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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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1 hour ago, sublimelyheureuse said:


Upon ascending to the throne, Wang So lost much of his freedom, too, and that he fought so valiantly, so confidently, to keep Hae Su by his side is a character trait that I adore. For love to be at its strongest and in its most lasting form, though, it must honor personal freedom above selfish desires. And in the pressures mounting on him, in the loss of his own ability to have and be all he wanted, politically and personally, Wang So began restricting Hae Su’s freedom. (“You, of all people, should understand me.” “You’re mine.” “Everything is mine.” “Just focus on me.” “I’ll never let you go.”)


Sorry to cut your post!

This was one of the most heartbreaking part of the story for me! He wanted the throne to protect his loved ones, bring some kind of peace to the kingdom, and end the fight between his brothers. In a way he was kind of naive. He really thought he could do all that when he becomes the king, and the realization that although he IS the king he is not the one in control, but he is controlled by others (the clans, wook, YH, and so on) hit him hard. He lost his freedom, and became a caged animal. He really thought once he becomes king he could marry HS and make her his official queen (he was like a little child when he told her they could marry anytime she wants to in ep 17), but again he was technically forced to do something against his will (marry YH)! In the end he couldn't do any of the things he wanted to, and he ended up all alone in a golden cage, restricted by rules!

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On ‎22‎.‎11‎.‎2016 at 11:35 PM, nightwitch said:

Love Rain - done!

Stand now: MLSHR 1283 voices already!

You're beautiful: 1433

Full House: 2205

Playful Kiss: 4360

DOTS: 9260 voices.

We need more voices! You can vote once a day per each device and per each browser.


You're beautiful - done!

Stand now: MLSHR 1485 voices already! Plus 202!

Winter Sonata: 1788

Full House: 2229

Playful Kiss: 4360

DOTS: 9383 voices. Plus 123!

We need more voices! You can vote once a day per each device and per each browser. Remember: DOTS-Fans don't sleep!

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6 hours ago, ruizaio said:

@ilovecoffeeandbooks @ladybirdz 

Actually, why not. What can it hurt? Here are the addresses of the production companies of MLSHR:

BaramiBunda inc.: 37-4 Samseong-ro 119-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (zip: 06094)

GT Entertainment: Seokkyeong Bldg. 2F, 108-3 Nonhyeon 2(i)-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (zip: 06059)

YG Entertainment: 3 Huiujeong-ro 1-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul (zip: 04028)

NBCUniversal: ...has several offices. Don't really know if it's worth it to contact them at all. BaramiBunda and GT (directly related to the director, Kim Kyu-Tae) probably have the extra scenes.

@misspiggie YG has some rights, but the director has to say yes first.

OKAY! Calling all Eclipses!! Let's make this happen!

The Plan:

Bombard (in a nice way) the production companies of MLSHR with postcards asking for DVD/extra scenes/second season. The reason for postcards is that it shows that MLSHR has reached people ALL over the world and also they can see what the postcard is about without having to open an envelope (harder to ignore).

The address above are the ones to send them too. Three postcards is a small price to pay for our beloved! I don't know how much postage is to Korea from wherever you live, but if you really need help, I have PayPal!

I don't know if we should all send it on the same day so the postcards come in around the same time, or what... (I have no idea what I'm doing). So if you have any ideas (or want to take this project and make it legit), I am very open!! PLEASE HELP ME >.>



PS: Anyone still having trouble logging into Soompi? I can't log in at all on Chrome, only on Microsoft Edge. SOOMPI WHY U DO DIS

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16 hours ago, kdramawriter said:

Heads-up, everyone.

I just read the latest installment of Book II of @kdramawriter's ML fanfic and it is stellar!!! I highly recommend it. Seriously, I have not been this gripped by written suspense in a long while. 

