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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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23 minutes ago, shinnu said:

I'm in an emotional shock rn so I just don't know what to say, I'm sitting here like...in silence and do nothing. I can't believe it has ended....I can't believe that everyone noticed our hashtags, i don't believe it, i hreally hope that they would notice us and they did. I'm so happy I don't know what to say! THANK YOU EVERYONE MY SOTUS FAMILY, I'll post when I'll be emotionally stable omg.


They DID NOTICE ! :love:       @shinnu and all of the Sotus family - THANK YOU for today and for every single moment I've spent with you !:heart::heart::heart:

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Thankyou guys for making my 2016 less horrible. I don't really post that much here in this forum but i just wanted you guys to know how glad i am to be a part of this amazing fandom. To @delightful for basically being our fairy godmother and translating episodes, chapters, videos, lyrics etc. for us international fans. I love you guys from the bottom of my heart ❤️ #thankyousotusfandom

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I remember when I first came here... then when I started to get really in love with this drama, got to know all of you fans that are crazy as me. I really felt free here... a place where I could scream and go crazy for something, where no one would judge. I loved that here.

I remember when @dreadaeleonkvothe posted those Oaujun juicy shirtless GIF's... LOL wishing me sweet dreams. Then when almost... almost some people here started a fight with wife and husband thingy... that wasn't funny, but yeah... that happens too. Thank God everything ended good.

All the moments we talked about actors, how old they are... are they close to our years. I remember I said Krist was older than me but I made a mistake then, Krist is younger than me, for a whole month. LOL

I remember when we screamed here at some moments from earlier episodes... I especially remember EP. 5, scene where Kong sings and all the lights go off and he just starts singing, phones light up... I thought OMG it feels like one of those Kpop concerts... EXO one. I looooved that episode and all the expressions...

Yes, expressions, all those posts that we talked about Arthit and his cuteeee expressions. Arthit evolving from big teddy bear to Pink Milk Monster. ahhh :wub:

I remember those tough to watch, angsty episodes.... we were all sad, crying here for weeks and asked when it will end... and when it did we got crazy over that first kiss and then the second one. Emotions.... this thread was full of our emotions.

I am happy that I came to this thread... that I was a part of this journey that I won't forget for a long time. Thank you SOTUS! Thank you to everyone who was here, posting lurking... you made this journey more enjoyable! :wub: Thank you uri princess (now promoted to Queen) @delightful I, as most of us I am sure, won't forget (ever) what you did here for us! My heartfelt thanks to you and your hard work! Thank you to EVERYONE here.... I think it's too much if I go by names now, because I'm sure I'll forget someone and I don't want that happening, so if you are reading this, right now, I'm thanking you. THANK YOU! :wub:

Many beautiful memories we made here, people... Thank you for all of that! I'll miss everything that happened here... I'll really miss it... but everything will stay in our hearts, forever, for us to look back at and smile remembering about everything we did here! Hopefully we will make more memories, beautiful memories when new BL drama comes out! ahem PH 2 and Diary of Tootsies ahem :wub:


At the end, we also praised Krist and Singto's (I wrote Kong LOL) acting, They really deserve to be praised! Thank you to Krist, Singto and all the other actors, crew and people that worked on this series. :wub: Thank you Bittersweet. :wub: You all made an awesome BL series. THANK YOU FOR THAT! :heart:

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I already missed Sotus so much even it just end my next Saturday not gonna be the same :bawling:

I know more and more BL gonna come in future but Sotus definitely already secure very special place in my heart and one of the best I have seen :wub:

Thank you everybody here for making this place such a warmth fandom to spazz together 

And especially thank you and I'm the most thankful to our crown princess @delightful
She is the reason I can enjoy Sotus as much as I am now tbh
With her subtitles,funny comment,kindness,giving us view into the world of the novel which help understanding what missing from the drama and get into mind of characters and so on
Thank you very much P'Delightful
Hope to still see you around here or Pinkmilk

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@shinnu thanks a lot for #ThankYouSotus campaign!! and sharing livestreaming url in the pinkmilk forum also...It worked well for me tonight.:)

