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Im back! Please come listen to my new singings! :)

Guest IHMJack

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Erm...what poll?

I remember that all your posts here was a poll asking which one's the best. Well, I'm not gonna listen to six songs and figure out which one is the best so I'll just listen to My Destiny.

One thing, get a pop filter ><"

You did do pretty well, but it's a bit short.

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Guest babiixru

hello, sorry i left you for the collab. it's just that i got frustrated explaining everything and i knew it would take a lot of effort to get it done X_X and my friends wanted to do it so....anyway. you should stop asking people to poll T_T they'll just say which one they liked best lol. i agree with rai^ either get a pop filter or um sing further away from the mic? nice voice though :]

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Guest lovablekrnstar63

umm there isnt a polll...

well youre voice sounds a lil.. iono.. awkward

but work on strengthening it

and it'll sound nice

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Guest Sakura Li

Hey there. I guess I shouldn't tell you about the poll issue since everyone else has. ^^;;

Dude, back away from the mic! It's collecting all air movements and even if you get a pop filter, you will still be able to hear it. Since backing off would mean you need to increase the volume, I suggest you get some support behind that voice. ^^ You have a nice tone and all but you have almost no support in your voice.

Just keep on practising on the lyrics. It was really sloppy and I couldn't understand a thing you said besides I, from, and I'm still waiting for you. ^^;;

Seriously man, just practice and your voice will sound much better as well as your pronounciation! Good luck! ^^

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Guest IHMJack

ok lets do this

FOR yerstar - thanks for the compliment :)

FOR rai-rai - I screwed up the poll, what is a pop filter? and how do get one?

FOR babi - one again what is a pop filter and where do I get one, speaking for collab I think that other guy we had a meeting with is not going to do it with me, so Im stuck without a partner :(

FOR lovable - I always never use enough support :(

FOR Sakura - one again what is a pop filter and where do I get one, I always seem to not notice I need more support, I dont understand Japanese nor korean can I cant really fixx the pronounciation problem :(

I do understand chinese but I still bad in pronounciation, pronounciation has always been my problem :( What do you mean by "nice tone"?

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First thing, it may lessen it a bit if you don't sing so close to the mic. A pop filter basically filters out "pops" like those sounds you get when you pronounce the p sound or b sound.

Look it up on google and you'll get it. Nylon stockings seem to work well O_o

With your Japanese pronounciation, I don't think it's that hard. My pronounciation isn't too good either. You might want to listen to how the singer pronounces his words and kind of imitate it.

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Guest Sakura Li

Pronounciation isn't impossible. ^^ Afterall, My Destiny is quite a new song so I bet if you spend more time with the song, you'll be able to pronounce the lyrics better... Wait.. NVM! DBSG's pronounciation wasn't that great either. O___O I guess you should listen to some real Japanese music and read the lyrics at the same time so you would understand how to pronounce each "word" and yeah.. ^^;;

What I meant about "nice tone" is that your voice doesn't have a nasty sound to it and I won't tell you to stop singing. XD It's just that if you get some support, your voice would sound really good. ^^

Rai told you about the pop filter thing so yeah. ^^

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Guest IHMJack

Thanks for the comments people! Still waiting for more :)

EDIT : lol, is pop filter a SOFTWARE? or a HARDWARE? I did a search and what I see is some type of "Black net".

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Guest babiixru

^ it IS a black net, like david (hmaster) suggested in his CEP (a music + vocal mixing program although you can do other things too) tutorial get a wire bend it to form a circular shape and place some panty hose over it. a pop filter, i think (when i asked someone a while ago, i think it was hmaster :lol:). well when you pronounce "p, b, t(but not as much as the other 2)," you press your lips together and you let out a quick breath of air and it causes a pop sound. when you sing in your mic, it's recorded as a loud sound, and the pop filter helps to minimize that.

dictionary definition: A material, usually some form of acoustically-transparent foam and/or mesh, used on or in microphones to reduce the effects of breath blasts and air currents.

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Guest NotFromThisPlanet

it sounds like you are just reading the words off the page. i dunno if you are trying not too be too loud, but not using your full voice just make it sound monotone, or like you are holding back. also, what the others said, you are too close to your mic. just back away a few feet and sing :) you only sang the beginning of songs, from the clips i listened to, and it isnt really showing what your voice can do.

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Guest my_love_shy

i think you did a pretty good job, but maybe try not to sing too hard into the mic...you have a great voice just keep working and you'll do fine, better singing then me though.

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