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He Loves Naughty Girl Not

Guest s u n d a e_

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Guest ladyxchristina

aww he kissed her. is yoonsung the guy from noel? lol anyways i am yur new reader. and i hope yu post soon and can i be on your pm list. :)

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Guest s u n d a e_

Remember colour code: green = third person.

Chapter 19 – Woken From A Nightmare.

I thought after that night that Kang Yoon Sung and I would return to being enemies, or at least very strange ‘friends’. But no, as it turned out…

“It was his birthday?”


Dong Wan burst out laughing. “Why the hell would he bring you to his birthday party? As if you’d give him a birthday kiss or something.”

Actually, yeah I did.

Though that’s not what I said since I’m a generous person and will spare Yoon Sung’s soul. Instead, I switched the topic, “Didn’t you say you were going to drive me to school today?”

At freaken 5am this morning my Happy Tiger sent me the following message:

Drop by the snooker club this morning before you go to school.
I’ll drop ya off.

As soon as I read it I knew what Dong Wan wanted, he wanted to be let in on the gossip of Friday night. I’ve finished my edited recount and don’t know what the heck I’m still doing here ‘cause I can’t play snooker for a billion stilettos.

He hit a ball with that stick thingo and went around the other side of the table. “Yeah.”

“Let’s go. I’m gonna be late”, I urged.

He hit another ball and glanced up at me.

“Since when did you care about being late?”

“Since appa threatened me with my job”, I answered truthfully.

He aimed at another ball, curled his tongue and hit it successfully. Well I think it’s successful since his mates were cheering- then again, those guys clap even if Dong Wan’s sh1tting.

“Let’s start a new game”, Min Hee suggested.

“Wanna get even heh?” Dong Wan mocked. “OK, bring it on.”

My eyes went snooker ball sized.

“Dong Wan! I don’t have the f*cken time!”

He sat on the table and busied himself with cleaning the tip of his stick thing, “Great, then you don’t have to earn money to give to that dumb nerd.”

I glared at him, “richard simmons you.”

He got off the table and lowered himself eye-level to the table with the stick. “Not now baby, later.”

“Oooh”, went the Gentle Tigers.

“Aaahhh”, went I as I snatched Min Hee’s stick from his grasp and jabbed at Dong Wan’s butt.

He instantly straightened his back and looked at me in annoyance.

“Try talking sex to me one more time and I’ll beat you’re as$ flat”, I warned.

Dong Wan gave up. “OK ok let’s take you to school now little baby.”


We roamed up to the school and I hopped off Dong Wan’s motorcycle. The girls passing by all gazed at me in admiration.

One girl fanned herself and checked out Dong Wan’s black leather jacket and torn jeans, “That is so hot!”

It’s every girl’s dream to have a hot guy drive them to school on a motorcycle. And it’s every guy’s dream to have a bunch of girls go gaga over their motorcycles and leather jackets- which is why Dong Wan likes taking me to school so much, and which is most probably also why in the next second, not much longer after Dong Wan started receiving fans that Yoon Sung came up from behind us on his motorcycle.

I didn’t recognise it was him until he pulled off his helmet causing the girls to trash Dong Wan and buy Yoon Sung.

“Oh gosh Kang Yoon Sung is sooo hot!”

“He can ride a motorbike now?!”

“That is so cool!”

“See the way he gets off the car?”

“It’s a motorbike you dumas$”, I said to the girl who last spoke. I turned to Dong Wan and patted his shoulder, “Guess you’ll be sharing your attention from now on.”

Dong Wan smirked. He turned around and waved to Yoon Sung, “Care for a race one day?”

Yoon Sung finished locking his bike and looked to Dong Wan, for a moment I thought he was going to reject but then he said, “When you’re ready.”

My face went mental at hearing the acceptance. Is he looking to get involved with the Gentle Tigers?

Dong Wan nodded and turned back to me, “I forgot to tell you, I’m going to Hong Kong over the summer break.”

“What for?” I questioned.

“Racing tournament”, he answered.

“Right, win the thing”, I said.

Dong Wan smiled, “I will, don’t miss me too much girl.”

I poked my tongue out at him and he took off.

I turned around and saw Yoon Sung heading towards me with the loser girls in a swarm tagging behind him silently. Sad world.

Yoon Sung held out a Runway Styles shopping bag to me.

I eyed it, “What is it?”

“Your clothes, you left it at my house on Friday”, he replied.

I left my mouth hanging open and my eyes were sending him the daggers. Did he know how freaken wrong that just sounded? The girls behind him started gossiping.

“Omg! She slept with him?!”

“No! She beat me to it!”

“That man-eater!”

“I thought they were enemies!”

It was my turn, “GODDAMMIT I DID NOT!”

That added with my death stare was enough to shut them up temporarily. I know that by the end of the day all of Chungdong High would come to label me as Yoon Sung’s richard simmons. richard simmons, I never gave a damn for ANY rumours that have been spread about me in the past no matter how malicious they get, but no rumour has ever gone as far as my virginity!

I turned my attention back to Yoon Sung and yanked the bag from him.

Through gritted teeth I said, “Can you be any more f*cken stupid?”

He glanced over his shoulder at the whispering girls.

“We didn’t do anything.”

What’s that American show? JUST SHOOT ME! NO! SHOOT HIM!

God that d1ckhead! He seriously thought they would believe his naïve little claim. I shook my head at him and walked through the school entrance.

What a great way to start the last week of school. At least I’ll only have to bear it for a week and then it’s… SUMMER HOLIDAYS!


“Sang Hyuk, whatever you’ve been hearing in the past three days, it’s not true”, I said solemnly.

I had pinned my love up to the wall outside his classroom since it’s so hard for me to catch him nowadays.

Behind the glasses his eyes looked a little teary. “Oh, o-ok…”

I nodded, “Yes, ok”, and let go of him.

He quickly dashed into his classroom and slammed the door just as I was about to follow him in. I shrugged and started down the corridor to my classroom when Yoon Sung came out from the perpendicular corridor.

“See? They’re together again.”

Another richard simmons talking behind my back.

“I wonder how she managed to tackle him?”

I swiftly turned around and leaned in close to the girl who was shorter than me.

My voice was soft and dangerous, “I-did-not-sleep-with-Kang-Yoon-Sung.”

Her bob haircut was trembling.

“I didn’t either”, Yoon Sung added.

She and her girl friend quickly dived into the corridor Yoon Sung had emerged from.

In the past few days, if I was defending myself Yoon Sung would back me up. If he was defending himself I would back him up. That’s just the way it works: no matter how much you hate each other, if you’re in the same boat you row together. Plus, this is my virginity they’re talking about. Though I noticed that on most occasions when Yoon Sung is arguing with someone about it, it’s more about him defending my reputation than his own. That should be the way it is anyway because I’m a girl- we get special privileges!

And it’s in times like this that I know how useless having a queenka sister is.

Last night…

“Yoo Rin”, I called.

“What do you need unnie?”

If I was calling her by her real name it equals to ‘unnie wants something’.

“Tell your school mates to shut up”, I instructed.

She grinned, “You mean about you and Kang Yoon Sung?”

“What else?” I snapped back.

“They don’t listen to me remember?”

She turned around and left my doorway empty but not for long because Yoo Na’s head popped in.

