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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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Im such a wuss -_- i couldn't even make past ep 7 teaser.....(and i havent watched ep 6 yet...im too scared ha..ha)...it was so hurtful to see arthit react like that with kong.......arghhh i cnt stand the agnst.....im even considering skipping next 1-2 eps and watch it from where everything is!all rainbow and unicorns....

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......tbh i think kong should stay away from him for a while so that artihit can truly understand his feelings about him....like those cliche storyline in which the person goes away and the other person misses and realize hoe much he loves him.....can anyone understand wht im tryna say..? Haha...

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@ShellennaI don’t think anyone is bashing or pressuring Arthit to come out. The only thing everyone is focusing on is how Arthit and Kongpob relationship hasn’t changed even after two years together. I totally understand why Arthit doesn’t want anyone to know about his relationship at work as it might affect his work environment and people might not be as accepting as his university friends were; but the thing is even when Kong and Arthit are together in private he still has this aggression and barrier towards Kong which is weird considering they have been together for so long. It’s obvious he wants to be with Kongpope but he’s hesitant. They both still look like they just started dating because of his hesitation which is what the complaints are about. 

 There is definitely something holding Arthit back, hopefully this season will help us find out what that is.


P.S I do agree that it was wrong for Kongpob to not tell Arthit about his job. In that aspect I can understand where his anger is coming from.

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9 hours ago, OTAKU-KUN said:

......tbh i think kong should stay away from him for a while so that artihit can truly understand his feelings about him....like those cliche storyline in which the person goes away and the other person misses and realize hoe much he loves him.....can anyone understand wht im tryna say..? Haha...

I agree I have a feeling he might do that who knows 


Does anyone know what kongpob said to make arthit mad ?

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i can't believe they made kong looked bad in ep 6. those parts where kong not telling arthit he's interning in the same office and not telling that he's moving next door were just....wrong.., i mean i would be pissed too:( but then it could also because everytime kong tries to talk to arthit, they got interrupted. i bet kong wanted to tell arthit about the moving but got interrupted by p'earth in the copy room. idk.. just my opinion but both sides are wrong but also can't be helped because that's how life goes.

but i can't really stand the way kong seducing arthit with words everytime haha and i'm also scared with arthit's duality, like one moment he's all smiley n sweet but at the other moment he's all frowning and mad. 
and yeah it's weird for a 3 years relationship to be this awkward. that nose-to-nose kiss, it's cute and sweet but a 'reward' in a 3 years relationship is an eskimo kiss?! it would be sweeter if he didn't mention that it's a 'reward' but just did it out of the blue instead.


so idk what sotus s is trying to show us. either they're hiding something for the climax or they're just bad at telling the stories properly this time.

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10 hours ago, nammminn said:

I agree I have a feeling he might do that who knows 


Does anyone know what kongpob said to make arthit mad ?

He should do that... stap being all clingy gosh is wht i wanna tell him....


 which part are u taking about? Of wht ep?

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UGGG! I'm going to write what I wrote on mydramalist....


No one expects them to be in their honeymoon phase for ever given that they've been together almost 3 years, but again I'll continue to say this, their relationship seems hella awkward and a bit unbelievable to ME. I guess what i mean is that, sure couples have their disagreements/fights and Arthit being afraid of coming out is totally understandable, but even when they are in their own intimate time, he seems to have a difficult time allowing himself to show how he feels for Kong. Perhaps what this season is TRYING to portray is Arthit's struggles with himself and accepting his relationship, but so far, the writing isn't showing this/coming through. 

Kong is forever the considerate boyfriend trying to please the person he loves the most at the expense of his own self-worth and while that's admirable to many, to me it's a bit pathetic. Seems like Kong only lives for Arthit (trying to work at the same place, moving into the same building-even next door to him) and he's going to be in for a rude awakening (already we saw part of that with Arthit's anger). Both truly need some space from each other to figure out what they want. Arthit needs to settle on his feelings and Kong needs to learn to put himself first too.


As for the other couples

Dae and Tew characters seem forced and their dialogue is so amateurish, which is a big distraction from their story lines. What we are getting is the Arthit/Kong 2.0 treatment with the roles reversed, but their chemistry is still not fully there. Still think they are adorable and Tew needs to smile less he looks a bit creepy at times.

As for the other two couples... P'Earth and the new guy--I can see where they are going with them so I'm actually a bit more interested in their development. Part of me feels that P'Earth only cares for Arthit as a friend but her intentions will create drama because others will misinterpret her intentions. It doesn't help that she fell in love with someone from her department in the past. The new guy-gosh forgot his name already-is going to probably see Arthit as his rival and will try to get in the way creating confusion among them and Kong too.

