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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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Just wanna say hi to everyone here! Have been enjoying reading this thread especially all the translations done by @liddi, sometimes @Kculturefun n with the latest exciting addition @deepblue_1.Thanks, you all are amazing!

Btw, did you'll notice the background song (LOVIN YOU) used in the latest Wenli. I was like "WOW" - the song choice or lyrics was interesting, does it have anything to do with her goal (am I reading too much? haha, perhaps). Think LW is very romantic aswell - just like "The moon represents my heart" n all the other things that she wrote even before LFIL. Truly just loves everything about her - her elegance, poise, style, intelligence, warmth n humble personality, great great attitude, strong n determined character,  inspirational and of course her beauty n many more if I have to name it.

Sorry for my clumsy posting as this is my first time here. Have yet to read the rules n posting functions.



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@silvergrey I think going through Espionage 101 is a prerequisite for this thread.... the other of which is counting up to 16, with specific attention to the numbers 10 and 6 :phew:

@b_sky Hi and welcome! Interesting observation about the choice of music for the latest Wen Li episode. If I remember correctly, I read somewhere before that songs help to express how she feels, in particular English songs, so seeing she is credited for 表情管理 (expression management??), perhaps it was her choice of song after all. As for whether it was a random piece which she felt matched the mood of the video, or one she chose specifically because of the lyrics... who knows, but it is definitely nice to be delulu :) 

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Guest deepblue_1

LW's on a Strativarius roll today & tonight in Shanghai. Sorry peeps, too tired to go check her out.

Cr: @Stradivarius/weibo 

粉丝们在哪里?没错!国际超模@刘雯 将作为特邀嘉宾参加今晚在上海举行的@Stradivarius #TheEventPaper#亚洲特别活动,与我们悦享派对时光!最新幕后花絮送上,我们还将呈现更多!

Fans where are you? That's right! International supermodel LiuWen has been invited as a special guest for Stradivarius #TheEventPaper Asia's special event tonight in Shanghai. Here's the latest behind-the-scenes, we'll be presenting more later!


Cr: @dan旦/weibo



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Guest deepblue_1



SW's hidden drawing talent, the production team of She Was Beautiful has published SW's drawings together with his models for comparison! Shin Hyuk's unique drawing style has been acknowledged~~~



#始源#(@崔始源)成为在亚洲最受关注的演员,引人瞩目! 在各类影视作品中,以各种各样角色提升演技的崔始源,不仅在韩国,也在全亚洲通过各样影视作品实现了由偶像派到演技派的变身,印证了作为新一代亚洲代表艺人的面貌。

It is eye-catching news that SW has become the actor to receive the most attention in Asia. Choi Siwon, who has honed his acting skills through different characters in various filmography productions, has changed his status from an idol to an actor not only in Korea but also Asia, proving himself to be a representative of the new generation of Asian artistes.


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Poor dear, she looks sooo worn out, but that looks like a prestigious party not to be missed. I suppose if Siwon only finishes filming his serial on Nov. the 5th, there'd be no point for her to be in Korea until then. I just wonder if she can keep herself engaged in East Asia for that long; she rarely remains in one region for even a month. If she's in NYC from the 5th of Nov. till the 19th, I won't know what to think.

And deepblue_1, I'm shocked to see that something as trivial as tiredness would prevent you from staking out Ms. Liu. :P Seriously, though, thanks again for the updates. ;)

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Guest deepblue_1

Stradivarius photos (cont'd)

(Stradivarius is another subsidiary under Inditex, together with Zara and Massimo Dutti. Looks like this MNC loves our darling.)

 Cr: anonymous fan who shared these photos through @mun+won/weibo 


Cr: 陸陽_/weibo

外滩3号采访拍摄花絮,终于见到期待已久的@刘雯 ,气质真好!

Behind-the-scenes for an interview by The Bund. Finally saw the long-awaited LW, such excellent temperament.


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Guest deepblue_1

Stradivarius (cont'd)

Cr: @何磊/weibo  (makeup artist)


Cr: @hhhhhh呸/weibo


Cr: @广州石榴小分队/weibo & their member who's at the front-line


Cr: @欣心桥/weibo


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Liu Wen's celebrity interview at the Stradivarius party in Shanghai tonight:

Part 1
Part 2 

Some points from the quick watch:

- She was asked about LFIL and Wen Li... she definitely elaborated more on Wen Li, talking about how it had always been a dream of hers to do a series like it. As for LFIL, she merely talks about how it helped her change, and the difficulties in filming it - trying to act like the cameras are not there. According to her, she learnt to be even more natural in front of the camera after filming the reality show, and she said her character also changed (though she did not elaborate in what way except to say the change is also beneficial in her career)

- She does travel alone a lot... but these days, because of Wen Li, her entire team is following her around. She compares the two situations - in a sense, when she is alone, she is a lot more independent, since she has to do everything herself. When she is traveling with her team, she finds that she tends to rely on them more.