“Why don’t you try telling a teacher?”

I launched Mr.Pillow at her.





The words could be heard from every mouth in every classroom in the school- except mine…


Ha Na laughed at me.

I have a better reason than anyone else to be happy. My fists are sore from punching the talkative ones and my lips are dry from spitting at too many of the other major rumour spreaders. I intend to spend the next month in serenity… NOT! I’m going to party my buns off!

Ha Na and I joined the cue to flee from school and soon found ourselves next to Hye Young and Bok Ja.

“Guys! How about we meet at the pools today?” I suggested.

Bok Ja shook her head, “Nup. Sorry Yoo Jin but my aunty is sending me to a summer boarding school.”

“What? Why?”

“She’s going to Italy.”

I had a swearing fit at Bok Ja’s aunty for treating her so cruelly.

“I can’t go either”, Hye Young piped.

My eyes widened. “You too?”

“My family is holidaying in France!” She explained excitedly.

“Stupid rich gits”, I muttered. “Ha Na, my faithful friend! Looks like it’s only us two today!”

“I’M GOING TO JAPAN!” She announced.

I blinked twice and didn’t even bother asking why she didn’t inform me earlier. We got to the school gates, did our hugs and greetings and split off.

No Bok Ja… no Hye Young… no Ha Na… and no Happy Cub!

“What am I going to do this summer?!” I exclaimed shutting the door behind me. “Hang out with the freaks?!”

Yoo Rin had already arrived home and was dragging a suitcase behind her.

“Even if you wanted to you can’t. I’m going to summer camp”, she said.

“Oh richard simmons”, I said, my eyes following Yoo Na as she strolled over to the fridge, “summer break studying with Super Geek”, I shrugged, “at least I’ll return a little smarter.”

Geek withdrew the pineapple juice carton and filled up her glass.

“That’s what Yoo Sang Hyuk’s job is”, she stated.

Umma came hustling out of her room and took one quick look at me as I dragged my feet across the floor.

“If you really want you could come to visit halmeoni with us”, she offered.

Oh no. Granny lives in the countryside and she worked me hard the last time I was there. She’s the one that taught me how to foot massage so I could do it for her cats.

“Uh- I have a lot of studying to do”, I excused.

Umma scoffed, “Well then it’s only you at home alone. Yoo Na is coming with me and appa.”

For the first time I noticed appa sitting on the lounge. He switched the TV off and stood up.

“Finished packing?” He asked Yoo Na.

“Uh huh”, she nodded.

“Alright let’s go”, he said.

Yoo Rin opened the door, “Bye bye unnie!”

I turned around to see all four family members lining up at the doorway.

“No! Freak don’t go!” I pleaded.

She vanished from sight.

“I’ve left enough food for two weeks… and don’t do anything bloody stupid”, umma instructed.

I had to think of something. “TWO WEEKS?! I’ll die from rotten food! You have to stay and cook for me umma!”

She smiled, waved and disappeared after Yoo Rin.

Soon I was facing the bare doorway, alone, isolated, deserted and left to chill with the TV.



If you really think about it, TV’s only great for 48 hours. After that, your eyes are like apples, your hair is like a bunch of twigs and your brain is going: Suicide. Suicide. Suicide!

Alas, I made a decision whilst lying on the couch.

“richard simmons-can’t-go-on-any-longer. Must stop”, I breathed.

I switched off the TV and jumped off the couch.

After a refreshing shower which cleaned off my sweat from the summer heat, I retrieved into my room and pulled out a fresh piece of paper. I titled it, ‘WAYS TO CAPTURE SANG HYUK’.

Wait. I still have SANG HYUK!

I quickly found my phone and nervously dialled the number.


“Sang Hyuk! It’s Yoo Jin!”

I heard the sound of a receiver being slammed down.

“Sang Hyuk?”


“Sang Hyuk?”

“Uh, yes. I think you’re ringing about Saturday lessons? Well they’re not on in the holidays”, he ranted.

“I’m not ringing about that”, I stated.


“Are you doing anything?” I queried.

“I’m actually leaving for the airport right now…” he whispered. “I’ll be gone for the WHOLE of the summer break.”

Why is he whispering?

“Oh… ok. Have fun”, I slowly said and hung up.


I turned back to the piece of paper and spent the rest of the day thinking of ways to attract Sang Hyuk more- it’s been too long!

Sure, by the end of that night, I had three wonderful traps ready to be set up for lovely Sang Hyuk to fall in.


4th day of living the life of a ninety year old stinkin’ woman in summer break…

I didn’t wake up ‘til noon. What else is there for me to do but sleep? I shuffled into the kitchen and after breakfast had a one hour shower and then… lay on top of the yellow butterfly quilt on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

“Why are you alone, Kim Yoo Jin?” I said to meself to keep meself sane.

I bonked my head, MYself. MYself.

“Go see a movie!” I shouted happily. “But only loners go to theatres by themselves…”

I am a loner.

“No, Yoo Jin refuses to be put under that category.”

I flipped open my phone and ran through the phonebook. My thumb paused at the name:

Park Im Ho.

“What the crap are you thinking Yoo Jin? richard simmons you’d rather live a ninety year old woman than go with him!”

Who is friendless and Yoo Jin tolerable? My thumb rested on the down button again and stopped at the name which answered my question perfectly well…

Kang Yoon Sung.

“Give it some thought first”, I said aloud. “Well, he must be bored too…”

There’s no other choice. I hit the button.


I licked my lips and bit them.

“It’s Yoo Jin.”


His light tone made me feel desperate. Actually, made me realise I am desperate.

“What are ya doing?” I said, reverting from the real topic I wanted to get to.

There was a pause then, “Are you bored?”


I gave in, “Yes.”

“What do you wanna do then?”

He was so quick, so casual… so friendly! This isn’t Yoon Sung-like… although I immediately invited the friendliness.


“OK, CineCube?” He suggested.

“OK!” I said, nodding and smiling merrily.

“Meet you there at… three?”

“OK!” I repeated with the same actions.

“OK”, he hung up.

Damn I sounded like a pushover. But who cares?! I’m going out for the first time this summer break man! But really, that was VERY un-Kang Yoon Sung.


I waited under the tree’s shade outside the cinema in light blue denims, a brown singlet, black stilettos and my hair out loose. Where is he?

I didn’t have to wait long. He turned up in dark blue denims and a collared black t-shirt with a grungy white print, looking fine and casual. He stopped a metre away from me directly at the building’s entrance and nodded his head towards it.

“Let’s go in”, he said.

I watched as he went in and followed after him.

We picked an action movie and in the cinema chose middle row seats.

The lights had already blacked out and the movie was starting when I whispered, “Give me some popcorn.”

He looked at me and the bright colours from the screen lit up our faces so I could see his eyes targeting my fairy floss.

I shifted it away from him, “No!”

He blinked then concentrated back on the movie. Damn him.

In the end, we both gave in and left the food in between us.

“You see his moves?” I asked and imitated the actor’s karate chop after the movie finished.

“Yeah- hey I’m going this way”, he said as we exited the building and I turned right.

I paused, “Oh… fine.”

Honestly, I didn’t want Yoon Sung to go yet. I’ll be hugging myself at home again… Stupid f*cken no-good b@stard.

