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Ryu Jun Yeol 류준열 - [Best New TV Actor for 52nd Baeksang Arts Awards + Drama Category Rookie Male Award for AAA]


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Youth Over Flowers in Africa - Reply F4 Fictional Feed by Em
Hope you like my Junyeolie feed!

(did you notice.. one of the posts are different? hahahahaha! I couldn't resist :p)


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[ENG SUB] Beanpole 'That Man's Second Story' Teaser with Ryu Jun Yeol 류준열 

Source: Beanpole Official Facebook
Subbed by Eyes on RYU | eyesonryu.tumblr.com
Please do not translate to other languages without permission.
Don't forget to credit Eyes on RYU when sharing! Thank you ^^

See you this friday!!! :P
Ready your hearts for this CF! (and Ep3 of YoF of course ;p)

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[TRANS] 160224 The Star Cupid: Reply Ryu Jun Yeol interview
To view more, go to: http://eyesonryu.tumblr.com/post/140333839260/trans-160224-the-star-cupid-reply-ryu-jun-yeol


Source: The Star
Translations and graphics by Eyes on RYU | eyesonryu.tuimblr.com
Please do not remove logo / translate to other languages without permission.
Don’t forget to credit Eyes on RYU when sharing! Thank you ^^





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Youth over Flowers- Africa Episode 2 

Part 2: The Youth's Guide to Camping (remember to pack underwear!!!)

Part 2 starts where we left off, with JY sitting alone, deep in his own thoughts. In an interview, he's asked, "Why were you sitting alone while watching the sunset?" and he answers, "I felt happy watching the quiet scene go by," and he says that when he goes on vacations like this, he saw sunrises and sunsets as important and significant, and he was enjoying this special African sunset by himself. Back in present time, JH calls JY over to watch the sunset with them. The F4 bunched together, and GP took the opportunity to take a group selfie. 


The guys take pictures with the beautiful purple sky as a background, and they tease GP with his girly shirt. They take another group picture, and run down the dune.


Inevitably, JH falls over his own feet (ㅋㅋㅋ). JH and JY talk about how it feels like they came to the past, to the beginning of the world, and JY says that there's nothing like a desert. Of course, they can't leave without taking a last picture, with only their silhouettes because it's dark. JH announces that he's going to do a split, and at three, they jump (JH actually succeeded in his split!!!!!) But he also succeeded in ripping his pants, which he also announces, and they all laugh. GP asks him if that's the only pair of pants he has, and JH says that they should just redo the picture first. In the car, they worry because they don't have any extra pants, and the YoF team show us future scenes where you can see the split (confirmation: his underwear is black). He says "Take pictures of the desert, you babo (idiot)," while GP laughs his head off. In another scene, a female police officer asks him why he's wearing ripped pants (LOL!!!), and he answers, "Uh, dune 45." (double lol!!!). We get some awkward close-ups of the rip in his seat, and in an interview, he says he just wants to roast his pants over the fire over there. The F4 drive back to the camping site, thank someone in English, and JH tells JY that he's worked hard, and though he says that he's done nothing, they give him a round of applause. JY tells the camera that they've finally arrived at their hotel (?), and the camera zooms out to show that they're standing in a field of dirt, no hotel in sight. GP takes out the tent from the trunk, and when we see his face, I thought my computer glitched because the music and the screen both abruptly stopped, but the caption read, "Taking the tent they bought earlier is ... who?" GP is wearing glasses, which somehow transform him into an ahjusshi. GP and BG set up the tent, and BG confesses that this is the first time he's ever pitched a tent. GP says that he's done it once in at the Han River, but never in Africa. As the finishing touch, GP decides to put some smooth rocks inside so it doesn't blow away or anything. They find a rock, but it's too pointy, and GP said that it might rip (the tent). As his last words resonate, the YoF team show us the rip in JH's pants as he bends over (ㅋㅋㅋㅋ). JH is just about dying of embarrassment (the rip goes all around from the seat to the crotch), and begs the cameraman to stop filming his rip. The F4 have to set up another tent, because one tent is only big enough to fit two people inside, and JY comments that the two people in each tent would get very friendly with each other. JH recruits someone to help him, and the two hyungs go off to light the campfire. Neither have any idea how to start a fire, and decide to first go find someone who can help them. They see a light in the distance, and see a truck-size-bus, and the YoF team explain to us that they're trucking, where 15 to 30 people ride a specially remodeled truck and travel around Africa, an unusual way of sight-seeing. They decide to approach the truckers, politely, and JY starts his English again. "Actually, we will start dinner. But the ... We don't have the ..." He stops to ask JH what a gas torch is in English, and begins to try to explain it, "Push the button, strong fire," (ㅋㅋㅋ, even he thinks it's funny). The person understands that he's trying to say 'torch,' and says that they don't have one, "But let me show you this." And he shows them some wood. Laughing, he asks,