- She admits that she rarely parties, preferring to have her alone time, listening to music, reading, even having afternoon tea during rainy days. She describes herself as a quiet person, and says that parties are more a chance to meet up with friends, especially in China

- She enjoys long distance flights because it allows her the time to catch up with things that are outstanding.

I like that halfway through the 16+minute interview, she suddenly turned to the videographer and was worried if her hands would be tired having to film her talking for so long - yet another spontaneous display of her disarmingly sweet, caring self :) 

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Guest deepblue_1

Thanks babe @liddi

Stradivarius (cont'd)

Cr: @toni雌和尚/weibo

#TheEventPaper#的派对上 @Stradivarius 今晚又碰到美美的表姐@刘雯 ,她特意跑出来跟大家合影,只要你愿意,都可以,表姐都可以,[色][色]表姐人好好.

Met the beautiful LW again tonight at #TheEventPaper's party. She came out specifically to take photos with everyone, as long as you're willing, it's fine with her. LW's a very nice person.


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Thanks for the recaps, liddi! Further confirmation of what we've known about her...she'd make an awesome friend, so chatty and warm about everything. Of course, I'd need to know Mandarin to understand her in-depth, so I'm afraid that rules me out. :lol: She seems cheerful in this interview, and I always take that as a good sign; she seems like the type who, if her personal life were going badly, wouldn't be able to hide it even in a public setting.

And again, the obvious question on everyone's minds isn't asked...I'm starting to wonder if it's because Asians in general are so polite that even a reporter wouldn't dare broach such personal issues? If Liu Wen were a Hollywood celebrity, the paparazzi would be in her face, up her underwear, and asking all kinds of lurid questions.

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Guest deepblue_1

@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv Oh no no no. On the contrary asian reporters are very 'in the face' as well. Ever heard of Jay Chou's 四面楚歌 (Si Mian Chu Ge)? He wrote this song to describe the paparazzis.



Stradivarius (cont'd)

Cr: @---Ellie---/weibo


At 00:08, a reporter asked if she'd find a foreign boyfriend (she laughed!:w00t:),  her manager tried to stop that question (if they're not a couple, could have just said "no we're not together":rolleyes:,like you know, clear it up once and for all), and then she replied "Depends on fate":phew:

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv Oh no no no. On the contrary asian reporters are very 'in the face' as well. Ever heard of Jay Chou's 四面楚歌 (Si Mian Chu Ge)? He wrote this song to describe the paparazzis.

But this is a formal event. Reporters who were invited were made aware of what or what not to ask. Paparazzis are different. 

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Guest deepblue_1

@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv Oh no no no. On the contrary asian reporters are very 'in the face' as well. Ever heard of Jay Chou's 四面楚歌 (Si Mian Chu Ge)? He wrote this song to describe the paparazzis.

But this is a formal event. Reporters who were invited were made aware of what or what not to ask. Paparazzis are different. 

Heard of the other popular couple Wu Qi Long & Liu Shi Shi? They're the lead actor and actress for an extremely popular Chinese drama 步步惊心 (Scarlet Heart). Before they came clean about their relationship in 2013 (got married Jan 2015), they kept it very low-profile as well, but reporters (not paparazzis) never stopped questioning them. After their relationship came to light via Weibo (they revealed it themselves after one particular incident where paparazzis captured WQL staying overnight at LSS's Shanghai residence), reporters probed even further.

Stradivarius (cont'd) 

Cr: @Elaine--li/weibo 6df88636gw1ex10kncr0tj20um0zktbi.jpg

Cr: @Stradivarius/weibo 


(Stradivarius overload tonight...okays, bedtime, anyone taking over?:P)

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv Oh no no no. On the contrary asian reporters are very 'in the face' as well. Ever heard of Jay Chou's 四面楚歌 (Si Mian Chu Ge)? He wrote this song to describe the paparazzis.

Hmm, all my Asian friends and the ones I've come into contact with are some of the nicest and most polite people I've ever known. I guess those traits don't necessarily extend to general populations nor to reporters, but I do think Western paparazzi are hard to beat in terms of sheer classlessness. TMZ, Perez Hilton, and the like are ample proof of that.