I watched as he turned left then stopped and reeled around.

“Doing anything tomorrow?” He asked.


I have never been more honest in my life.

“Good. Be ready for your third dare”, he notified.

I’m not a loner tomorrow! The elation almost made me jump and scream for joy. Don’t do that Yoo Jin, you have to keep your cool.

I folded my arms and smiled, “I’m always ready.”

He nodded, “Good.”

Then he left me staring at his back as he walked down the street. On his head… is that… a glowing halo? I rubbed my eyes, why am I still seeing it?

… I spent my summer holiday doing dares with him.

Chapter 20 – Summer Hearts

And then I thought my next dare would be excitingly fun! Much better than staying at home alone! Only I should’ve known better than to underestimate a dare from Kang Yoon Sung. After all, he is more twisted than the rest of the blokes out there…

(Introduction song: Loveholic – Sunday Clear)

At the exact time which I had set it to my stupid phone woke me up- 10am. Who the hell wakes up that early during school holidays? *Looks in mirror*

By 11:30am I was all ready and waiting for Yoon Sung’s call. I’m a naturally fast person in getting ready unlike Hye Young and Yoo Rin who take a gazillion years. It was easy choosing what to wear; he said I’ll be getting my third dare so must prepare for a battle. I’m sporting black jeans, old blue joggers and three layers of tops (excluding bra) - two extra protective layers in case my task is something like rolling down a hill which will result in my shirt ripping; black singlet, bright blue polo over the top and a thin drawstring hooded jacket over that.

Two hours later…

I glanced at the black clock on the wall yet again. Did he forget? Maybe I should call him? No way, I already made the first call yesterday. Hmph, bloody late nerd. Probably doing his homework or something. I went into the kitchen and made myself the one dish that co-exists with me… INSTANT NOODLES! You know, I reckon Clazziquai sent a message to those food producers out there when they made their album ‘Instant Pig’. Then I can have instant pigs with noodles!

“Hmmm…” I slurped the last strand of noodle and licked my lips.

I glanced over my shoulder at the clock again. Kang Yoon Sung is really pushing his limit.

I strolled over to the sofa, switched on the TV and watched some summer catwalk.


Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzz.


Bzzz. Bzzz. Bz-

Instinctively, I violently shut my mouth like it would stop the noise and found my teeth clamping onto the noisy piece of dog cr@p. I slightly lifted one eyelid and looked down upon my bitten vibrating phone. Its screen read: Kang Yoon Sung calling.

My eyes fully opened and I sat up. The TV was the only source of light in the dark room but it was enough for me to see the time: 10pm.


His voice came coolly, “So you woke up at 7am for me?”

Trust a nerd to take it literally.

“No, richard simmons.”

“The Gloomy Shack. Know it?”

I felt a knot form in my throat. The blue lights from the TV and the darkness surrounding me ain’t exactly helping to lessen the fear and it showed in my tone as I replied, “Yeah. What… about it?”

“Meet you there in fifteen minutes.”

Unable to stand the dead darkness I ran over to the switch and flicked the lights on.

“NO!” I protested.

He chuckled evilly and hung up. I lowered the phone in front of me and clutched onto it tightly.

A dare’s a dare. Fine, I’ll do this.


I took in a deep breath.

richard simmons. He’s gonna make me go in the Gloomy Shack and rumour has it that those who go in don’t come out.

I, Kim Yoo Jin, am not scared of anything except monkeys and GHOSTS.

“And richard simmons… why the hell did he have to choose night time”, I whimpered.

I stared at the typical scary black haunted house with shattered windows, grand doors, a chimney and on the veranda a rocking chair… that was rocking back and forth even on this breeze-less summer night.

richard simmons all! I closed my eyes and marched determinedly straight at the Gloomy Shack.


Yoon Sung watched patiently as I screeched, my head wobbling from the vibration.

My voice finally stopped and I went off at him on my toes, “Are you mute? Can’t you talk goddamit?! Bump into someone at a place like this- how careless can you get?!”

He placed two hands on my shoulders and pushed me down.

“Don’t… spit at me.”

I scoffed and again looked over the outfit that freaked me out. “Bloody hell. It’s late, we’re at the Gloomy Shack and you’re one great big white blob. How much crazier can you get?”

Yoon Sung had chosen to wear loose white cargos and a sports white jacket over the top, added to that, the idiot decided to wear his hood on.

He spared a microsecond glance down at his outfit and looked back at me. “Sorry, I should have told you the time.”

An apology for my life- what a poor exchange.

“I have to go in there?” I asked, eying the rocking chair.


I let out a sigh of relief and started laughing, “I thought you were going to make me go in there!”

He raised his eyebrows. “Stupid, what else are you doing here then?”

My laughter died out. He was being sarcastic… I have to go in there and die after all.

I bent my head back and gazed at the stars for the last time before turning to Yoon Sung and saying, “Tell my family I love them.”

It was his turn to burst out laughing, “You’re not gonna die.”

“Haven’t you heard?! No one comes back out!”

He smirked, “We’ll see about that”, he said and started walking towards the entrance.

His action baffled me.

“What are you doing?” I called out to him.

“Aren’t you coming?” He answered without turning around.

He’s coming with me? Who would send themselves to their own death? Nerds, too smart n they go mental I tell ya. Ha! A new argument to use against umma next time she nags me for not doing homework… that’s if I make it through this night.

I don’t know since when did I too become one of the mental ones because the next second I hurried after Yoon Sung, but halted at the door which he had left ajar. I once dated this guy who was such a polite gentleman I reckon he’d open the door for me to enter the haunted house first. At least Yoon Sung didn’t abide by the ‘ladies first’ rule. I was still hesitating when Yoon Sung’s head appeared in the doorway and looked at me with annoyance. I knew what I had to do.

The carpet sank as I stepped into the house. I’ve never been in here before, just the rocking chair scares the sh1ts outta me already… and now, I’m about to die in this place all alone with a friendless nerd. Typically, it was dark and only the moonlight’s rays coming through the window provided any light. I quickened my pace and caught up to Yoon Sung who was passing by an opening in the wall which led to a pitch black space.

“Yah”, I hissed, “Got a lighter?”

He turned around, well I think he did since it went completely silent for a moment, and said in his normal voice, “No.”

I heard him proceed into the black space which must have floorboards instead of carpet since his footsteps echoed. I followed after him until he reached a spot that was lit by the moonlight whilst I was still in the dark.

“Are you scared of ghosts?”

The curve in the corner of his mouth hinted the smile he would show if I said ‘yes’. Pfft, I’m not gonna let one little Kang Yoon Sung think he can scare me.


He nodded, “Good, then we can split up.”

His suggestion didn’t make sense one bit to me. And it completely scared the swearing out of me.

“What?! Split up?! W-what’s the point of daring me to come in here if we’re gonna split up? If you wanted to have an exciting adventure on your own you should’ve just come by yourself!!!” I shouted in his face.

I had somehow pushed forward so that now we were sharing the moonlight.

He just looked at me for a quiet moment and then asked, “You’re scared?”

My first sense (swearing) had returned to me and the words spat out of my mouth uncontrollably, “DIDN’T YOU HEAR ME THE FIRST TIME YOU BLOODY F*CKEN DUMB B@STARD WITH A RETARTED DEMENTED BROWN POO BRAIN! I’M NOT SCARED!”

