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Here's an article shared by Myonne in BYJ's Quilt. It is an article wherein Kim Jong Hak, Producer of Yong Joon's next drama "The Great King Four Gods", was interviewed by AERA Magazine. This article is in 3 parts.


Myonne wrote~

Hi, quilt sis & bros,

as bb said, it's time to watch WLS again in this season, and also it's time to enjoy looking fwd to next drama.

here again, from AERA 9/30 edition, i transed Kim Jong Hak interview for u to read.

I find he seems to be quite a society-oriented producer who mentions a bit political things.

i myself am not a political person at all, and still at the entrance of self-enlightenment to study Korean history. (sorry to say). So if i mistranslated what he said, pls indicate and let me know. (especially Korean sisters, pls.)

it's quite long, but if u r interested, pls enjoy.

scanned by myonne


[Translation] From AERA 9.30 ed. : Exclusive Interview with Kim Jong Hak (Prod. of The Great King Four Gods) Part 1

From : AERA 9/30/05 Special Issue

Evolving "Hanryu(Korean Wave)"

Japanese to English translation by Myonne and posted in BYJ's Quilt

Exclusive Interview with Producer Kim Jong Hak

-- Kim Jong Hak (Producer), Leader of Korean drama producing world,

Talks about Bae Yongjoon's next drama-----

Writers: Rumi Hayashi (Books Editorial Division)

Lee Yongchoi (Researcher of South & North Korea-Japan relationship)

KIM JONG HAK : Born in 1951. Graduated from newspaper, broadcasting department of ˬý÷University. Joined in broadcast world as a MBC producer in '77. Produced "Kingdom of Frozen Ground" "Human Market", "Eyes of Dawn", "Sandglass", "White Night 3.98", "Ambition"etc.

Established Kim Jong Hak Production in '98.

Awarded ÛÝßÌéýâúÓÞßۣÂekso Arts Grand-prix , Production prize award in 2003.

Producer Kim Jong Hak is a person who is called "charisma" of Korean drama world and has produced a number of masterpieces one after another.

The new drama "The Great King and Four Gods Story" £¨÷¼èÝÞÌãêÑ

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Guest frances

~ in case some of you missed this interview of BYJ that was featured in the January 2005 issue of Morning Calm :)

From the home of Morning Calm, in-flight magazine of Korean Air. The information was provided by pola in Daum.net's byjfan Cafe.

posted by joanne in quilt




You must have a special sentiment about your TV drama “Winter Sonata” which created the `Yonsama’ fever.

I have a strong bond with Yoon Suk Ho, the producer of the “Winter Sonata”. Our friendship began when I made my debut with his drama “Love Greeting”. “Winter Sonata” became a kind of turning point in my career. I think the story touched many people’s hearts in that it looked back on the memory of first love and viewers could relate to the story while watching the drama.

You call your fans `my family’. Isn’t this a little burdensome considering your fans’ expression of love and adoration?

If my fans are not considered my family, they cannot give me absolute trust and love. Although I am not able to greet all my fans in person, I still believe that we can understand each other’s true feelings. I always want to express my warmest gratitude to them but at the same time, I feel badly that I cannot give them all that they want.

I always feel an enormous amount of responsibility because I have to live a celebrity life.

Your photo exhibit “The Image Vol. One”, held at Roppongi Hill in Tokyo some days ago, was a great success. How was your fans’ reaction especially about your muscular body which was shown to the public for the first time?

To be honest, many people were worried about my new and different image and this sudden change from my current style. They were also concerned about possible health problems that could arise from bodybuilding. However, I believe that constantly creating a new image is one of the duties of an actor. This project was a challenge to me and I tried to do my best throughout this process. Luckily, many people praised my efforts and I am very grateful for that.

According to people, the secret of your appeal is mainly due to your warm smile, kindness, pleasant personality and dignified image. What do you think about it?

I don’t deserve it. I am just trying to do my best lest my fans be disappointed. And it works.

The `Korean Wave’ (boom of Korean culture abroad) is very strong all over Asia now. As its first runner, what do you think about it?