(Is this tale reflective of what The K2 was or should have been? I wouldn't know, since I skipped that show to feed a SHR addiction, instead. ;))

Even more impressive is how different Books I and II are in tone, yet they are both recognizably faithful to the characters of Wang So and Hae Su. (For even hotter, recent installments, head over to Book I...:wub:)

For a direct question of @kdramawriter, how on earth do you manage to make the military and security detail elements so realistic??

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1 hour ago, ilovecoffeeandbooks said:

OKAY! Calling all Eclipses!! Let's make this happen!

The Plan:

Bombard (in a nice way) the production companies of MLSHR with postcards asking for DVD/extra scenes/second season. The reason for postcards is that it shows that MLSHR has reached people ALL over the world and also they can see what the postcard is about without having to open an envelope (harder to ignore).

The address above are the ones to send them too. Three postcards is a small price to pay for our beloved! I don't know how much postage is to Korea from wherever you live, but if you really need help, I have PayPal!

I don't know if we should all send it on the same day so the postcards come in around the same time, or what... (I have no idea what I'm doing). So if you have any ideas (or want to take this project and make it legit), I am very open!! PLEASE HELP ME >.>


@ilovecoffeeandbooks, since some of us may be able to write in hangeul (or want to learn), would it be possible to enlist the help of some of our fluent-in-Korean Eclipses, to determine the best wording to use on the postcards, and then publish a phrase that other Eclipses can copy?

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15 minutes ago, sublimelyheureuse said:

@ilovecoffeeandbooks, since some of us may be able to write in hangeul (or want to learn), would it be possible to enlist the help of some of our fluent-in-Korean Eclipses, to determine the best wording to use on the postcards, and then publish a phrase that other Eclipses can copy?

Oooh, that's a wonderful idea! That way we can be united!! Now the question is what should we say? We don't want to be rude/pushy, but definitely want to get across the desperation and the fact that we love and appreciate the show so much.

Hmm..... Any ideas?

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1 hour ago, ilovecoffeeandbooks said:

Oooh, that's a wonderful idea! That way we can be united!! Now the question is what should we say? We don't want to be rude/pushy, but definitely want to get across the desperation and the fact that we love and appreciate the show so much.

Hmm..... Any ideas?

Hmm...How about something along the lines of:

Dear Director and Producers,

Since MLSHR has had an impact extending far beyond the borders of Korea and since it is such a unique and iconic story - one that seems much larger than a mere 20 episodes could contain - we humbly and sincerely request a release of any and all extra scenes. To cement the show's status as one of the greatest dramas produced, a complete DVD (including previously cut scenes) would be preferred, but other forms of release would be equally appreciated.

Yours truly,


This wording is merely a first try (and the second sentence could certainly have more punch), so please feel free to edit away! 

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Not to discourage you, ladies. I'm only asking purely out of curiosity as I'm not into Kdrama and not familiar at all with the industry. What's the measure for probability of they answering the plea? I mean, has similar case ever happened in the past? Or is this the only dumb thing that has ever happened in k-industry's history.

I'm not sure postcards will work, unless we can make it like this:




I still lean towards the idea of hacking their servers. If I lose my mind, I'd pull a few strings. I'm just not ready to be another Julian Assange in K-industry.

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8 hours ago, realmsoflove said:


That's discouraging. IIRC, the It's Okay, It's Love director's cut DVD came out fairly quickly after the drama finished airing - so it's not as if there's not a precedent for him releasing his work. I know Noh Hee-kyung was probably a factor there, and I suspect there were fewer cut scenes to insert, but I'm puzzled by KKT's disinterest. Surely - given the scope of the international fanbase, at least - there's a demand for it. 

Also... did the Korean fans ever get any clarification as to who edited the international version, and who edited the SBS version? Did Kim Kyu-tae edit both? I would assume so, if the scenes that were edited into the SBS broadcast count as 'extra contents'. I'm just so baffled by the discrepancies between both versions (and why there would be discrepancies at all). I didn't watch the international version, but it seems like the scenes of pretty much every single loveline were retained in that one... except for So and Soo's. Who decides "Ah, yes, let's edit out important scenes between the leads that enrich their relationship and illuminate how they feel about each other. Can't go wrong with that!" I don't get it.