He tucked his hands into his pockets and leaned back as if to examine me more carefully.

“Good, then we can split up”, he repeated.

Just like that, he sank into the darkness.

No, seriously, he disappeared.

I called out to him softly. “Yoon Sung?” No reply. “Yoon Sung?” Silence. “KANG YOON SUNG!”

His name bounced off the walls and rang in my ears and throughout the darkness making me more aware than ever that Kim Yoo Jin has been left alone to die. Damn, I shouldn’t have called him yesterday. What the hell was I thinking anyway?!

“I will not give up, richard simmons no, I never give up on anything and will not chuck my life away in this way!”

I walked slowly straight into the darkness to search for an exit.


You know that feeling when you’re scared and you’re brain just curls up and you don’t think properly? Well, yeah.

“Dumbas$!” I cursed myself and rewarded my head with a slap. “The entrance door was bloody behind you!”

Now then, why did I walk forward and around all sorts of hallways and twists and turns? Funny thing is, I haven’t encountered one ghost yet. Actually, it’s quite relieving.

I shivered, the atmosphere in this hallway is colder than the rest. What time is it now? I went one step by one down the hallway, squinting my eyes to try and see through the darkness which filled the other end.

“Where’s Kang Yoon Sung…” I moaned.

Another moan replied to me, “Hhhwwweeeeeerrrrreee.”

“FF**CCCKKK!” I screamed at the top of my lungs and sped down the hallway. richard simmons I don’t care if I my head slams into the wall at the end of the other hallway and I die instantly just don’t let me get caught by that f*cken thing! Suddenly I felt myself unable to move further…

I cried. “Aw God! I’m stuck… my hood’s caught onto something.”

Then it struck me. I’ve been caught, caught by the ghost that will eat me if they do eat.

I started sniffing uncontrollably and breathing rapidly. “H-eh-h-eh-heh-e-heh-”

“What’s wrong?!”

Ah, the sound of another human being flowed like an angel’s melody into my ears… so nice to hear...

Of course, it was Kang Yoon Sung without his hood who had run down the hallway, most probably hearing my shriek. I kept my body completely still except for my right arm which I raised and pointed over my shoulder.

“I’m caught”, I cried, “Go, save yourself you f*cken d1ckhead!”

He looked over my head. Oh scary, scaaary! He’s face to face with the ghost! I saw a hand reach out, I don’t know whose and I don’t care. I squeezed my eyes together, my mouth concaved down and I hunched my shoulders, waiting for my last moment of life.

Dying can take a f*cking long time. Nothing’s happening.

“Open your eyes”, Yoon Sung instructed.

I opened one and found him still standing in front of me, I opened the other and found myself still fully alive.

Yoon Sung pointed to somewhere behind me, “Your hood got stuck on that.”

I spun around and the moonlight now shone through a high window on the wall at the other end… lighting up the three hooks that were nailed in a line on the wall. I broke out and started groaning.

Yoon Sung eyed me weirdly, “What’s wrong with you?”

“I’m alive, I’m alive!” I cried out.

“I didn’t bring you here to die”, he stated.

“Then why?!”

He shrugged, “It’s just a dare.”

I felt my nostrils flare like a buffalo and my fist went straight to his head- only he caught it and smiled.

“Who’s the one that said ‘I’ll live up to your stupid dares Kang Yoon Sung’?” He reminded me.

He dropped my fist and what could I do but shut up? I stopped glaring at him and looked away.

“Look”, he said.

I looked up and he was pointing to the window. Hey… it does look familiar…

“We’re near the beginning”, he announced.

My eyes went watery. I’m almost safe! I recognise this place now, it’s that room we first entered! How did I end up back here? Had I been… circling through the two archways the whole time?!

Yoon Sung went around me and walked towards the window.

“I won’t let you leave me a second time!” I declared.

I quickly galloped up to him and held onto his hood. He glanced over his shoulder and smirked. richard simmons I hate it when he does that, makes me feel like he has the power to mock me.

AT LAST, he led us to the entrance door and THIS time, he opened the door for me which I gladly dived out of- literally, and landed hard on the veranda.

“Ouch…” I complained.

Ploop. I looked up at the edge of the veranda which was lined with water droplets. It’s raining? I quickly scrambled up and swirled just in time to see Yoon Sung close the door behind him. I pointed behind me to the tinkling splattering rain.

“It’s raining”, I pointed out.

He didn’t react, “So?”

“How are we going to get home?”

He lifted a brow, “Uh? Run?”

I immediately rejected the idea of having to run through the rain with Kang Yoon Sung. “No! Not through the rain! That’s what couples do!”

Yoon Sung burst out laughing.

“Well we got shelter”, he said.

I knew he meant the Gloomy Shack.

I put on a dead-serious tone, “richard simmons. No.”

He seems to be sick of my whinging and jutted out his chin, “Then what?”

I examined the veranda from the now frozen rocking chair to the old but clear wooden planks, “I’ll stay here until the rain stops.”

Yoon Sung copied me and examined the area before deciding, “I’ll stay with you then.”

His offer almost made me choke on air. He unzipped his jacket which removed the ‘almost’.

“YAH! What are you doing?!” I choked.

“It gets hotter when it rains”, he casually replied.

Hey, he’s right. I’m starting to feel the heat too. I unzipped my jacket and rolled it up. Yoon Sung plonked himself on the floor and leaned his back against the railing which fenced the veranda. I walked over to the rocking chair and sat back in it, using my jacket as a head rest. Yoon Sung eyed me surprisingly.

“You’re not scared anymore?”

“Pfft. There’s nothing in there”, I stated.

And I’m not bluffing anymore, seriously, all that bullsh1t about not coming back out. Then what is he and I doin’ out here? Bloody rumour. That moan I heard, I bet it was just the wind too. It was all in my head… maybe. We’ll just leave it that way.

Yoon Sung smiled and said knowingly, “I told you.”

I stuck my tongue out at him, “Yeah yeah whatever.”

I gazed at the rain forming bubbles as it hit the ground.

“I wonder when this rain will finish”, I said dreamily.

Uh-oh, I sounds drunky, which means sleepy which means when the rain stops which will most probably be in the morning I’ll still be in this chair. I don’t want strangers to kidnap me while I’m sleeping or something. I struggled to keep my eyes open and looked to Yoon Sung who looked like he was in another alien world with his eyes staring at the wall. I’m starting to see a Kang Yoon Sung with human being emotions now. My eyes drooped down. I actually got to see him surprised, amused and even worried. Just… I haven’t seen him angry yet. Next goal: make Kang Yoon Sung mad. He must go- go- mad…


What’s this peach I’m seeing? No, sunlight… it’s morning, maybe even afternoon. My mind re-winded to last night’s events. So if I did fall asleep outside the Gloomy Shack… and my last memory was watching Kang Yoon Sung stare at a wall… he must still be here with me. But nah, he probably left after the rain stopped which was Yoo Jin-knows-when-not.