Talking about pinkmilk, @originalnickname my first pinkmilk tasted like kinda strawberry for me...but why..? I think the syrup I have is one of famous company.. btw, my cup is cute,  isn't it? arigato:)

@Mio- you said farewell to us?? It makes me cry... I loved your countdown to Sotusday....:bawling:


I watched sotus from ep1 and I think I read almost all pages of this thread...but was late to join .. Thank you everyone  for being kind to me...I have enjoyed your precious post.

hugs and kisses 


p.s. Wad is alive~~~~

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@butterflymania farewell? No... I just wanted to Thank everyone. :phew: I'll still go to my old-self and lurk around. I'll lurk here, don't worry(no crying!!!) and you can expect me on Puppy Honey thread when it starts, Diary of Tootsies too... I am sure countdown will be back then. It won't take long. I think PH2 should start soon. :w00t:

I am really happy that all of you loved my countdown. Thank you for that too. If I forgot to thank for something... I'll get to it later when I remember it. I hope I didn't... If I did, slap me. hahaha

*runs to pinkmilk forum to thank everyone... oh gosh, you see, I forgot that...so I did forget something* :sweatingbullets: #dontslapmepleaseiremembered lol

@shinnu take your time in calming down... we all get you! :tears::wub: *hugs* 

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On 4.1.2017 at 0:44 PM, welp said:

Thai society does not prefer of skinship. It's common that girl doesn't let her boyfriend hold her hand (and makes him hold her bag instead). Usually, the most intimate physical contact you can see in public space is hand holding. Bittersweet said she paid attention to realisticness so, there may be some scenes where they hold hands in next episode after they have settled their relationship.

You get some points.

- Being (male) gay in Thailand, you'll be teased heavily by male friends so, male gays in male dominated circles will avoid to let his friends know. Athit won't want to be asked "Where's Kongpop?" everyday.

- In less modernized places, usually, there is mild discrimination against homosexual relation, you will be a hot gossip topic but nothing more extreme. I've seen many reports on gay marriage in outskirt areas of the country and those couples got blessing from neighbors.

- In working setting, as engineer is supposed to work with mostly male subordinates, he may be disrespected if he acts so effeminate/ flamboyant but, it should be no problem if his mannerism is subtle.

- Head hazer is a temporary position. Next year, there will be another head hazer from the sophomore. It is inappropriate for hazer to let the freshman know he has favoritism toward a specific freshman. If other freshmen know Athit is dating Kongpop, they may form a prejudice if Athit treats Kongpop specially and the atmosphere is ruined. So, realistically, their relationship should be made public a while after all fraternity activities are over.

1. For the others that saying that the actors are grate i said it by myself 
that Arhit is just an amazing one of the best actors i've seen, i really love him!!!

and i hope to see him in other drama soon
for sure at season 2 

2. About the skinship that's why i worte it's not all about the skinship it's also affection of love beyond words just behavior
3. Maybe in Thailand there isn't acceptance but in China itr's worst but and if you see "heroin
 drama you can see it's not important to them what the society think about it,,after all it's a drama


Anyways i'm very sad it come to an end i didn't see the last episode

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1 hour ago, originalnickname said:

It's really weird that feeling that I have... Bittersweet is really the perfect word (lol) to describe the fact that I'm sad and happy at the same time : sad because it ends and it's always sad when good things end, but happy because toutes les bonnes choses ont une fin (all goods things have to/an end?)

Awaiting a lot of BL things this year to make me forget the emptiness without SOTUS so that's also why I'm not completely sad :) (especially the japanese movie Ikari, it's not all cheesy-BL like you'd imagine, it's more "real" than a japanese live-action and there is no main couple, there are three different stories and the gay couple is one of them : Satoshi Tsumabuki and Go Ayano :wub:)

BTW, that fandom is so powerful, I'm really happy they saw the hashtag :) 

Soompi really gotta correct their emoticons problems...

Yes indeed....the feeling that I am having now too....is bittersweet. .bitter and/but sweet. Really dun wanna say goodbye to this series..it just isnt enough! Hope that we will the chance to read the translation of such a beautiful love story! 

