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Six Flying Dragons: Episode 23

by HeadsNo2 (drama beans)
Now we’re starting to see a pattern emerging whenever a task needs doing that requires going outside, since Jung Do-jeon loves to send the young’uns out for the sort of things he can safely outsource without having to worry. If it requires manual labor, is a late-night mission, or involves physical danger at all, you can bet he’ll put the dragons on it. Just like you can bet all the hot-blooded males in the group have at least one eye on Boon-yi, whose ideology really does bring all the boys to the yard.
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7 hours ago, hinatashoyo said:
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I think his death will be the reason bang won will start killing his father's political enemies....

If Jo Min soo killed one of bang won's family , i can't stop imagining bang won will do the same thing to him.. killing jo min soo's family, and exile him for receiving bribes from lee in gyeom.. 

i think the next week episode will start bang won's assassination of the government officials...

I don't want him to die..T-T




history wise hes supposed to live longer - right homura? so they wont mess with history 

its not uncommon for characters to b tortured almost till death and come out alive and be well again



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22 minutes ago, nevill said:
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history wise hes supposed to live longer - right homura? so they wont mess with history its not uncommon for characters to b tortured almost till death and come out alive and be well again



If you are talking about Yi Ji-Ran (이지란, 李之蘭, 1331~1402), Yes, he will live longer. Now it is 1389 or 1390 in ep 23~24. :D

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[HanCinema's Drama Review] "Six Flying Dragons" Episode 24

 by William Schwartz


Among Ryeon's more eccentric abilities is face reading. While this probably comes off as kind of gimmicky it's actually the most important thing Ryeon does this episode- once the dragons are able to regroup and pull victory out of nowhere all Ryeon is left with is the knowledge of what he's learned about the major players. As usual, it's going to be a long time before we get much of a payoff on this but what do you want? We're not even at the halfway point yet.

So, in short, "Six Flying Dragons" is badass as usual- intense action to start out with, politics for the middle and end, and interwoven with all that is the story of Boon-yi, Yeon-hee, and Ttang-sae dreaming of the possibility of going back home. Not that they ever really can. Ttang-sae changed his name to Bang-ji for good reason. This was never going to be an easily solved political crisis.

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30 minutes ago, homura said:


If you are talking about Yi Ji-Ran (이지란, 李之蘭, 1331~1402), Yes, he will live longer. Now it is 1389 or 1390 in ep 23~24. :D

thanx i was talking about him. wow weve stayed a while in the same time - but history is like that short period with lost of "action" and long period with non

well relatively speaking

OOT - when did Yi become Lee

at first i called BY & BJ the Lee brothers because of the YI\LEE that i thought is the same but here it is different was SY character in TWDR also because she is female? and not a connection to Lee Do - was Lee in LD the same as Lee in LSG? 

is today 이 is Lee or Yi?

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Yi = Lee = 李 = plum (apricot) tree.

It is so-called "the initial sound law (두음법칙, 頭音法則)" in Korean grammar.  

For example, when a particular Hanja (Chinese letter) like 李 is placed at the initial sound of a word, it should be pronounced as "Yi". If placed at the second, third, or fourth syllabe, it should be "Lee".  In this case, 李 is placed at the first syllable of their names, so it is grammatically correct to pronounce it as "Yi" (not Lee).
Most South Koreans officially call it "Yi" but a few South Koreans, most North Koreans, the first generation of Korean-American etc. call it "Lee" because they are intentionally ignoring the grammar.

So, grammatically correct name in South Korea
Yi Seong-Gye 이성계
Yi Bang-Won 이방원
Yi Ji-Ran 이지란
Yi Bang-Ji 이방지
Yi In-Gyeom 이인겸
Yi Do 이도
Yi Shin-Jeok 이신적

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@nevill The 이 is pronounced Yi (or Ee if you want). There is absolutely no "L" sound in it. I once asked the same question as you : where does the Lee romanization come from? And I was told it comes from chinese. Before hangeul (the korean alphabet) was created during King Sejong's (Bang Won's son) reign, chinese was the language used for everything official including everything in the written form. The 이 in hanja (chinese character) is apparently the same as the chinese surname Li. Chinese remains to this day relatively ingrained in the korean culture so I guess even with hangeul providing a written form better suited for the pronounciation, the chinese romanization form still prevails, hence the Lee.

