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Last night was a roller coaster ride indeed, three people in the hotel I'm staying got possessed and literally flipped the richard simmons out of me, discussed new fan theory with a friend, couldn't sleep as I see an apparition(?) in my hotel room....

Now I'm tired as hell haha anyway I just realized ZZ wasn't actually avoiding JY during his skit, he's looking at the screen, if that makes sense. The camera probably rolled JY and the MC who're doing the skit and showed it on the big screen for the fans to see, so it's logical for ZZ to look in front instead (but yes his expressions could probably gave us clues :phew:)

Anyway good morning/day/night everyone!^^

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@ximichem you're our hero. you are an awesome yooman being. whoever tells you otherwise needs to meet my fist. thank you. we appreciate your efforts.

had a little drink so i was numb to the lack of YuZhou sweetness. its 547, if i wake up to page 570 im so gonna drink again hehe.

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Fengwen went crazy too

I’m too tired to get into details and I only found short videos but 

  • They were super touchy during the interview
  • Chen Wen said stuff like “You’re not beautiful, you’re handsome!” and “Whatever baby wears looks good on him” (and Fengsong mostly agreed to it lmao)
  • Fengsong said Chen Wen dresses like a kid which made Chen Wen sing “I’m just a little boy” in english and I’m just…??????
  • They drew each other (not like one of the french girls though)
  • They played Jenga together
  • They wore RIDICULOUS couple outfits during the show they attended at the Shanghai Fashion Week





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Don't go, I know they wanna touch each other
Here, there and everywhere
Sparks fly when they are together
You can't deny the facts of life...

I just pop up to say a little good bye to you, guys. I have to dive into my intensive apprenticeship for two months to get an official full-time job. I cannot show up here and there like before anymore :bawling: It is just in less than two months but I gain some kind of bond with a lot of fellow shippers here :blush:  I think any introvert here can understand my feeling. It is very enjoyable, happy when we - the introverted find out someone sharing the same interest. Hope when I come back there will be significantly positive, happy, exciting changes in JY and ZZ's relationship :wub:

P.S. I'm pretty sure to pop up again on Thailand FM :glasses:

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58 minutes ago, gayyoxx said:

So, now we are entering the Age of Public Separation:

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As @liesl had said, somehow this week's event (starting from rumour of second ban to tonight's award's setting) is geared toward separating JY and ZZ's public appearance completely and putting them together might become a taboo. I am still hoping for HC, RFT2 and more collaborative projects between them but to be honest, I expect there will be none. Nil. Zip. Even HC and RFT2 might be pulled out completely, making these episodes as mythical as the beach scenes from season 1. We know they are exist but we do not have the means to access them (unless someone is kind enough to leak that for us, and turned them into our holy relic).

This is very much different than the previous two Ages, where starting from Men's UNO, media raced to use them together. Maybe, Thailand fanmeeting will be the last occurrence when we can see them together.

What intrigued me the most is: who push for this new Age and why? My guess is: the established entertainment industry patriarchs/moguls/what have you. They do this to control the influence of JY and ZZ, or even if they could not control it properly, tone it down to more manageable level. They also seek to put JY and ZZ into the established framework, with rules and regulations familiar to and written by the patriarchs/moguls. So, instead of a pair of wild, uncontrollable young men with cult-like power, now they have two aspiring new comers. MAYBE still hard to control but at least easier to understand. From understanding, you gain some measures for control.

I am not saying this as good or bad for JY and ZZ, because every coins have two sides. It is entirely up to them on how to spend these "coins of acceptance" that they have gained on the award (with the cost that they have to pay is: together in public is big no). One thing for sure, the rule is changing and perhaps no more sweets for us, shippers.

Now, there was previous Age of Silence when there was no public display of affections between JY-ZZ but I believe this Age is different because now, JY and ZZ are already feeling secure with their bond. They already accepted it, they are comfortable with it and this taboo nonsense is just a weird way of fan service (yes, servicing the top ranks in entertainment business plus servicing the anti-CP fans. Poor us CP-fans being left alone). This is nothing more than them playing giant hide and seek with the public; but they play the game together and maybe they even enjoying it (extra adrenaline rush!).