Cultural exchange must be based on mutual understanding. A one-way flow of information makes it difficult to maintain a long-run cultural exchange. A culturally sound foundation is the most important factor in building a better future. The Asian entertainment industry will develop only when we improve its cultural quality and share it with other countries. We have to work on this together.

Do you have a favorite Japanese movie, actor/actress or producer?

Above all, I respect Dakakura Ken. I enjoy his performances and respect him as a person. Koreans don’t have many opportunities to watch Japanese dramas and movies. I am looking forward to seeing a lot of good works in the future.

What is your favorite place in Japan and do you have a special memory which is linked to your fans?

During my stay in Japan, I spent most of my time working in the hotel. It is a pity that I don’t have any memorable places to speak of. Sometimes, I want to walk along ordinary countryside roads in Japan and take photos of those sceneries. A special memory? It’s meeting all `my family’ who receive me with open arms whenever I come to Japan and wave their hands until my plane takes off.

And finally, what do you want to say to your fans?

I feel badly that I am not able to return the love give to me. But my heart will be with you always wherever you are. I will do my best to be a good actor for all of you. Always be healthy and happy.

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Guest happiebb

bb, are you going to Beijing?

nope nope... not going to beijing... :(

sob sob sob.... sob some more!!

have already made plans previously to go somewhere else that same weekend.

sighs... would have loved to be in beijing to see him though... sighs...

now i can't even be around that weekend to tune in to the real-time relay of the happenings...

yup yup, meaning i won't be able to help with real-time translation for his beijing trip.

sorry, gals!

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Guest happiebb

~ these japanese men have a great sense of humor :lol: :lol: they entered incheon airport dressed as minhyung of winter sonata :D :D i think these guys are part of a japanese chamber though i'm not sure about the purpose of their visit.....or are they promoting winter sonata for a 5th reshowing in japan ?? :rolleyes::P

this is like in las vegas or in graceland, memphis where some fans come over dressed to the hilt as elvis presley or in liverpool, england where some fans visit dressed as the fab four, the beatles !!!

i guess this is a testament to yong joon's immense popularity in japan and beyond ;) who would have thought that these men at their age ( & i assume are professionals) to dress up like a character from a famous TV drama and enter a foreign country ?? they are so gutsy ! yong joon would have laugh so hard if he sees these guys :D



photos came from a yonhap news article

bb: even though dressed up as min hyung,

these men are nowhere near our yong joon...

but... must say they really have guts and a sense of humour too..

am actually quite tickled...

not only does this go to show the power of yon-sama,

it also proves that clothes do not min-hyung make, haha!

Original in Chinese: Yonhap News 2005/11/04

Translated into English: happiebb / joonsfamily

Many Many BYJs at Incheon International Airport!

Members of the youth club in Gifu Prefecture in Japan who have turned 40 decided to commemorate the event by making a trip to Korea. [bb: i meant the men turning 40, not the club, ya? B) ]

On the afternoon of the 4th [Nov], when they touched down at Incheon International Airport, the group immediately attracted everyone's eyeballs. Apparently, the group of men had dressed themselves up like Bae Yong Joon in Winter Sonata.

According to them, '40' in Japanese sounds like Bae Yong Joon's Japanese name [bb: the number 4 is pronounced as 'yon' in japanese, and yong joon's known as yon-sama in japan] , so since they've just turned 40, they decided to visit Korea and pretend to be Bae Yong Joon.



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:lol: Thanks bb for the article. These men are funny and so gutsy to even wear wig.

So you won't be around when Yong Joon goes to Beijing. :( You will be missing him then.

Geez, we will be missing your translation. I hope that some of our Chinese Baesis will do the real time relay for us. Anyway, enjoy whatever you'll be doing that weekend.

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(Trans.) From AERA 9.30 ed. : Exclusive Interview with Kim Jong Hak (Prod. of GKFG) Part 2

From : AERA 9/30/05 Special Issue

Evolving "Hanryu(Korean Wave)"

Japanese to English translation by Myonne and posted in BYJ's Quilt

I do not want to depict simple playful love.

-Why do you adhere to the theme of "nation" or "society" amongst many Korean dramas produced on the theme of "family" or "love"?