I'd only heard of Jay Chou because our posters mentioned him as the original singer of the song Siwon belted out in the final episode. Terrible song, by the way, and I'm not referring to the lyrics because I don't understand them anyway. :lol: The only Asian singer I've seen on YouTube whom I absolutely adore is Teresa Teng (thanks, Liu Wen!); my, what a darling angel she was! "The First Morning" by Lee Hom is also very sweet (I came across it while researching K-dramas...don't ask :P), and I keep fantasizing about Siwon being the guy and Liu Wen the girl in the MV...my goodness, we'd melt into puddles if that came to pass!


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At 00:08, a reporter asked if she'd find a foreign boyfriend (she laughed!:w00t:),  her manager tried to stop that question (if they're not a couple, could have just said "no we're not together":rolleyes:,like you know, clear it up once and for all), and then she replied "Depends on fate":phew:

Her manager is trying to stop the question.... hmmm... are they in the midst of belated To the Fore promotions right now? :P However, it then stands to reason why the interviewer earlier does not even ask about Siwon... they may have been given instructions by her manager what questions are off-limits. And I now wonder whether such instructions were also given during her past interviews as well, hence all the questions that touch on love and the show, but not on him. If so, I guess it is indicative how they have agreed to handle the public scrutiny - no specific questions pertaining to the other party permitted, so they need not be in a position to confirm or deny.

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Haha at least the reporters should have asked LW if she's single :P 

A bit unrelated but since WQL & LSS have been mentioned a couple of times in this thread I assume a few of us here like/used to ship them. 

I don't necessarily like LSS as an actress but i like her personalities and personally find some similarities between LW and LSS. They both appear to be admirably genuine and unaffected by fame and the environment they are working in. They are two brave and courageous young ladies who dare to love, live their own lives and fearlessly stand by their men despite all the unwanted attention, negativities and hatred they and their men received for being together (assuming LW and SW are really together, which I believe so). 

Edited by moonee
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Just read the following information from the She Was Pretty drama thread:

Ep9 was supposed to air tonight, and Siwon had promised a surprise (probably him singing the OST). However, the episode got cancelled at the last minute due to the extended airing of the baseball game. Apparently there were some ridiculous fans who called him a liar on IG because of it, and he just posted a video apology on twitter, saying he was sorry he could not protect (deliver?) what he promised to everyone, but he would see everyone tomorrow (through the drama).

During his v-app conversation with Kyuhyun tonight, Siwon thinks there is a possibility that due to the episode cancellation, drama filming may only end Nov 8th, which gives him only 10 days before he enlists :( 

cr. siena407 here

@Kculturefun WQL and LSS are 吴奇隆 and 刘诗诗, who met on the set of 步步惊心, had an extremely low-profile relationship, got outed in Nov 2013, and married beginning of this year. When their relationship was announced, their fandoms were up in arms about it as well - his fandom felt that she is too young and immature for him, while hers don't like him because they see him as too old for her (there is a 17 year gap) and him being "used goods" (having been divorced). Despite all this, they certainly didn't let this get in the way of their relationship, and finally tied the knot in January.

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At 00:08, a reporter asked if she'd find a foreign boyfriend (she laughed!:w00t:),  her manager tried to stop that question (if they're not a couple, could have just said "no we're not together":rolleyes:,like you know, clear it up once and for all), and then she replied "Depends on fate":phew:

Her manager is trying to stop the question.... hmmm... are they in the midst of belated To the Fore promotions right now? :P However, it then stands to reason why the interviewer earlier does not even ask about Siwon... they may have been given instructions by her manager what questions are off-limits. And I now wonder whether such instructions were also given during her past interviews as well, hence all the questions that touch on love and the show, but not on him. If so, I guess it is indicative how they have agreed to handle the public scrutiny - no specific questions pertaining to the other party permitted, so they need not be in a position to confirm or deny.

An American TV report once said that big stars have a lot of pull, a lot of times, the reporters are briefed ahead of time what questions are off limits, and sometimes the reporters/ interviewers have to submit a set of questions so the stars are prepared in certain situations.  So I am not surprised at all that the interviewers who were slotted to sit down and talk with Liu Wen did not ask the question not because she did not want to but she were not allowed.  In the above video, the guy was able to ask because LW was addressing a couple of reporters in a very informal setting... you can't control everyone... LW's reaction said it all - she chuckled as if the question is so out of nowhere and answered with her current go-to phrase... depends on fate (which is also consistent with our outlook...)

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