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He Loves Naughty Girl Not

Guest s u n d a e_

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Ok... it took me forever to read that last chapter... i'm so slow... when i read that Yoon Sung had a parrtner... there was a couple girls i thought of... i think it might be one of Yoo Jin's friends or that one girl that Sang Hyuk likes, the one that was trying to hit on Yoon Sung at the library... and from Yoo Jin's reaction at the end... i think it might be her... But let's see... Post more whenever u can....

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Guest s u n d a e_

Chapter 33 – Shoo.

“You look good," Bok Ja commented as she sat on my bed and stared at my reflection.

• V-neck satin black dress- goes down my calf halfway
• Silver dangly earrings- the top bit’s a round stud
• Purpley/maroony/pinkish cropped fur jacket
• Gold stilettos

Oh yeah, this should get Sang Hyuk dropping dead. I’m not as chubby as I used to be so the black dress hugs me well- man, I’m looking sizzling hot.

“Stop looking at yourself”, Bok Ja said in her blokey voice.

OK, I still don’t look pretty but I’d pass for sexy alright.

“I reckon Yoon Sung’ll be jealous to death.”

I spun around. “I don’t care what that alien thinks. He’s got his own partner to look at and tonight will be all about me and Sang Hyuk.”

Bok Ja nodded rhythmically. “Yes, Yoo Jin.”

I glanced at my clock. Great, Sang Hyuk didn’t even tell me what time and where to meet him. Has Hye Young left yet? But she’s going with Jo Tae Woo and what if I get there earlier than Sang Hyuk? I’m not planning on listening to their lovey dovey cr@p.

Bok Ja read my mind and suggested, “Why don’t you call him?”

“As if! Girls don’t make the first move.”

She looked at me.

I stared back. “What?”

She dopily asked, “If I was talking about Sang Hyuk… wouldn’t you be a hypocrite?”

I would, but I didn’t say it. “Then who were you talking about?”

“Yoon Sung.”

I was raising my foot at her but stopped halfway- don’t wanna damage my new heels. I snapped instead. “Why would I call him? And stop saying his name, you’re pissing me off.”

She immediately zipped her mouth.

Yoon Sung. I’ll get him later for not telling me about going to the party and going with someone. It’s not like I would’ve told anyone.


“richard simmons. Cold. Shivers. I’m cold.” I rubbed my hands together and lifted my foot to move forward in the cue a bit. I wriggled the right heel- my shoe’s stuck. I heaved it up with a loud squelchy sound and the snow I kicked up flew onto the glasses of a dork who was exiting. He half blindly searched for the offender and I turned away. Lucky I’m good with stilettos.


I’m out in the damn cold snow, lining up to get into a Red Carpet Wannabe party, doing some stupid caterpillar march ‘cause the line is moving at one centimetre per hour and SOME. UNLUCKY. richard simmons. treads. on my heel.

“Ooh, sorry!”

I whipped around to glare at a super huge guy. richard simmons, what an afro. After I finished looking at his afro I looked at his face and had to resist looking back at the afro.

“Watch your f*cken step! Don’t you know how to freaken walk?” I blustered. “And don’t smile at me like I’m your friend.”

His revolting smile shrunk and I watched the word ‘furious’ scrawl itself across his forehead.

“What?” I challenged. “Macho baby can’t take a small little insult? Wanna hit this b1tchy face?” I stuck my face up provocatively. I got my heels ready to do some good richard simmons-kicking. I thought the fight was gonna break out right then and there when all of a sudden I felt someone yank me back.

Sang Hyuk?

“Sorry, sorry buddy.” He bent his head and quickly led me away.

“Yah, let go of me!” I commanded.

He instantly dropped my wrist and stared at me innocently.

“Sorry- but it’s a party and you shouldn’t be…”

He drifted off seeing the look on my face. Breathe in, breathe out, smile. “I’m freezing, let’s get inside.”

He nodded too agreeingly- see, I knew he still had that Yoo Sang Hyuk scent. I waited for him to stick his arm out but he didn’t, instead he stayed rooted to the spot. I looked at him in confusion then started walking towards the doorway. And then he followed like a pet.