I don't like griping about KKT, because he at least gave me this drama that I love so much. When it was announced that he was directing it, I kicked back and relaxed because even though he had never directed a sageuk drama, I felt like the show was in good, sensible hands. Now, the direction is the biggest issue I have with the drama, and we may never get to see all of the scenes that were meant to be in it. It's so frustrating.

when i learned it will be KKT's work, since he made that winter, the wind blows, i was excited since his previous work is great... well MLSHR is great, with a few mishaps but his shots were great...

lets just think positive why it was making so much time to decide is because they were organizing it properly with all our demands.. we do not hear KKT with another project for the time being right?

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15 minutes ago, kiinn said:

Not to discourage you, ladies. I'm only asking purely out of curiosity as I'm not into Kdrama and not familiar at all with the industry. What's the measure for probability of they answering the plea? I mean, has similar case ever happened in the past? Or is this the only dumb thing that has ever happen in k-industry's history.

I'm not sure postcards will work, unless we can make it like this:

  Hide contents



id like if the postcards were kind of have personalize message, but its also nice if it is translated in korean.... postcards using MLSHR artworks (there's so many) would be great.. maybe someone would collect (and check the messages) and deliver it in one big box hahaha....
it was like when someone asked for pics for the video project, however, this would be harder than that.. :P:sweatingbullets:

8 hours ago, tinniet said:

Does anyone have the correct translation for Soo's letter? I remember someone correcting the translation found in the engsub SBS version, the one with the sentence "...I may have left you with hatred instead of love, not allowing you to rest in peace." That "rest in peace" part is kinda weird and I remember someone corrected it but I didn't save it that time. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

the sbs version says rest in comfort, i just have to check it so i edited what i said earlier..

rest in peace, hahaha.. it was explained that it means she left him without peace knowing she hurt him and left him...

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7 minutes ago, kiinn said:

Not to discourage you, ladies. I'm only asking purely out of curiosity as I'm not into Kdrama and not familiar at all with the industry. What's the measure for probability of they answering the plea? I mean, has similar case ever happened in the past? Or is this the only dumb thing that has ever happen in k-industry's history.

I'm not sure postcards will work, unless we can make it like this:

  Hide contents



Great questions, and ones for which I, personally, do not have any answers. 

Based on the advice I've seen online, from congressional aides, post-US-presidential election, apparently members of Congress and their staff actually pay more attention to phone calls and written letters than they do to e-mails or other electronic media (because of the time required to either answer the phone and talk to a constituent or read and process a piece of mail). Whether this reasoning can be applied to the Korean entertainment industry, I have no idea, and I'd be curious to hear what others think about the potential effectiveness of a mail campaign.

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15 minutes ago, kiinn said:

Not to discourage you, ladies. I'm only asking purely out of curiosity as I'm not into Kdrama and not familiar at all with the industry. What's the measure for probability of they answering the plea? I mean, has similar case ever happened in the past? Or is this the only dumb thing that has ever happen in k-industry's history.

I'm not sure postcards will work, unless we can make it like this:


I've thought the same thing, honestly. BUT I read earlier that the director of DOTS had to be ...persuaded *coughbribedcough* to release the DVD (not really bribed, just showered with gifts). And anyway, it can't hurt! If we can get almost 41,000 comments on here, I'm sure we can get lots of postcards!! And we can take to twitter and Instagram (these are things, right? I barely use facebook) to help spread the word!