Nai and the senior-(Yong?)from the getgo I liked their chemistry and interaction. I actually feel giddy thinking about their scenes together and wonder how they will progress. lets hope it's not a slow burn like Kong/Arthit cause I can't wait five episodes for even a simple "I like you".

Again, I can totally understand what they are trying to do with Arthit and Kong, the struggles of real life, career world, family etc. But the buildup of their relationship should be at a different stage, where Arthit is not always pissed/angry or even indifferent to Kong's feelings and actions. I just hope that it doesn't take all 13 episodes before we get to that point. 


I really felt bad for Kong, he is trying SOOO hard to make Arthit happy but he is also so blind to the non-verbal cues that Arthit sends his way. Like dude, you know this pinkmilk monster for three years and still you do stupid sh&& like applying to same company as him and moving in next door without talking to him about it. Of course he would be super pissed, but then Arthit knows his BF for the same amount of time and knows that Kong didn't do those things on purpose without telling him. Seriously, what strikes me the most here is that Arthit said to Kong "we usually can talk about everything" but CAN THEY? in the almost 3 years they've been together it seems to me (again this could be due to writing issue) that they don't communicate effectively. If they did, don't you think that these two would have found a way to discuss their future plans? Arthit knew Kong was already looking for internships, you mean to tell me that NOT ONCE did it come up in conversation while in private? We had a 4 months jump in episode 4 (or was it 3) and in those 4 months Kong never told Arthit about all of the places he was applying to? Or Arthit never offered to ask? Or even discussed where Kong would live once he was done with school? Seems like Lazy writing or they are expecting us the viewers to fill in the blank. This is my real gripe with the series not with the characters. I love Arthit and Kong and I think they are doing well with what they are given, but this could be a lot better or a lot more clear for us to go OH that's what they mean...


End rant sorry for long post. :(:wacko:

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I am not even sure what to say at the moment. I feel so bad for Kong but I can't even say that Arthit is in the wrong. I don't understand why they didn't talk about where Kong decided to do this internship. Doesn't Kong know that Arthit isn't fond of these sort of surprises? I get it that both maybe have been busy and didn't get a chance to talk but seriously, they met to take the factory tour. Kong could have mentioned it to Arthit any time that day. Also, I have a feeling like Arthit and Kong are at different stages in their relationship. Kong wants to be more and actually be like a couple, working and living together and Arthit is basically just content with what they have going on right now. He doesn't seem to want for more. I really want for once Arthit to be chasing Kong.

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2 hours ago, BaiPinTing said:

I am not even sure what to say at the moment. I feel so bad for Kong but I can't even say that Arthit is in the wrong. I don't understand why they didn't talk about where Kong decided to do this internship. Doesn't Kong know that Arthit isn't fond of these sort of surprises? I get it that both maybe have been busy and didn't get a chance to talk but seriously, they met to take the factory tour. Kong could have mentioned it to Arthit any time that day. Also, I have a feeling like Arthit and Kong are at different stages in their relationship. Kong wants to be more and actually be like a couple, working and living together and Arthit is basically just content with what they have going on right now. He doesn't seem to want for more. I really want for once Arthit to be chasing Kong.

What drama is in your gif?

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10 hours ago, OTAKU-KUN said:

He should do that... stap being all clingy gosh is wht i wanna tell him....


 which part are u taking about? Of wht ep?

same here like give him space and time to miss him

and got it when he had the boxes in his hand


1 hour ago, JAN said:

What drama is in your gif?

It's called a love so beautiful it was such a cute drama

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4 hours ago, BaiPinTing said:

I am not even sure what to say at the moment. I feel so bad for Kong but I can't even say that Arthit is in the wrong. I don't understand why they didn't talk about where Kong decided to do this internship. Doesn't Kong know that Arthit isn't fond of these sort of surprises? I get it that both maybe have been busy and didn't get a chance to talk but seriously, they met to take the factory tour. Kong could have mentioned it to Arthit any time that day. Also, I have a feeling like Arthit and Kong are at different stages in their relationship. Kong wants to be more and actually be like a couple, working and living together and Arthit is basically just content with what they have going on right now. He doesn't seem to want for more. I really want for once Arthit to be chasing Kong.


So Agree with you. Seems like the relationship is one-sided. Only one person pulling while the other stands still...Although Arthit did chase in Season 1 near the end...


I still like the series, but it's frustrating the way the writing is going. 

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20 hours ago, Mel_Rios said:

Wow... I am back here after the PinkMilkForum was out of PinkMilk...

