum



*download started* :D 

THANK YOU! :wub: 

While it downloads I gtg and do some things. I should hurry so I can watch Sotus faster. :D 

@jaelephy I agree about everything you said that concerns Krist acting. He is really good. :heart: and those moments you posted as a GIF are my fav too... or wait, one of my favorites, there are just too many of his moments in this series that I love. Hard to choose just few. hihihi :wub:

*getting excited for subbed ep. 6*

*runs* to come back earlier so I can watch subbed ep. Bye ^_^


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Guest delightful

I just thought of something and got really depressed guys, what are we going to do when SOTUS ends? We are all going to have huge withdrawal symptoms like re-watching the whole series over and over again, right? Hopefully the next story will be Puppy Honey season 2. That story is the only one that will keep me interested after SOTUS. I feel like Arthit when he tried to stay away from Kongpope. I try to tell myself I'm not in love with SOTUS just so I can go back to living a 'normal' life with my anime and Korean variety shows. Have I told you all that those things were what I looked forward to every week for like 10 years? These last couple of weeks have only been SOTUS this SOTUS that, even at work, I bring my tablet and read SOTUS and watch SOTUS the series! My friends have only seen me once in the last 2 weeks... I am so happy to get to know SOTUS. And I have come to realize that I can't love anything more than SOTUS. SOTUS makes me go thru all sorts of emotions. :tears::lol::o:sweatingbullets::angry::wub:


@riska2904 Thank you for asking about the fan-translation version of the novel. I will not post a whole translation because I do understand that the publishing company needs to make money. But if anyone else here is wondering about a certain part of the novel I am more than happy to translate those parts. Well except the special chapters, since I can't seem to find it anywhere.

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Finally finished watching it again in it's full glory! Thanks to @delightful for doing the subs again and for including commentary which was pretty hilarious. hahaha. I love watching Arthit run. He looks adorable to look at! Like what the senior said, he could have chosen to run up to 20 rounds but instead he ran 54 times just to impress Kong. lol. Was it Aim who posted good things in that forum? It sounded like him. That scene where the senior with glasses who was talking like a jealous boyfriend but it turned out to be his dad who was calling was cracked up. I'm curious to see who he's boyfriend is! hahaha. Who could forget about Kong being a hokage ninja inside Arthit's room? He sure is thankful that he bumped into Prem at the resto. Speaking of Prem, the way he made eye contact with Wad got me more than him covering Wad from those sore losers. Don't get me wrong, I love him protecting Wad but the eye contact took it home for me. Overall, as the series is progressing, it keeps getting better and better for me.

P.S. @delightful : If it's not too much, can you also translate their names in the intro part? I still don't know some of their names. Thanks!

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16 minutes ago, delightful said:

I just thought of something and got really depressed guys, what are we going to do when SOTUS ends? We are all going to have huge withdrawal symptoms like re-watching the whole series over and over again, right? Hopefully the next story will be Puppy Honey season 2. That story is the only one that will keep me interested after SOTUS. I feel like Arthit when he tried to stay away from Kongpope. I try to tell myself I'm not in love with SOTUS just so I can go back to living a 'normal' life with my anime and Korean variety shows. Have I told you all that those things were what I looked forward to every week for like 10 years? These last couple of weeks have only been SOTUS this SOTUS that, even at work, I bring my tablet and read SOTUS and watch SOTUS the series! My friends have only seen me once in the last 2 weeks... I am so happy to get to know SOTUS. And I have come to realize that I can't love anything more than SOTUS. SOTUS makes me go thru all sorts of emotions. :tears::lol::o:sweatingbullets::angry::wub:


@riska2904 Thank you for asking about the fan-translation version of the novel. I will not post a whole translation because I do understand that the publishing company needs to make money. But if anyone else here is wondering about a certain part of the novel I am more than happy to translate those parts. Well except the special chapters, since I can't seem to find it anywhere.

How many episodes will Sotus have? I sure hope with the success that it's having now, they'll have season 2 if this story is long enough

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Guest delightful
16 minutes ago, orangesun said:

@delightful Can you please translate/summarize the special chapters :grin:. I've found 2 special chapters here : https://www.facebook.com/BittersweetBoyslove/notes.


Thank you!!!!!!! you've made me very happy! I am smiling like crazy over my bowl of noodles! I'm going to go read them now! I can't express my gratitude for you finding this for me! i wub you!!! :wub:

I will translate it but only parts of it to post here, because I don't think the publishing company will want me to translate the whole thing. BUT.......... I'll PM you the whole story translated though.  You just have to promise me that you will not post it anywhere else. It's for your eyes only! And if you ever get a chance you will buy the English translated book if you can. :D

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15 minutes ago, delightful said:


Thank you!!!!!!! you've made me very happy! I am smiling like crazy over my bowl of noodles! I'm going to go read them now! I can't express my gratitude for you finding this for me! i wub you!!! :wub:

I will translate it but only parts of it to post here, because I don't think the publishing company will want me to translate the whole thing. BUT.......... I'll PM you the whole story translated though.  You just have to promise me that you will not post it anywhere else. It's for your eyes only! And if you ever get a chance you will buy the English translated book if you can. :D

Can I get a copy to pretty please!

