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He Loves Naughty Girl Not

Guest s u n d a e_

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Guest leebabe007

aw man yoonsung already left. :(

he better come back. sanghyuk

deserved that too for using her just

to become popular. tch him and his

moley mole self. <_< lols. ahha imho

better still fear her. yoojin finally

realized that she loves him. took her

forever at the last minute to know

her feelings towards yoonsung. and

aw man i cant wait for more. post soon.

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Guest always_urs

OGM!!! that isnt the last chap is it TT-TT

awe... this is so sad.. she was so late...

:tears: so loving this story...

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dayyym. i cant believed i missed out on so many chapters! finally caught up with the chapters!

oh my. sang hyuk's been using her..? that dumb geeeek. haha i can't imagine how sang hyuk looks. and the mole, lol.

how big is his mole exactly? LOL. i really cant imagine. haha.

and ic an't believe yoon sung actually left without informing yoojin! omfg, thats just SAD. i hope yoojin flies over to get him back. <3

“Want to graduate from life? Then mess with me you as$hole! Fight me! Come on, hit me!”

hahahah this cracked me up. :D

post sooooon! :D

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Guest me094

NoOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! You can't do that to Yoo Jin... i feel so sorry for her... but it was her fault... Make hime come back and have them get together... and live happily ever after... or not quite... hahahaha

I love that Yoo Jin beat up Sang Hyuk... i just forgot that she's that tough chick... she's so cool....

Post more whenever u can.

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Guest berry_x.2

thanks for pming <3

lmao i lost it by accidently deleting it from my pm box =___= haha but if u dun wanna send it again, its fine, i rmb it ^O^

dongwan and ha na eh...? i feel glad for ha na, but im just kinda thinking if dongwan is with hana, will he not be there

to back yoojin up? =S

ahh..i really love dongwan's character in this <3 xD

omg yes! she finally went to beat sanghyuk up

lol dont worry...i knew it was an obsession since the title of this fic is about sanghyuk, right? =]

hm..looks like her sisters' talking did her some good ^___^

but but...i wonder what madame said to her that made her go back to her skool..

*sighs*..anyways update soon ^^"

already finished writing it? =] CONGRATZ! xD

...wait im thinking this isnt the last chappie cuz it doesnt say end? xD

-berry <33

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Guest sugargurl38456

cool, you finished this fic already..How many chapters are there left?

She FINALLY realized she loved him..but hes gone..typical huh...but, I dont think hes really gone..I mean how could he have left already if their school hasnt finished yet..right, right?!?!?

heheh I hope she gets the chance to tell YS how she feels..

wow Dongwan actually asked someone out..yay for happy cub!!

:) thanks for the pm and udpate~!!

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Guest ling91

NOOOOO yoonsung left....T____T aishh yoojin is soo stupid haha took her a year to finally realize that she loved him!!!! >.<

wow i never new sanghyuk would go that low...tsktks..<.< and inho is such a bum.. haha good thing tht yoojin overheard them adn kicked both of their bum!! =)

post soon!! =)

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Guest davidnuknow

T.T he left??? noooooo!!!! how can he leave without telling her!!!! >.<


thxx for the updatee!! =)

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Guest bbasya


he didn't leave yet right? i'm hoping that he's still in school.

what did Madam Oh say to her?

GAH! :crazy: yoo jin you're so slow to figure out that you love yoon sung!

and that moley sang hyuk! :angry:

but glad dongwan moved on. at least he is happy now. hehe.

is this the last chapter? or there's still an epilogue right?

i want a happy ending for yoonsung and yoojin please!

btw, thanks for the pm and you're not a bad writer! (^_________^)

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Guest liltoazndevil

wait that wasn the end though right

you only finished writing it not posting it right

ok well that was so horrible

i always pitied sanghyuk and now i dont like him

please post soon with another chap and thank for the pm

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Guest mooxp

I hope that this isn't the end since it didn't say "the end". ..

maybe Yoon Sung will come back soon or after harvard and yoo jin and him could get together.

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Guest China-doll

I have a very strong feeling that Yoon sung is gonna pop out of nowhere and re-unite with Yoo jin!! Lets just hope he does hahha omg Sang Hyuk DESERVES it lol I would've punched him until he looked like a panda.

The part that made my heart thump was when Yoo jin said "no" after Yoon sung asked if she loved him I was like O.O NOO u SILLY GIRL u love him!!! T_T''

PLS PLS PLSSSSSSSS 100x post the next chap lol its soo good ^^

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Guest sam.e.fo.eva

aww man why did he leave already??

haha it would've been funny to watch sang hyuk get beat up

thanks for the pm

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Guest ShaWta3x07

HAHAHHA FINALLYYY SNAGHYUK GETS HIS richard simmons KICKED!!! and his mole :tongue2:

lol i hate that guy

i cant believe the hottie left!!

its all yoojins faultshe should ask madam oh for his phone number or address and visit him

then say 'I LOVE YOU!! NOW KISS ME!!' lol

pshh i wish..wonder wuts gonna happen next

anyways thanks for the pm and chap!

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Guest adorkygirl

aww that's the end?? Yoonsung didn't get a part in the last chapter lol!!

the line

“richard simmons you and your mole.”

made me laugh.

what a good story : )

you're a good writer hehe keep it up.

AHMM >> you can make a FINAL FINAL epilogue end chapter thingy.

w/ yoonsung and yoojin together :D :D :D!!

heheh jokes.

i liked it. very much.

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Guest joongie;love

Has the story finished ? o-o;


I'm so glad that Yoo Jin came to her senses and made the rifght decision, but it's too late... Or is it ? :D

Thanks for the PM.

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Guest .ladys0uL.

lol like everyone else, im confused. you said you're finished the story? but you`ve got more to post right? ^_^

anyways yoonsung's hot XD well i say that basically on every post -_-

love ur writing! :wub:

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at first i was like O_O NOOO!! cause i thought it was the END of the whole fic..

but im assuming its not since it doesnt say "completed" or anything...

but.. that was a GOOD chapter..!

awwhh.. dongwan.. soo cute.. happy ending for him :D

i WISHED that yoonsung would suddenly pop out and say "i wanted to say goodbye"

and she goes "I LOVE YOU." and then..

they make pretty babies.. and then .. a sequel.. and then..

:lol: juss kidding hahaha

well thanks for the pm and hope you post soon

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