When will this Age end? I do not know! But I surely hope that it won't last long (long as in one or two weeks, LOL)! Not because of the boys, remember that they are comfortable with their bond at this moment, but because of my selfish desire: I want sweets God darn it! Or maybe, we (I) can find another coping mechanism.




Reading this, I suddenly have a suspicion. What if... mind you, this is just a what if.

What if... the poll for the CP award was actually manipulated? What if.. they actually lead the CP award but someone just stamped them down to keep them from winning? Separation of YuZhou pairing seems to be the "play rules" right now. So what if they allowed Johnny and Zhouzhou to win the awards (separately of course as newcomers) but they couldn't let them to win the CP award as pairing?

Are chinese fans really against the pairing? I know there are groups who are against it but those who support CP are actually still strong in numbers. My eyebrows raised when I read the news that fans couldn't make YuZhou to win the award. It seemed highly... well... bizarre? Especially if you consider the number of supporters and fans that YuZhou has in comparison to other CP pairings.

Tell me this then. If YuZhou were to model in a photoshoot and the other CP pairing who won the award were to model as well. Who do you think would win in the battle of sales?

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Actually did you realize Weizhou's trophé is

Most Popular Network Drama Idol  ???!!!!!

Doesn'it mean a formal support, at least from the Chinese show-business profession per se ?

Indeed if they are the right words, it means it rewards the fact he acted in Addicted series ! Full recognition !

In that case, there would be no obstacle for season 2, whatever it may mean in terms of scenario, but with Weizhou for sure. Think of it, it is as if Obama had his Nobel Prize and did nothing good afterwards. Impossible, isn't it ?



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39 minutes ago, liesl said:


Reading this, I suddenly have a theory. What if... mind you, this is just a what if.

What if... the poll for the CP award was actually manipulated? What if.. they actually lead the CP award but someone just stamped them down to keep them from winning. Separation of YuZhou pairing seems to be the "play rules" right now. So what if they allowed Johnny and Zhouzhou to win the award (as a newcomer) but they couldn't let them win the CP award as a pairing?


This has been on my mind too since I learned few days ago that ZZ won the most popular web series idol award and then just a day before the Festival JY the new idol award. 

This no-CP-movement is only on for about a week, and since I am frequently on the Chinese forum I know that the fans tried to push YuZhou to the first place for two months now (members kept posting a screenshot about the voting daily, not even once, reminding everybody to vote). And they were quite clueless why can't they bring them to the first place as CA and LL couples were gaining more votes each day.

I am sorry, but what? The most insignificant couple won the award? Expect having few awkward lines in CA they barely had any scene together, barley touched, let alone kissed. Does this make sense to anybody?? For two months now I didn't understand why they are even on the first place! Probably for the same reason you wrote above. This couple is pale, will never have any effect and never enough to start a big wave outside of the BL world, not like JY and ZZ. 

Is this the time for the 'I see what you did there' meme, that I'd like to dedicate to SARTF, the government and the industry... 

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41 minutes ago, sixte said:

Actually did you realize Weizhou's trophé is

Most Popular Network Drama Idol  ???!!!!!

Doesn'it mean a formal support, at least from the Chinese show-business profession per se ?

Indeed if they are the right words, it means it rewards the fact he acted in Addicted series ! Full recognition !

In that case, there would be no obstacle for season 2, whatever it may mean in terms of scenario, but with Weizhou for sure. Think of it, it is as if Obama had his Nobel Prize and did nothing good afterwards. Impossible, isn't it ?




Heh... Obama and his Nobel Prize. I could argue and discuss about this for long but let's not talk about politic.

I would think that Zhouzhou and Johnny are welcomed to get individual awards as newcomers. But as CP is a whole different matter.

If the Chinese show-business support them then why are they seated far apart from each other? It's far more simpler matter than the award. Is this a recognition? No, it's not. They could acknowledge ZZ's and Johnny's popularity (separately) from Addicted but that doesn't mean that they support them and their popularity as CP. They probably see it as an abomination to see a "gay" CP being so popular and loved by the public. Popular enough to create a wave in the industry.