Then he says to him, "We are... hungry, and we want to cook. But we don't have fire. We will make a pork BBQ!" Then he says,


Please." The man starts to show them, and says, "I can give you four of this," and takes out four pieces of wood. Taking them and passing them over to JH, JY asks, 


While JH dropped and picked up his firewood, the man left to get something. JH said, "It would be too much to ask for a table too, right?" JY asked, "That table?" and JH said, "Because they're all done eating..." To the man, JH said that it was a big help just doing all of this, motioning to the wood, and JY finished off, "Can I borrow the mini table?" The man refused to that request. The man said, 


They answered no, and the man laughed, all like, then what do you have. JY then spotted the folding chairs, and he smiled at JH. JY asked the man, "What is your name?" The man answered, "Clever." (?!?!?!) JY took it coolly and said, "You are very clever, right?" The man smiled. Then JY asked if he could borrow them those chairs over there, and hung an arm around his neck, both men smiling awkwardly/laughingly. This time, the man consented, saying, "When these guys are done, you can come and get chairs. When you are bring these back, then you bring chairs (meaning, take the chairs after you return the meat-holding-thingamajig)." JY told the man that they were in the 21st spot, and the man told them that he'd be watching to make sure that they return everything they borrowed. JH and JY went back to their own camping site with armfuls of African generosity. They talked about the quality of the firewood, all dried up, and JY said, "They're like my lips, all dried up." (*inspects his lips*). Back at their camp, they poured charcoal over the firewood and lit their first fire.


Suddenly, JH picked up the knife they also borrowed. Going over to the trunk, he randomly stabbed the chicken they bought earlier. The YoF team show us various scenes that display the dishes of Chef Bong. Turning on the light in the trunk, Chef Bong began to cook. On the silver chopping board (meaning aluminum foil), he began to stab chicken some more. When he finished thoroughly stabbing both sides, he gave it an "oil massage" (ㅋㅋㅋ). He sprinkled on some pepper, then some unidentifiable yellow powder, Africa's leading brand of MSG. He cut a lemon and squirted it over the chicken, and crushed some garlic under his blade to also place on it. He finished off by wrapping the chicken with the aluminum foil it had been sitting on. He carefully placed it on the fire, and spread the magic onto the 살겹살 (pork belly cutlets) as well. JY said that it looked good, but he thought it wouldn't cook. The 삼겹살 went under JH's special care unit, and Chef Bong nudged the grill, wondering what was wrong. JY pitched in and said that as he saw it, they would probably have to lower the grill. Holding it on both sides, they did just that, and JH added more charcoal for good measure. The meat finally started to cook, and JH gave BG the first piece. His face suggested that he was in heaven, and JY jokingly smacked him. They fed and hugged each other because it tasted so good. GP took out the chicken, and Chef Bong took the first bite to see if it cooked all the way, and the others looked at him expectantly.


He decides that it's not quite ready yet, and while they wait, they all have a beer. Then they have to rescue the burning chicken. They open the aluminum foil and just go ahead and cut the chicken in half, to reveal a perfectly cooked interior, and begin to feed each other again. In a later interview, Chef Bong is asked what his first meal was, and I didn't catch his answer, but he did say that he was very thankful that the other three guys liked his cooking. JY announced to the others that they have to wake up at around 5 to 4 a.m. tomorrow, in order to see the sunrise. They had to sleep early, and being guys, they decided not to wash. They're at the tents, and GP is changing out in the open. He says, "JH hyung, give BG one now (the underwear)." JH answers, "Oh yeah," and GP confesses that the "no-panty" thing he said earlier was just a trick/joke. BG surprisedly asks, "Hyung, you guys bought underwear?" and GP answers, "Yeah, we got four, including yours." BG is touched, and GP says, "It's sized medium, but it will probably fit okay." JY goes into the car and falls asleep first, and JH and GP go into the tents, while BG climbs into the car with JY. They have night cameras in the tents and car too, and they show us the F4 snoring peacefully. Until, of course, it's 4 a.m., and they wake up to the alarms they set.