KJH : The basic philosophy of my production is that simple love stories or family scenes should have political, economical, and social background as their basis , and that without depicting them, those never could be lively dramas.

When we depict human beings, we need to look at their way of living from the bottom. As for myself, I experienced a war in the past, which became a driving force to live the current moments.

In my "Eyes of Dawn", I pictured the distresses in colonial days of Japan and the tragedies of Korean War and its racial struggles. At one time I also depicted the intrigues by KCIA and social corruptions, and how the people subjected to a corruption case were damaged and how the authority tried to hide the facts.

I do not want to meet our televiewers only in simple playful love dramas. However, I am making the dramas neither to change the society drastically nor to intend to. Rather, I just don't want to have a superficial expression in drawing a truthful love.


In '98, he established Kim Jong Hak Production, and has so far produced a number of popular dramas such as "Beautiful Days", "Full House", ¡"Glass Shoes", "Sad Love Song¡", "Sea God" one after another.

-How do you see "Hanryu dramas" from the standpoint of a person who has continuously been leading the Korean drama world?

KJH : We are making about 8 drama series a year in Kim Jong Hak Production. It is a company which creates many dramas next to KBS, MBC, and SBS. 10 producers and about 30 writers now belong to our company.

After the IMF economic crisis in '97, people came to prefer comfortable easily-watchable dramas to serious ones. I think this tendency form a substantial trend still now, which probably was a cause of the start of "Hanryu". Although as to the "earnestness" the power became weak in Korean dramas, compared with those in the past, the power has become increasingly greater in its "familiarity".

I think the biggest element of dramas is "being moved". In any kind of genre, it is our biggest target to give our televiewers a big impression and to touch their hearts.

For instance, I don't think the reason of a big success of "Winter Love Song" in Japan is just because that love is beautiful. It is because, through the figures of those sincere characters, the drama successfully projects what Japanese people have wanted for, and turned it into their "being moved".

However, the problem is that since "Hanryu" dramas were successful in various parts in Asia, a lot of similar works began to appear on the market. Due to diversification of genre and curtailing of production period, the "earnestness" of human beings has been substantially degraded. We think that we would like to express it as much as possible. Though some people say that it does not do business, we believe only good works can give televiewers a great impression. Therefore, really hard as it is, we are progressing towards the direction without looking aside.

I think televiewers tend to see dramas in hope for seeing certain actors or actresses rather than for the quality of a work in the latest "Hanryu¡". This is also a sad thing. I hope those televiewers who expect a good work itself still continue to exist.


His new drama "The Great King and the Four Gods¡" with Song Jina (Scenario) of "Sandglass" which has already been talks of the town is scheduled to go into full-scale shooting from the middle of September (liezle : it has been said that shooting will begin December or January).

The leading role which Bae Yongjoon will act is Dam Tuck(ÓÈ徳)[Kuangedewan £¨広ËÒ÷Ïèݣ©] in Kokuryo Kingdom (ÍÔϣÕò). In the past several years, however, the intense dispute has been exchanged over where Kokuryo belonged between Korea and China. Also, the debate has been continuing over the contents of Kuangedewan monument between Japan and Korea. Under such circumstances, our expectation grows how Director Kim Jong Hak who has an international view will depict this stage.

(Continued to Part 3)

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Hello! My first time to post in this thread... :P

Hi liezle, I saw them in Japanese site.

Ms. H.Y made them .. :)

Here is the link:


I like best this artwork of H.Y


Hi there hirorin! Welcome to the thread! Thanks for dropping by. Your name looks familiar :) Are you the hirorin from Japanese Family? We hope to see more of you here and please do share your thoughts with us about Yong Joon.

Btw, thaks for reminding reminding me of the name of the artist.

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Guest frances

~ here are a few group pictures w/ yong joon :)

with The Image staff ~


the dynamic team of BOF ~


with staff of April Snow ~


very lucky fans !! ~



with the Untold Scandal group ~


with HWRL fans ~


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Guest frances

from english chosun


Korean Air In-Flight Magazine Takes Prize


Korean Air said Friday its in-flight magazine “Morning Calm” garnered a prize in the Avion Awards from the World Airline Entertainment Association. “Morning Calm” took third prize behind Australia’s Qantas and Chile’s LAN.