I lifted my eye lids and looked out to the right at the sunlit street. Then I sighed and looked down at my lap and blinked. There, resting quietly on my lap is Yoon Sung’s head. Is he sleeping? I strained my ears but couldn’t detect any snoring. I tried hard to shift my upper body so that I could see his face which was facing the same wall he had been staring at; his eyes were closed and his face looked innocent. I think this guy’s eyelids are see-through, ‘cause just when I was studying at the devilishly handsome face yet not making sense because it was full of angelic innocence, both his eyes opened. I watched with amusement as his eyes darted around in their sockets from his legs lying bent on the floor to my lap. He immediately sat up and stared at me.

“Sorry”, he muttered.

I rubbed my thighs. Geez, when he lifted his head I felt like I was being freed from a collapsed building.

I accepted the apology with a nod, “Heavy head for a big brain, logical enough.”

He rotated his head and flicked his head from one side to the next. “You have logic?”

It’s convenient that he was sitting close to my feet. I took advantage and kicked his side.

“You’re such a richard simmons”, I said in a none-less b1tchy tone.

He grinned and with his right hand holding his jacket, used the other to heave himself up.

He looked at me plainly and said, “I’ll let you rest today. You can do your next dare some time later.”

Pfft, as if I’d do anything before snuggling in my bed to recover sleep.

“You already have them planned?”

“Nah”, Yoon Sung replied, crossing the street.

Why do we always split off in demented ways? I decided to leave it like that. “Screw it, I’m going home.”


Well, I tried to post three chapters but I've exceeded my post limit... =[

Waiting until someone helps me intercept with a post =)

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Chapter 21 – Summer Hearts II.

(MAIN THEME SONG: Shim Tae Yoon - Nan Nul Sarang Hae Nuh Man Sarang Hae II)

“Yah! Are you looking out?!” I hissed, clinging onto the branch.


Yes, I am up on an apple tree that stood directly next to the fence of a snobby-looking house stealing the apples. And yes, it is my fourth dare.

Yoon Sung, who was on the ground on the other side of the fence had his grey shirt pulled out to catch the apples I’ve been throwing down, and ignored my question. He was focusing on something somewhere above me.

“I want that one”, he stated.

I trailed his eyes from under that black trucker hat to the juicy red apple right at the top of the tree. Argh! Stupid white cap isn’t enough to block out the bloody sun, I looked away.

Since my right hand was already hanging onto the central branch it wasn’t hard for me to swing my body around so that my left hand could grab onto an upper branch. I lifted myself up and placed my right foot on a strong-looking branch, reaching up to the sky for the apple. I gripped it and in a quick tug plucked it down. The tree started shaking and I was starting to regain balance.

“Whaaa….oooo… phew”, I said as the tree regained balance. “I got it!” I announced excitedly.

He opened his mouth but the voice was of a woman’s.

“Yah! YAH! What are you doing up there?!”

I peered through the gaps between the green leaves and saw a short fat woman in a maid’s uniform hurrying towards us. richard simmons! I started scrambling down the tree with the apple.

It didn’t take words for Yoon Sung to work out what’s happening.

“Got it? You got us caught!” He blamed. “Come on!”

I was struggling to climb onto the fence and the b@stard had too many apples in his shirt to help.

“I’m trying you dumbas$!”

The maid was drawing closer, “Yah!”

I checked out the distance from the tree to the ground. richard simmons, no choice! I took a gamble and jumped out of the tree and luckily landed firmly on my feet next to Yoon Sung. All those years of jigging and jumping over the school walls paid off well.

“Here, pass me some”, I said hurriedly.

Yoon Sung quickly turned to me and I hugged a bunch of apples. We started running our little butts off to nowhere.

“Stop right there!” The maid yelled after us.

I kept running forward but shouted back, “As if we’re stupid enough to do that!”

Yoon Sung burst out laughing. I glanced at him. What is he laughing at? But then I started laughing anyway. What idiots.

We turned the corner to another deserted road except for one guy who was crossing the road far ahead of us. I caught a glimpse of him as we ran pass… that’s Yoo Sang Hyuk isn’t it?! I didn’t have time to stop since the fat maid was still bellowing behind us.

We were running and laughing for what seemed like hours before Yoon Sung stuck out his arm in front of me.

I halted and doubled over, totally worn out.

“We lost her?” I panted.

“Yeah”, he breathed.

We both blew out a relieved sigh.

I looked around, how the heck did we run all the way to the park by the lake? Yoon Sung sunk onto the grass surrounding the huge shady oak tree and laid himself out, the apples spilling all over him. I piled the apples on top of him and lay down too. The sun pierced through the gaps of the leaves forcing me to roll my head to the right, where I noticed the people sitting on the picnic benches were all staring at us.

I rolled my head to face Yoon Sung who had his eyes shut.

“They’re staring at us”, I said.

“We were running here dripping wet with sweat and hugging a bunch of apples”, he pointed out.

If I was sitting up I would have nodded. “True.”

I closed my eyes. The image of Sang Hyuk crossing the street earlier replayed itself in my mind. Stupid cr@p Dalmatian, he lied to me! I sat back up and grabbed an apple from Yoon Sung’s chest, polishing it and then taking a chunky bite out of it.


Yoon Sung bolted up and gave me a dirty as if my chewing was annoying him. I ignored him and from the corner of my eye saw him bite into an apple too.

“What’s with the sudden mood swing?” He asked.

I ripped off another part of the apple with my teeth and said darkly, “Yoo Sang Hyuk lied to me.”

He turned to me, “Shouldn’t you be tearing his throat out by now?”

I sneered at him, “Don’t make me sound like a bulldog. I’m not.”


I chucked my apple at him but he ducked. Yoon Sung looked at me but his eyes had a funny look in them. He was staring at me like he was trying to dissect my eyeball using his magical eye powers.

“You’re mellow when it comes to him”, he said.

His voice sounds distant all of a sudden.

“If he swears at you you’d probably just watch him do it.”

I swooped up another apple and knocked it on his head, “YAH! The only people I won’t attack are family members. Got that?” I said through gritted teeth.

He smirked and continued eating his apple.

Why did Sang Hyuk have to lie? It drives me crazy when I can’t figure something out. I stuffed another apple in my mouth and turned to Yoon Sung.

“Yah, you’re a nerd. Nerds don’t steal, why did you dare me to steal?” I questioned.

“That house had enough spare apples”, he simply explained. “I’m going.” Yoon Sung stood up and brushed the grass off him.

“Fine”, I said, and got up too.

Just as I was picking the grass out of my ponytail the most adorable caramel Labrador puppy jumped at my feet.

“Aw!” I stooped down and picked up the puppy, holding it out in front of me with both hands. “You’re so cute aren’t ya, aren’t ya?”

“Don’t pick up stray dogs”, Yoon Sung frowned.

I creased my eyebrows at him, “Why? Jealous ‘cause the cute little puppy doesn’t want you?”

I felt my toes go moist and looked down at my joggers. richard simmons.

“It pissed on me!” I wailed and glared at the puppy.

Yoon Sung leaned over in front of me and looked at the dog. “It’s thinking ‘what a hot richard simmons’.”

My mouth gapped. RUDENESS!


The puppy yelped and struggled free from my grasp. I watched for a second as it ran away and quickly searched for Yoon Sung. I found his back not far away.


Yoon Sung stopped in his tracks and turned around, “As if I’m stupid enough to do that!” He started running.

Hey, that’s my line!!! CRAZY COPY CAT!

“YAH!” I yelled again and went after him.


