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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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On 2016/12/4 at 11:49 PM, fani308 said:

sorry i can't post a picture here. so first the cloud drive first then press the option and you can see open link from there. hope it will help. 

Thank you for the reply:lol:  I moved to cloud drive and tried option but it turned out that I could only access my cloud.... :blink: I remember I updated mega app on my cellphone a week ago...:tears:  Anyway, I can use my family's PC , that's fine. Thanks!:wub:

On 2016/12/3 at 2:08 AM, dedededeva said:

OMG this picture really represents Kong's feeling for Arthit ❤❤❤ SO LOOOOVE :wub:

Thanks fir your comment on my 'you are my only sun' pic.  I'm looking forward to the scene in future episode!!!:wub:


8 hours ago, tsoon0708 said:


Okay, so I'm gonna write my review nad mix it up with screencaps. (most of it all under the spoiler to save space).




I think the most beautiful thing about this scene is, that it's a parallel to later when Arthit will be working and too busy to spend a lot of time with Kongpop. Maybe he will learn from Namtarns story...


But mostly because he's sooooooooooo detailed in all of the things he says, and literally EVERYTHING he lists points out how insanely close him and Kong must be. And Namtarn totally gets it too, just look at her face:

06%20namtarn%20confused%20about%20the%20That face is bascially saying, "So, you're telling me you hate him, by letting me know you've spent your breakfasts, lunches and dinners together and you know all his dietary habits, and you've seen him wake up and get dressed. How exactly did that happen?!"




Yes!! I'm sure Arthit will learn something from Namtarn story and he must be perfect boyfriend!!! :lol: Hahahaha :D What a deep insight!! Thanks for sharing your review! 


Edited by butterflymania
Put into spoiler box
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I have an idea.. but I don't know how to make it...

In the very FIRST post in here, with the descripion of SOTUS, can we put all the link of the novel and the drama??? And the list of the page with spoilers...

So we can stop all the post of people who ask it...??

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1 hour ago, originalnickname said:

Last week they posted the picture of May riding with Kong, and it wasn't even in the episode (it's gonna be in ep.12) I'd like them to put more legit picture-teasers instead of funny bts or random pictures of a future episode....

sorry for rambling:D 


I don't trust GMMTV, anymore. After last week and that bike photo with May, I really expected it to happen in ep. 11 and then boom... not even a glimpse of it. They are SO bad... I am sure this photo is related to EP. 13. LOL :lol: 

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Just finished one of my many assignments. :expressionless: Tired and sleepy. It's almost midnight here but I decided to freshen up my brain with this post. I don't know if anyone has talked about this but I can't wait for this scene and I believe that this scene will be in the special chapter episode. I guess?? Coz they look totally comfy with each other especially Arthit. :phew:So, let me feast you guys with the following pictures. I'll put only one to be shown okay? The rest in spoiler box. 

I mean, look at their position? Kongpope's right hand, he's practically trapping his P'Arthit who's wearing shorts btw. Arthit seems to be looking at some pictures. Anyway, they look so cute. :wub: High anticipation for this scene.

p.s. Kong in that white shirt and Arthit's cute smile in this scene though. Can they not?! Please. And can anyone tell me why there's so much space in between the pictures in the spoiler box? Sorry for this.



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I am so glad I was able to find the episode at dailymotion and watch it. Have to say that I enjoyed the drama and back story of artis and the struggles that kong had to go through. A lot of this is like real life and not some fantasy made cookie cutter show. I can't wait for the next episode!!!

Does anyone know the exact number of episodes left?

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4 minutes ago, originalnickname said:

Oh god don't say it... I'm already nostalgic even though it's not even over wtf :tears: 

I've already said that I won't be sad when sotus ends but.....the closer we are to the end, the sadder I become.:tears: I'm anticipating every Saturday much much more since sotus's become the part of my current life (lol). Just.....try not to think about it and just enjoy angst and then happy times will come.....just don't think about January 14 (21?).:):):) (omg im totally not okay right now)

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4 hours ago, rituwaaa said:


haha, i remember my dreams very rarely so if even if i did dream of them i would have no idea T-T hopefully i did dream of sotus :3 

ahh, why do i have to click the anonymous option?? is it important? O: and it won't let me make an password, i keep getting an "setting doesn't meet the requirements" no matter what i do? i have done everything right in my opinion? i feel like throwing my laptop to the wall right about now, i've been stuck at this part since yesterday ): 

Does your password meet the conditions? I think it has to be 6 numbers and they can't be in consecutive order.

I have a busy week this week so I'm not sure if I'll be keeping up with the thread, but you can always pm me and I'll see that :)

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So we're not gonna have an episode on the 31st of December ? Hopefully the stolen kiss will be before then, so the wait won't be as much of a torture... Why not broadcast on the 31st like, it's not like it's a significant day.... ok, just me! don't mind me xD

Last episode should be on January 14th, right ?

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17 minutes ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Does your password meet the conditions? I think it has to be 6 numbers and they can't be in consecutive order.

I have a busy week this week so I'm not sure if I'll be keeping up with the thread, but you can always pm me and I'll see that :)

oh my god i am an idiot. i didn't realize digits = numbers... i've been using letters mixed with numbers this whole time someone pls kill me i thought i was good in english D:

awh, alright~ thank you so much for all you've done for me! <3 if i have even more problems after this i will make sure to pm you ^^ (hopefully i won't have to bother you with any stupid questions anymore lmao) 

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TuXBYuP.jpgi don't know if anyone has posted about this already because i haven't backread the thread but all i can say is that these people has so much attention to detail that you won't want them to be your girlfriend/boyfriend because they will notice everything and you can't hide anything from them. HAHAHA

On a serious note tho, that was amazing how they found out about it. And these small details by the production team, very commendable. :D

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I finally got the chance to watch the episode with subs...yes it was sitting pitifully neglected in my drive for 2 days....and finally managed to watch it without worrying some guest will suddenly pop up over my shoulder and scare the hell out of me when I was crying my eyes out for kong.

I forced myself to not think about edits and angles while watching and I was kind of successful coz by the end except for couple of things, rather than being disappointed, all I was feeling was sad for Kong and pity for Arthit. He is about to go through some pretty painful stuff....and make some life changing decisions.....and just thinking about his tears in the next episode made me teary... :tears:

I really want to thank @delightful for the subs and the changed font in bigger size. I didn't even know the smaller one was bothering my eyes....until I watched ep 10 and 11 after watching the earlier ones.....my eyes are grateful to you for your consideration.:D

thanks also to @baw74.

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