The issue that grabbed the judges’ attention was the January number, which ran a special feature on Korean heartthrob Bae Yong-joon. The exclusive interview sent demand soaring to uncharted heights for an in-flight magazine, especially among the actor’s many Japanese fans, prompting the airline to print an extra 10,000 issues.

The WAEA is an official worldwide network representing 80 passenger airlines and more than 250 airline entertainment suppliers, which gives the Avion Award to the three top airlines in 12 categories, including in-flight article, spanning radio and video.

(englishnews@chosun.com )

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This was posted by happiebb in BYJ's Quilt at around 8pm tonight and I'm so amazed to noticed that the hit rates for this particular VOD reached 6178 by 12:30am. Really amazing! Thanks bb for posting and of course to LL for creating the wonderful vod. ~ liezle

[VOD] LL's loving creation: yong joon without glasses!

Yong Joon without Glasses by LL

bb: okay... regarding that fishing picture i posted yesterday,

it's been clarified... yup yup, it's created by japanese fan LL.

hee... must have been created with much love and affection...

guess we all must be missing him like crazy...

and... it's with his news, fans' writing, pictures, artwork etc...

that keep us going when he's gone on one of his disappearing acts again...

i suppose we shouldn't even be surprised,

he's always been like this, hasn't he?

disappearing after completing a drama, a movie...

honestly, i truly truly truly admire his long-time korean fans...

just think about it, back in the those earlier days,

there's no such thing as internet and fan websites and stuff,

so.. where could the fans find comfort when he's out of public sight?

we should be so thankful that now, at least we've the net,

we've fantastic sites like Quilt, like JF, like soompi, like loveyongjoon.com,

and we should be so thankful we've one another...

do you ladies remember the VOD LL created sometime ago?

you know, the charming man? it's a lovely piece...

anyway, LL has created another MV that i just absolutely have to share,

coz... it's all about yong joon,

the yong joon without glasses!

hope LL doesn't mind that i post her VOD here for all to share :P

hee... i just love love love love love yong joon without glasses!


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Guest frances

Measuring Yong Joon !!

this was posted by satovic in quilt last oct 2004

she took these measurements during the photo exhibit of Hotelier in Tokyo and actual costumes were on hand and accessible to fans and so, the ever resourceful satovic made the ff measurements ;)

Width of shoulder 47cm

length of sleeve 60cm

length from neck to waist 52cm

outside length of trousure 112cm

inside length of trousure 82cm

Around chest over 100cm


~ I couldnt measure the shoes, but it must be nearly 28cm.( I placed a chocolate box beside his shoes to show the size.)

Yes,he is a big man, with a big warm heart...... ~ satovic


but these measurements were taken by satovic from the costumes in Hotelier so i guess this has now changed since after The Image :) for sure, the chest is wider, the waist is slimmer, the shoulder is broader....:wub:

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This is the last part of the article. And this part mainly talks about the production of "The Great King Four Gods" and Bae Yong Joon.

(Trans.) From AERA 9.30 ed. : Exclusive Interview with Kim Jong Hak (Prod. of GKFG) Part 3

From : AERA 9/30/05 Special Issue

Evolving "Hanryu(Korean Wave)"

Japanese to English translation by Myonne and posted in BYJ's Quilt

Tenderness, and Charisma of Kuangedewan

-The stage of "The Great King and the Four Gods" is Kokuryo. Why did you set up this period and place?

KJH - China continually insisted the opinion 'the history of Kokuryo should be included in Chinese history.' On the side of Korea, protests have been diplomatically made against and a number of discussions also have been done among many scholars. I think the history of Kokuryo is included in that of Korea and should be an inheritance which our youth can be proud of. But, I just want to confirm it once again in this drama, rather than to regain the lost history.

To be sure, this is a sensitive problem. But, I don't necessarily have a strong feeling of duty or a sense of mission. I just want to introduce an interesting history to the world, and it will be more than enough if you see our Kuangedewan in the same way as we enjoyed "King Arthur".

Considering the relationship between Korea and Japan, and that with China, I think it would be good if we could share the history together by taking advantage of this opportunity.