 (OMG!!! This picture is so adorable!!!!!) Anyway, they get ready and start the car and head towards Dune 45. Ten minutes later, they've all blacked out again, except for JY and JH. JY, the driver, tells JH to sleep too, that it probably won't take very long, and turns the light off so that he wouldn't feel bad if he did sleep, but JH resiliently refuses to close his eyes. They arrive at Dune 45, which is a lot bigger than I thought because the people already on top look like ants. GP commented that it felt like they were in Egypt, and the F4 began to climb the dune, each of them (minus GP) wrapped in a green blanket. JY wondered out loud why dunes form, saying that this is not just a pile but a mountain. JH says, "It that the peak? If it's only that far, I don't think it will take very long to get there," but realized that because their feet kept on sinking into the sand, it might take them longer than they might have thought. GP went ahead and stepped on the sand so that the people coming behind him may have an easier time coming up. The camera looked down, and we can see that they are up crazy high, and the YoF team tells us that Dune 45 reaches up to about 170 meters tall. But even up that high, all they see is fog. JY went up higher alone to see if that was any better, and BG went to follow him up. Seeing BG, JY smiled widely. In an interview, JY said that he saw BG coming up, and seeing him come up, he felt glad/welcoming. Back on the dune, BG said, "Missing my flight was a big memory for me," and JY said, not being able to see the sunrise will also become a big memory for them. To the cameraman, he said, "You can put it down, now. We're only going to sit here, and not say anything." He told him to just feel the sentiments, and offered to hold the camera for him. Holding the camera, JY said to BG, "They probably want to take pictures and send messages too, but they can't because they have to work. It feels heavy in the gut, right? I feel thankful for the people working quietly beside me while I have fun vacationing. Because people's hearts are all the same. Who would want to come to a place like this and work? They'll all want to see the sights, eat the same good food, take pictures, even for just a moment. They'll all want to do that." Then he filmed the two cameramen talking, and then smiling at them. BG asked JY, "What other places would you like to visit, hyung?" JY answered that he wanted to go watch a soccer game with his dad. He told him that he always watched soccer on TV with him every morning. He said that he once asked his dad what he wanted to do if he earned a lot of money, now he's starting to make some money, though before he didn't. He said that his dad said he wanted to pay off his debt. He didn't want a nice car, or fancy clothes, but only wanted to pay off his debt. BG said that it could have been a joke. JY said that it was nothing big (the debt), but he had just wanted to get it off of his shoulders. BG said, "Wow, I feel sad all of the sudden. Hyung, do you have a family picture?" JY asked him if he didn't, and BG confessed that he didn't have a single one. JY said, "Oh, you wanted one of those. Go do that when we get back, and the cost will be on me. Really, I'll pay for it, so go do it. I wanted to give you a present after Reply '88 finished, and this will be my gift. Go and take a picture with your family." He said that when he was younger, he used to think that things like that were old-fashioned, and BG said that he once thought that too, but now he thinks they're what make the big memories. In an interview, he said that now that he's grown up, he realized that pictures like that all made memories too. So because he doesn't have anything like that... (he's about to cry but is trying to hold it in), because he doesn't have anything like that, he feels the lack of it and regrets not taking one. He regrets not being able to hold onto the youth of his parents of when he was young, and he just thought that his parents had taken pictures of him, but none of him with his parents. He said that as soon as he gets to Korea, taking a family picture will be the first thing he does. Now that he's become busier, he's spent more of his free time with his friends, and he just wished that they could all spend more time with his family, and not just him, but other people too. He wants to spend what time he has left with his family. On the dune, JY said, "When I was twenty, I was aware that I didn't have ten years left of living with my mom and dad, and the same for when I was twenty-five. Now that I've turned thirty, I've realized what little time I have left with my parents." The YoF team show us a time-lapse of the sun continuing to rise behind the clouds and people walking around on the dunes. The mood lightens when lower down on Dune 45, JH was with GP, exercising his vocal chords, singing "In the Jungle". GP copied him, and their harmony crashed down headfirst. JH said, "Hey! We can't both do it! I started first." They both crack up at the absurdity of it all. They try again but started laughing when they saw each other's faces, and just ended up singing it anyway, dancing an ahjusshi dance together, sounding like a symphony of mosquitoes mixed with howling wolf soloists. While the babo brothers' fellowship deepened, so did the crying brothers', and BG said to JY, "Hyung, you're good at taking pictures, good at acting, good at English, you're number one husband material." (you've got good eyes/taste, BG, ㅋㅋㅋ). JY jokingly says, "I wish we could avoid the "husband" topic," and they both crack up. He said that he was trying to avoid using the word "husband (남편)" at all, and suggested some alternative synonyms, such as the Korean pronunciation of the word, (허즈밴드), or 바깥양반 (husband, master of the household). BG settles with 류 서방 (Ryu, plus the old fashioned word for husband), and 류 서방 loves it.