I focused on the environment instead. There were some crazy idiots standing around outside and shivering in their coats but most of the people were quickly shuffling into the building. Some sad souls had spent their time setting up two mini Christmas trees on either side of the main building’s entrance but they did a pretty good job, the blue and red balls look good together.

“Invitation?” The ticket guy said.

I opened my clutch and handed over the white slip. He barely scanned it and gave it back to me. Damn, what a waste of effort- if I knew that’s how they were gonna look at it I would’ve just stolen one off the Moon and copied it.

“Would you like your jacket in the coat room?”

‘Coat room’? What the... I pretended I knew what he was talking about and slipped my fur jacket off. Another guy marched forward and took it away. richard simmons knows where it’s going.

I closed my clutch and for the first time looked at the interior. Whoo. I didn’t know such a dull looking place could look so merry. Long tables covered by white linen have been set up along one side of the hall with tonnes of food-full silver plates on it. There was a mini stage set up at the back and a guy, most probably a student here, was performing while almost no one listened to him. Sorry mate, I can’t be bothered either. What else is there to do here? Swing on the pretty streamers? Pop the golden balloons? Hah, the fart bombs lying in my school locker would be good use here- imagine all these people blocking their noses!

“Yoo Jin”, Sang Hyuk called. “Over here.”

He strode across the room and I had to quickly follow after, shoving my way through the crowd. I pushed through two- holly richard simmons- very BIG people and saw Sang Hyuk shaking hands with Ki Joon etc. He has to rush to them, geez. I stalked up to them and stood beside Sang Hyuk. Im Ho had his pretty partner with him but still gave me a grim face. He should be damn over it by now. Ki Joon, all nicely groomed, got up from his chair and grinned at me.

“Whoa, you’re looking good.”

I merely nodded but he continued trying to make conversation.

“How was the winter trip here?”

Seeing that I wasn’t going to answer, Sang Hyuk did.

“Everyone was freezing outside.”

I glanced sympathetically at Sang Hyuk. Well I am his date today…

“The snow’s hectic”, I said, smiling.

We continued talking and I tried my best to pay attention but I couldn’t resist the conversation going on in the nearby geeky girls group. Their b1tching about the pretty chicks is pretty funny. Who said geeks are nice and humble? I was thinking how great it is that my sisters aren’t like that when I remembered: they’re not b1tchy because I am.

I was listening too closely and when one of the geeks suddenly squealed I felt like hitting her head. Damn, my ear.

“Isn’t that him?” The mouse gushed.

“He looks familiar…”

“He went to my high school! That’s Kang Yoon Sung!”

So he’s here… and who’s his partner? I twisted my head towards the entrance to look. My mouth dropped all on its own.

Super Geek stood there looking beautiful and exotic as usual whenever she gets a makeover. So that’s why I haven’t seen her or umma today. My eyes ran over the smart little lookin’ boy she was linked with. Who the hell’s he? I’ll corner her later. I looked around to see the Grandma-Geeks group and every other girl in the room hyperventilating all over the place. Seems like Yoon Sung’ll be enjoying his popularity tonight- but where the richard simmons is he? I craned my neck towards the crowded double-door doorway, trying to spot him. I drifted to the right and found him.

So that’s why there was such a big reaction. Yoon Sung doesn’t just look hot tonight- he looks ultra charming, like a prince that’s about to come and slip a shoe on your foot! He was wearing a black tuxedo with a really light gold silk tie, and his normally untidy hair was styled in some way that illuminated his face. I spotted the pretty little hand that was hooked onto his elbow. His partner wore an elegant beaded white dress and around her neck was a snobby thick diamond necklace. I’m surprised her head isn’t falling off from the weight. Her hair was wound up into a bun with wisps of tendrils waving beside her face. But the face. I know that face…

Hell no… his partner- that’s…

SANG HYUK’S CRUSH! She’s older than him! Someone hit me with a thousand potatoes and tell me how the richard simmons that happened.

The guys seem whiny. I bet Sang Hyuk’s ex-crush is the ‘it’ one here. Pfft, handsome boy and pretty gal… how sweet. They walked graciously down the steps and made their way through the crowd. And her arm was still around his. Geez, it’s not like we can’t see he’s her partner.