“I’ll give you a ride tomorrow. 1pm.”


The phone hung up.

I glared at the phone, “Sshh…”

I should be used to Yoon Sung’s habits by now, but I’m not and will not. I’ll teach him a lesson for it tomorrow when he picks me up for my 5th dare. I wonder what he’s got in mind this time? I should plan something for him too… hehe. I still haven’t seen him mad yet and it’s my job to richard simmons people off for the fun of it. So then… what have I got?

I crouched down to the polished wooden cupboard below my wardrobe and opened the two doors. I pulled out a packet of white powdery stuff Dong Wan gave me a while ago… no not drugs, itchy powder.

Nah, I do that all the time.

I tossed the packet back inside and pulled out a dozen other things including my middle school photo, a banana peel and an ant-sized hair clip. I dangled the hair clip in front of me. Since when did I wear clips? Wait, this belongs to that annoying cousin of mine people call ‘baby’. She’s got the evil brain of an adult that one. I stuffed all the things back in and blindly picked something else out- my MARATHON MOVIE COLLECTION! Geez, I haven’t watched this for a long time.


*richard simmons-A-DOODLE-DOOOOO*

I pulled the quilt over my head in the style that makes me look like a newly dead body in hospital- so appa says anyhow.

I ran through alone through a dark street, chasing after some b1tches who had b1tched about me behind my back.

“Yah!” I called to them.

No reply.

“Come out and face me before I find you and then you’ll regret it you chicken sh1ts!”

I know I’m dreaming… so does that mean I’m awake or not?

I heard the sound of my door clicking open and heavy footsteps walking towards me. I felt a poke on my side. I moaned and shifted over.

“Yah, wake up.”

Yoo Jin grunted and flipped over in her blankets like a sausage in a hot dog. Yoon Sung tapped the blanket where he thought her shoulder might be.

“Wake up”, he repeated.

Instantly Yoo Jin bolted up, her hair electrified and face puffy from sleep.

Her eyes magnified and she resembled a lion as she roared in a manly voice into Yoon Sung’s face. “I’M SLEEEEEEPPPIIIIIIIING!”

Yoo Jin plopped back down on bed and pulled the quilt over her head, leaving an astonished Yoon Sung who thought:

A woman’s most beautiful moment is when she first wakes up in the morning, but for Kim Yoo Jin, that saying is bullsh1t. Maybe if they changed ‘woman’ to ‘man’…

Yoon Sung shrugged and closed the door gently behind him.

You know that feeling when you’re dreaming and it only lasts five minutes but when you wake up, in reality you’ve slept for 5 hours? Well, yeah.

The second my head hit my pillows again the whole scene replayed in my head…

“Come out and face me before I find you and then you’ll regret it you chicken sh1ts!”

“Yah, wake up… wake up.”


The person I was spitting at was Kang Yoon Sung? Heh, he deserves it.


My mind darted back to reality and my eyes opened. It seems early in the morning with the dull blue in the sky. Maybe I was just dreaming? I laughed. Yoon Sung bursting into my room out of nowhere, now that’s a nightmare.

I decided to stay awake anyway, even though this means I didn’t get much sleep since I stayed up ‘til almost 4am watching movies non-stop… really I slept my way through a lot of it. I sat up, straightened my pink checkered pyjamas and walked out of the room. The sight that met me as I turned the corner to our living room almost killed me.

I shrieked my head off. “YAAAHHH!”

I stormed over to the sofa in front of the TV which accommodated Yoon Sung, who was lying on it with his arms folded beneath his head. I shook his left elbow violently.


He kind of shook his head then opened his eyes. Sitting up, he looked at me tiredly.

“Finally awake”, he said.

“What are you doing in my apartment?” I asked him, annoyed at his bland reaction.

He looked at me like he already won the fight. “You weren’t down there at 2.”

I gave him the ‘you’re crazy’ stare.

“What are you talking about?” I gushed, “It’s not even 5am yet.”

Yoon Sung checked lifted his wrist and checked his watch. He reflected the stare back at me. “It’s 5pm.”

I pulled my neck back. “What?! How? Why?”

“Don’t look at me”, he said. “I tried to wake you up.”

I shook my head. That movie marathon must have totally knocked me out.

“How did you know which place is mine?”

“Rang aunty and got your address”, he answered.

“What for?” I questioned.

He replied casually, “You weren’t answering the phone so just checked in case you’re not alive.”

There’s no room in my head for me to snap at his every comment because it’s bombarded with questions. I looked at the door. Surprisingly, it’s still intact.

“How did you get in?” I questioned.

“The door wasn’t locked”, Yoon Sung stated.

Lucky it was him and not some thief, or even worse, appa. He f*cken hates it when I forget to lock the door. I stared at his light blue t-shirt and denims, then remembered what I was wearing.

“Stay here, and don’t do or touch nothing- or else”, I threatened.

“If I had wanted to steal something your place would be empty by now”, he said plainly.

I gave him my bully eyes anyway and went to get changed into khaki cargos and a brown t-shirt.

When I came out he was sitting still in the spot I had left him.

“Why so stiff?” I asked.

“I don’t want to create a reason for you to accuse me of stealing”, he replied.

I scoffed. “What’s the dare?”

“You slept like a pig so we missed the circus show”, he stated.

What circus show? My face must have shown it all because he soon explained.

“There’s a famous circus performance on at the Seoul Entertainment Centre, I was gonna take you to watch it”, he grabbed two tickets lying on the table and shoved it to me.

Yoon Sung’s telling the truth, he got us two tickets for a session at 2:45pm.

“You idiot! Why didn’t you wake me up?” I snapped.

“Yah, how was I supposed to wake you up? Drag you out of bed and chuck you out the window?” He retorted.

Just like that he wasted two tickets, and not like he’s rich enough to afford doing it anyway. D1ckhead. But what was he gonna make me do at a circus anyway?

“What kind of dare is that? Going to a circus?”

He leaned back into the sofa. “It wasn’t supposed to be a dare”, he shrugged, “Just wanted to see it.”

Something fishy’s goin’ on. He could always go with his aunty like all those other toddlers do- why me? Unless…

I smirked, “Kang Yoon Sung, answer me honestly, do you like me?”

His eyes widened and his head turned here and there nervously.

He opened his mouth, “No.”

I tsk tsk-ed him.

“Do you really want to do a dare?” He asked me.

I wasted a whole day of my summer break, of course! But not wanting to sound desperate, I said coolly, “I don’t know. What do you have in mind?”

Yoon Sung smiled. richard simmons.


Yoon Sung and I looked at the three men with humungous butts sitting at the tiny food stall gobbling away the curry.

They finished up and turned around.

“Bloody hell!” I exclaimed.

Their lips - all three of them – were swollen to three times the size of my fat nose and redder than Rudolph’s!!

As a woman cleared away the cutlery, a stubby man wearing a white apron addressed the crowd. “Our Thai Jungle Curry is the hottest dish in all of Seoul! We daresay none of you will pass the third plate- just like these three men here! Does anyone want to challenge us?” He peered around the crowd. “The first winner will receive a prize of 80 000 KRW!”

Pfft, for 80 000 KRW which idiot would blow their mouth up like that?

“I want that 80 000 KRW.”

I slowly stared up at Yoon Sung. His eyes met mine.