GP said that those two would have to come down soon, and calls to them. Somehow, they hear him, and they wave down to the little specks standing on the ridge of the dune. They head down, and BG told JY that he had spent a new, warm time with him, and had done good to come up. They encounter an English speaking man, who asks then if that's the top, and JY answers, "Maybe." Then to BG he says, "Is that garbage? I really want to go pick it up." BG asks, "Should we go pick it up?" and they go down to retrieve it. Then they stand still for a moment, ankle deep in sand, and BG asks, "Do you think we can go up?" and they start panting, trying to run up the incline. They stop for a rest after about five seconds, and JY randomly says hello to a passing woman. They try again, and at take two, they just barely succeed. Reuniting with the other two, they decide to run down the dune, and they film this scene (without the special visual effects, of course)


They barrel down with Native American war whoops that soon turn into "woah-woah-woah!!!"s. They run down vertically in order to avoid tumbling headfirst into the sand, which GP manages to do anyway. He laughs gleefully, and after brushing himself off, he races off at full speed again. JY asks for a camera because the view while running is so pretty. BG, at JH's encouragement, rolls down the hill, and at his first attempt, rotates five times. Standing lower down on the dune, JH promises to catch him, and at his second try, BG manages ten full rotations. JY asks what they're doing, and they answer that they're rolling. JH goes next, and from rolling, he switches to crawling, and says that he got some sand in his nose. JY races down, crocs at hand, and stops when he realizes that the cameraman is not following him. He encourages him to run with him, in the front, but the cameraman can't run in the sand and falls. JY offers to show him how to do it, and runs after the cameraman while filming him. Of course, the audio supervisor has to chase after them too. They show us GP, who is shaking the sand out of his shoes, and JY calling down to BG and JH, who are at the bottom, that he's coming and they encourage him to roll down. JY dashes downhill, and the way he's running reminds me of one of those lizards that run on sand or water. Partway down, he slides to a stop. JH and BG say they don't regret rolling down, and with their windblown hair and browned faces, they take a selfie. Walking with JH, JY points to a cameraman, saying that he looks cool, and JH says, "Doesn't he look like a war correspondent/reporter?" JY laughs and says, "You're the war correspondent/reporter. Look, look, you're the one who looks like one." Facing the camera, JH pretends to be a reporter, and JY charges at him, yelling. Then the YoF team shows us a beach, telling us that next week, they'll be showing us the F4 at Swakopmund, and it looks beautiful, where the blue ocean and the golden sand dunes meet. They show us JY and BG riding sand-mobiles or whatever they are,



and also show GP and JY sliding/tumbling down the dunes on what look like cardboard boxes. JH spots flamingos and camels, and the F4 get an enviable-looking, Chef Bong-approved seaside dinner, which they make sure to take plenty of pictures of, complete with adjusted lighting by GP (you'd think it was a movie set). Then they show us the F4 sleeping at a hotel, snoring away, and the caption reads, "These people... could they arrive at Victoria Falls at this rate?" They show us shorter, random scenes, like JY filming a parrot, and JH almost falling while walking on the sand.

And that's the end of episode 2. 

(I'm so sorry this took so long :tears:)

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thanks for the recap @snowglobe147..i watched 2nd raw ep twice...i love love love it.even when i dont know what they said except for Junyeol english.


Part 2 starts where we left off, with JY sitting alone, deep in his own thoughts. In an interview, he's asked, "Why were you sitting alone while watching the sunset?" and he answers, "I felt happy watching the quiet scene go by," and he says that when he goes on vacations like this, he saw sunrises and sunsets as important and significant, and he was enjoying this special African sunset by himself. Back in present time, JH calls JY over to watch the sunset with them. The F4 bunched together, and GP took the opportunity to take a group selfie. 


I think overtime Jaehong are worry over Junyeol because he saw how junyeol sometimes keeping the burden for himself. when he saw that Junyeol was sitting alone watching the sunset, he call him to join them because he's worry without letting the other know his worry. well, they're the oldest anyway. and he want to share the burden together with Junyeol.

so, i think Junyeol next trip will be...UK...hahahahah...watching his favourite soccer team in Manchester.