No obstacle for season 2? Well... let's just say that the recognition for their popularity couldn't and wouldn't solve all problems and obstacles that are coming for filming the season 2 and for the season 2 itself.

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52 minutes ago, gayyoxx said:

01:00 and I couldn't sleep yet :huh:

On to my delulu mind:

If you guys remember my periodisation of JY-ZZ's relationship, I think that we are entering a new Age here: Age of Public Separation.

Recap for the previous Ages:

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- at first period or the Age of Discovery (promoting Addicted until the fan meeting)

JY-ZZ could act as they wished, the more they expressed the deep bond between them, the better because BL fans would interpret that as sexual tensions. That is why we see them were very touchy-feely even used suggestive remarks, like ZZ said "Guess?" when the interviewer at NetEase asked about his sexuality. It was the period when their personal relationship and fan service are mixed, no clear distinction between GH/BLY and JY/ZZ. The bond was there but they did not feel the need to understand it.

- at second period or the Age of Silence (after the fan meeting until France Excellence party)

Because of the uncertainty and hostile environment, I think, they were actively trying to suppress any meaningful interactions between them. They were trying to put any attractions between them to GH/BLY and discard these as their past. They tried to "move on" from the bond.

I personally saw JY was closing himself more than ZZ was. Interestingly, at this period, JY was visibly looked very stressed to the point of losing weight, having constant glum expression, etc. ZZ? He sang Ten Years. That was the expression of his stress, in my opinion. If you take a look, the song's lyrics really reflect their circumstances: they had been strangers, then grew close, then the reason for their closeness (Addicted) was gone. ZZ, you broke my heart by singing that song!

- at third period or the Age of Revival (France Excellence party until Chinese White Day)

Anyway, the separation as in Ten Years did not happen. Instead, JY-ZZ were actively working together in various projects. Of course, none were requiring them to be as sexual as in Addicted but in my opinion, this is where their intimacy shine!

Considering the circumstances in China, the safest bet for JY and ZZ at most is to portray themselves as friends. More than that is suicide. They did try (are still trying?) to do that but at times, we saw bursts of (subconscious) gestures of affections from both of them. These gestures of affections were less frequent than during the first period and maybe less sexual (no suggestive/ambiguous remark) but for me, as intimate as ever. We have discussed these gestures here, starting from how they look at each other, how their spines curved inward, how they leaned to each other, shoulders brushing each other, etc.

Because they knew that they were not playing GH/BLY, they realised that (at least, a part) of the bond which they had attributed to GH/BLY is in fact belong to JY/ZZ. They tried to understand this, to work it out somehow.

- at fourth period or the Age of Romance (Chinese White Day until rumour of second ban)

Before, at 13 March, during Madame Figaro's interview, JY stated that he wanted to go home. The day after, 14 March, ZZ sent a White Day message saying "I am ready, bring me home." After that, there were subtle changes in how JY interact with ZZ. He liked a fan made romantic MV, he posted a bent pipe photo to ZZ's weibo. He also openly stated that he listened to ZZ's Moonlight released at 21 March. The most revealing is, the flirting gesture caught in fan camera during Happy Camp. Fan account on RFT2 also stated that they were extremely close to one another, even always together despite on different team.

At this stage, I believe that they had come into terms with their bond and accepted as part of their lives. Romance or platonic (I am leaning heavily toward romance), spoken or not (I believe spoken), they know that they are an item now, bound together by whatever magical connection that they felt months ago. This brought them comfort.

To be honest, I was expecting this Age to last longer, at least until Thailand fans meeting, giving us lots and lots of sweets lasting for months. After Thailand FM, I was suspecting that we are going to enter a period of separation because of schedule (JY on Amazing Race, ZZ promoting album and doing movie). Well, Fate threw that prediction right on my face.