As if they were royalty, everyone parted aside for them and blocked my view. I tried to push through to the front but there was no room. Gosh, Yoon Sung has to see me in this dress! The only thing I could do now is try to make him notice me in this army of ants- with his height it should be easy. I stood perfectly straight, put on a ‘pretty face’ and waited. He marched right past me. D1ckhead!

“Excuse me”, I said to Sang Hyuk and stormed outside in the cold snow.

So this is how he wants to play, huh? No problem. I’m an easy person, I’ll go with his darned flow.

I looked back to Yoon Sung standing inside the hall, looking totally bored. Sucked in. I flicked my head away from them and caught Yoo Na again, sitting on a huge rock in the moonlight.


She turned her head my way as I strut towards her. Her guy saw me too and Yoo Na said something that made the both of them run away.

I yelled. “YAH!!!”

Pfft. She’ll get the beating later- when I’m warm. Must get inside. I spun around and stopped. Yoon Sung was standing just outside the door. I forced the surprise off my face and lifted it high up, then marched forward like I couldn’t see him. I already passed him when I felt his hand on my left shoulder. It was like being electric shocked.

“Did I do something?” He asked in that bland tone.

I turned, his hand letting go in the process. “Yes, Yoon Sung, something.” I let out a small smile. “We’re playing the peek-a-boo game, remember? You can’t see me, I can’t see you. You’ve just broken the rule.” I smiled even more pretentiously.

His handsome face stared at me innocently. “I wasn’t playing any game.”

I stuck my face forward. “Boo!”

His head inclined in amusement. Prick. I sneered and stalked off.


I spent the next hour prancing around Sang Hyuk. He kept putting his arm around my shoulder and talking as if I’m already his girlfriend. And I let him.

Yoon Sung spent the whole night, leaning against a wall in the corner where no girls could find him, observing Yoo Jin. His partner had occasionally tried to probe some words from him but he was never good in conversation- his style is too tactful and sarcastic for most people to handle, so she eventually gave up and left him alone.

Yoon Sung watched from his spot as Sang Hyuk casually placed an arm around Yoo Jin’s shoulders. Park Im Ho said something that made the whole group laugh, except Yoo Jin. She glanced at Sang Hyuk, realised he was laughing and then burst into laughter too. And then Sang Hyuk made a comment which Yoo Jin must’ve found offensive because her face blackened for a second, but soon he saw a smile on her face instead. She was laughing ridiculously.

Yoon Sung took another gulp of his Coke. His patience has dried up.

I can’t believe he just said that. Those who don’t study at school will all end up as drug addicts? If Song Ki Joon hadn’t interjected and said Sang Hyuk was only joking, I wouldn’t have just laughed it off.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and rotated my head.

“Excuse me, can we talk?” Yoon Sung queried.

“Sorry, I’m in the middle of a discussion”, I said lightly and turned back.

He grabbed my wrist and yanked me away.

(Diva - Sarangeul Shi Jahk Hal KkaYo? -> click to play or dl)

I howled like there was no tomorrow. “Yah! What the richard simmons are you doing?! Let go of me you spastic! You’re making me miss out on my f*cken discussion!”

“You don’t give a damn.”

He continued dragging me.

“You can bet on your mother f*cking balls that I d- wherw!” I almost tripped over the steps.

Yoon Sung paused for a second, said “Sorry” and went on pulling me.

The next thing I knew he’d somehow flung me onto his motorbike that was parked outside the university and I was clinging onto him while he sped off.

“If not a gentleman you could at least be a human and let me sit properly!” I bellowed.

I was sitting so that both my legs were on the left side and I had to twist my waist to hold onto him.

He didn’t say anything.

The wind was rushing into my face and chilling out my bare shoulders. “I’m f*cken freezing and the wind’s f*cken ruining my hair!” He still didn’t say anything. “I’ll jump!!!”

“I can’t stop you!” He said loudly.

His stupid threat worked and I stayed clung on.


Finally, he stopped by the bay. Great. I said I’m freezing so he takes me to the f*cken sea.

I hopped off the bike and crossed my arms. “What the hell was that?”


“Nothing? So you pulled me out in the snow and to the sea for nothing? You sad loser. You’ve f*cken lost your wits!”