Great thread, you girls & guys so far...!


I will say: we were all teased so bad by the main teaser to this series...!!

I believe we were all wrong assuming Arthit was the one being such an A** with Kong; but since watching EP 6... well... we all know what is going wrong here. Kong doesn't seem to get mature enough to talk with his boyfriend what is on his mind:

1 - Getting into the same company (we all know is not for the job, right....! He always wanted to do a master on economics after he is done with the bachellor in enginering)

2 - Moving next door in the same condo...!! Was he totally out of his  F mind...!!!!????? Does he forgot the way Arthit reacted when he found out that they were living window to window at the university campus...?? That didn't go well, na... we all remeber it. If this happens to me; I would move out right away to Mars (yes, that bad) - LOL


Course, this is a huge communication problem between the two, BUT is the script...! The worst script in Thai BL history...!! (ok, maybe that is a bit too much; but seriously...(?)) I am with BaiPinTing on this question: Doesn't Kong know that Arthit isn't fond of these sort of surprises? - You are so right about this...!! Kong should know so much better by now, after years of relationship.


I am not going to get deeper in the coming out issue that seems to anger so many here in this thread because for me, personally, that is NOT a real problem in this story. The problems are:

Lack of comunication and lack of time together.


Let's face the reality: Arthit is not use to kindness. He likes to get tons of it; but he is still not use to it... specially coming from Kong... It is like he feels not to deserve it (I mean; Kong, The Moon of the University Campus of its year; the Popular Awarded Freshy... Hazer too... the lst could grow longer if we had more details of the last years "missing")

If we consider the way they "came out" at the university... humm... Was it really a coming out...? We have no idea how well known was the fact they were together; otherwise the new 0062 girl wouldn't dare to ask Kong to keep her gear safe. (my opinion). So... maybe it was known really to a very small group of friends.... (but I know this can't be answer yet for sure... to many facts simply missing)


And the other reality: Kong has been use to see Arthit every day.. even long before they got together... from his window. From morning to late at night... gazing at him every time he could. I can tell it most feel terrible to miss so much from your boyfriend's daily life being not close anymore... and considering the amount of love Kong has for Arthit this most be consuming him days after day. And yet: to act without telling makes all the good intentions seems so terrible. Maybe the timing was to close? THere is no such thing; specially in smartphone's era... if you couldn't tell him face to face send him a huge email detailing all your feelings, all your plans, all your love. A simple "line" wouldn't be enough. He also use to talk about love letter: Why not this time...? A huge letter notifiying all what it was in his heart.


Course... the writer wants it this way... and we have to suffer the consecuences.



Mel Rios

YT - JustThai BoysLove



This is what i'm saying for long time...it is the writers write some fiction on behalf the season 1 glory ...they don't want to make it obvious that this is BL drama ...they want just to give an hint of it...so it will stay in the  fog...blury

Do you understand what i mean?? 

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17 minutes ago, Mel_Rios said:


Hi JAN...!

Yes... We could think of this as the reversed "Bad Romance The Series versus Together with me"... where we had the "happy times" in Sotus; and will get the problems in Sotus S... only both series don't seem to be interconnected in a good way. We are also missing over 2 years time of relationship; and that doesn't help to understand WHY Arthit is behaving this shy... and insecure... to the point of Kong making desitions just to be close to his as much as possible.

There was also a new point in the last episode: We finally got to know Kong's parents. We know his father knows Arthit and the company where he works... and even have a contract together with them. We know his mother just a little bit... but even Kong avoided aswering about having a relationship already, and having a boyfriend for a few years by now.

Coming out to parents seems to be a real high "NOT TO DO" issue... and even in "What the duck the series" Rambo couldn't tell his dad he was with Pree, and that they just promised each other to be together as a couple officially. There is a long list of Thai BL's not dealing with coming out to the parents, or even having them inolve in their lives in one way or another. Only in "My Bromance" and "Waterboyy" this was a big issue so far; as is being an issue in "What the duck" right now too.


Course... we know it always depends on the writters, and what they do with the basis story.

Sotus S is not as good as Sotus was: that is already 100% sure by now.



I think when money and rating  involve everything is coming to an end...

About the opening to the peresnt i think it's other issue they don't want to handle because of the culture and the pressure with all those bl drama...i'm sure there is pressure from other force don't want to "anchorage" to be gay...i don't know how to explain it better,

still there is something sweet to my opinion with Arhit charecter..he is genuine and it's look like he is struggling to admit he is gay

and he is the one that keep it going and keep it interesting.



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