Power of positive thinking, yeah! (I'm so desperate, I'll try anything, honestly... if I could send a lump of cash and it would work, I would) (not that it would be a lot, I'm poor :( )

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7 minutes ago, sosooyah19 said:

id like if the postcards were kind of have personalize message, but its also nice if it is translated in korean.... postcards using MLSHR artworks (there's so many) would be great.. maybe someone would collect (and check the messages) and deliver it in one big box hahaha....
it was like when someone asked for pics for the video project, however, this would be harder than that.. :P:sweatingbullets:

Great ideas!!

How about a mix of something in Korean and something personalized?

To increase the impact, would we want to collect the messages/postcards/artwork in a few locations and ship it all from those spots? And would we want to sound a call on other platforms, for even more submissions?

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Finally! i could log in :sweatingbullets:. let we warn you it would be a long post... and a So fest :w00t:

talking about first kiss for the seventh time I´m not expecting anything from the LDF web drama… only to catch a glimpse of LJG. One of the things MLSHR taught me is to keep my expectations low, so I won’t be heartbroken (or at least i will be less heartbroken)

12 hours ago, bitofmadness said:

Now that I think more about it, the last scene from episode 20 is more symbolic than it may seem. Initially, I thought that it was just a mere attempt from the director at a “happy ending” to satisfy us viewers especially after all that heartbreak from their separation. However, if we look at the drama from a holistic perspective, it is a very meaningful ending. 


I recall King Taejo’s words for HS: “Close your eyes to the things you cannot control…do not get so hung up on the future that you lose what you have now.”


Then why show us a flashback? 


Because our present will become our past in the future. Memories that we can look back at and not regret. Even the piggyback is symbolic. SoSoo running happily towards the camera; HS pointing ahead. Similar to the poem and other scenes throughout the drama, it is embracing the theme of never giving up on hope. Compared to the beginning of the series, it is a very different take on life:

  Reveal hidden contents




Keep moving forward. 


Even when the future is uncertain. 


Even when it may all end in vain. 


Carpe diem: seize the day! 


That is what the director is trying to tell us. 


SoSoo’s happy moments in Goryeo may be short-lived. But I am sure they never regret loving one another. Every moment between them is meaningful and precious. This scene by the lake is one of them. 


Borrowing a quote from Steve Jobs:


“You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.” 


So from a narrative perspective (where we look at how the story should have unfolded), the sequence of events during the last few minutes of the drama makes no sense at all. Heck I was furious during the livestream lol. But from this allegorical angle (where we look back at all the previous episodes), it makes perfect sense. 


  Reveal hidden contents

It has been more than three weeks since the drama ended...and I’m still writing these analytical pieces. What am I doing with my life? I wish I had this much enthusiasm back then during university when I took an elective on film studies. Anyway, this is the 2nd time I am re-watching the series. Time to go back to my dungeon and see if there are any more hidden details I can pick up. 




@bitofmadness I realized that I always love your posts… very much. I was reading this one while at my office and I had to run to the bathroom so no one could see me crying… When I watched MISA, Glass Slippers and WHIB (all SJS dramas) I spent a whole week crying… now, it’s been 3 weeks since MLSHR ended and I’m still crying and rewatching…

Mondays and Tuesdays are still my MLSHR nights (i spend many hours dedicated to MLSHR from Wednesdays to Sundays, but in Mondays and Tuesdays I ONLY do/watch MLSHR’ stuff), so last night I watched episode 4 and took (as always) tons of screencaps (seriously I spent more time taking screencaps than actually watching the episode!) Anyway, as I couldn’t log in Soompi, I will post them pictures now:

Best scene everrrrrrrrrScrltHrtRyo.E04.540p.NEXT.mkv_000129129.