I hope I'm not mistaken, please feel free to correct me.

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i have to admit that the effect that the 10,000 lands owners declaration


had different affect of what i have thought it would - i was sure the Dodang would not agree bc of the slippery slope syndrome - did it really happen this way in history to me at least it sounds a bit unreal


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Late for the party as it's busy for me like so many this time of year.   Just got done watching both episodes and my first thought was WOW!!  You could just about write a book on what you felt and saw in just these two episodes.  In episode 23  I'm not sure if it was the flames of the candles or the heat coming from BJ & &YH's soft conversation that as usual draws you in and makes you feel as if you're in that very cave with them.  As he describes BY's hopes & dreams he is also in fact describing his own not only for himself but for YH too.  But as usual there is her chill in the air and she once again says no with her words but seconds later alone she cannot deny what lies within her heart.  I admire BJ, this character is courageous.  I'm not talking about his talent with a sword but more about how no matter how many times his heart is stepped on by YH.  He continues to fill his heart back up with the love & memories of them & her.  So much, that he won't allow himself to give up on her no matter what.  It kind of reminds me of wedding vows till death do us part I think that pretty much sums up his feelings about her.  For no matter what YH does to him she can't cut herself out of his heart....  Cutest line for me in this episode was MH being his sweet self & funny just before a fight saying to BJ " That's right, you're not even a tiny bit scary" .  A bow to the writers for that line and also for  MH who continues to make me laugh & smile at the oddest times yet he is like a knight always wearing white ready to rescue and protect a lady if he only had a white horse it would be perfect.  He is the little brother every girl wishes she had.   

Episode 24 was just as good if not better mostly because we get a glimpse at YH's heart and the fact that she has crack in it  for once and asks BY almost humbly which reminds you of how you were first introduced to her character that sweet & tender young girl.  Who underneath all those scars hides how she feels and who she truly is.  We see her reactions to seeing the very man who in that field years ago rapped not only her body but her spirit & heart as well.  What took her mind years to cover up in just one look brought it back as if it was happening all over again.  My heart went out to BJ after hearing from BY the news about the 3 of them returning home someday and how his heart must have been filled with hope.  Yet only moments later he couldn't have picked a worse time to ask YH about that.   When she once again crushes that hope so quickly it must have felt as if it never happened at all.  But there was some light brought back when she sees him laying there drunk and in the darkness is able to open herself up. YH is honest and shares with BJ her pain that still is so fresh and her heart that is still so broken......  I hope BJ does a little slice & dice on that face that haunts her and puts her heart to rest.....

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I think there's high possibilty that MH will take down YH's raper himself considering the scene where he unintentionally heard YH's confession to drunk DS. Writer-nim wouldn't insert that scene for nothing, right? In the preview, DS's hand is shaking while listening to the raper talking about what he did to YH. I don't know if he also has the trauma as YH did or he tries to hold his anger in. I hope it to be the latter one though it seems like MH will be the one who kill the raper anyway. 

Maybe because SFD is the prequel to TWDR, I start to be delusional about foreshadow thing. The part where YH asks BY humbly that can she go back with them too makes me think that she will never make it back. My poor DS. OMG this is depressing.

Anyway, is there anyone know any update about next week's on air time? Will it be cancelled? Every year, there will be drama awards and music festivals airing during last three days of December. I hope SFD won't be affected. I can't wait for another two weeks lol

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@USAFarmgirl hi chingu - couldnt agree more

also for me the thing that was most important in that was that YH suddenly see a future of her own if bf she did everything for a better future in general

what BY & BJ made her think about is a future - that she also has one and hopes and dreams of her own and can be happy and belong somewhere

i also think this is why she fainted - she bc "human" therefore not immune to the traumas of he past and meeting her assaulter made her fear fear for her future which just bc possible for her 

i really hope YH gets to be happy in the coming ep

im not so much for revenge as punishment  and do hope that justice will be made but actually not in blood but as in a spectacle for other to learn tat there is a different rules and laws 

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