“I know what I’m doing.”

“You’re kidding me. You know you’re doing nothing? Here, let me help you end your sorrows.” I pretended my right hand was a gun and shot his forehead with it. “Pow. Bloody hell. richard simmons, I can’t stand you anymore.”

I looked away from him but could still feel him staring at me. Actually, grinning at me.

“Having fun picking a fight?” He asked.

I am.

“Or do you want me to take you back to your discussion?” He teased.

No, I don’t want that. I don’t know how those guys back there live, their ‘discussions’ are so stupid and blah blah.

“I’ll stay here. But you can go back to your ahjumma partner”, I mocked.

“She’s only two years older than me”, he stated.

I stared at him with a smiley face. “See me caring?”

“Why are you smiling?” He asked in a testy tone.

I hate the way he mocks my sarcasm.

“No reason. I feel like it and it’s none of your business.”

“Then I’ll give you a reason.” From the corner of my eye I saw Yoon Sung lift the seat of his motorbike and draw something out. He held it out to me. I pretended to glance at it uninterestingly. I wonder what it is?

He said in the most depressing tone ever, “Merry Christmas.” It wasn’t that depressing, just so not merry and plain. But now I really wanna know what’s inside that black box with the gold ribbon.

I unfolded my arms and took the medium-sized box from him. “How do you know it’ll make me smile?”

He raised both eyebrows. “It should.”

“Let’s make a bet. I say it won’t make me smile.”

“Open it.”

I lifted off the lid. White tissue paper. White tissue paper only comes with… OMG! I quickly lifted the paper. Lying inside was the pair of shoes that I had drooled over last time I went shopping with the bum chums! I couldn’t stop my cheeks from lifting and lips from parting and knew Yoon Sung was smirking.

I didn’t take my eyes of the shoes. “One of them told you didn’t they?”


I squealed nonstop and afterwards was so spasticated that I had to sit down on his motorbike to continue admiring the shoes. I kicked my gold stilettos off. Who cares if the shoes don’t match my outfit? I was about to take the left shoe when Yoon Sung’s hand took it. What…?

“When you were showing off your ticket in front of my aunt”, he knelt down on one knee in front of me, “she couldn’t stop hassling me to go. I thought that, thanks to you, I was gonna go crazy.” His hand gripped the back of my ankle and he slipped the shoe on. “Then one day after school I went to the university library again and saw my partner. She asked me to go so I agreed. At least it calmed your boss down.”

Then he reached into the box for the right shoe and did the same thing.

“You’re that easy?” I questioned. “She asked so you went?”

“She was asking.”

“Bullsh1t. She was begging or else you wouldn’t have gone to the party.”

So he felt sorry for her. Much as Yoon Sung is a stiff as$hole, I think he’s the cold-hand-warm-heart type.

I was about to ask him a question but he replied before I opened my mouth. “The whole school would’ve known before the end of the day if I told you.”

“Shut up. I’m not that bad.”

“Sadly, I think you are.” He stood up. “Done.”

My eyes leapt to my toes. “Oh my richard simmons! They’re f*cken gorgeous!” I wriggled my toes and dangled my feet. “I’ve got brand name shoes! I’ve got brand name shoes! Yoon Sung you rock!!!” I stood up and started strutting back and forth in the snow. “And they feel so bloody great!”

He paused for a moment. “You’re smiling. You lost the bet.”

I stopped gazing at the blue shoes. “So what?”

“Will you do me a favour?”

“Do I have a choice?”


“What is it?”

“Be at the store with my aunt more often.”

I stared blankly at him, waiting for more explanation. Just when I thought I’d have to pry it out of him, he went into details.

“Do you remember saying I’m no use at the store?”

“Heck, yeah. You still are.”

“That won’t ever change… have you ever noticed that aunty is always pale?”

I stiffened. “She’s… sick?”

Yoon Sung nodded. “She has Ischaemic heart disease. It’s not good for her to be working.”

It made sense. That’s why Yoon Sung is always lurking around the store, why he didn’t like me working for Madam Oh when he thought I was a lazy worker and why he was cranky when I didn’t turn up to work without telling her… OH.

“OH… but why do I have to show up more often? Has it gotten worse?”