So, now we are entering the Age of Public Separation:

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As @liesl had said, somehow this week's event (starting from rumour of second ban to tonight's award's setting) is geared toward separating JY and ZZ's public appearance completely and putting them together might become a taboo. I am still hoping for HC, RFT2 and more collaborative projects between them but to be honest, I expect there will be none. Nil. Zip. Even HC and RFT2 might be pulled out completely, making these episodes as mythical as the beach scenes from season 1. We know they are exist but we do not have the means to access them (unless someone is kind enough to leak that for us, and turned them into our holy relic).

This is very much different than the previous two Ages, where starting from Men's UNO, media raced to use them together. Maybe, Thailand fanmeeting will be the last occurrence when we can see them together.

What intrigued me the most is: who push for this new Age and why? My guess is: the established entertainment industry patriarchs/moguls/what have you. They do this to control the influence of JY and ZZ, or even if they could not control it properly, tone it down to more manageable level. They also seek to put JY and ZZ into the established framework, with rules and regulations familiar to and written by the patriarchs/moguls. So, instead of a pair of wild, uncontrollable young men with cult-like power, now they have two aspiring new comers. MAYBE still hard to control but at least easier to understand. From understanding, you gain some measures for control.

I am not saying this as good or bad for JY and ZZ, because every coins have two sides. It is entirely up to them on how to spend these "coins of acceptance" that they have gained on the award (with the cost that they have to pay is: together in public is big no). One thing for sure, the rule is changing and perhaps no more sweets for us, shippers.

Now, there was previous Age of Silence when there was no public display of affections between JY-ZZ but I believe this Age is different because now, JY and ZZ are already feeling secure with their bond. They already accepted it, they are comfortable with it and this taboo nonsense is just a weird way of fan service (yes, servicing the top ranks in entertainment business plus servicing the anti-CP fans. Poor us CP-fans being left alone). This is nothing more than them playing giant hide and seek with the public; but they play the game together and maybe they even enjoying it (extra adrenaline rush!).

When will this Age end? I do not know! But I surely hope that it won't last long (long as in one or two weeks, LOL)! Not because of the boys, remember that they are comfortable with their bond at this moment, but because of my selfish desire: I want sweets God darn it! Or maybe, we (I) can find another coping mechanism.



This facts : so sad:bawling:, so true:confounded:, so cruel:angry:....@gayyoxx I love you more and more:wub::wub::wub:


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1 hour ago, ayasdai said:

I am sorry, but what? The most insignificant couple won the award? Expect having few awkward lines in CA they barely had any scene together, barley touched, let alone kissed. Does this make sense to anybody?? For two months now I didn't understand why they are even on the first place! Probably for the same reason you wrote above. This couple is pale, will never have any effect and never enough to start a big wave outside of the BL world, not like JY and ZZ. 




It would be more believable for me, had QingYu the CP who won the award. But that doctor couple in CA............. what? It's like a side couple just like YQ and YM. How could they even beat YuZhou (and beat QingYu as well apparently)? The poll is just suspicious and weird for me.

Will fans surround the side couple from CA in the airport when they're there? Will they surround them just like how they surround YuZhou or maybe even crazier since they're apparently more popular than YuZhou now?

The couple who won the award is apparently the BL couple who is deemed to be "safe" (a.k.a didn't do anything -- touch, kiss, or such things). Can't they just take YQ and YM instead? But wait... people would then search for Addicted and THEN they would get addicted to YuZhou. Hmm...


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I have been 24hours on this page !!! I have big exams on monday but i still couldt learn anything because all i could think about was yuzhou and today i didnt see them together!!

And one thing i dont undertand 


And addicted is banned????

And now yuzhou are staying in the same city in the same hotel in the same show and we didn't see them together!!

They got fame because of the show and because people love to see them together !!!! They know we love their relationship but why are they doing this to us!#@

They both have now different works and also lives in different cities and to see them like today it was our best hope and chance to see them together!!!

And why are they not following each other on instagram?

And i hate how jingyu came from dinner and zhouzhou left then for dinner while staying in the same hotel!!!its like they don't(or aren't allowed)to be out at the same time!!!



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