In the days of Kuangedewan, Japan, Silla(ãæÔþ), Kaya£¨ʡ季©¡¢and Kudara£¨ÛÝ済£©(Park-Jae) were entangled with each other on and around the Chosun Peninsula. Some people might say it's too much Korean-centric, but I just want to make a good work from an objective viewpoint.

As to whether it will be broadcast in China or not, I am not in the position to judge, but since there is no border in electric waves and culture, probably they also can see the drama. Of course, the China side may have a counter opinion since Kangto(ÊàÓö) area (which is the focus of the Kokuryo dispute) is the political place where China may assert dominium in the future.

But, it is a problem among a part of politicians or scholars, and is a target only for them. Apart from them, general public do not think so. In order to solve such bigotry of some politicians, it may be a good method to understand general citizens well.

- Why did you appoint Bae Yongjoon ssi who is extremely popular in Asia as the leading character?

KJH : I did not appoint Bae Yongjoon just because he is popular. I feel that he surely has tenderness and charisma nature. Kuangedewan is a person who became famous not just because he conquered the continent. The virtue and intellect he had played a big role, I think. That is, Kuangedewan did not dominate the continent by such reason as having excelled in sword fighting or in horsemanship.

Currently, Bae Yongjoon is practicing horse riding and making the body in preparation for the drama. These elements are not all of Kuangedewan, though. The reason I tried to negotiate for his performance is because I thought he can express a big character through his tenderness and charisma nature.

I talked with Bae Yongjoon himself on this point, and he agreed to it. We agreed to create a character who seems to be humorous at times and is reliable enough for anyone to follow voluntarily. The details in this person image will be made through Bae Yongjoon from now on.

- I hear you will incorporate the fantasy-element into this drama, won't you?

KJH : In Korea, as a rule the main televiewer layers of a historical play are seniors and youth seldom see it. Then, we took up a fantasy as a result of thinking what the visual which they want to see most is.

And one more thing: when I thought we would like many people around the world to see this drama, and also when we wondered what is our global common language now, we thought it is, what we call, a martial art fantasy. As you all know, a number of people have been fascinated with the visual aspect of the fantasies such as "Hero" and "Matrix".

Hungry Spirit which gave rise to "Hanryu (Korean Wave)"

- I also hear you will have a shooting in North Korea location.

KJH : Yes. I am planning to make it in cooperation with North Korea. We will go as far as to Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan as well. It will be a cooperative work which a number of competent staff in the world, including Japanese artists, will gather to create.

The relationships of Korea, China and Japan are definitely inseparable. I hope it will become a good chance for us to confirm so together by creating this work.

This work will also have a screen with not only fantastic visual but also with revolutional sound effects. As for the production expense, the highest amount in Korean drama history will be invested. But, I don't mean that we would like you to be specifically interested in the features such as investment amount or the visual, and sound effects only.

While I myself am in the analog generation, the young generation of today are born in the digitally and visually set circumstances. In Korea, one-third of the youth is said to have a hope to work for games, music, and filming world.

I find such explosive energy really promising, but on the other hand, am a bit worried, to be honest. For, they seem to yearn only after the splendor which can be seen from outside.

If there is any emotional goodness in Korean dramas compared with Japanese ones, it might have resulted from a "hungry spirit". A good work is not necessarily born in rich environment. I think the young people's energies which exploded under the severe environment have led to the development of Korean dramas and films of today.

This flow has been called highly of as "Hanryu", and though it does not always bring much money in your hands, it is misinterpreted like a "bubble". If such a "bubble" bursts, we will have a difficult time after that. So, I think we have to make efforts to have a fresh start once again.


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Guest frances

[VOD] LL's loving creation: yong joon without glasses!

Yong Joon without Glasses by LL

just love this VOD :wub: love seeing yong joon without the glasses !! i like it when he wears glasses but i would love to see more of him w/o the specs ;)

btw, Liezle , do you know that part of the vod where yong joon is being naughty with the lady he is holding ? is he trying to kiss her or what ? :o its the first time i saw that clip.

hey carol dear, i wish you could capped this vod. its a good one :)

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