He shook his head. “No.”

Instinctively, my eyes went to my feet. I looked back up at him. “Don’t tell me you’ve sold yourself as a prostitute to pay for these.”

“You think so?”


He suddenly smiled cheekily. “You have another bet to pay.”

He had me lost for a moment. Then I remembered. Of course, why would Kang Yoon Sung forget about the one last dare I owed him?

“Oh yeah. Name it.”

It better not destroy my Christmas.

“It’s a question.”

“That’s it?”


Now I speak from experience, everything that seems simple is actually very dangerous.

I took a deep breath. “OK, ask.”

He took in a light breath.

“Do you love me?”

The gentle swooshing of the sea and whistling of the wind became my only helpers. Boom boom. Boom boom. Why is he asking me that? What am I supposed to say? Boom boom. Should I swear then just laugh it off? Or answer him like he asked me to? Boom boom. Boom boom. Boom boom. I’m lost.

I have to stop hiding. There are some things I should finally give up to gain this Christmas.

I finally gazed into his eyes… “No.”

Boom. Boom. Boom.

Yoon Sung went totally silent and still for a short period, then he looked at me…

And laughed. “Look at your face, don’t worry, it’s not gonna kill me.”

I realised I was still holding my breath and that my face was all tensed and quickly reset myself. Yoon Sung reached out and put his hands on my shoulders. He doesn’t often touch me- he’s kissed me twice but that’s different to his hands touching my bare shoulders.

“Yoo Jin, I’m giving up on you.”


He let go and turned sideway, facing the sea. “I give up”, he announced.

What. He gives up?

I stuttered. “That’s-”

“You can count that as another early Christmas present.”

I studied him closely. “You prepared all this?”

Yoon Sung faced me again. “Only the shoes. I decided to give up on you at the party.”

“The party?”

He explained. “You only like Yoo Sang Hyuk. I saw the way you are in front of him.”

I bent my head. “What way?”

“You’re another person, you’re not Kim Yoo Jin.” He lowered his head and stared at me more intensely, in a way that I knew what he was going to say. “It’s disappointing.”

I avoided his eyes. Why am I feeling bad? I’m not guilty of anything, liking someone isn’t a crime.

The icy wind flew pass us again.

“I’m shivering”, I stated. “Take your jacket off.”

Yoon Sung quickly slipped it off and handed it to me. I wrapped it around myself. Finally, warmness. And then I did what I usually stupidly do to lighten the atmosphere.

“richard simmons, this is warm. What kind of body fat do you have?” I looked down to my shoes again and unconsciously started strolling by the harbour. “Don’t tell me to get over them, because I can’t. They’re so f*cken pretty! And richard simmons, how the richard simmons did you pay for them?”

He glanced at me. “How many times can you say that word in one sentence?”

I grinned. “A lot.”

“My aunt let me use the money she’s been saving up for my studying.”

I stopped and widened my eyes. “Why?! It’s not worth it!”

Yoon Sung took a few more steps forward before stopping and turning around. “I don’t need it. I got the scholarship.”

He made it...

He smiled. “I’m going to Harvard soon.”



“richard simmons.”

Yoon Sung laughed. I was about to scream at him to stop laughing ‘cause nothing’s funny when I felt a light drop on my shoulder. I scanned the scenery.

“It’s snowing!” I exclaimed.

I chucked Yoon Sung’s blazer back to him. I don’t usually get excited by the snow but this time the little white puffy balls seem to be making me in my slinky black dress warmer. At least it managed to temporarily distract me. I gazed up to the brightly dark sky and when I looked at Yoon Sung again, he was staring at me. I gazed at the way Yoon Sung stood there in his princely black tuxedo and styled hair through the falling snow, gazing at me in that way which I know he uses only on me. This will probably be one of our last scenes.

(Wheesung ft. Big Mama – Love Is…)




Use your imagination to decide when the songs end. You can be the Director too =)
I know I should stop raving about it, but the amount of replies honestly surprised me so I quickly finished this one. You guys all hated the cliffhanger so much, lol.

me094: you're a good guesser.

tokio: lol, i dont include things that i dont know the meaning of. one reason why i'm a slow writer is because i research too much, but i admit i slacked off on that in He Loves Naughty Girl Not. lots of context errors. btw, dendrochronology is the study of tree rings. i wont go on about it.