“It would make up for the cost of those circus tickets”, he said meekly.

I love eating hot foods - the hotter the better! But I’ve never tried something that seemingly hot…

I pushed my face up close to Yoon Sung who was watching my reaction closely. “I-like-challenges”, I stated.

I brushed him aside and marched up to the stall. “Count me in!” I demanded.

The crowd started murmuring richard simmons and I was soon joined by one old lady and a bum- I reckon his stench would overcome the flavour of any food. We took our places on the stools in a row at the tiny stall and had our first plates placed in front of us. Yoon Sung had moved closer to the front of the crowd – making sure not to miss a scene where Yoo Jin will be near dead.

Hmph. I’ll show him the stuff I’m made of.

The man started the countdown. “Ready…get set… go!”

I picked up the spoon, scooped up the soup and dipped my tongue in it. Sheesh! And they said it was hot! I can’t taste anything hot about this! I turned to observe the other contestants in case they forgot to add the spices in mine but they looked upon their plate with underestimation too. Two seconds later, I found out the reason the chef dared make that claim.

“Hoo, hoo! Hot hot hot!” I shot out as my tongue felt like it was being thrown in a pot of boiling water. “HOT!”

The crowd burst into laughter as us three contestants all reached out for the glasses of water in front of us, but a hand smacked ours away.

“Uh uh uh”, the man wavered his finger like we were naughty children, “This is for AFTER the competition… unless you give up.”

I snuck a peek at Yoon Sung through the reflection of the silver pan hanging on the wall behind the judge. He had his head inclined and his eyes were full of mockery. That does it, that does it! I won’t lose!

I grabbed at the chicken and tore away the meat of it in scavenger style, not stopping until I finished all the contents on that plate. Argh my poor rolled up tongue.

“SECOND PLATE!” I ordered.

Soon I was up to my third plate and at the rate I was going, the chef started sweating from watching me sweat. Did I forget to tell you that when I was three years old there was time I ate one raw chilly a day? A stupid kid but it trained me for this day!

“NEXT!!” I shouted.

The chef scratched his head, “N-next?”

I slammed the bar, “NEXT!”

He quickly placed the fourth plate in front of me. I turned around and poked my tongue out at Yoon Sung who grinned in amusement.


The chef half sniffed and half declared, “Here is 80 000 KRW for the young lady, who successfully ate six plates of my Thai Jungle Curry!”

The crowd erupted into applause, including Yoon Sung. The chef quickly closed his stall and the crowd broke apart. I skipped up to Yoon Sung and clapped the money into his hands but he pulled back.

“I don’t want it”, he contradicted.

“YAH!” What? He doesn’t want the money? I had to walk here in the heat to enter a challenge that fried my tongue and tested my patience... and now he doesn’t want the reward?! He needs a slap.

“You can keep it. You got money for a dare, what else do you want?” He defended smartly.

True. I dropped the matter and we started walking back to my house. It’s funny how all my life I’ve lived here but never discovered that stall standing just three streets away.

Yoon Sung looked at me and snickered, “Nice lips by the way.”

I feigned a smile and tucked a foot behind his leg, causing him to lose balance just as I predicted. The thing I didn’t predict was that he’d lurch to the side straight at me instead, causing me to turn (‘AARRGGHH!’) and try to run away- but not before his arms wrapped around me from behind to hold still.

Hoo! My heart's drumming uncontrollably. This is a VERY awkward situation, me with my sausage lips and both of us slightly bent over, him hugging me from behind. We stayed completely still until I leaned my head back for some reason and accidentally knocked Yoon Sung’s forehead. He quietly winced and I pushed his hands down.

I turned to face him, “Yah!”

“Yah your feet!” He said angrily.

OMIGOSH! He’s angry. But why is he mad? Goddamit, I’m the one that got sexually harassed! But who cares? Kang Yoon Sung is angry! YES!

I giggled and he simply turned away, continuing to walk like nothing happened. He said nothing else along the way- is Yoon Sung… embarrassed?


“Roll down the hill.”


Yoon Sung motioned down the hill with a flick of his neck, “Roll down the hill.”

So it is one of my dares after all. I shrugged and curled myself into a ball.


“Yah! Give me my seventh dare!” I yelled over the phone.

“The break’s almost over, I have work to do”, Yoon Sung excused.

Work? As in, homework? I thought nerds finished all their homework on the first day of holidays- that’s what Yoo Na does.

“Shouldn’t you be finished by now?” I asked curiously.

He sighed as if I was annoying him, yes! “No, I’m cramming. Not everyone is like you, Yoo Jin. We have academic responsibilities.”

“What the richard simmons?! Academic responsibilities? Good, GOOD. Go hug your academic responsibilities and shove it up your as$!”

I hung up. Ah, hanging up on Yoon Sung for the first time feels good. I know why he likes doing it now.

I, a person with no academic responsibilities? Excuse me but I can if I want. I learn quick, even the Moon says that. It’s just that maths and science don’t fit in my brain, so even if I tried to learn the cr@p I wouldn’t understand it. I’m more a creative person than anything else.

I glanced at the pile of books on my desk that Super Geek left me on umma’s request… it wouldn’t hurt to just read it and not really understand it… right?


I pressed the doorbell and awaited Yoon Sung’s face. There’s two different reactions I could picture:

1. “Don’t bother me, go.”
2. “Hey, what are you doing here?”

The door opened and revealed Yoon Sung looking hot in a black sweater with a drawstring hood and sea green pants. I grinned mischievously.

He took one look at me, said “richard simmons”, and closed the door.

I just stood there blinking, then blew up. I started banging on the door, “YAH! richard simmons? You richard simmons! Go richard simmons you sh1tty Kang Yoon Sung! What’s the meaning of this? You want to take this back to square 1 huh?” I rolled the sleeves of my invisible jacket up. “Come here, get your duck as$ out here!”

A few of the neighbouring doors opened and heads poked out to see what’s going on. I’m not caring. I did a run up and kicked his door. I think I pushed the limits on Kang Yoon Sung. The door flew open, not from my kick, but opened by him.

“Calm down”, he said sternly.

I huffed. He let the door fully open.

“Come in.”

I picked up the pile of books I had placed on the ground and walked in. He closed the door behind me.

“I told you, I’m busy”, he said.

“Then who told you I’m here to bother you?” I challenged.

“No one, just you being here is a bother”, he retaliated.

I hit him on his right upper arm with the books. “I’m giving you a chance to prove you’re smart.”

Yes, that was a lie. I am bored and making up excuses to not be alone. I think he picked it up though because his eyes slightly squinted and studied my face.

“You need help with the homework?” He questioned.

I lifted my head to the right and didn’t reply.

“Isn’t Yoo Sang Hyuk your tutor?”

Yoo Sang Hyuk… I can’t believe it, I almost forgot about him. Come to think about it, he hasn’t even appeared in my mind for the last… I don’t know- a LONG time.

“Wake up.”

I shook my head free from the thoughts. “He’s on leave.”

Yoon Sung nodded and eyed my books, “You seem earnest enough. Let’s get started then”, he said.

I proceeded towards his room and I followed after him but he halted when we arrived at his room. He reeled around.

“Where are you going?” He asked.

I pointed pass him into his room.