I’m fascinated at how LJG displayed and nailed every expression and emotion… I was in awe while watching (actually I had to replay the whole sequence), you can feel him, his false hope, his disbelieve, his desperation, his pain, his rage and his resolution. Evil Queen was a good antagonist (I hate her so much) but it’s WS who shines in all his splendor



How wonderful is that the drama followed with another breathtaking/heartbreaking scene… I love LJG's acting in this scene. The way he showed his rage and craved for destruction, when he said “yes it’s blood, the blood of the people I killed” and then when he said “I’ve already told you I killed people!” or something like that… I was awestruck watching and hearing him… and then when Soo said she understood and she could relate, the look in his face… so much hurt mixed with wonder and disbelieve… and by the end he looked so broken… I was bawling and I was broken too. But what I need to highlight in this scene is HS’s attitude. Gosh I was so proud of her because she did understand, she did relate and she did care for WS… I missed this Soo in later episodes (seriously it drove me mad the way she distrust and misunderstood WS). The only time when I saw this kind of Soo was when WS thought he killed Yo.







King/Crown Prince/Jimong/So reunion:



Beautiful scenery and beautiful SoSoo… they’re so cute together






First time So genuinely smiled at Soo





OMG the best part of this scene is YH’s face… she couldn’t believe everyone (almost) was against her… specially So:






So if you’re not mine then you are my person (I loved this scene so much, even if now it brings me some bittersweet tang, just thinking about GJ and his daughter)











Hero + horse + sword beat Wook/Jung all the time. You could see HS smile and relief when So arrived



The look in their faces when she hugs Jung and Jung calls her nooning (or something like that. I would be happy if someone tells me the actual word)



I couldn’t take a good screencap but I need to post this… I will remember to look at it in later episodes, it will give me some strength for sure:



King/Crown Prince/Jimong/So reunion: So stays!




So lovely and So sweet:









Good night eclipses... hope we keep waiting together... after the drama ended coming here is the best thing i have...


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3 hours ago, sublimelyheureuse said:

Heads-up, everyone.

I just read the latest installment of Book II of @kdramawriter's ML fanfic and it is stellar!!! I highly recommend it. Seriously, I have not been this gripped by written suspense in a long while. 

(Is this tale reflective of what The K2 was or should have been? I wouldn't know, since I skipped that show to feed a SHR addiction, instead. ;))

Even more impressive is how different Books I and II are in tone, yet they are both recognizably faithful to the characters of Wang So and Hae Su. (For even hotter, recent installments, head over to Book I...:wub:)

For a direct question of @kdramawriter, how on earth do you manage to make the military and security detail elements so realistic??

i was actually asking that question while reading, even assuring myself that it was not DOTS fanfic that im reading hahahah

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On 11/23/2016 at 11:25 AM, misspiggie said:

First answer this question:  What’s the difference between “rest in peace” and “be at peace”?

"Rest in peace" (  (Latin: Requiescat in pace (Classical Latin: [re.kʷiˈeːs.kat ɪn ˈpaː.ke], Ecclesiastical Latin: [re.kwiˈɛs.kat in ˈpa.tʃe])) is a short epitaph or idiomaticexpression wishing eternal rest and peace to someone who has died. The expression typically appears on headstones, often abbreviated as R.I.P. or RIP.  ( source: wikipedia )

"Be at peace" -   It's another way of saying be calm and happy.

be at peace with the world
to be feeling calm and happy because you are satisfied with your life. Sitting on the terrace, looking out over the olive groves, she felt at peace with the world. 

peace - Idioms - by the Free Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

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27 minutes ago, sublimelyheureuse said:

Great questions, and ones for which I, personally, do not have any answers. 

Based on the advice I've seen online, from congressional aides, post-US-presidential election, apparently members of Congress and their staff actually pay more attention to phone calls and written letters than they do to e-mails or other electronic media (because of the time required to either answer the phone and talk to a constituent or read and process a piece of mail). Whether this reasoning can be applied to the Korean entertainment industry, I have no idea, and I'd be curious to hear what others think about the potential effectiveness of a mail campaign.

its because its harder to do, and mails mean more people really want it than demanding through email and media which can be made by only one person in short time.. i think the director or whoever is responsible for MLSHR will be grateful receiving such love letters from fans..

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