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8 minutes ago, delightful said:


Thank you!!!!!!! you've made me very happy! I am smiling like crazy over my bowl of noodles! I'm going to go read them now! I can't express my gratitude for you finding this for me! i wub you!!! :wub:

I will translate it but only parts of it to post here, because I don't think the publishing company will want me to translate the whole thing. BUT.......... I'll PM you the whole story translated though.  You just have to promise me that you will not post it anywhere else. It's for your eyes only! And if you ever get a chance you will buy the English translated book if you can. :D

Thank you so much for offering to summarize it! ^^ If you do end up translating the whole thing, could you also pm me it? If you don't mind :) I won't share it anywhere. And lol I think I would even buy the Thai version of the novel if I could... But all the websites that sell it are in Thai and I don't think they ship it here :sweatingbullets: haha I've actually looked it up before because I tried to buy it once. The book just looks so pretty :wub:

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Guest delightful

It's so cute guys! I was so hungry earlier but I'm not even eating now because that's distracting me. I literally took 3 bites and I was like 'f-this!' I'm going to just read now. P'Arthit was busy with his projects as a senior so he and kongpope hasn't seen each other in a month. Kongpope couldn't stand it so he goes over to Arthit's apartment, just standing in front of the door. THEN ARTHIT shows up!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! Arthit just asked him to sleep over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *nosebleed* :w00t::phew:

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I am back. 

*download complete* YAY xD

Just finished with everything I planned to do this morning and now *runs* to watch subbed ep. 6. :w00t::wub:

1 hour ago, delightful said:

I just thought of something and got really depressed guys, what are we going to do when SOTUS ends? We are all going to have huge withdrawal symptoms like re-watching the whole series over and over again, right? Hopefully the next story will be Puppy Honey season 2. That story is the only one that will keep me interested after SOTUS. I feel like Arthit when he tried to stay away from Kongpope. I try to tell myself I'm not in love with SOTUS just so I can go back to living a 'normal' life with my anime and Korean variety shows. Have I told you all that those things were what I looked forward to every week for like 10 years? These last couple of weeks have only been SOTUS this SOTUS that, even at work, I bring my tablet and read SOTUS and watch SOTUS the series! My friends have only seen me once in the last 2 weeks... I am so happy to get to know SOTUS. And I have come to realize that I can't love anything more than SOTUS. SOTUS makes me go thru all sorts of emotions. :tears::lol::o:sweatingbullets::angry::wub:


I know what you mean. I am already having withdrawal symptoms just with waiting from episode to episode weekly... I don't even want to imagine or think about how is it gonna be when SOTUS ends. I guess I'll keep watching it over and over again. But wait... wouldn't that just make me more miserable and miss it even more? :tears:

I really hope too that Puppy Honey Season 2 will premiere soon after SOTUS ends. I need my dose of BL in my life... now it's SOTUS, but when it ends... auuh Diary of Tootsies will start early next year (I hope) so that's one other drama to keep me and my poor broken heart (hopefully healed by then) company. lol

I watch K-Dramas, but I'm not going crazy over them, like I'm with SOTUS. I really enjoy 'Moonlight Drawn by Clouds' , 'Jealousy Incarnate' and 'Drinking Solo'. 'Moon Lovers' is starting to bore me, 'Cinderella and Four Knights' is so off road, but it's ending next week so I'm finishing it. And 'Blow Breeze' is good so far. I want to start 'K2', but I don't have time, with "life" and re-watching SOTUS... I NEED MORE TIME! lol (Maybe I add it next week when Ca4K ends...)

35 minutes ago, delightful said:


Thank you!!!!!!! you've made me very happy! I am smiling like crazy over my bowl of noodles! I'm going to go read them now! I can't express my gratitude for you finding this for me! i wub you!!! :wub:

I will translate it but only parts of it to post here, because I don't think the publishing company will want me to translate the whole thing. BUT.......... I'll PM you the whole story translated though.  You just have to promise me that you will not post it anywhere else. It's for your eyes only! And if you ever get a chance you will buy the English translated book if you can. :D


Could you please PM me the whole story too? :sweatingbullets: I won't share it anywhere. 

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4 minutes ago, delightful said:

It's so cute guys! I was so hungry earlier but I'm not even eating now because that's distracting me. I literally took 3 bites and I was like 'f-this!' I'm going to just read now. P'Arthit was busy with his projects as a senior so he and kongpope hasn't seen each other in a month. Kongpope couldn't stand it so he goes over to Arthit's apartment, just standing in front of the door. THEN ARTHIT shows up!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! Arthit just asked him to sleep over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *nosebleed* :w00t::phew:

If you don't mind, i hope you can PM me too but i can live with the summarization of it :) i won't share it anywhere.

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