Also, really happy to be part of this Sotus family both here and pinkmilk! 

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1 hour ago, Mio- said:


@shinnu take your time in calming down... we all get you! :tears::wub: *hugs* 

Okay I've calmed down *a little* and even done my homework (yeah I don't believe it either 5555). Thank you for a hug, it helped!:wub: I haven't seen the whole episode yet (even on the livestream) because I have been busy with twitter etc (many things happened when the series was airing and I just didn't know what to do lol!).

So yeah....it's the end.:tears: (Yeah, we have episode 16 yet and I'm looking forward to see this but I won't be able to because I will be away from home *we have a winter break*. Krist&Singto said it'll be a VERY VERY SPECIAL episode so I can't REALLY REALLY wait! P' even said that they will show the uncut version of the kiss *I don't know if I understood her post correctly tho* and OMG!)

I have only been with you for 2 months *joined on November 3!* and started from episode 9 *but it has passed by so quickly!*. I was shy at first *I'm a very shy person irl* but I felt like you'll welcome me here warmly and this really happened. Since the first day I've felt like I'm a part of SOTUS family..SINCE THE BEGINNING.

Thank you all so much, for being here with me, for fangirling over SOTUS with me *we were so crazy lol!*. This has been an amazing time, theories, fluffy pics, sad moments...we have all gone through all this together and I'm so happy that I've decided to join the forum.

I consider all of you my friends, I have never felt this comfortable anywhere and here I feel like I can really be myself *i mean a happy fangirl, sometimes a serious person lol!*.

SOTUS has really changed my life. I have never expected that I'm able to fall in love with the series so fast! The characters were all unique, the plot was extraordinary. It wasn't just a bl fluff, it showed us the real life problems people struggle with everyday. It showed us that LOVE is beautiful but can also be painful. I'm so grateful for this because my personality has changed a little because of SOTUS.

I've already showed how much I love SOTUS during the action. I'll never forget about this series because SOTUS is one or even THE BEST BL DRAMA SERIES IN THAILAND I have ever watched. Krist&Singto and others did an amazing job and I'm looking forward to see them in other series! (Count me in to the Puppy Honey fandom! Can't wait! + Diary of Tootsies was my very very first bl thai drama series so I can't wait for s2 as well!).

THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! I hope we will talk here (on PM forum as well of course). I don't want you to leave me SOTUS fam haha!!:heart: I'm not sure if I have written everything I wanted to..#ThankyouSOTUS #StoryOfTruelovebetweenUS (I'll wait for the P' subs and then watch ep 15 again so I can enjoy it more!)


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1 hour ago, butterflymania said:

@shinnu thanks a lot for #ThankYouSotus campaign!! and sharing livestreaming url in the pinkmilk forum also...It worked well for me tonight.



It was my pleasure to be a part of the action. I'm so happy it got soo popular that even the producers and cast noticed it! They know that there are many international fans who love them, THAT'S GREAT!!:heart:

(sorry for the double post haha!)

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I couldn't go through every post because I didn't want to get any spoilers but THANK YOU EVERYONE for being so awesome, energetic, and enthusiastic about the series. Although I was more of a lurker than a poster, the family-like dynamics of this thread was truly beautiful and unforgettable. I hope we can come back to the thread sometimes to maybe look back at some moments of the series. I know I will, I'll immediately start re-watching the series cause I can't deal with being without SOTUS right now.

And congratulations on making the cast and crew of SOTUS notice the #ThankYouSOTUS hashtag. I'm 100% sure that they know the amount of international fans is huge. The enthusiasm of this fandom cannot be ignored.

and @OTAKU-KUN you just killed me with those fanarts...

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What a day ! 

After everything what's been happening through all saturday and finally watching ep.15 I feel  emotionally  overwhelmed ( mixed feelings, you know what I mean ) :crazy:

But.... tommorrow, ( or for some of you ) today  is  SUBDAY !  :smiley:,  and yes, I'm gonna torture my heart once again, this time with subtitles:wink:   , so see you'll later :kiss_wink:



SOTUS FOREVER! :heart:   #ThankYouSOTUS

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