He shook his head, “No. You stay out there”, he said, pointing to the clear coffee table by the TV. “I’ll come out with you.”

He went in and shut the door.

“What do you think your room is? A forbidden palace?” I said loudly.

I turned around and made my move to the coffee table. Yoon Sung emerged from his room shortly after and joined me on the carpet with a small pile of books, stationary and paper.


I looked at him blankly. “What?” I echoed.

He elaborated, “Do you need help with?”

I frowned at my pile of books and randomly selected a topic. “What are we learning in economics?”


For the first time in my life, I actually sat there and listened. I was bored sh1tless, but anyway, I listened, AND UNDERSTOOD. Man, if only Sang Hyuk could tutor like Yoon Sung. I swear this guy should become a teacher. Sometimes he’d explain things to me, then go off and do his own stuff. Before I knew it, I had completed three hours of straight studying! Not that I got much done… I finished one essay effortlessly whereas Yoon Sung had only one left to write.

I dropped my pen and rubbed my eyes, then stretched and yawned. Yoon Sung looked up from his book and gave me a sideways glance. He checked the time.

“Where’s Madam Oh?” I asked, realising the apartment only contained him and I.

“Aunty won’t be coming home ‘til late tonight, she’s at a wedding”, he replied. “You should go home.”

“No. Let me finish another essay and you can proof read it”, I demanded.

He raised his brows, “Fine”, then went back to work.

I snatched his pen.

Yoon Sung’s eyes stared at me. “What are you doing?”

“You’ve studied enough! Take a break man!”

“I don’t need one”, he stated.

“Do to, you damn stubborn b@stard”, I insisted. I lowered my voice, “Why don’t we play a game?” I suggested.

“What game?”


Play frog’s bum like there’s lots of yesterday”, we both read out from the piece of paper.

We sidewards glanced each other.

“Your game is stupid. We haven’t got one sentence making sense all night”, Yoon Sung commented.

“Shut up! Better than studying until you’re brain goes all jammed up”, I retorted.

“Whatever”, he said and reached for an old thick textbook.

I slapped his hand. “Try once more! Before I go home!”


I ripped out a piece of paper and passed it to him. Man, what else could I write? The game goes like this: each person writes a sentence and then rips the paper up to separate the words of it, then we toss it in a paper cup and withdraw eight pieces randomly to form a sentence! Sounds fun huh? Even though Yoon Sung made that comment I bet a few of the sentences made him want to laugh- or maybe it was just me.

I stretched my neck to peek at his but he pushed my forehead away. Hmmm… a sentence suddenly popped up in my head and I scribbled it down.

I grinned and ripped the paper up. Yoon Sung had already finished. He covered the paper cup and shook it. We went through the same process; he drew one, I drew one and we wrote down the word, folding it over so that we didn’t know what the sentence is until the end.

I unfolded the final sheet and we read it out together, “I-like-a-toilet-bowl-for-my-life…”

I glanced at him, he glanced at me.

“Yah, what kind of sentences do you write? They always have weird words in them”, Yoon Sung pointed out.

“I’ll tell you what I wrote if you tell me what you wrote”, I offered.

“Forget it”, he rejected. “Go home.”

I gave him the middle finger, gathered my books and stood up. “Fine. Shouldn’t stay at a bloody nerd’s place for too long. Wouldn’t wanna be thrown in a mental ward like him ya know?”

“Better than not studying at all and becoming a dunny cleaner.”

Sometimes I wish looks could kill, ‘cause the one I gave him then was very lethal.

“You look funny”, he remarked and started laughing.

I ‘accidentally’ dropped a textbook on his foot. “Goodnight, Mr. D1ckhead”, I greeted.

He walked me to the door and I left without another word. Tonight was actually fun.

(2Shai – She… Laughed.)

Yoon Sung shut the door behind Yoo Jin and went back to the coffee table. He picked up his pen and started writing, but stopped and looked at the paper cup. He emptied the contents and sort out the pieces of paper by distinguishing Yoo Jin’s fat scrawl to his small and straight lettering. Arranging Yoo Jin’s pieces of paper didn’t take long and he soon learnt of what she had written: My life will fall apart without a toilet bowl. Yoon Sung laughed at her crudeness and stupidity, then recomposed his own pieces of paper…

I think I like you… for what, I don’t know.



These three chapters are very long, I think combined, they’re about the length of six chapters but I wanted to have you guys read about their summer break in one go so yeah. I worked very hard on them. Holidays in Australia coming soon, hopefully I’ll be able to write lots then.

Hint: The song by Shim Tae Yoon with its lyrics at the beginning of ch.21 describes the summer vibe of the chapter perfectly =)

(post=3756950:date=Sep 17 2006, 10:50 AM:name=faded_x_memories)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(faded_x_memories @ Sep 17 2006, 10:50 AM)


</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->

hahah that's sooo funny!! hurry up and update chapter 21 cause i just read part of it. xP

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Guest MiZzKaEunieee

lol. hahaha. that was a longgggggggg chaptersss...

lol. i love yoonsung! he's so muhsheesuh!

sanghyuk is so weirdd.d....

thanks for teh pm. write soon!

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Guest faded_x_memories

awwww that's sooo cute!! Yoon Sung likes her!! ^_^ hahah I did. it's that when i saw you like saying you can't update three chapter and you need someone to reply so i was the only one who can do it cause i was reading lol. and gosh, i love these songs :D i think Yoo Jin likes him too. and UGH! that geek lied. i think she shouldn't like the geeky guy and go out with the hottie nerd. post soon

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Guest its me CINDY


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Guest trangimobobi

such a cute title! ^^ <----------------it's so eye catching ^^

anyway, post soon!!!!!!!

and cute poster as well (the old one with the stick people)

the new poster is pretty!

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Guest always_urs

whoa.... finally i'm cought up...

TT_TT i guess i'm to stress out *sigh*

any wayz... luv the post n hope

you post up when you feel relax ^_^V

what does it mean when she keeps

on seeing glowing halo?? does she really

see it or she just pretending??

or does it has a meaning to it for something

is going to happen that is why she seeing it???

i read it earlyer in the story...??? i think??

for for sure i know i did.... -___-'

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Guest Alias1234ever

AWWWWW Yoon Sung <3 He's too cute. But his dares were SO random. "Roll down the hill." Me: O_______O ROFL!!! And that toilet bowl thing? :lol: Update soon!

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Guest s u n d a e_

1am. essay due tomorrow. no. today. eyes barely the size of a pin. sleepy. tired. procrastinating.

so i decided to do replies since there seems to be lots of questions this time round.

faded_x_memories: u listened to the songs! ur cool man.

anna_85: thanks for commenting as usual!

its me CINDY: she knows, but she's persistent.

trangimobobi: welcome!

SHINHWA ILOVEU: lol, u made my day. thanks. a question for everyone... does this mean you guys prefer regular updates but one chapter at a time? or once a while but a mega update?

always_urs: "yea yea... post the link up" huh? "what does it mean when she keeps on seeing glowing halo?? she's just imagining things, in the most recent case, he's like an angel to her bcoz he saved her from a lonely summer break.

azn.gurl*: welcome. =]

Alias1234ever: thanks for commenting!

Salina2Short: np. apparently the fic just lost her.... is that applying to anyone else? should i review my writing?

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