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Photoshop Tutorials And Requests

Guest jasonyc

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Guest j o y spill!&;

minwoo012-I'm pretty sure that it's done in PS. It's clipping masks. It's actually really easy to do. But I suck at explaining[x<.

Okay, so first after you have everything set up and want to create a clipping mask<--See. I suck xD. Anyway..

Brush with any brush basically, I used a splatter brush, and brush it onto the image.

See the black splatter[:. Yeaaah xD.


Then hide that layer by clicking the eye on the layers window. Create a new layer & Then go to image>apply image.

Then unhide the layer that you brushed on and then make sure you go back onto the applied layer.

Then go to Layer>Create Clipping mask.

Go BACK to the brushed layer and move it around with the move tool.

And it should come out like this:


After a few more clipping masks and other details my result came out like this:


I hope you understand xDD. I'm really bad at explaining.

&& excuse the banner. It's ubber old[X.

What shy-LOVe did I think was brushed with a swirl & tech brushes then created a clipping mask with a larger version of the main guy, then rotated it.

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Guest minwoo012

ohmygee(=!!!!! you're amazing i heart you! thats so simple jeeboo's

you're great at explaining =3 thnx for sharing <3

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I have been using Opera for quite some time now...a few months and its been fine

..I think I might have a virus..undetected by Norton Anti-Virus..becuase its good for nothing

I am running a virus scan right now...hopefully it will be fine soon...

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Guest sixth.

yeah..people should ask the CREATOR for filtering help...T.Tor try SEARCHING..lazybums lalalalalalala

No one gonna answer them anyway, why should they teach out something that take them months to master?

New artists nowadays need to be more independent ...make your own style.

- apoptos dolor

i know exactly how you feel.

that question has been repeated SO many times in this thread;

and kiki already explained why people don't wanna share any tutorials about "filtering".


anyway, a question. (it might not have anything to do with photoshop itself actually)

but when i set my view as thumbnail, usually i see the thumbnail with a preview of the image.

on my old computer, i could see thumbnails&previews for every sort of image file..

now, on this other computer, the only previews i see are for jpeg, gif, png files.

i can't see them for psd formats, which is a pain.

anyone understand/able to help?

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Guest miz_luvabl3

can anyone help me? how can i make my brushes solid instead of transparent like????

i want it solid like the blue flower box here:


but when i apply my brush it turns out see through like this:


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Guest espèce*

can anyone help me? how can i make my brushes solid instead of transparent like????

i want it solid like the blue flower box here:


but when i apply my brush it turns out see through like this:


For the blue box you can always use the rectangle tool. And for the decorations and as well for your question, have you check the opacity before you add your brush? Make sure it's 100%. And the layer's opacity is too 100% and blending option set too.


look here for to get what I mean

btw, the pic of DBSK featured in the second graphic is soo hot *drool* *search*

- apoptos dolor

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Guest tru__minute

I'm just going to summarize filtering for everyone, for the sake of everyone. Do not take offense, it's not directed to anybody :).

Source: How to Do Everything with Photoshop CS By Colin Smith

Filters, are simply functions that allow you to modify your work, by adding textures, changing the light, adjusting the shape, and etc. With filters, it also allows you to sharpen, or blur your work. There are two types of filters:

1) Production Filters: used to enhance images (sharpen, blur etc)

2) Creative Filters: used to create special effects <-- (the type you guys probably will use)

Here are where filters can be found, and the types of filters:


I hope this answers your questions on 'How do I filter?', because... honestly, there really is no answer to that. You don't filter, it's not really a verb, it's a function - if you get what I mean.. :ph34r: If you would like to master the ways to filter, then play around with all the different forms. I started learning Photoshop when I was 11, and I still am, I'm quite sure you guys are capable of learning it also! Take your time, don't rush. :lol:

Happy filter-creating, questions? PM me :)

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shizzles.. i think this wallpaper is ubber hot!

does anyone know how to do it?

or if it was done with ps.. i think it was..not sure..but its soo hot *dies*


credits: shy-Love

thnx in advance for you help =3

Here is the link how to make that wallpaper. This tutorial is make from shy-Love.


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Guest winta

@ miz_luvabl3

espèce* might be right about the opacity but if its still doesnt help try going to window > brushes and adjust the hardness if you can


make sure that when you use brush it is on a different layer to everything else press ctrl+j (which duplicates the layer) until it satifies you =) i thk it should work

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Guest liztical


how do you make the picture look real smooth so that your skin looks flawless?

& like...how do you make your eye color different?

teach me! i'm really interested in photoshop :D

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how do you make the picture look real smooth so that your skin looks flawless?

& like...how do you make your eye color different?

teach me! i'm really interested in photoshop :D

For skin, I would usually use the blur tool to blur out the flaws

and eye color...you could easily search online and find tons of tuts:



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Guest espèce*




Murda i was wondering, how did you make it so white?! like how can you make the image lighter?? im sorry im still a begginer with PS i wish i knew how you made that white so well....WHITE

Now, I'm not the one who made that so I'm just guessing here.

There are several ways to get the effect. You can use curves/levels/brightness&contrast/blending options. The after pic has been through coloring too, I believe.

Curves and levels...I don't need to explain that because it's obvious.

Blending option - duplicate the image twice - first one set to screen - second set to softlight.

You can adjust the opacity to get the right brightness/contrast.

Coloring...well...I'm not sure if I should go through this for nothing.

Another way is adjust the contrast/brightness directly.

Well, shortly said...there are many ways to do it and you can always combine differnt methods to get the perfect results.

- apoptos dolor

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Duplicate the oringal image(Crtl+J)

and set the 2nd layer(top layer) to screen

then use Levels and play around with the settings(Crtl+L)<--if you want

you can also play around with curves

theres more complicated stuff, but since you are a begginer..I figure I should keep it simple

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Guest YoochunsGirl

thanks alot you guys!! ok this is the dumbest question but i need to ask it. you know the pen tool??? how can i make it so when i close the path, and fill it with a color, there isnt a white line around it??? im trying to do a vector picture and this is keeping me from doing it. thanks

also what is the blur tool on PS 7?? is it the dodge tool??

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^I cant help with pen tool, becuase when it comes to the pen tool..I am the last person you want to ask..the pen tool hates me

but the blur tool,I can help:

heres a screenshot, it may also be a triangle or a finger(if you see this RIGHT click on the icon and select the blur tool)blur tool looks like a water droplet(shown below)

I was too lazy to search for a bar for ps7...but it should be the same


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Guest guess_

i remember that someone has posted some how-to-make-glow-text or something like that..

but i forget on which page i could find it, can you tell me? thanks..

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Guest winta

sry if someone has already asked this question but ...

does anyone know any good abstract tutorial sites @_@?

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