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Annyeonghaseyo yeorobun~

It's my first time posting here kekeke ((I hope I'm not so late to join the parade))

I would like to say thank you to all of you ((whom I can't mention one by one)) who has been pouring us with oppa's gooddies and let us get to know him more each day :')

I've known k-drama for so long yet it's the first that an actor made me go crazy over him even if I've done watching his drama. Usually the euphoria ended as soon as the drama end, but RJY proved me wrong.. He got me hooked even more and longer (hopefully go on forever~)

His personality and traits speak volume and I'm loving him more <3


Anyway, I would like to present you guys with something as I come here... (since I don't know how to embed the video, I'll just paste the link below)



Part 3 is still on progress

Credit to haerasubs


Nice to meet you all guys~ Let's keep on loving RJY and spread love everywhere :D


Edited by ryunnns
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13 hours ago, Richi07 said:

chingu i found this article that mention Junyeol oppa in radio star, but i don't know what they're talking about. kekekekeke. maybe chingudeul can translate it.:wub:



Seems like the gagwoman Lee Se Young (Wang Ja Hyun in Reply88) was one of the guest and she mentioned Ryu Jun Yeol because she often acted as Junghwan in her gag show.

 Radio Star's writers are all women, I think they want RJY to guest in Radio Star so bad :D . In the article, Kim Gura wants him to appear too. But I wish he won't appear in Radio Star, this show is very good in feeding haters, they will always dig celebrity's past and tend to turn any trivial things to be controversy. That's how they can manage this show to stay for years. An Idol group I cheered on the past had gained a lot of haters from this show.

A.N: welcome to RJY thread @ryunnns :) and thanks for sharing the subbed video links

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5 minutes ago, luffypyon said:


Seems like the gagwoman Lee Se Young (Wang Ja Hyun in Reply88) was one of the guest and she mentioned Ryu Jun Yeol because she often acted as Junghwan in her gag show.

 Radio Star's writers are all women, I think they want RJY to guest in Radio Star so bad :D . In the article, Kim Gura wants him to appear too. But I wish he won't appear in Radio Star, this show is very good in feeding haters, they will always dig celebrity's past and tend to turn any trivial things to be controversy. That's how they can manage this show to stay for years. An Idol group I cheered on the past had gained a lot of haters from this show.


what i am worry is that some people can't take his joke. he tend to joking around, he's not afraid to make fun of himself, but sometimes making joke about his friends. some of the friends fans can't take the joke and start to attack him (happened last time when watching YOF ep 1)...no...dont even go there

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6 minutes ago, aprodithe said:


what i am worry is that some people can't take his joke. he tend to joking around, he's not afraid to make fun of himself, but sometimes making joke about his friends. some of the friends fans can't take the joke and start to attack him (happened last time when watching YOF ep 1)...no...dont even go there


Yup, I know what kind of the joke you mean. Radio Star would mention all his previous rumors and his relationship with R88 actors. They may make his joke in YoF episode with question "Were you jealous at PBG?". That's how Radio Star is. So it's BIG NO NO

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16 minutes ago, aprodithe said:


what i am worry is that some people can't take his joke. he tend to joking around, he's not afraid to make fun of himself, but sometimes making joke about his friends. some of the friends fans can't take the joke and start to attack him (happened last time when watching YOF ep 1)...no...dont even go there


you are right oppa like to joke around. Even the joke about buying the data is taken so seriously some antis can't see that oppa was just joking.

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1 hour ago, luffypyon said:


Yup, I know what kind of the joke you mean. Radio Star would mention all his previous rumors and his relationship with R88 actors. They may make his joke in YoF episode with question "Were you jealous at PBG?". That's how Radio Star is. So it's BIG NO NO


59 minutes ago, debieg said:


you are right oppa like to joke around. Even the joke about buying the data is taken so seriously some antis can't see that oppa was just joking.

yes..i was surprised that joke was taken seriously to the point "not appreciate the hardwork of the actor"...really ?? scary and short minded thought. so, no..not anymore. stay away from the show that only digging your weakness

all in all, i am glad that he distanced himself from Junghwan's character. he even rejected the idea of WGM with Hyeri..i am so glad that he has a new project that means that he has new character he needs to built on. the last Reply88 work will be tommorow concert, and then, we will no longer see Junghwan anymore except for someone who's reply for R88 hahahaha.


@yumeaki yes..i think THE KING filming since JIS already filming too

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