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Oh i knew what it was im going to school for archaeology and that is one of the ways to analyze material remains, lol. i even speaking terminology now great, lol. but im glad you know!!! yay, im not as a nerdo as i think your semi one too. lol.

Moving onto whats important, hahaha awww i loved the last part, how sweet. I definitely see changes in her character not as rough and tough, she is a little softer or getting to be, imo. though still rough around the edges which is perfect.

I want to be in her place, hahahhaaa. thanks for the pm!!!! and the lil reply

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Guest sugargurl38456

gaaaah..why does she have to be so stubborn...she obviously loves him..



I hope she realizes all of this before he leaves..

I love the songs inbetween :) good choices.

and thanks for the pm~!

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Guest Ciao.Bella

Whhhhattt?? Nooo He can't just give up on her! Gahhh she should've just said 'YES YES YES I LOVE YOUUU!'. Heck I would've done it! Lol. I hope his aunt's condition doesn't get worse =(. Thank you for the PM! I can't wait till you update!!!

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Guest sam.e.fo.eva

yaay post

maan he can't give up on her!! nooooo

pssh what good is oxford anyway when you don't get yoo jin!!

lol thanks for the pm


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Guest faded_x_memories

what?! i'm getting pissed off. he's giving up on her?? NOOOO!!! he has to try!! >____<;; she suppose to like Yoon Sung but nooo. stupid geek. i'm going to cry soo bad. :[ she better change her mind and say YES I LOVE YOU!! gosh, i would say yes to him totally. well post soon

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Guest anna_85

i am going to cryyyyy!!

yoo jin said no, yoon sung is going away... what is going on?!

BUT! this was a great chapter still, i love the yoon sung + yoo jin scenes... lovely!

anyways, please post soon!

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oh wells, it's her loss. it's getting kinda annoying of her ignoring yoon sung all the time. hehe.

so first, dongwan, now yoon sung giving up on her... 2 down, 1 to go. sang hyuk's next?

watch, in the end she'll have no one. she better make up her mind!

yoon sung sounds hot tho! :P what a waste! she said no to him. i would've said yes! lol.

hope his auntie doesn't die. :(

btw, thanks for the pm! love the songs too! (^_______^) post soon!

oh, is the story ending soon?


i forgot to say...

it would be awesomely romantic if she chase after him at the airport when he leaves! heehee.

i want yoonsung to be with yoo jin! please! :P

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Guest s u n d a e_

explanation: the reason Yoon Sung had to give up on her is because he's disappointed. Remember he only planned to give Yoo Jin a present , not say he's giving up. He saw the way she was a totally different person around Sang Hyuk and felt disappointed in her, that's why he thinks going after her anymore will be useless. He sees it like this: Yoo Jin's too desperate for Sang Hyuk.

He didn't give up because he made it into Oxford.

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Guest liltoazndevil

that really sucks

i mean i like sang hyuks nerdiness

but i wanted her to be with yoon sung

plus sang hyuk makes her so different that i dont like

post soon and thanks for the pm

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Guest azn.gurl*

awww noo =(

he can't give up on her!!

aww why does she still like that nerdy sang hyuk freak. WHYY!!

and now he's gonna be going to oxford too. =(

hehe thanks for the pm.

post more soon =)

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Guest berry_x.2

thanks for pming <3


yoo jin... =__=

the day he leaves for oxford and really leaves her behind..

she'll regret it >3< but i hope i really hope

he wont leave

isnt his love for her stronger than that?

i mean, even dongwan stepped out

>=( i bet dongwan would hate losing to sanghyuk

sanghyuk should get a life too

hes just using yoojin..in his nerdy way

but she just cant see it >O<

and when they are together..she's a complete different person

its kinda annoying sometimes

but she noes that she doesnt even wanna go back to their "discussion"

*sigh..* anyways update soon =]]


i forgot to say..

i really like ur choice of music for the story ^___^ sets the mood =D hehe and the server u uploaded it on is easy to use...LOL xDD

-berry <33

BTW can u pm me chappie 30.5 again? i kinda lost it.. X__X

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